Welp I guess I need to add /s because the flu taking a vacation is funny—but suggesting that it stayed at home instead—crosses the line. 🥸
Who downvotes a joke, SpaceMonkey?
But since your wanting a serious thought, I’ll share a good one: it shocked me when I researched and found out how actual flu numbers are gathered and reported.
I assumed (falsely) that in this amazing digital age we live in there is much testing, tracking, and a GREAT database somewhere (in the bowls of the CDC-?) that show every person (USA) who died from the influenza in a given year. I assumed that came from verified blood tests and confirmed virus samples. Boy was I wrong. So. Very. Wrong.
Why would doctors/scientists gather actual scientific data and run tests to determine these things—I realize now “science” is just a term they dust off and use when the medical establishment wants to influence the public. 2020 proved that to everyone.
🔺But anyway—how DO they get this magical annual influenza death total? It’s a mathematical formula. They take the average annual death rate in any given population/area, and ANYTHING above that—is “assumed” to be “flu deaths”. 🔺
No. REALLY. It’s a freaking guess-timation. Like those carnival games where someone wins a prize if they can stump the carnie on their weight. Only this is data that we ALL assumed was empirical and could be trusted. No, it’s fudged. But now that I’ve witnessed them take deaths from auto accidents and heart attacks and mislabel them all as ‘covid’ deaths all 2020, I understand. This is not new. They have jimmied the numbers with little scientific testing for years. We just all were paying attention and doing our own research this time around.
So anyway hope that’s interesting if not entertaining. DuckDuckGo it. It’s out there. Peace.
I was going to post the same thing as you. All one has to do is google "the delta variant is killing kids" to see that you are right. They have already primed the public with countless stories about how the delta variant will kill kids in large numbers. If you look at these stories, it is rather obvious that this is the direction they will go. Then, the deaths will be blamed on the unvaccinated instead of the vaccine.
They used the tried and true method of spouting a percent increase, rather than the actual number. Out of the millions of children under 19, only about 350 had died of covid (and that's with the exaggerated reporting associated with covid deaths), so if that doubles, they won't report the number, they'll say, "A 100 percent increase in deaths of children from covid!". They do the same with cancer risk. Something might have a 0.0000001 percent chance of causing cancer, and then if they find that is up to 0.0000008 percent, they'll report an 800% increase.
Also exaggerated by concealing the health profiles of the kids. A researcher at John Hopkins found all the kids had a major prevailing condition like leukemia, severe cystic fibrosis, etc.
Interesting study aim, I will have to look more into if there are similar studies done to back this one up.
If true though, it seems exceedingly strange, how an east asian bat virus jumped to humans, especially well suited for infecting all other ethnicities than the local one wouldn't you say? 🤔
I'm rubber, you're glue... whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
That's what we are dealing with!! And I'm kind of sick of it. I think what we need to do is neuter the MSM. We have to continue to show how they use the MSM to flip-flop and spin the narrative to suit their needs. We have to prove how they are chameleons and use the MSM. We have to continue to get people to dismiss the MSM, not just the persona who is speaking through them. I admit that I don't know how to do that... but I know that's what we need to do. Other Anons able to suggest tangible strategies and solutions?
We are soon approaching the time where people start killing each other in the streets. When is enough enough? I’m not dooming, I trust the plan but life is becoming unbearable for many.
Honestly, I'd rather just duke it out in the streets and get it over with. One side will win and even if we lose at least we can stop pretending with all this theatre and psyops.
When of you consider the amount of lies we've been told. I don't trust info from anyone at this point. until someone who can make a real difference stands up and says in plain English where we are headed its all just guesswork until it happens. Some good guessing sometimes but still guesswork.
I think it is simpler than this even. The shot has wrecked natural immune systems and the flu will kill. But they won't call it the flu. They will call it a covid variant and use it to sell new boosters and blame the unvaxxed for somehow unilaterally incubating variants that kill us all.
I dont know how the plan is going to fix all those injected with vaccines and boosters including military and children. I dont know how we deal with the memories of those that died alone and afraid.
I am not so removed-like i am watching a movie- that all the suffering and deaths have nothing to do with me.
I am not saying there isn't a plan. And I know the evil is so big it is difficult to fight, but fight we will. I am just saying all the death and destruction for the greater good is difficult to swallow. Our children are our everything, just like we are our Fathers.
I am not a "you people". I have not lost my brain cells or my compassion. Nor.have I lost the will to stand up. Nor will I be afraid to express what I think or feel to please this group or any other.
And the 100 x more people would have died was the same excuse they used for Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
We say people dying is the only way to make people see and in the end it will justify the means. The liberals say the same about vaccinations, shut downs and mandates,...and the elite laugh all the way to the bank.
I am not laughing or entertained. And I wonder just how far this will all go
The mainstream media can put whatever they want out there, but people know the truth. Pfizer is busily repackaging Ivermectin to sell at a higher price. All these people must be tried for crimes against humanity & hung.
I’ve been expecting this. It’s the logical big pharma moolah next step. They won’t ask if you want fries with that, it will just be included in their new seasonal unhappy meal offer.
That’s a pretty poor post. What will actually happen is: 1) kids will catch the flu 2) false positives for covid, ventilators and remdesivir will be used to kill them 3) it will be blamed on the unvaccinated 4) more freedoms will be taken away
Brain fog? Looks like a whole new batch of kids will be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, which will require more big pharma drugs. Those guys are geniuses!
There’s evidence to suggest that the vaccines create pathogenic priming to not just coronaviruses, but other virus types as well. The dengue vaccine has this issue.
I’m praying the Dark Winter mentioned by Biden and others is not the vaccinated falling to our typical cold and flu season because they trusted the CDC, their doctors, and the FDA.
Sounds like Darwinism to me. They had the same info at their fingertips as we did. If they die because they couldnt overcome their pride or break the conditioning, well, that's nature weeding out the weak.
Also note that the eua on the rapid test for covid expires in December. They will roll our a new test that detects flu from covid rather than false positive on everything like is covid.
I would bet the flu part of the test will false positive now and the covid test will basically not show positives.
By then they expect to have mandated so many vaccines on the population that they can just declare the covid thing to be over while they hype the flu. And they'll figure a way to blame it on the unvaxed for covid / flu.
I already heard it from my sister in law, all her family vaxxed. She told me that her adult daughter, after having the vax, having Covid anyway, and recovering from Covid a few weeks ago.... now seems to have contracted a FLU which her son BROUGHT HOME FROM PRESCHOOL.
You are so right, the narrative continues.
Their rationalization for locking us in neighborhood pods are variants, terrorism, and climate disasters- which their minions are manufacturing and importing NOW-and their stooges are lighting the forest fires in California.
When all is revealed, they won't have their money anymore. GITMO and then God will take care of them. They should start telling themselves, "Eternity is a long time to roast on a spit.".
Yep. My wife and I have (or HAD) the same GP for our annual physicals, in the NoVA suburbs of DC. She went to see him for her annual physical back in early summer and was GRILLED by him on WHY she was (essentially) so stupid to refuse the C-19 shots up until that point. (She and I are still refusing it, BTW.)
She left feeling like she didn't really get to discuss her changes/vitals in her annual blood work and physical, and more like she was being sold a bill of goods by a snake oil salesman doctor...who, up until this point, has been a perfectly good doctor.
I made it a point to call the office and cancel MY annual physical appointment two weeks ago, and made SURE they knew WHY I canceled it (based on her experience) and that I would be pulling my records to go to a new doctor. I don't know who that new doctor is yet (most of them are far too woke and vax-focused here in the DC area), but I will figure that out soon enough.
The cdc refused to collect data. It’s all a scam.
The CDC did collect the data. They recalled the old covid tests because they were flu tests.
The flu took a vacation last year.
Maybe it was just being socially responsible and self-quarantining at home-?
I thought the narrative was that not enough people were doing that resulting in more outbreaks. Which is it?
Welp I guess I need to add /s because the flu taking a vacation is funny—but suggesting that it stayed at home instead—crosses the line. 🥸
Who downvotes a joke, SpaceMonkey?
But since your wanting a serious thought, I’ll share a good one: it shocked me when I researched and found out how actual flu numbers are gathered and reported.
I assumed (falsely) that in this amazing digital age we live in there is much testing, tracking, and a GREAT database somewhere (in the bowls of the CDC-?) that show every person (USA) who died from the influenza in a given year. I assumed that came from verified blood tests and confirmed virus samples. Boy was I wrong. So. Very. Wrong.
Why would doctors/scientists gather actual scientific data and run tests to determine these things—I realize now “science” is just a term they dust off and use when the medical establishment wants to influence the public. 2020 proved that to everyone.
🔺But anyway—how DO they get this magical annual influenza death total? It’s a mathematical formula. They take the average annual death rate in any given population/area, and ANYTHING above that—is “assumed” to be “flu deaths”. 🔺
No. REALLY. It’s a freaking guess-timation. Like those carnival games where someone wins a prize if they can stump the carnie on their weight. Only this is data that we ALL assumed was empirical and could be trusted. No, it’s fudged. But now that I’ve witnessed them take deaths from auto accidents and heart attacks and mislabel them all as ‘covid’ deaths all 2020, I understand. This is not new. They have jimmied the numbers with little scientific testing for years. We just all were paying attention and doing our own research this time around.
So anyway hope that’s interesting if not entertaining. DuckDuckGo it. It’s out there. Peace.
Not sure who downvoted you, but it wasn't me.
Anyways, yeah I didn't realize your comment was a joke, my bad.
And I'm also not surprised about the flu death figures.
Not only did the WuFlu 'eliminate' the regular flu, but it also caused heart related deaths to plummet. At least according to the statistics. Hmm...
I disagree.
The same Sons of Satan who conspired to push the COVID holocaust hoax and their deadly vaccines will knowingly and falsly claim all vaccine injuries and deaths are caused by the Delta Variant or a new variant.
[They'll] claim the only solution is MOAR deadly vaccinations.
[They] will do everything they can to mandate death to as many Christians as possible, especially our children.
I was going to post the same thing as you. All one has to do is google "the delta variant is killing kids" to see that you are right. They have already primed the public with countless stories about how the delta variant will kill kids in large numbers. If you look at these stories, it is rather obvious that this is the direction they will go. Then, the deaths will be blamed on the unvaccinated instead of the vaccine.
They used the tried and true method of spouting a percent increase, rather than the actual number. Out of the millions of children under 19, only about 350 had died of covid (and that's with the exaggerated reporting associated with covid deaths), so if that doubles, they won't report the number, they'll say, "A 100 percent increase in deaths of children from covid!". They do the same with cancer risk. Something might have a 0.0000001 percent chance of causing cancer, and then if they find that is up to 0.0000008 percent, they'll report an 800% increase.
Also exaggerated by concealing the health profiles of the kids. A researcher at John Hopkins found all the kids had a major prevailing condition like leukemia, severe cystic fibrosis, etc.
Interesting study aim, I will have to look more into if there are similar studies done to back this one up.
If true though, it seems exceedingly strange, how an east asian bat virus jumped to humans, especially well suited for infecting all other ethnicities than the local one wouldn't you say? 🤔
Especially when they were hibernating.
I seem to recall seeing that Ivermectin works against flu also. Just sayin'
As do corticosteroids. As does zinc treatment (Zelenko Protocol).
I'm rubber, you're glue... whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you!
That's what we are dealing with!! And I'm kind of sick of it. I think what we need to do is neuter the MSM. We have to continue to show how they use the MSM to flip-flop and spin the narrative to suit their needs. We have to prove how they are chameleons and use the MSM. We have to continue to get people to dismiss the MSM, not just the persona who is speaking through them. I admit that I don't know how to do that... but I know that's what we need to do. Other Anons able to suggest tangible strategies and solutions?
We are soon approaching the time where people start killing each other in the streets. When is enough enough? I’m not dooming, I trust the plan but life is becoming unbearable for many.
Ugly is right around the corner.
Honestly, I'd rather just duke it out in the streets and get it over with. One side will win and even if we lose at least we can stop pretending with all this theatre and psyops.
Do you really think so?
Well, there's clearly a market collapse coming soon, so if nothing happens before then we'll see what happens when the deck gets reshuffled.
When of you consider the amount of lies we've been told. I don't trust info from anyone at this point. until someone who can make a real difference stands up and says in plain English where we are headed its all just guesswork until it happens. Some good guessing sometimes but still guesswork.
Yep, exactly.
That's the exact response when someone says "d0n'T yUo tRu$T t3H eXp3Rts"?
No I fucking don't.
They've lied, cheated, defrauded, flip-flopped and flim-flammed so much that no; I do not fucking trust them and only an utter moron would.
I think it is simpler than this even. The shot has wrecked natural immune systems and the flu will kill. But they won't call it the flu. They will call it a covid variant and use it to sell new boosters and blame the unvaxxed for somehow unilaterally incubating variants that kill us all.
The zillion new people being quickly brought into the country will also bring bugs U.S. immune systems aren't used to. In time for flu season.
This is not a movie I want to watch. If we are supposed to be saving children how does this work?
to me it seems the children have been forgotten
I dont know how the plan is going to fix all those injected with vaccines and boosters including military and children. I dont know how we deal with the memories of those that died alone and afraid.
I am not so removed-like i am watching a movie- that all the suffering and deaths have nothing to do with me.
I am not saying there isn't a plan. And I know the evil is so big it is difficult to fight, but fight we will. I am just saying all the death and destruction for the greater good is difficult to swallow. Our children are our everything, just like we are our Fathers.
I dont.
Because 100x more children would have died if we didnt do it this way. We're at war, how many times do we have to keep reminding you people.
I am not a "you people". I have not lost my brain cells or my compassion. Nor.have I lost the will to stand up. Nor will I be afraid to express what I think or feel to please this group or any other.
And the 100 x more people would have died was the same excuse they used for Nagasaki and Hiroshima.
We say people dying is the only way to make people see and in the end it will justify the means. The liberals say the same about vaccinations, shut downs and mandates,...and the elite laugh all the way to the bank.
I am not laughing or entertained. And I wonder just how far this will all go
I'm not laughing either. They've gone too far to turn back now. I fear we are living thru a mass depopulation event.
The mainstream media can put whatever they want out there, but people know the truth. Pfizer is busily repackaging Ivermectin to sell at a higher price. All these people must be tried for crimes against humanity & hung.
And don't forget, now for our convenience they'll put both the flu and Covid vax cocktail in a singe jab. They care so much about us don't ya know?.
I’ve been expecting this. It’s the logical big pharma moolah next step. They won’t ask if you want fries with that, it will just be included in their new seasonal unhappy meal offer.
That’s a pretty poor post. What will actually happen is: 1) kids will catch the flu 2) false positives for covid, ventilators and remdesivir will be used to kill them 3) it will be blamed on the unvaccinated 4) more freedoms will be taken away
And PCR test are changing this January to no longer give false positives for just having the flu.
Have you read or watched this? https://youtu.be/2OSIKp_HKsA I most certainly won't be getting a flu shot.
Brain fog? Looks like a whole new batch of kids will be diagnosed with attention deficit disorder, which will require more big pharma drugs. Those guys are geniuses!
Can we please shoot these demons yet?
Their plans are incredibly ingenious and cunning. Really flawless, assuming a robotically obedient public.
There’s evidence to suggest that the vaccines create pathogenic priming to not just coronaviruses, but other virus types as well. The dengue vaccine has this issue.
I’m praying the Dark Winter mentioned by Biden and others is not the vaccinated falling to our typical cold and flu season because they trusted the CDC, their doctors, and the FDA.
Sounds like Darwinism to me. They had the same info at their fingertips as we did. If they die because they couldnt overcome their pride or break the conditioning, well, that's nature weeding out the weak.
Let’s see...the bird flu originated from birds...
And the swine flu first came from pigs...
So I’m betting this will be jackass influenza.
Or this… https://rumble.com/vn54j7-urgent-message-from-university-hospital-manager-and-academic-kieran-morriss.html
There isn’t a surge of flu but RSV. RSV is s making a comeback and it’s infecting adults.
Should sticky this for a few months
Very astute observation.
Also note that the eua on the rapid test for covid expires in December. They will roll our a new test that detects flu from covid rather than false positive on everything like is covid.
I would bet the flu part of the test will false positive now and the covid test will basically not show positives.
By then they expect to have mandated so many vaccines on the population that they can just declare the covid thing to be over while they hype the flu. And they'll figure a way to blame it on the unvaxed for covid / flu.
They don't get a shield. They don't get a way out of this.
Free flu shot signs have been in local pharmacies since mid-September.
I already heard it from my sister in law, all her family vaxxed. She told me that her adult daughter, after having the vax, having Covid anyway, and recovering from Covid a few weeks ago.... now seems to have contracted a FLU which her son BROUGHT HOME FROM PRESCHOOL.
You are so right, the narrative continues.
Their rationalization for locking us in neighborhood pods are variants, terrorism, and climate disasters- which their minions are manufacturing and importing NOW-and their stooges are lighting the forest fires in California.
Just part of the plan. Right? Kill the kiddies to wake up their parents. Anyone else see a moral problem with the plan, yet? Or is it just me?
Paging General Nakasone and pals. You might consider doing something now.
I don't know why ... but honestly I think people just don't listen. CORONAVIRUS WAS AND ALSWAYS HAS BEEN A COMMON FLU.
Wonder if they'll attempt to start a mandate on flu shots, too.
Public executions for these sick bastards! I've had more than enough.
When all is revealed, they won't have their money anymore. GITMO and then God will take care of them. They should start telling themselves, "Eternity is a long time to roast on a spit.".
Yep. My wife and I have (or HAD) the same GP for our annual physicals, in the NoVA suburbs of DC. She went to see him for her annual physical back in early summer and was GRILLED by him on WHY she was (essentially) so stupid to refuse the C-19 shots up until that point. (She and I are still refusing it, BTW.)
She left feeling like she didn't really get to discuss her changes/vitals in her annual blood work and physical, and more like she was being sold a bill of goods by a snake oil salesman doctor...who, up until this point, has been a perfectly good doctor.
I made it a point to call the office and cancel MY annual physical appointment two weeks ago, and made SURE they knew WHY I canceled it (based on her experience) and that I would be pulling my records to go to a new doctor. I don't know who that new doctor is yet (most of them are far too woke and vax-focused here in the DC area), but I will figure that out soon enough.