I think these people actually enjoy it though. Munchausen by proxy. Having a healthy baby would have been nice, but I think they actually secretly prefer if it comes out all twitchy and broken from the injections. Think of all the likes and sympathy they will get on Facebook!
Yes! I have family like that and it drives me bonkers. She always wants to chat about it between us moms. 🙄 I just say uh huh and find an excuse to walk off. I’m not giving her the satisfaction by indulging in that pathology.
They find strength in victimhood and that’s what they they’ve been taught. Their victimhood is their strength and the more victimized they were, the stronger they are. This message is all over social media, academia, entertainment, and the news. Then they kind of make it true by using their victim status (crying) to get their way, so that their victimization DOES give them power, politically. This then creates the downward spiral. They need to craft more and more ways that they are a victim to claim more and more power. The recent video of the woman on the plane with the mask and the face visor turning away from the dude casually eating and minding his own business was like that. She felt powerless, so she had to terrorize herself in her own mind to increase her sense of victimization. Then she started to display that around her to regain social control of the man. When it wasn’t working, she had to make herself more and more terrorized. It’s fucked up because what she is doing there is actually logical, it’s just that all the premises she is working from are wrong.
The people dancing a jig over their suffering children are in the extreme minority. Many truly believe the establishment's propaganda, which has been overwhelming and all-encompassing, and which has largely succeeded in painting "anti-vaxxers" as selfish, racist, science-denying deplorables or tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists.
Look at how the photo on the right with her baby is all setup. If your baby was suffering and you went to go visit them would you take a picture like that? At most maybe taking a picture of the baby to share with family but your probably not gonna pose like in the photo above.
She won't wake up, she got her sympathy photo op and it garnered 300% interaction over a simple "Get the jab" photo, so she is happy.
She will continue to push this on other people too because she doesn't have a soul
Something doesn't quite add up, here. March 18th she got the jab, with no evidence of pregnancy, and then recently (?) she's got an infant who's struggling in the hospital. I'm no expert, but...
This! This has been my biggest thing with vaccinating pregnant women!! You can’t get the MMR booster/shot if your pregnant and they recommend that you don’t get pregnant for 6 months after that particular vaccine. You can’t take ibuprofen b/c it can cause heart defects in your child, you can’t eat certain kinds of cheeses, meats, raw sushi, and a plethora of other medicines and food, but here, inject yourself with this brand new shot. We promise, all will be well, maybe, but do it anyway, it’s better to get the shot while pregnant than Covid. 🙄🤦🏼♀️🤯
I'm surprised she didn't miscarry or deliver a stillborn. Regardless, she is now sterile. No more kids for her, but I bet she'll be okay with it. Disgusting.
Of course, there are no dots to connect, it's all the stupid anti-vaxxers' fault🤡. At this point they cannot connect the dots or they will be forced into the realization that everything they have been told by those they trusted 👹 was a lie 🗳️💉🪐☮️🧬⚕️ etc.
This whole "industry" of being an influencer and the people just need to go away for good. There should be no room for these people in the new America. These people have warped the minds of the youth, look kids you can play video games or vlog and shill shit and make money, who needs skills or an education.
When this all first came about, I laughed. I thought, "Who thinks they are interesting enough to post every detail of their life on camera?" but yet, here they are! It's crazy!
I knew nothing about these "influencers" until the scandal with Lori Loughlin's daughters came out. I guess one of them is an "influencer".....whatever...
That's the nature of "influencers". Even their likes, followers and comments are likely fake. They can purchase them from companies that do that type of thing.
were you unfortunate enough to see the Chrissy Tiegen photos after her miscarriage? I only saw them because someone posted them here. Who in the hell does something like that? Poses like that after losing their baby?
I'm just speculating here but based on just the little information I'm looking at here I think she's over hyping the situation. Her baby looks to be a good size so if she was born prematurely it was not by that much maybe a couple weeks. The fact that they actually try to move her and then she went back to the NICU leads me to believe that they have her on oxygen because her lungs and its ability to exchange oxygen was slightly underdeveloped at the time of her birth. Staying in that and I see you for a couple weeks is not uncommon in that scenario. Obviously there could be a lot more to this than I'm speculating on but as far as the premature she would have had to have almost full term to have a baby that size. She must have taken that picture when she was vaccinated very early in her pregnancy
Her baby will not survive. Sadly she will die and this bimbo vax-addict will blame the unvaxxed for it, count on it.
She'll probably try for another baby at some point and find out that she can no longer get pregnant. That's what you get honey. You wanted the kill shot, your child paid for it, and then you will too.
For some reason all the drama queens are attacking only me and this one comment. Okay ladies, as a fellow lady, let me say right now: I don't care if what I said sounded "harsh." Reality is harsh. Truth is harsh. That's how you know it's real.
Don't like what I said? You're welcome to puff up your chest and stomp around like a toddler but nobody will pay attention to you, because that's what you want: attention.
Literally nothing in that comment leads me to that conclusion. Guess you live in a bubble where harsh truths do not get told. Teens have the most retarded spelling and grammar. It's okay if you've experienced the loss of a child. It doesn't mean your choices were as poor as this demented individual. Unless, you know, they were and you're just feeling guilty and lashing out at randoms.
Sorry but that's the harsh truth. Sorry you don't like it, but women like this who put their careers and their money over their children are awful. I've known too many.
Ill informed? Are you saying that children aren't dying from being exposed to this vax? That people aren't becoming sterile? Because that's what's happening, doll, whether you like it or not. How I say it won't make it any better. You can't sugar coat evil.
She is a child abuser, possibly a murderer. Anyone that puts this shit in their body when intrusted with a life either by pregnancy or breastfeeding should be charged with attempted murder or murder 1. There is enough information out there , there is no excuse!!
The comments on that original post of her pointing at her arm is getting some “That didn’t age well” comments. A lot moms seem to have warned her and her legion of slaves I mean followers, started bashing the other moms simply warning her of the risks. Imagine that
I know 3 woman who are pregnant & got vaxxed. One didn’t know, one waited and one was 6months. No problems yet. I hope their babies are fine. Time will tell.
You can bet she got paid money for hyping the vax on her account. Now she's paying it back with her child's life.
Sacrificing to Moloch without even realizing it.
I think these people actually enjoy it though. Munchausen by proxy. Having a healthy baby would have been nice, but I think they actually secretly prefer if it comes out all twitchy and broken from the injections. Think of all the likes and sympathy they will get on Facebook!
They want the spotlight by any means necessary. True narcissists.
Yes! I have family like that and it drives me bonkers. She always wants to chat about it between us moms. 🙄 I just say uh huh and find an excuse to walk off. I’m not giving her the satisfaction by indulging in that pathology.
They find strength in victimhood and that’s what they they’ve been taught. Their victimhood is their strength and the more victimized they were, the stronger they are. This message is all over social media, academia, entertainment, and the news. Then they kind of make it true by using their victim status (crying) to get their way, so that their victimization DOES give them power, politically. This then creates the downward spiral. They need to craft more and more ways that they are a victim to claim more and more power. The recent video of the woman on the plane with the mask and the face visor turning away from the dude casually eating and minding his own business was like that. She felt powerless, so she had to terrorize herself in her own mind to increase her sense of victimization. Then she started to display that around her to regain social control of the man. When it wasn’t working, she had to make herself more and more terrorized. It’s fucked up because what she is doing there is actually logical, it’s just that all the premises she is working from are wrong.
These people are sick
Virtue signaling by proxy
The people dancing a jig over their suffering children are in the extreme minority. Many truly believe the establishment's propaganda, which has been overwhelming and all-encompassing, and which has largely succeeded in painting "anti-vaxxers" as selfish, racist, science-denying deplorables or tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy theorists.
Like that trend in 2019 of celebs getting pets which suddenly died after a few weeks. They harvested plenty of clicks.
I'm not saying any of them killed their pets but I wouldn't be surprised at all. They really will do anything for clicks
Look at how the photo on the right with her baby is all setup. If your baby was suffering and you went to go visit them would you take a picture like that? At most maybe taking a picture of the baby to share with family but your probably not gonna pose like in the photo above.
Good point!
the devil will have his due
That's tuff fax
Hope that blue checkmark was worth it.
She won't wake up, she got her sympathy photo op and it garnered 300% interaction over a simple "Get the jab" photo, so she is happy. She will continue to push this on other people too because she doesn't have a soul
just the social ladder climbers killing themselves off.
No; in this case her poor child had to pay the price.
Her peak photo op is the grave of her child. These “influencers” need to be shot. Bullet or vax. Both deadly.
Also: misery loves company.
It’s easy for her cuz the vax kills more men than women.
Something doesn't quite add up, here. March 18th she got the jab, with no evidence of pregnancy, and then recently (?) she's got an infant who's struggling in the hospital. I'm no expert, but...
March 18, April 18, May 18, June 18, July 18, August 18, Sept 18
That's 6 months since vax post. Kid is in NICU - Neonate Intensive Care Unit - i.e newborn.
Was she a month or two pregnant back in March? Very possible.
Was baby premature delivery? Also very possible.
As hard as it may seem to be - pray for this woman and her child.
You can’t tell from the photo but she was around 13-14 weeks pregnant when she got the shot.
Here’s her profile: https://instagram.com/leighannsays?utm_medium=copy_link
You can scroll down and see more posts about it.
She would have been better off smoking Meth pregnant
At least we know what meth does and how to help you with that kind of damage.
Haha - you know I was concerned because I took NyQuil once. My husband said, people do a lot worse with no problem.
This! This has been my biggest thing with vaccinating pregnant women!! You can’t get the MMR booster/shot if your pregnant and they recommend that you don’t get pregnant for 6 months after that particular vaccine. You can’t take ibuprofen b/c it can cause heart defects in your child, you can’t eat certain kinds of cheeses, meats, raw sushi, and a plethora of other medicines and food, but here, inject yourself with this brand new shot. We promise, all will be well, maybe, but do it anyway, it’s better to get the shot while pregnant than Covid. 🙄🤦🏼♀️🤯
I'm surprised she didn't miscarry or deliver a stillborn. Regardless, she is now sterile. No more kids for her, but I bet she'll be okay with it. Disgusting.
“Muh world is overpopulated anyway” cope face.
Good grief, how many “I’m pregnant” photos does one expectant mother need?
How much you wanna bet she avoided sushi, alcohol; the typical stuff that's a "no-no" while pregnant.......
But she gladly accepts an experimental, totally novel and untested gene therapy.....
in the pic she is pregnant, see how she is holding her tummy.
I thought she was grabbing her dick? Men can only have babies now, right?
I've known some basic-bitch skinny girls that don't look pregnant up until about eight months.
Wow. Like I said, I ain't no expert.
Hope things work out for her baby.
Adopted or the baby was a premie?
Look at the wound the jab left on her arm... it looks like hole.
Pray for that baby. The suffering....Lord please be merciful with this innocent child
Of course, there are no dots to connect, it's all the stupid anti-vaxxers' fault🤡. At this point they cannot connect the dots or they will be forced into the realization that everything they have been told by those they trusted 👹 was a lie 🗳️💉🪐☮️🧬⚕️ etc.
This whole "industry" of being an influencer and the people just need to go away for good. There should be no room for these people in the new America. These people have warped the minds of the youth, look kids you can play video games or vlog and shill shit and make money, who needs skills or an education.
When this all first came about, I laughed. I thought, "Who thinks they are interesting enough to post every detail of their life on camera?" but yet, here they are! It's crazy!
I knew nothing about these "influencers" until the scandal with Lori Loughlin's daughters came out. I guess one of them is an "influencer".....whatever...
The photo with her sick child is staged and fucking disgusting.
everything these people do is staged and fucking disgusting.
That's the nature of "influencers". Even their likes, followers and comments are likely fake. They can purchase them from companies that do that type of thing.
were you unfortunate enough to see the Chrissy Tiegen photos after her miscarriage? I only saw them because someone posted them here. Who in the hell does something like that? Poses like that after losing their baby?
I'm just speculating here but based on just the little information I'm looking at here I think she's over hyping the situation. Her baby looks to be a good size so if she was born prematurely it was not by that much maybe a couple weeks. The fact that they actually try to move her and then she went back to the NICU leads me to believe that they have her on oxygen because her lungs and its ability to exchange oxygen was slightly underdeveloped at the time of her birth. Staying in that and I see you for a couple weeks is not uncommon in that scenario. Obviously there could be a lot more to this than I'm speculating on but as far as the premature she would have had to have almost full term to have a baby that size. She must have taken that picture when she was vaccinated very early in her pregnancy
Her baby will not survive. Sadly she will die and this bimbo vax-addict will blame the unvaxxed for it, count on it.
She'll probably try for another baby at some point and find out that she can no longer get pregnant. That's what you get honey. You wanted the kill shot, your child paid for it, and then you will too.
For some reason all the drama queens are attacking only me and this one comment. Okay ladies, as a fellow lady, let me say right now: I don't care if what I said sounded "harsh." Reality is harsh. Truth is harsh. That's how you know it's real.
Don't like what I said? You're welcome to puff up your chest and stomp around like a toddler but nobody will pay attention to you, because that's what you want: attention.
A bit harsh. I take it you are 14 years old with no life experience; you certainly write like it.
Sorry you don't like the truth baby. No I'm not 14. Try 27. Next.
Literally nothing in that comment leads me to that conclusion. Guess you live in a bubble where harsh truths do not get told. Teens have the most retarded spelling and grammar. It's okay if you've experienced the loss of a child. It doesn't mean your choices were as poor as this demented individual. Unless, you know, they were and you're just feeling guilty and lashing out at randoms.
Yeah rather bitchy
Sorry but that's the harsh truth. Sorry you don't like it, but women like this who put their careers and their money over their children are awful. I've known too many.
Why the fuck be so ill informed and nasty?
Ill informed? Are you saying that children aren't dying from being exposed to this vax? That people aren't becoming sterile? Because that's what's happening, doll, whether you like it or not. How I say it won't make it any better. You can't sugar coat evil.
She is a child abuser, possibly a murderer. Anyone that puts this shit in their body when intrusted with a life either by pregnancy or breastfeeding should be charged with attempted murder or murder 1. There is enough information out there , there is no excuse!!
This seems to be a test of natural selection, for sure.
She is so dumb it hurts.
As someone who has a very sick baby right now in a hospital due to genetic issues (moms side); id give anything right now to have a healthy infant.
These people had every opportunity to have healthy children and they pissed it all away.
Someone asked me what's the most pain you've ever been in before?
My response; watching your child suffer and knowing there isn't a fucking thing in the world you can do to save them.
These people can rot in the lowest pits of hell for all I care.
Thanks, his 12 year old sister has similar issues (different father) worse in some ways better in others.
His 2 year old brother is healthy as a horse and very gifted.
The baby is fighting for his life. If he can make it home he has a family waiting for him that loves him very much.
Depopulation is working as planned
Do the influencers that get paid to "shill the shot" get paid to shill the shot again after they get sick from it?
She knew what she was doing. This is the consequences of lacking discernment.
The comments on that original post of her pointing at her arm is getting some “That didn’t age well” comments. A lot moms seem to have warned her and her legion of slaves I mean followers, started bashing the other moms simply warning her of the risks. Imagine that
All "influencers" are retarded
Poor tiny baby... we almost lost our first. He was in Nicu for 15 days.
But it was low blood sugar... not willingly injected poison.
Sharing her baby's suffering for clout is more important to her than the suffering itself.
I know 3 woman who are pregnant & got vaxxed. One didn’t know, one waited and one was 6months. No problems yet. I hope their babies are fine. Time will tell.
You child doesn't deserve this. Idiot.
I hate to have to say this, you may be pretty looking but dumb as a rock, ignorant, or just flat out stupid. Natural selection will run its course.
I feel bad that the baby has to suffer because of her mother’s stupidity, but yea… natural selection
America should not be so dumb as to be influenced by these dumb arse social media sickos.
I bet my life savings that it's being done for the clicks/attention.
These liberals are demented that way.
Puts a whole different meaning to not letting a crisis go to waste.
I wouldn't even take ibuprofen when I was pregnant, let alone an experimental "vaccine". Absolute stupidity. God have mercy on that poor child.
To accept that her baby's condition is her fault would be devastating. I can't even imagine it.
I hope that some of her followers connect the dots, even though she can’t at this point.
How is she so thin? The baby is only 3 weeks old?
Want to know why having the nuclear family of 'God, Family, Country' matters?
Want to know why men need to be head of households?
Gawd, I hate weak men because it leads to shit like this.
Willing to sacrifice her own child for YouTube likes and money. Pathetic and vile woman.