I absolutely do not trust Dr David Martin. There have been videos on here before about different topics and he always blends truth with lies in an enticing way.
As much as I love what he is doing and has done, I honestly am distrusting of him because of the bowtie. Something about the character of a person that consciously chooses to wear a bowtie. To be fair, even if he didn't wear a bowtie, that quirky / attention-grabbing personality is there and I have always been wary of that type of character. It doesn't come across as genuine to me, its too much showmanship. Maybe it sounds like I am only against the bowtie, but its like blue hair on a self-deserving lib, it serves as a cherry on top of a character wanting to stand out.
I understand what you mean about quirky personality. HIs look and persona reminds me of hipsters or try-hards I used to see at the bar. You know the ones that try to turn your state blue. I don't trust them.
Bowties are not symbols of Satanic Cabal membership. Meanwhile we have a post about an actual advocate of a family that trafficks and ritually murders kids and we've derailed into "bowties are bad"? Seriously?
What do you mean "we"? Can I not speak here? It's just an observation, calm down. I assume you didn't read my comment since you want to act like I'm saying that bowties are somehow symbols of their membership to the Satanic Cabal.
"To be fair, even if he didn't wear a bowtie, that quirky / attention-grabbing personality is there and I have always been wary of that type of character."
"Maybe it sounds like I am only against the bowtie, but its like blue hair on a self-deserving lib, it serves as a cherry on top of a character wanting to stand out."
I'll continue to voice my thoughts here, but thanks for trying to police me anyways.
If he's advocating in favor of the RottenChilds, then he IS a Clown. Remember, [they] will always activate [their] agents when the people who follow them least expect it. This is one of those times.
For several years the school district I worked for REQIRED male teachers to wear ties. Except coaches. As an art teacher bending over while working with paint and clay the tie was always getting in the way, in a child's face or in the goo.. One day the idea came to me to wear a bowtie. I wore it for two years not as a statement of any kind except maybe to say I was a practical person meeting requirements without concern for what people might think. Sometimes I wore a $5 Bolo tie with a scorpion encased in clear resin. Another art teacher I knew had student made neckties hanging from strings around the room. When an administrator visited he would take the nearest one down and casually put it on.
Because they are of the Synagogue of Satan. [they] claim to be Jews to hide [their] true intentions. It's why [they] created the concept called "anti-Semitism."
Edit: not all of [them] have Israeli passports. A lot pose as Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. But [they] ARE, to a man, Zionists.
I have found over & over that the Cabal (Jesuits?) have twisted many terms negatively or twisted good things to be bad (see the Covid Shot being called a vaccine as an example).
I would love to learn about the negative connotations of Zion, as Sion was a good thing to early Christians if I am understanding Esdras correctly.
I wonder if "engraven images" are a prophetic reference to this branch of humanity. Its like a fetish to them. Their words say one thing, their fetish for engraven images says the opposite.
I don't understand how he could go from talking about how we are still indentured to England (and so the Bank of England (Rothschilds)) for 15 seconds like that's not a big deal, and then talk about life insurance companies that came after, pin it on protestants (???) and go on for over an hour like that's the real and only threat.
Life Insurance companies are in the web they wove, but surely they are not the spider itself? The evil was there before the life insurance companies were even thought of.
Dude... The Rothchilds are the evil in evil. I don't give a fuck what this guy or anyone says, we have the paper trail to prove it. They can't keep their names away from what they purchase. Don't be an idiot and do research into their business dealings.
"Frederick T. Gates' first present to Rockefeller was a plan to
dominate the entire medical education system in the United States.
The initial step was taken by the organization of the Rockefeller
Institute of Medical Research. In 1907, the AMA "requested" the
Carnegie Foundation to conduct a survey of all the medical schools
of the nation. Even at this early date, the Rockefeller interests had
already achieved substantial working control of the Carnegie
Foundations which has been maintained ever since. It is well known
in the foundation world that the Carnegie Foundations (there are
several), are merely feeble adjuncts of the Rockefeller Foundation.
The Carnegie Foundation named one Abraham Flexner to head up
its study of medical schools. Coincidentally, his brother Simon was
the head of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. The
Flexner Report was completed in 1910, after many months of travel
and study. It was heavily influenced by the German-trained
allopathic representation in the American medical profession. It was
later revealed that the primary influence on Flexner had been his trip
to Baltimore. He had been a graduate of Johns Hopkins University.
This school had been established by Daniel Coit Gilman (1831-
1908). Gilman had been one of the three original incorporators of
the Russell Trust at Yale University (now known as the Brotherhood
of Death). Its Yale headquarters had a letter in German authorizing
Gilman to set up this branch of the Illuminati in the United States.
Gilman incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund,
which later became the Rockefeller Foundation. Gilman also
became an original incorporator of Rockefeller's General Education
Board, which was to take over the United States system of medical
education; the Carnegie Foundation and the Russell Sage
Foundation. At Johns Hopkins University. Gilman also taught
Richard Ely, who became the evil genius of Woodrow Wilson's
education. Gil man's final achievement in the last year of his life
was to advise Herbert Hoover on the advisability of setting up a
think tank. Hoover later followed Gilman's plan in setting up the
Hoover Institution after the First World War. This institution
furnished the movers and shapers of the "Reagan Revolution" in
Washington. Not surprisingly, the American people found
themselves saddled with even more debt and an even more
oppressive federal bureaucracy, all the result of Daniel Coit
Gilman's Illuminati prospectus.
Flexner spent much of his time at Johns Hopkins University
finalizing his report. The medical school, which had only been
established in 1893, was considered to be very up-to-date. It was
also the headquarters of the German allopathic school of medicine
in the United States. Flexner, born in Louisville, Ky., had studied at
the University of Berlin. The president of the Zionist Organization
of America, Louis Brandies, also from Louisville, was an old friend
of the Flexner family. After Woodrow Wilson appointed Brandeis to
the Supreme Court, Brandeis appointed himself a delegate to Paris
to attend the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918. His purpose was
to advance the goals of the Zionist movement at this conference.
Bernard Flexner, who was then an attorney in New York, was asked
to accompany Brandeis as the official legal counsel to the Zionist
delegation in Paris. Bernard Flexner later became a founding
member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a trustee of the
Rockefeller Foundation with his brother Simon.
Simon Flexner had been appointed the first director of the
Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at its organization in
1903. Abraham Flexner joined the Carnegie Foundation for the
Advancement of Teaching in 1908, serving there until his retirement
in 1928. He also served for years as a member of Rockefeller's
General Education Board. He was awarded a Rhodes Memorial
lectureship at Oxford University. His definitive work was published
in 1913, "Prostitution in Europe.""
Murder By Injection: The story of the medical conspiracy against America. By Eustace Mullins
Trump, at the beginning of his term, was in Wisconsin 20 mins away from Racine to close a deal for a large $10B manufacture of development, Foxconn (Taiwan LCD company). It has one building done but nothing more. I wonder if he had any other motives to push for this project in this location?
It’s Foxconn Industrial Internet, and it is not based in Taiwan. It is based in Shenzhen, China - the model CCP community. Racine is the other model community.
He knows what deals were made and what crimes were committed.
Did Scott Walker lose the election on purpose?
What officials involved are still in office?
Did they ever really plan to make displays?
How many ventilators did they make?
How does it relate to Biden’s “highly unusual move” to help rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary?
Why did the deal need to include the University of Lawsonomy?
The Chinese are $44 trillion in debt to their (((Rothschild))) owned / controlled central bankers (see Q post #135)... meaning the CCP can't take a shit without Rothschild's permission.
Q also says to "follow the money" 18 times... and Q also shows how 191 of 195 of the world's central banks are owned or controlled by the Rothschilds (see Q post #135-138). Jews also own the World Bank and the IMF. The human race are debt slaves of the Jewish bankers.
Every newborn American baby comes into the world shackled by a $90,000 debt to Jew bankers... and that usury debt scam is designed to only increase.
Now consider that the Great Reset will only benefit Jewish bankers and this entire COVID holocaust hoax is likely designed to set the table for the Great Reset.
When I said “get this man a Pepe”, mine didn’t show up and I commented again saying “Where the FUCK is my Pepe”
Deleted it when I saw that my username on the header of the page still had my Pepe. Then I returned to this post upon the notification of your comment and my Pepe is there on my comment.
So yes, just make sure it’s still on the header where it shows your karma in parentheses.
Dr. David E. Martin exposes how the Globalists, the central bankers, the corporatists, the pedophiles, the Communists, the British Crown, the Tavistock Institute, the CCP, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Sabbateans, the Bilderbergers, Klaus Schwab, the Satanists, the Freemasons have been able to pull off this genocidal global COVID Hoax.
^^^^ Everyone you named is either a Jew, a crypto-Jew, a visitor to (((MOSSAD's Epstein Island child rape extortion honeypot))) or owes the (((Rothschild central bankers))) $44 trillion (see Q post #135) a.k.a is a debt slave of the Rothschilds.
Actually, I found this to be extremely interesting, albeit long. I don’t know about his actual Cabal connections or not, but this video (is the one about the Insurance Companies, BTW) had him saying that he was approached by what I can assume is the Cabal, and he flat out turned it down because he valued his Soul. He said that they demonstrated the 3 enticements of evil, comparing them to the 3 Temptations of Christ. He said that these patterns of evil can be observed, by those who know how to recognize them, and avoided once you know what to look for. He also mentioned that he was raised Mormon. Now, I am not making any judgements on anything to do with Christianity, but he spoke a lot about humans being made in God’s image, etc. He sounded, actually, a lot like most of the people on this site. Watching the entire video may be a bit better, than just watching the first bit.
Yes, he does have a vibrant ego, as often accompanies those with Genius IQ, but nevertheless, he provided some fascinating information.
If he is evil, then he does an awfully good job of telling others how to recognize it. His favourite comments seem to coincide with “Thou Shalt Have no Other God Before Me”.
I believe he said he was raised Mennonite. I didn’t go back and listen to verify, but a guy I work with is Mennonite so the word struck a chord with me when I heard it.
I like this guy, just came across him last week. I'll be watching the video later, but first video I saw him in was describing how big life insurance companies were at the heart of things. This may be the same, but regardless of who the "bad guys" are, better bet they are intertwined in everything that's "bad guy things".
Insurance companies don't run zhit. They are inanimate. People run shit. So my guess is if you trace the operators of these insurance companies they are related to rothchilds or Rockefeller and somehow they've intermarried. Gates is a rockerfeller 3rd cousin or some bullshit. So he is accurate on Insurance being g so powerful. But are still operated by Rothschilds and agents. Maybe this guy is really working for Rothschilds trying to water down the story. He uses lots of fictional language, ignores obvious conflicts I. His own statements.
Lets take the claim that Life Insurance companies are the ones running the whole world and not the central banks.
Okay, so how did the Life Insurance companies fund wars? How did they fund the American Civil War for instance? Or Napolean Bonaparte? Or Hitler? Or Bolsheviks? How did they manage to create intelligence agencies like CIA and Mossad? How did they manage to wrangle Balfour declaration and subsequently created Israel?
I can understand if life insurance business is a subsidiary answering to the Bankers, and they do have a lot of say in what the Bankers' priorities are. But to say they run everything in the world, is just a little unbelievable.
We all know theres people above them so this guys a underhanded provocateur.
Chisel away at people , mistate things..create self doubt...I dont like him.
What good does he bring to the table?
He's blowing smoke.
Deflecting for the Rothschilds is your first clue this turd needs to be flushed...turbo flush.
Well, if you ever had any doubt about this guy... now's the time to see him for what he really is. He's glowing hard AF now. They're getting desperate.
This was very interesting. But I do believe he fails to realize the size of the beast. In my opinion, it is not one entity that dominates, but yet a cooperation of multiple entities. Life insurance might be up towards the right, in the lead... but I do believe it relies on an organized system, including the Rothschilds and many Others.
I like DDM, that's the first video I saw him in which is coming up on being a year old, and who knows how long before that the talk was given.
I found it a little odd he was finger pointing at insurance companies, but that's quite a racket too, that may have been the scheme before CBs.
Either way, I see many comments below that just show people to quick to judge and jump to conclusions over something they disagree with, or more, don't grasp how it fits in with things.
Look at how infiltrated our world is, and what big family names are associated with industries. I'm sure the insurance industry has it's own.
Lacking in basic comm skills, I don't like his attitude, needing to be recognised as smarter than everyone else and seeming to make people look foolish. This is bad.
Anyway. Insurance sure there big in some countries but pales in comparison to many other pillars of society in size an scope.
I love him because he always presents new information. I’ve heard the not the Rothchilds info before and he may well be right. I keeping an open mind because we’ve been told there is a lot to unravel & as much as we know, I feel it’s a thimble full. I also found his perspective on DNA vs Chromosome an interesting possibility. I have to revisit that part of his presentation to better understand how that works and where to look for validation. Anyway he’s super interesting!
If you get bad vibes about the bow tie..wait until you see him in an open necked blue shirt wearing an extraordinary necklace..partly outside the unbuttoned part of the shirt. It had appendages to it and I am sure the wire sort of material was there to serve as a reminder he says he is a follower of Christ....why his PR team didn't tell him how unwise he was being...but there again..people with discernment wouldn't be on his team imo
Richard Rothschild owns the patent for track and trace since 2015 and it was reissued in USA ..can't remember date now. Also lord pirbright a Rothschild holds a patent on a Corona virus sars 2 bioweapon from the pirbright institute ..so does the queen through a company synco or something like that..sorry to be vague. My records got destroyed . There are lots of Corona virus patents
I absolutely do not trust Dr David Martin. There have been videos on here before about different topics and he always blends truth with lies in an enticing way.
Website for his company has satanic symbolism. https://www.m-cam.com/about-us/
Finally he has implied that Trump and the Patriots are part of the deep state.
A good rule is don’t trust dudes in bow ties
Awww Dr. Frank :(
As much as I love what he is doing and has done, I honestly am distrusting of him because of the bowtie. Something about the character of a person that consciously chooses to wear a bowtie. To be fair, even if he didn't wear a bowtie, that quirky / attention-grabbing personality is there and I have always been wary of that type of character. It doesn't come across as genuine to me, its too much showmanship. Maybe it sounds like I am only against the bowtie, but its like blue hair on a self-deserving lib, it serves as a cherry on top of a character wanting to stand out.
I understand what you mean about quirky personality. HIs look and persona reminds me of hipsters or try-hards I used to see at the bar. You know the ones that try to turn your state blue. I don't trust them.
Well, I have a quirky personality.
I wear funny clothes, too.
And part of my quirkiness is that I insist on the principles upon which our great nation was founded.
But I get your point.
Lol what's up LongTime? Why so invested in any one man?
Bowties are not symbols of Satanic Cabal membership. Meanwhile we have a post about an actual advocate of a family that trafficks and ritually murders kids and we've derailed into "bowties are bad"? Seriously?
What do you mean "we"? Can I not speak here? It's just an observation, calm down. I assume you didn't read my comment since you want to act like I'm saying that bowties are somehow symbols of their membership to the Satanic Cabal.
"To be fair, even if he didn't wear a bowtie, that quirky / attention-grabbing personality is there and I have always been wary of that type of character."
"Maybe it sounds like I am only against the bowtie, but its like blue hair on a self-deserving lib, it serves as a cherry on top of a character wanting to stand out."
I'll continue to voice my thoughts here, but thanks for trying to police me anyways.
Still derailing, eh?
Still policing, eh?
Fuck off shill
Shills gonna shill.
It’s crazy you say that, but I realize it is so true, I hadn’t realized it was the bow tie, but I’m judge them by it... Does that make me a...
Tie supremest...
Will a day ever come when we can leave behind our tied privledge and admit... Bow Ties Matter.
Dr Frank is so far so good.
Meanwhile this dude looks totally like the epitome of a Clown.
If he's advocating in favor of the RottenChilds, then he IS a Clown. Remember, [they] will always activate [their] agents when the people who follow them least expect it. This is one of those times.
This is psychological warfare. Dr David Martin is not good news.
Fuck off shill
tucker used to wear bowties. good example I suppose.
For several years the school district I worked for REQIRED male teachers to wear ties. Except coaches. As an art teacher bending over while working with paint and clay the tie was always getting in the way, in a child's face or in the goo.. One day the idea came to me to wear a bowtie. I wore it for two years not as a statement of any kind except maybe to say I was a practical person meeting requirements without concern for what people might think. Sometimes I wore a $5 Bolo tie with a scorpion encased in clear resin. Another art teacher I knew had student made neckties hanging from strings around the room. When an administrator visited he would take the nearest one down and casually put it on.
I don't know... Lobsters are psychic
👆 Big time! u/johnkongsang is right.
This x100.
This. I don’t recall anyone saying it was anything other than a cabal. The Rothschilds are certainly a big part of it.
I watched a bit of it, and he does blend the truth and lies. You have to really have discernment to separate them.
Yep. Rothschild's were always bad-mouthing Trump's policies on twitter.
They're Satanist Cabal. Q pointed right at them.
Because they are of the Synagogue of Satan. [they] claim to be Jews to hide [their] true intentions. It's why [they] created the concept called "anti-Semitism."
Edit: not all of [them] have Israeli passports. A lot pose as Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, etc. But [they] ARE, to a man, Zionists.
I need to do more research on Zionists.
I have found over & over that the Cabal (Jesuits?) have twisted many terms negatively or twisted good things to be bad (see the Covid Shot being called a vaccine as an example).
I would love to learn about the negative connotations of Zion, as Sion was a good thing to early Christians if I am understanding Esdras correctly.
Good I wasn't imagining that.
I like chicks with pigtails for some reason. Especially when they shoot guns that go pew pew!
I wonder if "engraven images" are a prophetic reference to this branch of humanity. Its like a fetish to them. Their words say one thing, their fetish for engraven images says the opposite.
I don't understand how he could go from talking about how we are still indentured to England (and so the Bank of England (Rothschilds)) for 15 seconds like that's not a big deal, and then talk about life insurance companies that came after, pin it on protestants (???) and go on for over an hour like that's the real and only threat.
Life Insurance companies are in the web they wove, but surely they are not the spider itself? The evil was there before the life insurance companies were even thought of.
Dude... The Rothchilds are the evil in evil. I don't give a fuck what this guy or anyone says, we have the paper trail to prove it. They can't keep their names away from what they purchase. Don't be an idiot and do research into their business dealings.
"Frederick T. Gates' first present to Rockefeller was a plan to dominate the entire medical education system in the United States. The initial step was taken by the organization of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. In 1907, the AMA "requested" the Carnegie Foundation to conduct a survey of all the medical schools of the nation. Even at this early date, the Rockefeller interests had already achieved substantial working control of the Carnegie Foundations which has been maintained ever since. It is well known in the foundation world that the Carnegie Foundations (there are several), are merely feeble adjuncts of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Carnegie Foundation named one Abraham Flexner to head up its study of medical schools. Coincidentally, his brother Simon was the head of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. The Flexner Report was completed in 1910, after many months of travel and study. It was heavily influenced by the German-trained allopathic representation in the American medical profession. It was later revealed that the primary influence on Flexner had been his trip to Baltimore. He had been a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. This school had been established by Daniel Coit Gilman (1831- 1908). Gilman had been one of the three original incorporators of the Russell Trust at Yale University (now known as the Brotherhood of Death). Its Yale headquarters had a letter in German authorizing
Gilman to set up this branch of the Illuminati in the United States. Gilman incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, which later became the Rockefeller Foundation. Gilman also became an original incorporator of Rockefeller's General Education Board, which was to take over the United States system of medical education; the Carnegie Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation. At Johns Hopkins University. Gilman also taught Richard Ely, who became the evil genius of Woodrow Wilson's education. Gil man's final achievement in the last year of his life was to advise Herbert Hoover on the advisability of setting up a think tank. Hoover later followed Gilman's plan in setting up the Hoover Institution after the First World War. This institution furnished the movers and shapers of the "Reagan Revolution" in Washington. Not surprisingly, the American people found themselves saddled with even more debt and an even more oppressive federal bureaucracy, all the result of Daniel Coit Gilman's Illuminati prospectus.
Flexner spent much of his time at Johns Hopkins University finalizing his report. The medical school, which had only been established in 1893, was considered to be very up-to-date. It was also the headquarters of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States. Flexner, born in Louisville, Ky., had studied at the University of Berlin. The president of the Zionist Organization of America, Louis Brandies, also from Louisville, was an old friend of the Flexner family. After Woodrow Wilson appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court, Brandeis appointed himself a delegate to Paris to attend the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918. His purpose was to advance the goals of the Zionist movement at this conference. Bernard Flexner, who was then an attorney in New York, was asked to accompany Brandeis as the official legal counsel to the Zionist delegation in Paris. Bernard Flexner later became a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation with his brother Simon. Simon Flexner had been appointed the first director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at its organization in 1903. Abraham Flexner joined the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1908, serving there until his retirement in 1928. He also served for years as a member of Rockefeller's General Education Board. He was awarded a Rhodes Memorial lectureship at Oxford University. His definitive work was published in 1913, "Prostitution in Europe.""
Murder By Injection: The story of the medical conspiracy against America. By Eustace Mullins
Fred Gates got his big break after meeting his second wife in Racine, Wisconsin.
Why did Fred Gates start the China Medical Board?
The real purpose was to eliminate the rise of Christianity in China.
Why did Mayer Amschel Rothschild change his name from Bauer?
Why do the Rothschilds, new Bauers and Johnsons live in Racine with extensive business and banking interests in Wisconsin and Arizona?
Racine is French for Root and is the model community for the real agenda.
Expose the Root. Reveal the Agenda. Deny the Mark.
Trump, at the beginning of his term, was in Wisconsin 20 mins away from Racine to close a deal for a large $10B manufacture of development, Foxconn (Taiwan LCD company). It has one building done but nothing more. I wonder if he had any other motives to push for this project in this location?
It’s Foxconn Industrial Internet, and it is not based in Taiwan. It is based in Shenzhen, China - the model CCP community. Racine is the other model community.
He knows what deals were made and what crimes were committed.
Did Scott Walker lose the election on purpose?
What officials involved are still in office?
Did they ever really plan to make displays?
How many ventilators did they make?
How does it relate to Biden’s “highly unusual move” to help rig a billion dollar referendum in the April 2020 primary?
Why did the deal need to include the University of Lawsonomy?
Paul Ryan is the real secret of the Tarmac.
Q made it clear that the main "bad guys" are:
"+" / (((George Soros)))
"++" / (((House of Rothschild)))
"+++" / (((House of Saud))) who are Jews pretending to be Arab Muslims
The Chinese are $44 trillion in debt to their (((Rothschild))) owned / controlled central bankers (see Q post #135)... meaning the CCP can't take a shit without Rothschild's permission.
Q also says to "follow the money" 18 times... and Q also shows how 191 of 195 of the world's central banks are owned or controlled by the Rothschilds (see Q post #135-138). Jews also own the World Bank and the IMF. The human race are debt slaves of the Jewish bankers.
Every newborn American baby comes into the world shackled by a $90,000 debt to Jew bankers... and that usury debt scam is designed to only increase.
Now consider that the Great Reset will only benefit Jewish bankers and this entire COVID holocaust hoax is likely designed to set the table for the Great Reset.
Why did Anna Makanju lead community organizing efforts for Soros in Racine, Wisconsin to set the stage and model for rigged elections?
Why do the Rothschilds, new Bauers and Johnsons live in Racine?
Who controls the largest private bank in Wisconsin?
This is how I see it too...although I prefer to call them Satanic Jewish Bankers
Get this man a Pepe
Can your Pepe disappear? I asked for one before and received one but it looks like it's gone now.
When I said “get this man a Pepe”, mine didn’t show up and I commented again saying “Where the FUCK is my Pepe”
Deleted it when I saw that my username on the header of the page still had my Pepe. Then I returned to this post upon the notification of your comment and my Pepe is there on my comment.
So yes, just make sure it’s still on the header where it shows your karma in parentheses.
How do I get a pepe???
Become one with the frog
This fly over here at my job looks pretty tasty.... Does that count...? Lol
Hey! Get in line! I am still waiting for my chad tag. Patience pepehopper.
Been waiting since February lol
I had one but it went away one day randomly :(
Dr. David E. Martin exposes how the Globalists, the central bankers, the corporatists, the pedophiles, the Communists, the British Crown, the Tavistock Institute, the CCP, the Illuminati, the Jesuits, Bill Gates, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Sabbateans, the Bilderbergers, Klaus Schwab, the Satanists, the Freemasons have been able to pull off this genocidal global COVID Hoax.
^^^^ Everyone you named is either a Jew, a crypto-Jew, a visitor to (((MOSSAD's Epstein Island child rape extortion honeypot))) or owes the (((Rothschild central bankers))) $44 trillion (see Q post #135) a.k.a is a debt slave of the Rothschilds.
He's the real deal.
Thanks mate. Been travelling. This is the most nuclear lecture I've heard in the past YEAR.
ty, fren, I'll save it for my commute 🙂
I disagree with some of his stuff, some innit we track the same on.
The Rothschilds may not be the final puppet master, but they are still evil as fuck.
Actually, I found this to be extremely interesting, albeit long. I don’t know about his actual Cabal connections or not, but this video (is the one about the Insurance Companies, BTW) had him saying that he was approached by what I can assume is the Cabal, and he flat out turned it down because he valued his Soul. He said that they demonstrated the 3 enticements of evil, comparing them to the 3 Temptations of Christ. He said that these patterns of evil can be observed, by those who know how to recognize them, and avoided once you know what to look for. He also mentioned that he was raised Mormon. Now, I am not making any judgements on anything to do with Christianity, but he spoke a lot about humans being made in God’s image, etc. He sounded, actually, a lot like most of the people on this site. Watching the entire video may be a bit better, than just watching the first bit.
Yes, he does have a vibrant ego, as often accompanies those with Genius IQ, but nevertheless, he provided some fascinating information.
If he is evil, then he does an awfully good job of telling others how to recognize it. His favourite comments seem to coincide with “Thou Shalt Have no Other God Before Me”.
Just saying.
I believe he said he was raised Mennonite. I didn’t go back and listen to verify, but a guy I work with is Mennonite so the word struck a chord with me when I heard it.
I wonder how much the deeps paid this one to lie, smelling the desperation. 🤔
I like this guy, just came across him last week. I'll be watching the video later, but first video I saw him in was describing how big life insurance companies were at the heart of things. This may be the same, but regardless of who the "bad guys" are, better bet they are intertwined in everything that's "bad guy things".
Muddy the waters
Insurance companies don't run zhit. They are inanimate. People run shit. So my guess is if you trace the operators of these insurance companies they are related to rothchilds or Rockefeller and somehow they've intermarried. Gates is a rockerfeller 3rd cousin or some bullshit. So he is accurate on Insurance being g so powerful. But are still operated by Rothschilds and agents. Maybe this guy is really working for Rothschilds trying to water down the story. He uses lots of fictional language, ignores obvious conflicts I. His own statements.
All corruption is downstream from bankers. And bankers wear tiny hats.
Okay a couple of loose ends in this story.
Lets take the claim that Life Insurance companies are the ones running the whole world and not the central banks.
Okay, so how did the Life Insurance companies fund wars? How did they fund the American Civil War for instance? Or Napolean Bonaparte? Or Hitler? Or Bolsheviks? How did they manage to create intelligence agencies like CIA and Mossad? How did they manage to wrangle Balfour declaration and subsequently created Israel?
I can understand if life insurance business is a subsidiary answering to the Bankers, and they do have a lot of say in what the Bankers' priorities are. But to say they run everything in the world, is just a little unbelievable.
We all know theres people above them so this guys a underhanded provocateur. Chisel away at people , mistate things..create self doubt...I dont like him. What good does he bring to the table? He's blowing smoke. Deflecting for the Rothschilds is your first clue this turd needs to be flushed...turbo flush.
Well that certainly moves him to the top of the shit list.😠😡
Well, if you ever had any doubt about this guy... now's the time to see him for what he really is. He's glowing hard AF now. They're getting desperate.
This was very interesting. But I do believe he fails to realize the size of the beast. In my opinion, it is not one entity that dominates, but yet a cooperation of multiple entities. Life insurance might be up towards the right, in the lead... but I do believe it relies on an organized system, including the Rothschilds and many Others.
This ass hat is a Rothschild agent
32:45, he says something VER FUN!!!
I wouldn't be surprised at all if it were the case that we were lied to by all sides for a specific reason.
https://www.theguardian.com/law/2013/jun/13/supreme-court-genes-patent-dna oh man, i thought that happened in like 96.
So if DNA does not exist then I need to know what is really going on.
I need to finish but this just got exciting.
39:50 reminds me of what I thought was a joke and ffffff....
An actuary knows how many people are going to die in a year, and italian actuary knows who. Godfather !!!
I dont need this guy to tell me. Just read/watch the crap they say to know they are batting for the wrong team.
I like DDM, that's the first video I saw him in which is coming up on being a year old, and who knows how long before that the talk was given.
I found it a little odd he was finger pointing at insurance companies, but that's quite a racket too, that may have been the scheme before CBs.
Either way, I see many comments below that just show people to quick to judge and jump to conclusions over something they disagree with, or more, don't grasp how it fits in with things.
Look at how infiltrated our world is, and what big family names are associated with industries. I'm sure the insurance industry has it's own.
Nemos is an absolute doomer, I can't listen to the guy anymore.
Lacking in basic comm skills, I don't like his attitude, needing to be recognised as smarter than everyone else and seeming to make people look foolish. This is bad.
Anyway. Insurance sure there big in some countries but pales in comparison to many other pillars of society in size an scope.
I love him because he always presents new information. I’ve heard the not the Rothchilds info before and he may well be right. I keeping an open mind because we’ve been told there is a lot to unravel & as much as we know, I feel it’s a thimble full. I also found his perspective on DNA vs Chromosome an interesting possibility. I have to revisit that part of his presentation to better understand how that works and where to look for validation. Anyway he’s super interesting!
If you get bad vibes about the bow tie..wait until you see him in an open necked blue shirt wearing an extraordinary necklace..partly outside the unbuttoned part of the shirt. It had appendages to it and I am sure the wire sort of material was there to serve as a reminder he says he is a follower of Christ....why his PR team didn't tell him how unwise he was being...but there again..people with discernment wouldn't be on his team imo
Richard Rothschild owns the patent for track and trace since 2015 and it was reissued in USA ..can't remember date now. Also lord pirbright a Rothschild holds a patent on a Corona virus sars 2 bioweapon from the pirbright institute ..so does the queen through a company synco or something like that..sorry to be vague. My records got destroyed . There are lots of Corona virus patents
Yeah ...no. dont listen to this Reeree. "Be careful who you follow"-Q
I also like how quickly this got unstickied. u/#coup
It was stickied for three hours mate
You work for the life insurance agencies don't you?