Witty autists make memes. Less witty but based patriots spread them everywhere on every possible social media. Hell, even pinning them up at work or in public places. Everyone has a job to do. Team work makes the dream work, as one of my coworkers loves to say.
Not trying to discourage folks. If you have that untapped rapist wit, by all means learn to use the basic meme tools. Good luck future shitlords.
Anyone remember around a year ago over on Patriots (the.donald at the time) there was a post looking for graphic artists, film makers and editors to help with the cause. I only say this because this post and recent Afghanistan videos reminded me of that job request.
Rooftoptendie's School for Frens Who Can't Meme Good and Who Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good
Meme more gooder
How do you expect kids to learn properly when they can't even fit inside the building.
Ooo crayons.
But what flavors?
When you eat your crayons do you eat the red ones last?
I use the red crayons to color the other crayons red, so I can't tell which one I ate last.
I dont know what red is. But I eat the blood colored ones last.
No. Black. Ummmm licorice.....
Sounds deplorable.
Do memes count as doing a terror yet?
Only when they're really gooder
Now you get to help others get out of dark places too.
Memes are indeed magic....i main line them daily ❤️
Crayon eater signing in!!
I sat on the sidelines through the last meme war.
Never again.
#. Metoo....
on my calendar! here? where?
where in the pacific is sunday located?
Hey...um....i love you ❤️
Lmfao this guy.
Damit. 3am in my timezone :(
I love this - see you there, frens!
Witty autists make memes. Less witty but based patriots spread them everywhere on every possible social media. Hell, even pinning them up at work or in public places. Everyone has a job to do. Team work makes the dream work, as one of my coworkers loves to say.
Not trying to discourage folks. If you have that untapped rapist wit, by all means learn to use the basic meme tools. Good luck future shitlords.
Rapier wit... unless it's Bill Clinton. 😵
I'm guessing autocorrect got ya. 😄
Nah, it was a Dumb and Dumber reference. Most just glaze past it. 😂
And then you go and do something like this...
And totally redeem yourself!
My apologies, I missed it! 🐸
I'm not racist if I eat all the black & brown crayons first
Count me in. This is going to be awesome.
The only higher education worth obtaining.
Oh great, here come the Marines.
Omg i so want a red crayon rn....gonna eat it 🤤
Do you mind if I cross post this elsewhere? All right-wing places, of course.
Thank you.
Been noticing extraaa meme magic on the boards. A premonition perhaps?
Ooo ooo mr. Koter!!! I got a good one... posted here before... wanna see???
Posted and in new!!!
Anyone remember around a year ago over on Patriots (the.donald at the time) there was a post looking for graphic artists, film makers and editors to help with the cause. I only say this because this post and recent Afghanistan videos reminded me of that job request.
Very excited to learn from a pro! How will you present this lesson? And when?
Thanks for your time to help us!