Exactly, they say trust the science but say things that go against established science using the old climate change crisis hoax lie of "most scientists agree". When the left says that they're lying and never actually provide any sources and the ones that they do show are all rigged studies by paid shills. Anyone that knows anything about viruses knows that they have stages of infection and when it's not shedding it's not infectious. You would have to stick one of those sticks up their nose into their sinuses and stick it up yours and you still may not get sick because your body could still potentially fight it off. Shedding stages of infection is when you start leaking fluids everwhere to rid yourself of some of the viral load and flush your body which can spread it to others. And some people may never get to the shedding stage if the load doesn't exceed their body's ability to handle it as it's killed in your body as well. It's common sense to know that asymptomatic people are not shedding the virus because shedding is a symptom and is when your nose runs and start coughing. They are conflating asymptomatic with minimally symptomatic, as in you have symptoms but may not notice them since it's so mild you could mistake it for something else.
I mean, can someone tell me how we're experiencing a pandemic with a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate? I hearby suggest we rename Earth to Clown Town. Who's with me?!!!!!!!
I read the headline fast and it said, "Head of CDC shot" and I was very glad. Very, very glad, only to be disappointed. Very, very disappointed. Like now.
Saw a pt that had received a booster and had some symptoms such as a fever after. I can't believe these people are that dense. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.🙄
Lefty hope is worse than raw sewage.
"With the vaccine you can get DeLtA and spread it even if you dont feel sick and have no symptoms"
Has this been proven, like at all?
My take on the whole issue as well
they had to do it to force the masks, antisocial distancing, lockdowns, vaccines, etc.
Without the Big Lie, Covid would already be a thing of the past, like every flu season's viruses.
Exactly, they say trust the science but say things that go against established science using the old climate change crisis hoax lie of "most scientists agree". When the left says that they're lying and never actually provide any sources and the ones that they do show are all rigged studies by paid shills. Anyone that knows anything about viruses knows that they have stages of infection and when it's not shedding it's not infectious. You would have to stick one of those sticks up their nose into their sinuses and stick it up yours and you still may not get sick because your body could still potentially fight it off. Shedding stages of infection is when you start leaking fluids everwhere to rid yourself of some of the viral load and flush your body which can spread it to others. And some people may never get to the shedding stage if the load doesn't exceed their body's ability to handle it as it's killed in your body as well. It's common sense to know that asymptomatic people are not shedding the virus because shedding is a symptom and is when your nose runs and start coughing. They are conflating asymptomatic with minimally symptomatic, as in you have symptoms but may not notice them since it's so mild you could mistake it for something else.
...a story, a fib, a lie, a confabulation, fiction, untruth. It is, it absolutely is total bullshit...
LOL they've said this SAME HORSESHIT the entire time BEFORE we got the "vaccine". but mah vulnibble folk
They don't even try to hide shit anymore
What happened to "follow the science"?
“Science” is the new religion. They have changed the definition of science.
"Trust muh science...."
They're hoping for more money!
claim of "data" showing "less transmission" is total clown world:
March 2020-November 12, 2020:
• transmission = positive PCR - "TEST EVERYONE" policy ("test test test")
• no limit on cycle threshold no requirement to report cycle threshold
• no corroboration of active (symptomatic) illness
November 13, 2020 (post election; Pfizer & Moderna announce vaccines ready)
• CDC issues new guidance to Labs: report cycle threshold (no limit required)
Jan 21, 2021: (post inauguration) CDC testing guidance based on Vax status:
• unvaccinated: positive PCR (no cycle threshold limit) = CASE
• vaccinated: hospitalization or death with PCR < 28 = CASE
only test vaccinated if symptomatic
The hope in getting richer, thats all.
Definition of insanity: Doing the same thing repeatedly, each time hoping for a different result. :>(
While I agree with you in this context, that’s also the definition of “practice”.
Practice involves refinement of whatever you're doing, not just doing it exactly the same way each time.
Link to an image of CDC "hope"
None of this is based on data.
I mean, can someone tell me how we're experiencing a pandemic with a virus that has a 99.9% survival rate? I hearby suggest we rename Earth to Clown Town. Who's with me?!!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT this really just shows how stupid the vaxtards are.
Hope? You can look at Israel and know it’s BS. Your hope has been crushed.
I read the headline fast and it said, "Head of CDC shot" and I was very glad. Very, very glad, only to be disappointed. Very, very disappointed. Like now.
Saw a pt that had received a booster and had some symptoms such as a fever after. I can't believe these people are that dense. Talk about putting all your eggs in one basket.🙄
her shirt is so unnatractive. looks like a pink surgeons outfit with...b..buttons... :X
Alpha variant? Are they just making this up? Stupid question...
At 45 bucks a pop for Big Pharma, they should just make 100 billion on it!
Hope but no data ok for vaccines but fuck hope for ivermectin gimme some data....reeeeeeeeEeeeEEE
We get hope from the data that we see.
Go get that 11th shot!
If at the end of this all the people that watch Msm are dead I’m OK with that.
6 shots
Notice how she was only shuffled out as the public face of corona after Fauci's seat got too hot with gain of function research!
that cruel evil piece of shit is still out there running his fukin mouth. he hasn't stopped. you would think, but no.
Hope. It works a lot like faith.
The false idol known as Science will be destroyed, and the Patron Saint Faucis of the world will fall.
hope of maintaining control over a brainwashed population, not of being effective against any virus.