What's THAT?!? UP IN THE SKY! It's... It's... the AUDIT that killed the vaccine narrative forever! And finally gets this WIN back to its intended purpose?? Fingers crossed 🤞!!

Audit! Audit! Audit! Everyone ready? Let's goooo!
Is it too soon to post the RonPaul.gif? Did I miss something?
I'm running.....my hands in anticipation.
Audit? That was 4 or 5 days ago!
Haha yes, you mean it was delivered 4 or 5 days ago? Any updates with how its going now?
The CyberNinjas team has Covid
Do you think they got sabotaged or was it a white hat fake cover ? Seems so on the nose to have covid all of a sudden.
I thought Covid was a hoax, or at best a mild flu? But it can sideline the most important audit in history ... something is not right.
Covid is bullshit. The gain of function research though has made sure the spike proteins, both on the virus and created in the body after injection by the mrna death serum, are not.
Damn, I love you for saying that. I beat that drum Relentlessly because some on our side are still under the covid spell.
Covid is real---the BS part is how deadly it is and the fear factor to push vaccines. The best part of Covid is it wiped out deaths by many other causes. Since Covid, everyone dies of Covid instead of hear disease, stroke, flu and all the others so we have that going for us!
Covid is a miracle cure!!!
Yeah I’ve had many flus in my life, but the one I got in February was different. Still don’t have normal taste or smell. Covid isn’t a hoax, it’s a bio weapon.
You mean because of rhe flu. Flu can do the same thing. No test so there is no virus you can blame. If he was pcr tested and positive then he had the flu or common cold period. Wizened up.
They have stated that another FF attack, err I mean terrorist threat, is imminent. They will keep this in their back pocket til needed to distract.
Yes, they even said a certain number of hours... 24-72 (I think is what they said.... I don't remember exactly when they said it tho)
The bidan admin is ONLY getting information about the audit ... they know nothing about Afghanistan ZERO... their "briefings" are from MSM
The CyberNinjas team has the full power of God almighty!!!
A ham sandwich also tested positive with the same "tests" they were given.
So that’s what they’re calling witness protection these days?
Edit: so they finish the audit, submit their findings to the senate then all of a sudden they ALL come down with Covid-19? Yeah totally not being protected and insulated.
We need some GOOD NEWS.
Jesus Christ died to save sinners, of whom I am chief!
"It's not just good news... It's the best news ever!" ~ Mercy Me
Waiting waiting
Whats going on about the audit? Any updates?
I thought you were joking. I looked it up.. That almost sounds like they are playing there game a little. Keeping them on edge. I truly hope they have the goods as Pullitzer said.
Timing matters ;)
Feels like every time they announce the timing of a release there is a massive FF that brings attention away. Feels like they are baiting reponses.
Yeah I have the same theory, give them to weeks to prepare the FF then last minute say "oops delayed, coming soon"
Meanwhile the cabal is pulling their hair out running out of FF's and walking into bear traps one after the other.
They don't need to run out, necessarily. If they run enough of them the good guys can possibly find out how to work around them and find an effective way to get the information out without it getting ignored.
Every. Single. Time.
Amazing coincidence, no?
What’s that up in the sky it’s…it’s…the plan that we know 2% of and probably relies on the DOD Law of War Manual Chapter XI Section 11.3. Don’t hang your hat on the Audit. It’s critically important but it’s just a small part of the plan to save the world.
The audits are the key to fixing this current mess.
If the military is the only way, I think that means the audits won't fix anything. They will only expose people. Devolution will fix things.
A little off topic, but when do you get to post on GA? You need a certain amount of upvotes?
why the fuck has this guy got 4 downvotes?? he's asking a legit question, what the heck guys
Yes, you do I believe. It's to stop inexperienced people and disruptors from clogging up the site with low merit posts.
So how many upvotes did it take you to get this post on here?
How do I get to post to get upvotes, if it takes upvotes to get to post.
You should have stipulated how many upvotes to post a new thread. Anyone can post a reply.
I have never posted but I have commented and that's how I've gotten past 350. Get involved in discussions & be a positive force on the board, the upvotes will follow.
What an asshat.
Thats what I said, I said how many upvotes are needed to post here, as in GA.. I didn't ask how many votes are needed to comment
I will stipulate more clearly for you next time.. but I did ask about to post, not to comment. Very sorry 😞 😐
You did fine. I understood what you were talking about. I was just giving you some gigging.
but did you ever answer me? lol. 100 up votes and you get to post? It gets automatically tracked and at 100, its post time?
I have no idea. It didn't seem like very long before I was posting.
Bad time until Afghan and biden incompetency is out of picture and headlines. It will only help us in the long run. People are waking up by the millions around the world and at home. In Jesus name deliver all bad as good to President Trump, protect him and the good people of our world. In Jesus's name we pray Amen
The situation with Afghanistan, the complete lack of respect for the dead Military coming home by this fake administration and the growing covid mandate tyranny together with the bullshit FDA clearance has brought many people to the precipice.
Momentum is building. Knowledge is spreading. Anger is increasing.
Things are getting very hot. We are approaching the precipice here while people in Australia and France have reached it. The situation has become untenable.
Its gonna break wide open here soon and if it does nobody will be able to control the outcome. If Patriots are going to make a big move, they better do it soon. Limits have been reached and anarchy helps nobody but the bad guys.
A profound narrative change Tuesday from the audit perhaps?
When for god's sake?!
This post is trash, Audits >All. Am I misinformed? Explain if I'm wronged but this feels sheisty and I ain't no shill.
The impression I got from the cyber symposium, as stated by one of the speakers, is that we are fighting this battle on three fronts:
They are Ramping up the chaos machine....it's up to full throttle.... she cannot take much more... it's gonna blow... 💥 🍿
exactly. shills have obviously never taken a literature class...have NO idea of how a plot works.
We could all forget about audits for a month. They'll still do the audits. The left thinks it's dead then bam
The "Republican Party of Arizona" Twitter page posts updates on it. Nothing has changed since a few days ago based on their Twitter. AG did come out with an update on 8/26 though that Maricopa Board of Sups have 30 days to comply with subpoena
8.25 Twitter feed
8.26 Twitter feed
Ah so nothing?
No shit.....
This is a Q board not a health board.
Ya just keep waiting on the right time. Meanwhile, Americans are being maimed and dying at home from toxic yet mandatory arm juice, abs abroad as hostages or bombing victims. It's time.
God hates the shedding of innocent blood. The plan is on a dangerous path. They need to wrap it up before they become the bad guys.
I know this is unpopular but sacrificing the innocent is why we hate the bad guys. We need to stop it, not copy it.
did you read the side bar and the Q drops?
'the end won't be for everyone'...
Also, read the Bible like Q instructed. there is a sorting process at the end; the wheat and the weeds.
I got my copy a few days ago. Go sign up for it here: http://www.imtiredofwaitingfortheazauditandwantitnow.com