I did it, I left big tech on my terms bc I refused to push their anti-American socialist agendas. I stayed true to myself and values and so can you. F the commies.
💥 This is the Way 💥

Proud of you.
Congrats on no longer working for the CCP.
Thank you and I totally agree!
Perfect. Concise and to the point.
Unfortunately their internal AI will put that in the virtual circular file bin so young impressionable HR staff will never see it, but it is of digital record; can never be erased. Someone looking back in the near future (I hope) will say that person was based.
We have it now. Now it can spread farther than it ever could internally. Now it can spread on the interwebs and maybe that young, impressionable HR employee will see it after all.
That is the hope. If the plurality of normies wander onto GAW for whatever reason this shit show will end. So I guess it is not hope it is the goal.
Funny you mentioned that. There were two stories where I commented something to the effect of , “ you guys are slow, this was stickied on GA.win months ago when it happened”. But they’re just a bunch of qtards. Right?……. I’ve been trying to do that more now. I was pissed at that place but if we get one person and they get one person the knowledge will grow.
No one said the Great Awakening would be easy. I've been on it for over 25 years. Im happy with the new energetic push of late. Let's hope it blossoms new beginnings, cause the old shot has to go. I thought we could salvage some of it, but after Obamacare... changed medicine forever. It is why we are in this shit now. Planned in advance.
Amen to you! Fuck those asshats!
Well said and your closing line was the perfect mic drop, Bravo!!
Btw — if you are now looking for work, Epoch Times and Project Veritas are hiring.
Changed industries…Small, conservative business and an big increase in pay.
Are they hiring? I’m in the tech field and trying to get away from a liberal Fortune 100 company.
Quoting 45 was KEY. Ride to Freedom Patriot!!!
Right?!?! Curious if that just flew over their head.
Probably...doubtful most follow Rally talking points like we do 👍🏽
Way to go, Patriot! 🎉
I thought apple was one of the better companies when it came to leftist politics. Then again I have no idea how the company is like internally.
They are a corporate political pawn pushing green energy/climate change, forcing multiple week covid testing or vax (although I appreciate how they’re not mandating), they got into the Chinese economy (no telling what they agreed to in order to make that happen), etc
Unfortunately, the bulk of large corporations have had their management teams infiltrated with woke communists. I work in a large company in an industry that is traditionally very conservative, and we get the same woke BS from management
I was management. We are everywhere.
The wokeness is in small company management too. Our HR recently changed their label to “PR” to start, and whenever they leave their comfy offices and mingle with us in the shop they’re keeping their distance and wearing masks.
👏🏻Well done you!!
Breathe the free air!
Congrats! Im currently struggling with this decision myself. Big tech pays the bills and then some, looking to escape this blue state in favor for a smaller company in a red state. Just need to get finances in order.
I totally understand…get in while the job market is hot.
If the vaxx does cull the population, job searches will never be an issue again...sadly.
I'm in the same boat as you :( it's harder when you have kids and a giant mortgage.
When I looked at that for myself I realized this is part of their plan. Leave you with a bunch of debt while your $ is losing value and leaves you no choice. I never felt more conflicted. But I looked and found a great opportunity with higher pay, better work life balance, and CONSERVATIVE! They are out there, go do it.
I have a family, kids tuition, mortgage, etc too. You CAN do it, at least try.
Bravo, Bravo, congratulations, I’m sure you will be successful in whatever endeavor you choose to attack. Good job fren. You make us all proud.
Thank you. Feels great, fren.
May god bless you for your righteous path fren!
Well played, O Brave Patriot! 👏🇺🇸
You are a true role model....we have a collective voice, and each individual stance matters greatly!
Awesome! I particularly enjoyed your last comment.
Not saying you will but if you start your own pc company, making value market linux pcs, could you think of me when you open your east texas branch? I make a mean cup of coffee...
Not OP, but man, would I love to gather a bunch of pedes and start a new company making an Apple-quality open source Linux-based ecosystem.
And I drink a lot of coffee.
Coffee urn's the way to go. get filters (or a burr mill. You can't find a coarse ground coffee to save your life these days.) and the lightest roast you can find. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to brew the coffee, except use about half as much coffee as recommended. You'll tweak this with every pot until you get it just right, but trust me, they add way too much.
36-40 cups of coffee that taste good from here to half a week from now if you leave the heat on under em. (although the color will turn a bit after the first day, lol)
add just enough sugar to cover the bottom of a regular coffee mug, or a bit thicker layer for a tumbler, etc. Fill with coffee to about 3/4 full and stir vigorously. add milk, creamer, etc now and enjoy.
I did the same!!!! Left one big tech company to join a conservative one.
Right on!
Someone needs to make a bumper sticker with Everything woke turns to shit
Good job Anon. It may feel hard but a clean soul is infinitely better than riches and perks!
Brave, succinct, and eloquent! Your self-sacrifice is so inspiring!
Hello fellow former Appler!
Beyond Apple being woke AF - taking down apps/podcasts, priding themselves as being “inclusive and diverse” but are totally unaccepting of alternate views, invading iCloud privacy in the name of human trafficking but not actually taking a platform 😡, and pushing for vaccine status. They were playing the virtue signaling game with masks, testing, assessing our performance on our participation in woke BS programs, etc.
Coming up next on A&E! OP deletes his Amazon account. All that and more after a a brief break for our sponsors.
And left Bank of America! 💪 cannot, will not support. Strangle them without your $$$
You absolutely TORCHED them with that last sentence. Way to go out with a great passive/aggressive gaslighting! Brilliant.
That wasn’t even my letter on why I was choosing to leave:
When I started my journey in XXXX, I was wide-eyed and eager to be a part of a world- leading company who valued changing lives through the user experience. Over the years I have worked alongside some truly amazing people who have helped to shape the person and leader I am today. Thank you.
Fast forward to our ever changing world of 2021 and my once rose colored glasses for Apple are forever shattered. My view and respect for Apple started to wane when Apple very clearly started to censor podcasts and apps were removed from the App Store to silence dissent. That was disheartening and not what I believed Apple stood for as the credo states: “We become a place to belong where everyone is welcome. Everyone. We draw strength from our differences. From background and perspective to collaboration and debate. We are open.”
Then came the general “wokeness” of our company culture. Emphasis was put on “providing opportunities instead of focusing on qualifications,” as stated by a supporting leader in our market while promotion selections were being considered and made. Apple values diversity and inclusion as long as it fits their narrative. I am of the belief that everyone should be treated equal regardless of race, religion, or gender and all should be given an equal opportunity based solely on their qualifications.
Privacy was a cornerstone in a not-too-distant past at Apple, but they decided to do what was once the antithesis of the company, invade user privacy. They decided that personal privacy was not worth protecting in the name of human trafficking. While this is a noble cause, I would be more impressed with Apple coming out publicly with statements and commitments to organizations to drive this cause that effects millions of people around the globe. This felt like a lame attempt to gain data under the guise of a true human crisis. Apparently I was not alone, the backlash was fierce, and Apple supposedly rescinded the effort.
Lastly, my personal and frankly your personal, health information and vaccination status is no one’s business other than your own. Do not ask me to consent to an “anonymous” survey then go on to state in fine print that the data could be used to identify me for health purposes. My health and well-being is my business and has nothing to do with me reporting to my position, so stop asking.
It seems that you are so concerned with everyone’s safety from Covid, but you sit in your ivory towers in Silicon Valley while you herd the retail workers to the stores to encounter hundreds of customers daily. Initially employees were to report in Cupertino in June, but that was not safe enough. So the teams were delayed until September, but still not safe. October was the new reporting date, still not safe. Currently, teams are told they are to report January 2022 due to Covid concerns. However, your retail store employees have worked alongside our entire team, countless customers, and vendors since May of 2020. This contradiction is hardly consistent with concerns Apple touts. Why the discrepancy? Are the retail workers just a disposable asset?
Through all of these changes, I have become so empowered and emboldened to be my authentic self. I refuse to compromise myself, my values, and enforce what Apple has so disappointingly morphed into today. I wish you all the same strength and peace of mind to ensure that you are true yourself. I encourage you to not be anyone who you are not for the sake of anyone else. You are you, just was you were meant to be.
Best of luck to everyone, XXXX
Nicely written except for...
To effect means "cause to happen" or "bring about". I'm sure that's not what you mean. The appropriate verb is "affect".
That’s a very impressive letter of resignation. I’m no one important in my company but I hope when I choose to leave that I can be as direct yet professional as you were. Very well done, fren 👏 I unfortunately am stuck with my iPhone until it breaks or is outdated. I’m open to hearing of a replacement phone manufacturer that’s reliable, durable, and not part of Big Tech.
Well written minus what u/Greekish mentioned...but I got what you meant. Interestingly yesterday I checked-in on a Discord server that I used to peruse, but haven’t been there for a while after reading about the platform. I got a message that said something like “NSFW servers can no longer be accessed by iOS users as stated in Apple Store policy”. Thanks Apple; glad to know cuz I was too stupid to think for myself...freakin aholes.
I admire your convictions. You have my respect and my updoots.
Well said! Fuck Apple and Fuck the CCP
Tim Cook is owned.
Biting that apple feels good, doesn't it. correctness always wins.
Self reliance folks. Learn to do more for yourselves.
Apple has the audacity to call themselves an American company...
Beautiful response. And congrats.
Well done.... Much Respect
Congrats! I aspire to be like you. I also work at a big tech company... Stuck because of finances.
I had the same realization. Never felt more like an indentured slave to the central bank than figuring how to leave a 6 figure job with a family. BUT, I looked and found an even better paying job where we don’t dwell on covid, we control our success and performance, and to top it off they’re conservative! Their biggest fear at Apple right now is talent retention - everyone is leaving for more $. They threw out $1k bonuses and .85 raises in a sad attempt to keep people from flying the coop.
The "Great Resignation' is a very real thing. But it is not about the money per say. It is about the intangibles. Like you mentioned, it is a hot job market. I am currently looking and it looks like I might be in the finals for two different positions. I don't want to count chickens though, but it is a pretty good feeling. My friend just left and she increased her pay $65K. Less stress and an opportunity to build something.
Sigh. I despair at the low standard of English (or, in this case, Latin).
Per se is the phrase. Look it up.
You are correct. Coffee is still kicking in...
Wow. Alright, I'll need to take a look at the job market again.
You're right about feeling like an indentured servant. The 6-figure salary is pretty much a lie. About 40% of the income goes to taxes and insurance, another 50% to mortgages (or rent if you are renting), and the remaining 10% is left to pay for tuition, food, gas, etc. It use to be easy to get by with a budget of $500 per week for everything, but with inflation, everything's been getting more expensive and I'm finding myself eating into my cash reserves.
What you just described was all by design. I figured out how to cut extraneous expenses, no matter how minimal. Paid my car off, don’t carry credit card debt, Salvation Army is where I shop, pack my lunch, etc. Student debt will be gone next year and our mortgage is our main but reasonable expense. In fact, we pulled out stock (bc I don’t trust the market) and bought an investment property before the market popped up. My mission is to not let them dictate my life and decisions bc I can be and stay independent.