Cut an apple at the equator and there's a near-perfect pentagram at the center. Everything created by God is perfect and sacred. The devil cannot create, he can only pervert everything he touches: MONEY. IMMUNITY. FAMILY. HUMANITY. The Awakening is realizing the PERFECTION inside YOU.
🔍 What does this mean?

Yeah... but that’s no reason not to enjoy them in a pie....!
Devils to do list.....
the upright pentagram is not a symbol of the devil, it is a symbol of divinity (points upwards). the downward pentagram with the two feet up top is a symbol of the 'lower realms', hell / satan. we have been brainwashed to think that the pentagram pointing up is a negative symbol, when in fact it is one of the most powerful divine symbols there is (which the poster was implying). You can look up the satanist church and many celebrities, theyll wear the upside down pentagram + the upside down cross. same thing with the cross.
And humiliate, thats one of the devil's objectives as well
It doesn't look like a pentagram at all, but like a five petalled flower. It's very pretty.
I dont get it, are you saying the devil perverted the apple to have a pentagram?
So I thought about this for a while and I think he is saying that Satan perverts everything, how he can take what God has created and alter the meaning in some way. So the apple for example, cut it at the equator you get the five pointed star, if you turn this upside down you get the pentagram which is a perversion of it. There isn't anything wrong with the 5 pointed star and its even been used in Christianity at some points.
You could compare this to the rainbow, God created it and gave it to us as a sign He would never flood the earth again. The alphabet sin crowed turned it into their own "symbol" what was perfect is not made imperfect by sin.
oh sweet, a schizo thread!
Check out the Washington monument from above and consider now the two circles enter-twining.... What do you see? No, not what your emotion will bring up. What do you see? Compare it to the OP picture.
Why is that? What does it really mean?
See "Hidden Secrets in plain sight" on YT, that will get you the knowledge based on architecture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHhgLnIvuAs
Is this the final word on it?
You always heard that the pine cone represents the pineal-gland, yes? No, it is not. It is the DNA strains when you look at it from above. Energy is brought down such spirals to move from meridian to longitudinal waves. This view alone has enormous consequences for science. Because the models no longer work. The periodic table looks totally different when you are able to look differently.
No, you can dive deeper. If you are an electro-technical minded dude,or dudette, hop over to Dan Winter.
He explains how things work on an electrical level, life, death, wave-implosions, etc. It very well ties in what Viktor Schauberger discovered. (I bursted out in laughter when looking at his wikipage. presudosccientist in this day of covid)
When listening to him, you may find all his talk a bit strange and occult, well, it is. Because that too is alchemic but, with the understanding of todays knowledge. We now have the equipment to measure things.
It provides the reason why things work and how "magicians" were able to do things. The understanding of nature being connected to us and vice versa is a humbling and expanding experience. And you suddenly understand why the Celtic Druids had to be wiped out.
Do you know the science behind the perfect touch? (and also perfect kiss?) Dan's the man.
Did you know there are special school for kids to discover the capacity to see blindfolded?
Not possible you say? Yes it is. Without hocus pocus. Measuring the brainwaves, it was found out how well distributed these waves were on both sides of the brain and how easy kids can discover this faculty.
I would even go as so far as to say: how we bring our kids into this world is a disgrace. WE cut the cord (yeah daddy, you did that) and it is the sudden cutoff from the babies life source.
Then the kid is dropped, to check if a certain response is present. This constitutes the second abuse.
Then the kid suffers pain through a needle. The third abuse.
Ingrid Bosch, in her book, Illusions, wrote about trauma cause a brain split, and cause behavioral problems. We all have them to several degrees, while we grow up in a world where left brain thought is prized above all else.
And the dems, well the dems are simply running with an idea they picked up somewhere and call it: toxic masculinity. These people are stupid. Really. They have no clue what left (male) brain and right (female) brain means.
And it is all hidden under the symbols, of which the overlapping intertwined circle is one. And a lot of people have a vested interest of keeping that knowledge from you, or use to for disgusting purposes, so we all remain in enslavement.
So profound
Look up the “golden ratio”. If God has a number, it is 1.618…. (It’s an irrational number). We live and see it every day. The pentagram and number 5 are just part of the series. Numberphile on YT has an excellent explanation.
Searching for hidden knowledge in geometry is an occult practice. Sure, there are patterns in design across nature, such as Fibonacci sequences, golden ratios, etc.
Given the pentagram in the apple and the inscribed geometry in the other images, it almost seems like an inscribed pentagram would fit in with everything else here.
By the way, "realizing perfection inside of us" isn't Biblical at all. In fact, it's the lie Satan used on Eve in the garden, tempting her to want to become like God, or perfect.
Romans 1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen
What are you a fucking Catholic? Searching for hidden meaning in geometry is not forbidden anywhere in the Bible. Astrologers followed a significant sign in the sky to locate Jesus. The crew Jonah was with drew lots to determine who had brought the Lord's wrath upon their vessel.
The lines are very blurry. Not every act of wizardry is obscene or vile.
Actions which have effect on the quantum level, actions taken to intentionally affect the Unified Field, we too-often refer to as magic. As a bit of a witchy person myself, I can tell you the source of most things we call magic is people taking actions to affect the Unified Field and, to explain it away to the uninformed, wave their hands and say 'it was magic.'
The evil witches we have come to know are just posers. Taught the ways of magic by the Faker, they are tricked into doing what is evil with the illusion of increased power.
The true Gnostic movement is one and the same with real Christians. It is one and the same with Hinduism, the Jewish, and even most of the Islamic world. There is embedded into every culture and every tribe the Gnostic truth. And that is all you need.
How does God reach the theoretical man marooned as a child on an abandoned island that never even interacts with another person his entire life? The truth is already inside of us. DMT. There is no such fucking thing as death, or humanity.
We are sinful and born with a sinful nature. A fucking lie. Our bodies are sin. The entire world is sin. Every single bit of matter is imperfect and unstable and unworthy of existence. But it's all fake. Reality is fabricated. Everything will be fine. Just flow.
You can convince yourself you don't have sin, but it's not going to work with God when you die and your life is before Him. The only way to escape the judgment you and everyone else deserves is to put your faith in blood of Jesus Christ - there is no other way, no other religion. The only way God can show us the mercy we need without compromising his perfect justice is to give us His own righteousness through a kinsman, God in human form, Jesus.
The common spirit uniting all these religions is not based in truth or wisdom, but is of Satan. God is a divider, Satan is a uniter. If groups around the world who deny Jesus is Messiah have a common spirit, it's the spirit of antichrist.
Honestly now I just want sausage
Don't say that in New York son
Pretty sure this is a divine endorsement of sausage....nay, all pork products.
Your links have malware.
Skip all the other TL:DR stuff and 3 hour lecture vids and just watch this Donald duck video. Not joking at all!
Who cuts an apple that way anyway? Only a satinist.
Or a rayonist.
Anybody can count the seeds in an apple. Only God can count the trees in a seed.
Vaccines were never good.
Pythagoras' Platonic solids fall in this theme of sacred geometry, and is worth a read/look! While I'm surprised this is stickied, I'm glad to see it, bc GA is about more than political and economic freedom; it's about realizing and respecting the individual sovereignty inherent in each of us. This is our most divine gift and is what allows us to live our lives in a way that always follows the "highest" choice at any given moment.
Sound like a pipe dream? Then you've probably still have parts of your free will commandeered and don't even know it despite being on your way just by being in a community like this. That's okay, you're still in the 'mostly awake' group and will come to see that most folks will get there, but in time. Each of our paths is as unique as we are, and opportunities will present themselves for both you and others to learn more -- maybe this is one of them! The important part is that there is no judgement as to where one stands on this path. Sometimes we pass the same trailheads, but our uniqueness absolves us from judgement here.
People will deny this and downvote hard because they hold their religious beliefs so close to their identities (which is also okay) but denying our own godhood because we're capable of "sin" is the silliest and most sinister idea ever perpetrated upon humanity in my estimation.
Imagine being self-limited by an idea; letting the thought of "I cannot achieve perfection because I am capable of evil" being a driving force in your life. Newsflash, this worldly creation of God's contains evil and guess who was made in His image? My point is that God can still reign supreme as the Infinite Creator AND we can still be divine as humans. We've cordoned ourselves off from divinity for no reason.
We're so afraid of our dark sides that most bury their heads in the sand or simply walk by the sign reading "Shadow work THIS WAY" and that's okay, but to lay evil at the feet of a fictitious villain and not claim responsibility ourselves goes hand in hand as to why our "original sin" idea is possibly the most hurtful and controlling idea western societies and more seem to have. Here's a quick example of how it works, and you can see the ties with some Eastern religions as well (incarnation, karma):
Something keep coming up that pisses you off? That's a lesson being placed before you to learn in this life. If you do not make the highest choice, then you'll almost certainly see that same issue come up again, albeit maybe in a different "flavor." Realizing that we co-create our reality with God may seem like some woo-woo stuff right now, but I challenge any of you to just try and follow this when you notice something put in your path that makes you feel discomfort.
I digress; people will scream "iTs iN tHe sCrIpTuRe!!1" and I say to you, especially in this community: have you not seen the level of manipulation perpetrated by those in power on a global scale at this point? Do you truly believe that any holy scripture today would be allowed to have information that enabled individuals to exercise their individual (and eventual collective) sovereignty? I urge you to investigate and find truths that align with YOU and your discernment.
Unconditional love and Jesus takes care of most things
Apple Boy likes this.
I only see a "pentagram" in the first apple pic top left...#baffled
Also isnt pentagram an occult symbol??
Once you've partaken of the nectar that is green apple flavored paste.
Omg even the comments were a waste….
You wanna see something even more convincing?
You know the "Flower of life" and what it looks like, yeh?
Take a look at what the Human DNA looks like from the top-down view
Isn't it amazing how sunflowers not only FOLLOW the sun, they also LOOK like the sun? Also I bet the pattern of their seeds relates to some sort of sacred geometry too.
When you guys make this stuff, you need to use labels.
Wtf is most of this even supposed to represent?
I love being reminded of this! Thank you
Smh... Really?
Any else actually take your time to REVIEW these photos?
Gd hell people The Apple on the left was cut in half
The other Apple cut
Why didn't any one else utilize simple Logic ?
It is the first issue that caught my eye.
Septagram. Is the word you were looking for. And it's not even that cuz it's not circled
And why not? Powerful image representing many things Q has discussed.
The inversion and powerful hidden aspect of our history and symbols. Discussed at length by Q if you really do the reading.
The information contained in this post is incredible and potent.
I wonder what Q and sacred geometry have in relation?
Freemason X and cube? (As above so below)? What shape is formed when you unfold a cube in any which direction? (Cross) Dark to Light? Jesus Fish? THE EYE/EGYPTIAN EYE?
Historical importance, architecture, spirit/soul etc. It’s all a tangled web matrix at the end of the day. I could find posts for everything mentioned above.
It’s worth noting that SYMBOLISM WILL BE THEIR DOWNFALL is stated by Q many times.
Coincidence how many shapes, religious symbols, and mathematical equations are contained in the basic simple Jesus fish/flower of life/METATRON CUBE as seen above?
Just for a few, calm down. I thought the post's lasts sentence was on point
I disagree. We are all sinners in the sight of our God, all of us. We ought to be sorry for our sins from now til death. Those in the cabal live for those evil deeds.
There is no condemnation in Christ.
Repent. Consecrate. Sanctify. Repeat.
But do all you can to remain IN CHRIST.
Of course we're all sinners. Did you think God created you thinking you would be perfect? His Mercy is there for a reason.
He did create everything in perfection...The fall caused the need for Mercy.
This is something I fundamentally disagree with. Either God is omnipotent or he's not. This idea that we're all sinners cause of the fall is ridiculous. My fathers sins do not represent mine nor do mine, his. God judges based on what you do, not what others did before you. This idea that a baby is born into sin is nonsense. Human nonsense with zero logic behind it.
it's not sin, but the tendency to sin that was passed on to Adam's descendants. We all have this tendency, and we therefore all sin. Only one person never sinned, and He was also God.
Tendency to sin lol. The devil himself tempted Jesus. There is no tendency to sin there is simply temptation to sin. You weren't designed to live a perfect life on earth it is impossible and God made it this way. You were designed to praise God and seek his forgiveness within the confines of your test here on earth,
It's all a test. The playing field is you and temptation. The choice is yours.
We were created perfectly, Satan has corrupt everybody even if it's just a little
Cat - please sticky a result from the canvass. Either mine or someone elses - super big win!
lol...Some people just don't get it sometimes...