He's constantly adjusting his speeches based on crowd reaction. He will never endorse the vaccine again in public. The fact he even tried here is disturbing and shows he's not keeping up with vaccine sentiment among his base.
If even he gets booed for recommending the vaccines at his own rally, it shows how there is literally no force on earth that will convince an informed people.
this caveat in his agenda/position allows the white hats to distinguish between the trump sycophant and the independent anon (the awakened) and it also provides coverage that many trump supporters don't blindly align with everything he promotes.
if these jabs are truly looking people however, it's a massive head scratcher
I think this is correct.. and in addition it does a lot to rebuff the charges that Trump followers are brain dead zombies.. still .. I think it best he stop it.. its driving a lot of people who are not as nuanced crazy... there are some things that are producing negative returns
But what if he genuinely believes in the vaccine? (I don't know if he does or not) If he didn't mention the jab when he believes it's a good thing, wouldn't that be the same type of political fuckery (saying what base wants to hear and changing the narrative as the tide turns) that all the other guys engage in? "Just say what the base wants to hear, even if you don't believe it". I thought one of the reasons we love Trump is because he's not afraid to speak his beliefs. You/we don't have to agree with this belief but if you force him to stop saying it just to appease the base, then he's no different than any other career politician seeking reelection.
Trump is incorrect when he says the vax is working. It is NOT working. People are dying from it. Doctors, virologists and scientists are coming out in droves against the vax. There is more to this situation that we are not privy to. But for my money - the vax is a DS bioweapon designed to to kill & sterilize and no one should take it under any circumstances.
POTUS would have never approved a depopulation vaccine. Whether it “works” or does anything at all I can’t say. DS wanted global lockdown for years because they claimed we couldn’t get a vaccine for years. Trump said “lol wait a minute here’s a vaccine sorry no more lockdowns”. Now DS can’t do a full lockdown but can select conservatives for apartheid because “they won’t take the vaccine”. Trump is telling you clearly you can just call their bluff.
Why couldn’t Trump just end the lockdown himself when he gets back into office? Why release a poison vaccine that kills millions of innocent people when he could just end the lockdown when the Deep State is in Gitmo when the Plan occurs?
There was never a risk of a forever lockdown if the Plan is to get Trump back into power.
Federalism. It is not up to the federal government to dictate state decisions on lockdowns/curfews/etc. This isn't a centrally controlling government akin to France or Germany. Called anti-commandeering doctrine.
The state governments are usually responding to federal agencies who are suggesting the anti-COVID measures, like the CDC. If the vaccine is actually a poison, then these agencies would HAVE to be in on it, which means they HAVE to be part of the Deep State that Trump would take down.
Which means Trump returning would wipe out the people who are providing authority to the lie.
Which means there would be no authority behind the lie.
Which means the lie dissolves and the businesses and states return to normal.
I don't know of many aspects of this lockdown that either haven't been dictated by the state governments based on federal guidance, or have been carried out voluntarily by private businesses that are following federal guidance.
Very transparently mafia tactics. Funny, cause I'm watching Sopranos for the first time and see the parallels to all aspects of big city government, I live in LA, Mexican cartel town. I can't WAIT for every liar to be exposed but wait I must, NCSWIC
I love Trump but he did bring us masks, he could have shut Fauci down and said “thank you for your opinion but we won’t need your service any more” and should have brought in Simone Gold instead. HCQ will end this “pandemic” on the spot. This entire “pandemic” is about profits. They really don’t care about our safety. They want our businesses closed, our healthcare socialized, people kicked out and moved into ‘pods’ (what do you think is going to happen with all the abandoned commercial buildings now and where do you think people are going to live when they are booted out of their homes?) They need everyone taking boosters every six months because it creates massive profits, who benefits? Fauci, all the Democrats who are invested in these companies and the election rigging companies, and of course the the college dropout, not a scientist, not a doctor Bill Gates.
Maybe Trump knows he isn't getting back into office. Maybe after the Biden admin ends soon, it will be a military administration. Who knows. It's clown world.
Well the vaccine IS working in the sense that it’s waking people up to the corruption of the CDC, FDA, medical establishment and big pharma…. When have there ever been so many conversations about drugs, vaccines, tests, side effects, etc. This may be a drawn out fight but it is technically an awakening, even though it’s horrible living through this. I hate it but that’s one potential angle… he drags these bad actors out into the light… just like RINOS and Fraud-Xi
The question that needs to be answered is "works at what?" The vaccine works is way to general in general. Why would Trump even get it, if he really already had Covid anyways? I wonder how many people would of got it if Q never was around in the first place? Q taught people to think for themselves and to do their own research.
Never will I follow a priest or pastor for financial advice, just as I would never follow a doctor for spiritual advice. I certainly would never follow a politician for either, yes, even DJT. It's called perspective, something the left wants to eliminate outside of their group perspective.
From his behavior on it, it looks to me to be only a matter of having to keep up appearances. He said it in a way as if he didn’t give a shit about the vaccine itself, just like he HAD to say it.
If you look at the video it's obvious by his facial expressions and coloring that he knew the reaction he was going to get. Strange. I just know there's no way in hell I will, or allow my family to, get it.
So if Trump knows the vaccine is a poison, he can’t be contractually obligated to protect that fact.
Contracts cannot legally compel you to protect illegal behavior, nor can they be used as a legal defense for illegal behavior if Trump is ever in court explaining why he never said anything.
The only way that Trump could feel obligated to some contract is if he also believes the vaccine is completely safe and that there is no criminal conduct whatsoever involved in their creation or distribution.
No contract can prevent you legally from whistleblowing. Period.
Eh, I think I am often downvoted for who I am rather than what I’m saying. I can usually tell because I’ll see a single new downvote on every post in the last couple of pages of my history all within a couple of minutes.
It’s fine. I wouldn’t survive here as a nonbeliever if my skin was too thin for downvotes.
I don’t personal,y think it has anything to do with any contracts. I think it’s more to do with the fact that not all trump supporters are against the vaxx. Some still believe in the vaxx. They, I believe, are another group, this time on our side, who need to be shown. When trump comes back he can demand that truth about the vaxx be exposed.
I’ve thought this as well. There was probably a lot of negotiation behind the scenes for what could and couldn’t be said/done in order to get the 💉 out to people. It was the only way to end the lockdowns before he was out of office and didn’t have the power.
I can't reconcile Trump endorsing the vaccines but I also believe there's a plan and there's so much we don't know that's going on behind the scenes. Someday we'll smack ourselves on the head and say "Oh, that makes total sense now". Call me an optimist.
I'm more curious about his meaning behind "If it doesn't work you'll be the first to know"
Him recommending the vaccine doesn't bother me though. He already knows this is the hill we'll die on. Or maybe he knows a "cure" for the vaccine is on its way. Either way he knows our minds are made up.
Also he can't take credit for its rapid development if he talks bad about it so he's kind of backed in a corner from a PR perspective.
The only logical conclusion is that this was planned, probably like what others are saying. . to get him more exposure on the msm.
I think a lot of people don't pay attention and just assume it works but are opposed to mandatory vaccines. This message "take it if you want" is acceptable to anyone against mandatory vax.
It's only the DS and brain dead and commies who want to force it.
Trump wasn't booed nearly as bad, or as long as Mo Brooks was with his statement about forgetting the 2020 elections and preparing for the 2022 midterms.
This should have been a wake-up call. Mo Brooks is extremely popular in Alabama and almost got booed off of the stage when suggesting we need to "move on". The American people will no longer follow people who don't represent them and their values. Fuck every RINO and political shill who tries to pretend like we don't know our elections are fraudulent.
If this hasn't been said already) MSMs narrative has been that the majority are vaxxed and we are the unreasonable minority. I don't believe this and we can't share the dangers of the jab fast enough to save each new target audience. You KNOW MSM can't pass up a chance to show Trump getting boo'd. You KNOW Trump isn't afraid of contradiction. So this brilliant strategist has given BAMA the oppt'y to BOO THE VAX in one voice loud and clear and get that message out to others, who think/thought they were in the minority.
This is one of those situations where President Trump makes no sense. The Jan 6th rally is another example. Following his advice turned out very badly for a number of the people that attended the "wild" event. They are still being held prisoner to this day, and he never mentions anything about it. Maybe Jan 6th was necessary for some part of devolution, and the people being held are collateral damage.
Bottom line 1: IVM and HCQ are excellent safe and effective treatments that totally eliminate any reason to take an experimental injection in the first place.
Bottom line 2: The injections are part of the path that leads to totalitarian control (vaccine passports, social score systems). Refusing to comply is the only rational way to fight against those DS efforts.
President Trump is wrong on both counts. The lesson here is to refuse to blindly follow ANYONE, and that includes President Trump.
Like it or not Trump fully understands marketing and public relations.
Also like it or not Trump knows he has to appeal to a lot of people who, until the last seven months, where adamant on being against everything he stood for.
He's always got a backup plan in mind too, and in order to keep that plan intact he had to say what he did about January 6, and he has to support the vaccines as well.
It would be nice if he could just say what he wants but he simply cannot. There's no doubt in my mind we're the majority here but unfortunately that is not enough. Trump has a chance to win over EVERY SINGLE PERSON who is on the fence, as well as some Pence hold outs too. When this goes down it's going to go down fast and hard and he's going to need every bit of support he can get.
Don't lose faith pedes. Trump's on our side for sure. Just keep in mind this is a different kind of war, but war nonetheless. There will be casualties. Whether it be lives lost or livelihoods, be ready to hunker down and do your best to weather the storm.
Also keep in mind Trump is not the savior many people here make him out to be. As painful at it is to say that's a very good chance he won't make it back into the Oval office. We have to be realistic and realize this movement has to continue even if Trump isn't available to take the reins.
Trump is more than just a person - he's all of us. It's time to start leading by example and take charge of your household, your neighborhood,.your school, your workplace, your city, state and eventually your country.
He said it on purpose. He KNOWS that even we his supporters don't trust the vaccine. And the MSM reported on this booing. Now they can't claim that if Trump endorsed the vax we would all get it. NOTHING, not even our beloved President, can make us get it. And now the MSM knows that we won't budge no matter what.
He is not pushing it, it’s part of the agenda- he knows we are not about that shit but the media records the reaction and records that he is telling people to get it if they want but not pushing for it. This way the media can’t say that he is instigating or the root cause of the “vAcCiNe HeSiTaNcY”.
Anyone who thinks Trump is surprised about the vax reaction or all the information ( dis information) about it are not thinking big enough. He knows what’s up and either its all handled or it had to be this way to save the human race. We should hope it’s handled.
Goes to show you, the MAGA train is not and never was a cult of personality or an ideological orthodoxy. The leftists cannot comprehend how that is possible. Divergence from the official narrative is strictly verboten in leftist circles. Sheep think the border collie is also a sheep
Anyone remember when Trump justified green cards for more workers? He justified hiring seasonal workers overseas, of course, the crowd boo'd him and he backed down on a lot of the legislation Republicans (and democrats) were trying to push through to make it easy to flood the country with more migrant workers who would undercut American workers and send 100% of their money back to their home country.
Trump is not perfect by any means. However, the vaccine issue is very bizarre because he's been anti-vaccine in the past, on many occasions and was very vocal about it. Green card issuance he's never really flipped even in the 80s when he hired cheap labor to construct his buildings. Something is going on, but I do believe like the migrant worker issue, he'll eventually drop this issue as well.
Trump doesn't need to get the message. He. knows it. He knows the feeling of his supporters. There is some other reason he keeps mentioning vaccines at rallies.
Comment from /r/politics I found interesting, especially with people here questioning Trump's motivations-
There's a differences between laying claim to being the bringer of vaccines vs telling people Please get it so you don't like...die. Covid is real and Delta is more dangerous. Please get poked. It's extremely safe and billions of doses have been administered worldwide.
Big difference between these two things, and in reality he didn't even do it this time, just a half assed Get vaccinated, I did.
Maybe the idea is to finish waking up those of us who want to trade one master for another. (For security.) He knows. We are still frightened sheep willing to be led.
Those who are awake make their own decisions. And they do their own research. They don't wait for someone to save them, and they are not afraid of being "cancelled" socially. That is not what's important.
What an incredible human being he is. The whole group behind this is incredible. They are changing the world for the better.
I don’t think the vax is bad. Been down voted to oblivion for this before, but he knows maga is skeptical of establishment and we will be hesitant to the vax. That’s why Flynn, Powell and other pro-Trump people are anti vax. I’m not getting it, but I may have to, so I’ve researched it a lot and I don’t think it’s great, but there is a lot of disinformation out there.
He's constantly adjusting his speeches based on crowd reaction. He will never endorse the vaccine again in public. The fact he even tried here is disturbing and shows he's not keeping up with vaccine sentiment among his base.
If even he gets booed for recommending the vaccines at his own rally, it shows how there is literally no force on earth that will convince an informed people.
exactly this
this caveat in his agenda/position allows the white hats to distinguish between the trump sycophant and the independent anon (the awakened) and it also provides coverage that many trump supporters don't blindly align with everything he promotes.
if these jabs are truly looking people however, it's a massive head scratcher
Honk honk fellow clown world Pepe🤡🌎
I'm ready. Its corrupt and rotten to the core. Need a mulligan for this country.
He could have done the same thing by saying “don’t take the vaccine” and have the crowd cheer
Not everything is 4d chess. This isn’t his first time praising the vaccine
I think this is correct.. and in addition it does a lot to rebuff the charges that Trump followers are brain dead zombies.. still .. I think it best he stop it.. its driving a lot of people who are not as nuanced crazy... there are some things that are producing negative returns
But what if he genuinely believes in the vaccine? (I don't know if he does or not) If he didn't mention the jab when he believes it's a good thing, wouldn't that be the same type of political fuckery (saying what base wants to hear and changing the narrative as the tide turns) that all the other guys engage in? "Just say what the base wants to hear, even if you don't believe it". I thought one of the reasons we love Trump is because he's not afraid to speak his beliefs. You/we don't have to agree with this belief but if you force him to stop saying it just to appease the base, then he's no different than any other career politician seeking reelection.
-Most people in the hospital “with covid” have taken the shot.
Yeah, but his son Jr. and plenty of others have probably aired their concerns about the jab to him.
I don’t think he is being willfully ignorant.
Ivanka was vaccinated.
How do we know anyone, especially politicians, are truly taking the vaccine?
good question that needs to be asked more often
A lot of his base got the vax. GAW is not representative of the typical Trump supporter.
He fucked up recommending it and saying it works. But they key is that he supports freedom to make own choice.
I think your underestimating him
Trump is incorrect when he says the vax is working. It is NOT working. People are dying from it. Doctors, virologists and scientists are coming out in droves against the vax. There is more to this situation that we are not privy to. But for my money - the vax is a DS bioweapon designed to to kill & sterilize and no one should take it under any circumstances.
POTUS would have never approved a depopulation vaccine. Whether it “works” or does anything at all I can’t say. DS wanted global lockdown for years because they claimed we couldn’t get a vaccine for years. Trump said “lol wait a minute here’s a vaccine sorry no more lockdowns”. Now DS can’t do a full lockdown but can select conservatives for apartheid because “they won’t take the vaccine”. Trump is telling you clearly you can just call their bluff.
Why couldn’t Trump just end the lockdown himself when he gets back into office? Why release a poison vaccine that kills millions of innocent people when he could just end the lockdown when the Deep State is in Gitmo when the Plan occurs?
There was never a risk of a forever lockdown if the Plan is to get Trump back into power.
Federalism. It is not up to the federal government to dictate state decisions on lockdowns/curfews/etc. This isn't a centrally controlling government akin to France or Germany. Called anti-commandeering doctrine.
The state governments are usually responding to federal agencies who are suggesting the anti-COVID measures, like the CDC. If the vaccine is actually a poison, then these agencies would HAVE to be in on it, which means they HAVE to be part of the Deep State that Trump would take down.
Which means Trump returning would wipe out the people who are providing authority to the lie.
Which means there would be no authority behind the lie.
Which means the lie dissolves and the businesses and states return to normal.
I don't know of many aspects of this lockdown that either haven't been dictated by the state governments based on federal guidance, or have been carried out voluntarily by private businesses that are following federal guidance.
Many states did buckle from pressure from the federal government and the CDC..
but the others who didnt, you hear about in the news "rising cases"..
Its mafia style tactics they are using..
Very transparently mafia tactics. Funny, cause I'm watching Sopranos for the first time and see the parallels to all aspects of big city government, I live in LA, Mexican cartel town. I can't WAIT for every liar to be exposed but wait I must, NCSWIC
Ya good point
I love Trump but he did bring us masks, he could have shut Fauci down and said “thank you for your opinion but we won’t need your service any more” and should have brought in Simone Gold instead. HCQ will end this “pandemic” on the spot. This entire “pandemic” is about profits. They really don’t care about our safety. They want our businesses closed, our healthcare socialized, people kicked out and moved into ‘pods’ (what do you think is going to happen with all the abandoned commercial buildings now and where do you think people are going to live when they are booted out of their homes?) They need everyone taking boosters every six months because it creates massive profits, who benefits? Fauci, all the Democrats who are invested in these companies and the election rigging companies, and of course the the college dropout, not a scientist, not a doctor Bill Gates.
Maybe Trump knows he isn't getting back into office. Maybe after the Biden admin ends soon, it will be a military administration. Who knows. It's clown world.
Well the vaccine IS working in the sense that it’s waking people up to the corruption of the CDC, FDA, medical establishment and big pharma…. When have there ever been so many conversations about drugs, vaccines, tests, side effects, etc. This may be a drawn out fight but it is technically an awakening, even though it’s horrible living through this. I hate it but that’s one potential angle… he drags these bad actors out into the light… just like RINOS and Fraud-Xi
The question that needs to be answered is "works at what?" The vaccine works is way to general in general. Why would Trump even get it, if he really already had Covid anyways? I wonder how many people would of got it if Q never was around in the first place? Q taught people to think for themselves and to do their own research.
I think its just a play on this big war board we are on.
Depends on the definition of "working."
Never will I follow a priest or pastor for financial advice, just as I would never follow a doctor for spiritual advice. I certainly would never follow a politician for either, yes, even DJT. It's called perspective, something the left wants to eliminate outside of their group perspective.
From his behavior on it, it looks to me to be only a matter of having to keep up appearances. He said it in a way as if he didn’t give a shit about the vaccine itself, just like he HAD to say it.
It sounded like he was mimicking the vaxx idiots--"Got to get the vaccine, got to get the vaccine. . . ."
If you look at the video it's obvious by his facial expressions and coloring that he knew the reaction he was going to get. Strange. I just know there's no way in hell I will, or allow my family to, get it.
Contractually obliged?
So if Trump knows the vaccine is a poison, he can’t be contractually obligated to protect that fact.
Contracts cannot legally compel you to protect illegal behavior, nor can they be used as a legal defense for illegal behavior if Trump is ever in court explaining why he never said anything.
The only way that Trump could feel obligated to some contract is if he also believes the vaccine is completely safe and that there is no criminal conduct whatsoever involved in their creation or distribution.
No contract can prevent you legally from whistleblowing. Period.
Eh, I think I am often downvoted for who I am rather than what I’m saying. I can usually tell because I’ll see a single new downvote on every post in the last couple of pages of my history all within a couple of minutes.
It’s fine. I wouldn’t survive here as a nonbeliever if my skin was too thin for downvotes.
Ok yeah, you are definitely from plebbit. Where the only thing that matters is ‘karma’ and upvotes.
I said quite the opposite. It doesn’t matter to me in the least. Noticing it with mild amusement doesn’t mean it matters.
We’re all here to test that boundary in one another. It’s all good.
I don’t personal,y think it has anything to do with any contracts. I think it’s more to do with the fact that not all trump supporters are against the vaxx. Some still believe in the vaxx. They, I believe, are another group, this time on our side, who need to be shown. When trump comes back he can demand that truth about the vaxx be exposed.
I’ve thought this as well. There was probably a lot of negotiation behind the scenes for what could and couldn’t be said/done in order to get the 💉 out to people. It was the only way to end the lockdowns before he was out of office and didn’t have the power.
He’s still a politician.
Personally I think it would be better if he didn’t lie, but he’s the one playing war games at a high level.
Brought to you by Carl’s Jr.
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
This is clear thinking..
I can't reconcile Trump endorsing the vaccines but I also believe there's a plan and there's so much we don't know that's going on behind the scenes. Someday we'll smack ourselves on the head and say "Oh, that makes total sense now". Call me an optimist.
now that is a good point.
You fucking optimist!!!
I’m with you fren.
Excellent! It's either be optimistic or give up. And I don't intend to give up. Have a great Sunday.
Welcome to information warfare
I'm more curious about his meaning behind "If it doesn't work you'll be the first to know"
Him recommending the vaccine doesn't bother me though. He already knows this is the hill we'll die on. Or maybe he knows a "cure" for the vaccine is on its way. Either way he knows our minds are made up.
Also he can't take credit for its rapid development if he talks bad about it so he's kind of backed in a corner from a PR perspective.
The only logical conclusion is that this was planned, probably like what others are saying. . to get him more exposure on the msm.
The vaccines do work as far as fulfilling their intended purpose. They just lie about what that purpose is.
From the DS perspective they work as a depopulation tool.
From Trump's perspective they work because its waking people up and causing people to do their own research.
Maybe that's the angle.
I think a lot of people don't pay attention and just assume it works but are opposed to mandatory vaccines. This message "take it if you want" is acceptable to anyone against mandatory vax.
It's only the DS and brain dead and commies who want to force it.
I agree and don't like it either. There is a reason for it though and none of us know for sure so we'll just have to see how it plays out.
He's saying if it doesnt work he'll let us know because its well knowm that he has no qualms about airing geievances. It was a joke.
Why would he take it tho, if it was purely for optics?? Damn man...
Trump wasn't booed nearly as bad, or as long as Mo Brooks was with his statement about forgetting the 2020 elections and preparing for the 2022 midterms.
This should have been a wake-up call. Mo Brooks is extremely popular in Alabama and almost got booed off of the stage when suggesting we need to "move on". The American people will no longer follow people who don't represent them and their values. Fuck every RINO and political shill who tries to pretend like we don't know our elections are fraudulent.
If this hasn't been said already) MSMs narrative has been that the majority are vaxxed and we are the unreasonable minority. I don't believe this and we can't share the dangers of the jab fast enough to save each new target audience. You KNOW MSM can't pass up a chance to show Trump getting boo'd. You KNOW Trump isn't afraid of contradiction. So this brilliant strategist has given BAMA the oppt'y to BOO THE VAX in one voice loud and clear and get that message out to others, who think/thought they were in the minority.
Maybe the vaccine is what’s going to keep us locked in the Matrix by binding our soul with graphene to the physical realm.
This is one of those situations where President Trump makes no sense. The Jan 6th rally is another example. Following his advice turned out very badly for a number of the people that attended the "wild" event. They are still being held prisoner to this day, and he never mentions anything about it. Maybe Jan 6th was necessary for some part of devolution, and the people being held are collateral damage.
Bottom line 1: IVM and HCQ are excellent safe and effective treatments that totally eliminate any reason to take an experimental injection in the first place.
Bottom line 2: The injections are part of the path that leads to totalitarian control (vaccine passports, social score systems). Refusing to comply is the only rational way to fight against those DS efforts.
President Trump is wrong on both counts. The lesson here is to refuse to blindly follow ANYONE, and that includes President Trump.
Speak for yourself. I'm not blindly following anybody.
I question EVERYTHING.
Like it or not Trump fully understands marketing and public relations.
Also like it or not Trump knows he has to appeal to a lot of people who, until the last seven months, where adamant on being against everything he stood for.
He's always got a backup plan in mind too, and in order to keep that plan intact he had to say what he did about January 6, and he has to support the vaccines as well.
It would be nice if he could just say what he wants but he simply cannot. There's no doubt in my mind we're the majority here but unfortunately that is not enough. Trump has a chance to win over EVERY SINGLE PERSON who is on the fence, as well as some Pence hold outs too. When this goes down it's going to go down fast and hard and he's going to need every bit of support he can get.
Don't lose faith pedes. Trump's on our side for sure. Just keep in mind this is a different kind of war, but war nonetheless. There will be casualties. Whether it be lives lost or livelihoods, be ready to hunker down and do your best to weather the storm.
Also keep in mind Trump is not the savior many people here make him out to be. As painful at it is to say that's a very good chance he won't make it back into the Oval office. We have to be realistic and realize this movement has to continue even if Trump isn't available to take the reins.
Trump is more than just a person - he's all of us. It's time to start leading by example and take charge of your household, your neighborhood,.your school, your workplace, your city, state and eventually your country.
That doesn't seem to have worked for some participants. They appear to have not been bound into this physical realm very tightly.
I was pleased to observe th=at the booing was FAR LOUDER when the crowd was told to put the 2020 Election Fraud in the past.
He said it on purpose. He KNOWS that even we his supporters don't trust the vaccine. And the MSM reported on this booing. Now they can't claim that if Trump endorsed the vax we would all get it. NOTHING, not even our beloved President, can make us get it. And now the MSM knows that we won't budge no matter what.
For anyone believing he really took the death vax. Do you also believe him when he pretends that "Biden" is President?
He is not pushing it, it’s part of the agenda- he knows we are not about that shit but the media records the reaction and records that he is telling people to get it if they want but not pushing for it. This way the media can’t say that he is instigating or the root cause of the “vAcCiNe HeSiTaNcY”.
Perhaps the good guys have managed control of big pharma and inerted the ingredients......
The view numbers dropped significantly right after he said it.
Anyone who thinks Trump is surprised about the vax reaction or all the information ( dis information) about it are not thinking big enough. He knows what’s up and either its all handled or it had to be this way to save the human race. We should hope it’s handled.
If you think he didn't know what the reaction would be then you haven't been watching.
Goes to show you, the MAGA train is not and never was a cult of personality or an ideological orthodoxy. The leftists cannot comprehend how that is possible. Divergence from the official narrative is strictly verboten in leftist circles. Sheep think the border collie is also a sheep
Is he referring to Hydroxychloroquine?
Now msm has a choice to make to report Trump’s vaxx comment getting booed showing the overwhelming unpopularity of the vaxxines.
Anyone remember when Trump justified green cards for more workers? He justified hiring seasonal workers overseas, of course, the crowd boo'd him and he backed down on a lot of the legislation Republicans (and democrats) were trying to push through to make it easy to flood the country with more migrant workers who would undercut American workers and send 100% of their money back to their home country.
Trump is not perfect by any means. However, the vaccine issue is very bizarre because he's been anti-vaccine in the past, on many occasions and was very vocal about it. Green card issuance he's never really flipped even in the 80s when he hired cheap labor to construct his buildings. Something is going on, but I do believe like the migrant worker issue, he'll eventually drop this issue as well.
Trump doesn't need to get the message. He. knows it. He knows the feeling of his supporters. There is some other reason he keeps mentioning vaccines at rallies.
Sad you can't see the big picture.
I have put my faith in God and my trust in my own preparation.
Ok honey.
Comment from /r/politics I found interesting, especially with people here questioning Trump's motivations-
There's a differences between laying claim to being the bringer of vaccines vs telling people Please get it so you don't like...die. Covid is real and Delta is more dangerous. Please get poked. It's extremely safe and billions of doses have been administered worldwide.
Big difference between these two things, and in reality he didn't even do it this time, just a half assed Get vaccinated, I did.
Maybe the idea is to finish waking up those of us who want to trade one master for another. (For security.) He knows. We are still frightened sheep willing to be led.
Those who are awake make their own decisions. And they do their own research. They don't wait for someone to save them, and they are not afraid of being "cancelled" socially. That is not what's important.
What an incredible human being he is. The whole group behind this is incredible. They are changing the world for the better.
I don’t think the vax is bad. Been down voted to oblivion for this before, but he knows maga is skeptical of establishment and we will be hesitant to the vax. That’s why Flynn, Powell and other pro-Trump people are anti vax. I’m not getting it, but I may have to, so I’ve researched it a lot and I don’t think it’s great, but there is a lot of disinformation out there.
He was happy to have finally been booed.