New concerning results, Israel 2021 (Prof. Retsef Levi)
MDA Emergency calls:
25% increase in Cardiac arrests & Heart attacks (16-29).
83.6% increase in Heart attacks (Women 20-29).
According to the study, this increase was correlated with Mass vaccination. (See CONTEXT)
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

Notice no one is pushing the antisemitism angle with this.
MSM will be like "Israel proves why the vaccine is working" and they wouldn't be lying this time.
Jews have been killing Jews in secret since the people of Israel first laid eyes upon the Golden Calf.
FTFY: Kazarian (fake) "Jews" have been killing true Jews in secret and in the open since their evil plan was hatched to take over the world for Lucifer.
Ignorance is bliss
A BIG problem soon for Israel (and the Western world) will be the blood donation supply.
When the vax is proven to cause severe problems, including neurological damage, increased cancer risk, blood clotting, etc... then the blood donations from vaxed people can't be accepted.
I'm not vaxed, but am refusing to donate blood until this whole Covid crisis is over. Many people feel the same way. The blood center keeps contacting me, but my answer is firm.
Pretty soon, the blood supply will drop to crisis levels (if we're not already there). Particularly hard hit will be any nation that forced huge majorities of their population to get the vax. Forget getting blood donations from other countries.
Aaaannnnnnnddddd. . . .
The Water Supply!!!!
We already have our waters tainted with all kinds of pharmaceuticals like hormones, etc.
I used to be a sewer rat, I worked on a crew that primarily did sewer main and connection repairs/replacements for 5 years. I've been curious as to whether the junk from the vax could survive in raw sewage and make it all the way through the treatment process. Something most people wouldn't know is that the primary smell when working on a live domestic sewer main is cleaning chemicals. Soaps, shampoo, disinfectants, etc. and not raw feces and urine as one would expect. We won't know if this stuff survives the journey until someone goes looking for it in the effluent discharge of sewage treatment plants.
If it's graphene oxide in the shots it scarcely matters here in the UK, they're putting GO 'filters' in our water supply. F$%ked either way.
Clean water chemist- no the virus won’t survive the process; biocides will easily kill it. however it is alive and well in waste waters. Several chemistry journal articles on coof virus in wastewater.
It comes out of your poop. Remember when we were all making fun of the “anal swabs for a respiratory virus”; well sho enough articles on how viral shedding is going on in your poop shoot and ..... waste waters.
If they can’t isolate the coof, like under a microscope, How can they find it in wastewater ?? Asking for a friend.
So.... I'll be able to get a Troy oz of .999 Gold for a pint of my PUREBLOOD then!
I only vaguely remember hearing that they do have one, but like the US VAERS it's a mess.
Vaxx quacks: Correlation /= causation !!!
That's true but when the data all points one way...
See: all modern data science, also Sherlock Holmes.
According to Malone, Pfizer's contact with Israel does not permit public reports of adverse events for 10 years
Source in original tweet here: https://twitter.com/ranisraeli/status/1425002893116166144?lang=en
Google drive document is in Hebrew. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QT2uUC4j9I2cVpsD1prkScBg0gUqI52x/view
I know it Probably seems like all I do is shit on you....But did you seriously give yourself a crown on your avatar? Holy shit.
What part of safe and effective don’t you understand
Satan will hit God’s people the hardest. I pray for Israel and it’s people. I think the worst stats of death and murder will come from Israel. So I firmly believe these numbers.
God help them.
Israel isn't "God's People"
It's no longer genetic, it's faith based. Trees without fruit have weathered and died.
"God's people" are those that are in Christ.
Jew and Gentile. Reads pretty easily to me. And yes Jews are God’s chosen. The King himself is Jewish. And once He returns, Jesus will reign in Jerusalem.
Just because Satan has his grip doesn’t mean God leave a sheep behind. Jesus is the true shepherd. Remember, our God leaves the 99 for the 1.
Will put my bets on Jesus consolidating the Christian church from Rome. My experience is that he is already here.
You think the 2nd coming has already happened?
I’d have to disagree, just because of what the Bible says. But I know people have different translations of the Bible. I just feel that area is pretty solid.
/u/TrustTheTruth often mentions something about George Webb claiming that Jesus Christ "got the drop on him" in Racine, WI.
And that the Parousia (AKA second coming of Christ) starts in Racine, WI.
Idk if I am misinterpreting all of that or not... but it did stand out to me...
Yeah he also mentioned that George a little while back completely flipped and isn't the same anymore since that occured.
Absolutely. There are some genetic Jews but generally it's all Ashkenazi Jews which are just the Kazars that said "We're Jews!" and that's because they had to in order to survive.
This nonsense of Christians mixing old covenant with new covenant is really just causing confusion, 70AD was the point at which everything became all about new covenant believers.
The cross was the beginning of the new covenant, but the destruction of Jerusalem was the end of the old covenant in this realm.
Just look at the characteristics of who the Jews say their messiah will be. Then look at who in the Bible is described that way.
The Jews will be grafted back in. They have been set aside for a time.
“As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I will reign over you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath. I will bring you from the nations and gather you from the countries where you have been scattered—with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and with outpoured wrath.
I will bring you into the wilderness of the nations and there, face to face, I will execute judgment upon you. As I judged your ancestors in the wilderness of the land of Egypt, so I will judge you, declares the Sovereign Lord. I will take note of you as you pass under my rod, and I will bring you into the bond of the covenant.
I will purge you of those who revolt and rebel against me. Although I will bring them out of the land where they are living, yet they will not enter the land of Israel. Then you will know that I am the Lord.”
Ezekiel 20:33-38
The ARE satans people.
One in a 1000 is a bullshit. That’s only the people having cardiac issues so acute they require hospitalization.
Most heart problems develop over time and cause mortality in decades.
Consider wrestlers and bodybuilders who abuse anabolic steroids for extended periods. They don’t die in their 20s, usually. The damage is cumulative. The gear destroys their lipids and blood pressure, they develop LVH, and they die in their late 30s or 40s.
How many of these 18-29 year old people who don’t have acute symptoms are still actually degrading their cardiovascular health with micro clots, and just like a wrestler they feel fine. Heart problems are scary. Everything is fine, until it isn’t. There is no mechanism for the heart to feel pain.
In a decade, when we see massive numbers of 30-40 year olds dying of heart failure, they will blame it on everything but the vaccine. They will call it unknown genetic defect.
Yeah, when you double the coronary problems of 19-29 year olds in a single year, that is a massive and acute damage that isn't just going to go away over time.
I keep hearing that all of the animals in the covid vaccine trials died - did the specific cause of death ever come out? (clots?) If 100% of those animals died so quickly, is that data reasonably transferrable to humans? Are humans getting a lower dose of the jab? or are we less vulnerable to the problems?
You kind of answer your own question. Why do they test on animals? What purpose do other mammals serve? They are a good facsimile for humans. Do you think, in modern history, any drug has ever been released that killed all the animals in trials? Has any drug ever been released and forced into use the way the jab is, with no liability for anyone involved?
There are 2 issues here. “Leaky” vaccine is what kills the animals. Measles is a “perfect” vaccine. Covid is “imperfect” or leaky. https://www.healthline.com/health-news/leaky-vaccines-can-produce-stronger-versions-of-viruses-072715
It creates a feedback loop in the vaccinated, because they still spread the virus, but the symptoms are messed with. What this looks like to the outward observer is ever increasing rates of transmission, and more deadly cases of covid, in the vaccinated. More and more and more breakthrough cases. The higher the density of vaccinated, the faster this process occurs.
Now you look at covid cases in Israel and Gibraltar, right now, and tell me that what we are seeing isn’t leaky vaccine. It’s happening right now.
The second issue is the clotting. This is a different problem, and seems to be related to the chemistry creating micro clots. Acute in some people requiring hospitalization. It’s the non acute cases that we should be worried about. All of the people who didn’t have immediate cardiac issues. What about 20 years from now?
Watch Israel. They are the Petri dish. We can assume whatever happens there to there vaccinated people, is going to happen here. Soon too. Winter is approaching.
Took them 2 years to pull thalidomide, and that made women have flipper babies. Took years to pull phen-fen, and that caused heart failure. It’s happened a dozen times in the last 50 years. Would it really surprise you if that happened again?
Looks like they are trying to get ahead of everything so they can claim another "Jews had it the worst" victim status for the next hundred years.
Hard to comment on this. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. These are big, and otherwise, inexplicable rises in the rate of heart attacks. It looks like the data is from pre-publication work and it's in a language I can't read. The way some of this is worded, it's begging for a methodology check and to make sure the right data were fed into the statistical calculators.
I'll withhold judgement until at the very least I can read it in English and at least see if they've made a reasonable accounting of potential confounders.
Garbage in, Garbage out.
The quality of data is a matter of opinion. If the data supports your pre-existing opinions, you’ll find any reason to accept the data. If the data challenges your pre-existing opinions, you’ll find any reason to reject the data.
looks like isreal is really gonna be number 110
Its confusing to me why they keep putting out all this information. Yet they won't protect their citizens... you would think they would have banned the shit by now
Rookie numbers from gods chosen people. Gotta pump those up. I bet the palastinians are laughing at them
That means it’s working.
Correlation is not causation but with enough data points the probability of the alternative hypothesis approaches 0.
Those age groups typically have almost no heart attacks. When dealing with a low baseline number, it doesn't take much of an increase in the number to result in a large percent increase. It's possible that other ailments that are rare in those age/sex groups normally, have decreased by a similar percentage. Whether such changes are statistically significant is what matters.
Any doubt now that the vaccines have a 2 to 1 kill ratio over covid? I think Kirsch's model is correct.