Did you know that SenateAnon showed up randomly on the chans and blew the entire PizzaGate & Racine, Wisconsin information wide open? Sending the Cabal into a frenzy to cover it up at all costs? And they've effectively done exactly that.
Did you know that Q then showed up randomly on the chans quickly after SenateAnon disappeared? Claiming to also be on the inside and providing top level information as to what was/is taking place?
And now flash forward to today... we see the media pushing the narrative of "QAnon". Why would the media do that? Unless they needed to convolute the search queries for "Q" and "SenateAnon" together (Q + SenateAnon = QAnon), making it much more difficult to find anything about PizzaGate, Racine, and SenateAnon... especially now that Voat was infiltrated and shutdown on CHRISTmas Day.
I saw the same exact situation occur with the GME situation. Whenever GME took off like a rocket in January 2021 and was about to liquidate the entirety of Wall Street... what did the evil fucks do? They shut down all GME talk the best they could (they failed to get ahead of it however), and they pushed a distraction to the forefront - "omg BB is squeezing too! Buy it! omg AMC is a squeeze too! Buy it! Omg Silver is squeezing - hurry and buy it!".
I have no idea what to take from this... all I am saying is to question everything. Especially because nearly every single end times prophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled... and my Bible also tells me to be careful not to fall for the deceptions and "false saviors" that will show up whenever we are close to or within end times.
Just something I've been thinking about & contemplating. Please don't crucify me.
All I do know for sure is that we are indeed on the brink of something really big. Whether it is going to continue down the path of end times and get much much worse.... or if it's going to take a sudden hard right turn and go the opposite way into prosperity - I don't know. My suggestion is to get right with Jesus and prepare just in case we don't receive a God-given miracle taking us into the hard right turn.
I will say that I 've been around since 2016 /r/The_Donald. I went through everything from the first election, Hillary's emails/Wikileaks, PizzaGate, Voat (very early days of it), and so on. However I never heard about Racine until recently whenever I stumbled over u/TrustTheTruth here and eventually I gave in and dug into it a bit. And I shit you not... it all checks out. It's very compelling. Especially more so whenever it stemmed from the same entity/event (SenateAnon) that kicked off PizzaGate... and I've never seen the Cabal more panicked than when PizzaGate hit the fan. Was also very compelling to find out that Jenny Moore (Voat member) who went to Racine to investigate it turned up dead in a hotel. It's definitely a wild rabbit hole, but it all makes sense and explains how/why we see the level of evil, corruption, and collusion that we see today. Old family blood lines, all sworn to secret societies, all have their own perverted/twisted satanic ways, majority of them worship anything anti-Christ (i.e. satan/baphomet/whatever), they want ultimate domination/control, vaccines are 100% a step in that direction, they have opened a backdoor for the CCP and are colluding, they are trying to bring to the USA exactly what China is further ahead on the curve of (social credit scores, 5G + AI, 24/7 surveillance, smart cities, massive corporations, citizens dont own any land/farm/water, mark of the beast). And then the ultimate goal is eternal enslavement, which = eradicating Christianity at all costs, which is what they have basically done in China. Not having a chance to be saved through Jesus Christ = Eternal Enslavement.
And if you think that sounds crazy... it's already here folks. The UN and all of its countries have already signed onto Agenda 2030, which introduces ID2020, which is a GLOBAL digital identity for each and every person. This GLOBAL ID will be used to do everything from vaccine verification, purchases, traveling, you name it.
Just look at the fucking Alliance for ID2020. Rockefeller, Microsoft (Gates), Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Mastercard, Facebook, etc.
As for any sort of physical mark? Well guess what - they've got that too. and it's being funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute.
Sounds a lot like what the Bible talks about doesn't it?
Thank you and they have all been working toward the same end goals. Racine is the Root that connects all branches of their Agenda. It has been their under the radar meeting place for generations. The world is controlled by the secret, closed and open societies that network across corporations, governments and institutions to compartmentalize and implement their plans.
The Social Credit System and ID2020 with COVID, Facebook and the Big Tech Agenda all lead to The Mark of the Beast.
The Truth of Racine has been shared since The Beginning. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way. The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin.
As in the Koch brothers? Aren’t they know for being huge Republican donors? Yet more proof that it’s all one giant Uni party. Republican my a$$, give me a Democrat any day so I know who I’m dealing with. Republicans are wolves in sheep’s clothing and the right has fallen for their lies for decades. We played into their hands perfectly. Sorry, not trying to be doom and gloom, I just get fired up when I think about all the Republican traitor scum we’ve voted for over the years. 🤯
Racine guy was on Voat and I believe there is a deep rabbit hole there that I have never gone down. The Moore death just disappeared suddenly with and seemed like a hoax/psyop to scare people off researching pizzagate. Not to be disrespectful if real, it just didn't sit right with me. I believe Racine would be a perfect place for all of the things he's saying. Des Moines is another "nice" Midwestern town will a lot of absolute evil under the surface.
Yeah, but the Racine connections are weak. I was on Voat, I remember Jenny Moore...Did she go to Racine? Maybe she did. Maybe she went to lots of places...Wasn't she found dead in Maryland though? She was after DC pedos and Bill Clinton....I agree with much of what you posted, but the "connection" to Racine ...if you are making its best argument...looks pretty weak. Sorry.
Have you really researched anything shared about Racine?
Your knowledge about Racine is “pretty weak”, and you were attempting on Voat to get others to dismiss it with LOLs and “troll” references.
Will you Repent and help share The Truth?
Look at the elections for one glaring example. Racine’s involvement in rigging the key swing state of Wisconsin with Zuckerberg, CTCL, Knight Foundation, More than a Vote, Rock the Vote, ElectionGuard and other partners is undeniable.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America where Paul Ryan became the most powerful man in Congress for the decade leading up to Trump. You don’t find it odd that he suddenly left public office at the peak of his career after playing an instrumental role in the 8th Wonder of the World to “spend more time with family” yet was hired by Fox News?
Racine is also a major human trafficking hub in America.
It is also the model for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 (Sustainable Racine was the original model).
It is also the model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities.
It is also the model for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
it is also the model for public, private, Catholic and higher education.
It is also the Brookings model for “How We Rise”.
It is also sitting on the largest freshwater lake in the world.
Regarding Jenny Moore, she researched the leads about Racine and asked many questions. She began connecting it with her own research and found it all to be extremely credible and linked with the same networks she was investigating. Remember Racine is just north of Chicago, where the Podestas got their big break, and is a completely controlled community with a unique and private international airport, harbor and interstate access. Jenny dragged George Webb Sweigert to Racine. Despite his false promises, he did not want to go. She made him go.
George claimed to have met Jesus Christ in Racine who he said “had the drop on him.” George later stated that he gave too much credit and never wanted any help from Jesus Christ or Jenny Moore. Jenny knew that everything shared about Racine was The Truth. She figured out why George was proven to be a liar and untrustworthy from that meeting, found out what happened after the meeting, and had a big fight with George about it. Days later was found dead. His brother Dave found The Truth in a Titus Frost YouTube chat about a year later who knew too much about the situation, and George moved out of the hotel the very same day after being there so many months after Jenny’s passing.
In her final days Jenny vowed then on her new YouTube channel that she “would never trust George again.”
Before the meeting, the moderators on Voat Pizzagate had banned Jenny after she and others discovered they were doxxing, threatening and blackmailing users. They were exposed by a group of researchers and began creating alts to attack, slide and obfuscate what happened. They changed moderators and began doing what they vowed they would not - openly censoring, deleting, running alts, downvoting, gang stalking, doxxing and banning any who exposed their activities.
Jenny Moore and Racine were two of the most controversial topics on Voat Pizzagate and GreatAwakening, and they eventually censored, banned and threatened anyone who would even dare mention the word Racine.
Then Voat shut down on Christmas Day. Many offered to take it over. Many of the users and many of the corrupt moderators from Voat are here on GAW.
Water can be used for many purposes. It has memory. It is used in rituals for both Good and Evil. It can be used for quantum computing. It is also a main key to life.
They aim to control every aspect of life and community including health, education, food, water and energy from conception to cradle to career to grave and beyond.
Why is Bill Gates buying all the farmland? Who controls the global food supply?
Racine is also the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way. The area is sacred and connects back to ancient formations and civilizations.
Their agenda is not only global enslavement, but Eternal Enslavement.
Racine is not some “boondocks county”. It was the once great model industrious city of America and invention capital of the world. It is the most globally influential small city where the elite have met for generations.
If you know anything about Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati, you should know how they are connected to Racine, Wisconsin.
The Rothschilds live in Racine. The Bauers live in Racine. The Johnsons live in Racine. They are closely connected with the Gates and Rockefellers, and with Cornell University with Fauci, Mason Lab, the Sphinx Head Society and a certain intelligence agency that was the OSS.
It is the model for Agenda 21 and 2030, smart cities, community policing, election reform, education, prison and labor reform, human trafficking, sanctuary cities and the 4th industrial revolution.
Racine is the greatest trick and the Root that must be Exposed.
Racine is the keystone and everything shared is accurate.
This goes back much further than 1666 to ancient civilizations.
The path of Kabbalah with Tzvi, Sabbateans, Frankists and Jacobins leads to Racine.
Lest anyone start to think so highly of the Republican party – think again! It was started in the early 1850s by Horace Greeley and Charles Dana – both associated with the New York Tribune and regularly published the works of Karl Marx – at the Racine WI Communist Commune! The Racine Commune was one of 50 Communes started by the American Association of Unions – itself Communist, of course. Our present day Republican Party was not named in honor of our Republic but rather in honor of the first Republican party – Started by Violent Illuminist, known as Jacobins!
What was the purpose of the false flag hate speech event at the synagogue in Racine? Who are the Knights of Pythias?
What does Seth Rich know about Camp Raman, Beber Camp and the Knights of Pythias?
Moses, the son of Schoendel Dobruschka, Frank's cousin, who was known in many circles as his nephew, was the outstanding figure in the last generation of the Frankists, being known also as Franz Thomas von Schoenfeld (a German writer and organizer of a mystical order of a Jewish Christian kabbalistic character) and later as Junius Frey (a Jacobin revolutionary in France).
Thank you. They have layers upon layers of players, groups, companies, thinktanks, PACs, NGOs, societies, clubs, associations, events, and can create new ones to infinity. Those at the top level are insulated with unlimited resources and contingencies.
The one constant is this location and its sacred meaning going back to ancient civilization, historic times, present and future. They must control Racine and the Great Lakes at all costs and keep the world from figuring out how it is the common link and gateway to so much of what is going on.
It is an interfaith alliance with global partnerships across industries, media, government, finance and all aspects of life and community. They also aim to control Christianity. It is their One World Religion and New World Order towards singularity and transhumanism with AI replacing God.
They use models for nearly everything, and many times Racine is the model or the model is designed, discussed or agreed on in Racine. They use their media to build support for their model, and then use that as evidence to copy and implement the model elsewhere.
We must use their own strategy against them by exposing the Root, revealing the Agenda, denying the Mark, and using it as the model to upend and expel the Evil from all communities.
This is the one thing they cannot control nor account for. If The World Unites by Exposing the Root, the Mark can be denied and their Agenda of global and eternal enslavement can be thwarted.
The Parousia begins in Racine. Jesus Christ is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.
fair enough. I can see how the cult would need a central geography to organize, and how functionally speaking, it could be anywhere, even somewhere as unlikely as Wisconsin (I mean, lmao, really, fucking Wisconsin?)
The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin by exposing the Root and model for the real Agenda of global and Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) and enforced by Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, Quantum AI and Community Policing.
If there is a place where this is still discussed, I would like to know. Once Reddit nuked it, it all went to Voat, but then sadly our enemies nuked Voat entirely. I know you can use searchvoat to look up old posts (at least ones that weren't scrubbed completely).
Racine was also commented about on the last Reddit Pizzagate post right when it was banned.
Over time, Racine became a topic of interest on Voat Pizzagate, Great Awakening and QRV. After the suspicious death of Jenny Moore and disappearance of other users, it became increasingly obvious how corrupt Voat moderators were when the most deleted comments and users were discussing Racine. Mods including Srayzie, Shizy, Crensch and others were outed for banning and deleting users who exposed their alts, blackmailing, doxxing, grifting, threats, downvoting, slandering, sliding, stalking and other tactics. They were caught fabricating accounts with obscene and absurd posts in an attempt to cover it up and justify their censorship and banning actions.
Many would claim that the comments about Racine must be from some advanced bots, and that was their reasoning for much of their actions when everyone knew it was never any bots, nor spam, nor disinformation, nor anything but The Truth.
U/into_the_continuum was one of the users who helped expose what they were really doing.
Aww shiiit, glad you pointed that out! "Gimme the fuggin keys ya fuggin cocksucka!..what da fuh?!" 😎🤣 Funny how our favorite flicks are so difficult to enjoy the same way now...
This was where i first heard about Q. I saw all the comments break the censorship and I knew that they were all right. I knew a storm was coming and something deep inside of me told me all those redpills were real. I heard of pizza gate knew it was real but when i saw this speech live and watched the twitter comments and hashtags i knew a storm was coming. NCSWIC
Did you know that SenateAnon showed up randomly on the chans and blew the entire PizzaGate & Racine, Wisconsin information wide open? Sending the Cabal into a frenzy to cover it up at all costs? And they've effectively done exactly that.
Did you know that Q then showed up randomly on the chans quickly after SenateAnon disappeared? Claiming to also be on the inside and providing top level information as to what was/is taking place?
And now flash forward to today... we see the media pushing the narrative of "QAnon". Why would the media do that? Unless they needed to convolute the search queries for "Q" and "SenateAnon" together (Q + SenateAnon = QAnon), making it much more difficult to find anything about PizzaGate, Racine, and SenateAnon... especially now that Voat was infiltrated and shutdown on CHRISTmas Day.
I saw the same exact situation occur with the GME situation. Whenever GME took off like a rocket in January 2021 and was about to liquidate the entirety of Wall Street... what did the evil fucks do? They shut down all GME talk the best they could (they failed to get ahead of it however), and they pushed a distraction to the forefront - "omg BB is squeezing too! Buy it! omg AMC is a squeeze too! Buy it! Omg Silver is squeezing - hurry and buy it!".
I have no idea what to take from this... all I am saying is to question everything. Especially because nearly every single end times prophecy in the Bible has been fulfilled... and my Bible also tells me to be careful not to fall for the deceptions and "false saviors" that will show up whenever we are close to or within end times.
Just something I've been thinking about & contemplating. Please don't crucify me.
All I do know for sure is that we are indeed on the brink of something really big. Whether it is going to continue down the path of end times and get much much worse.... or if it's going to take a sudden hard right turn and go the opposite way into prosperity - I don't know. My suggestion is to get right with Jesus and prepare just in case we don't receive a God-given miracle taking us into the hard right turn.
I've been hearing about Racine forever but never any solid story about what supposedly makes it special.
Did Q post on Racine?
Found one comment that I saved...
Browse through his comments and fall down a rabbit hole!
We need that user "truth" something or other. He's the Racine guy
Search Racine and I'm sure it'll come up he's linked to tons of info about it
Thank you u/SFAM1A and u/MAGAthinker and all others who are helping to dig into Racine.
Only together can The Root be Exposed.
If anybody knows anything about it, it's definitely him. I've gotten lost in his comments many times
Man, I don't know anything about it I just know that if you wanna talk Racine he's you're guy
Absolutely a good place to start
I will say that I 've been around since 2016 /r/The_Donald. I went through everything from the first election, Hillary's emails/Wikileaks, PizzaGate, Voat (very early days of it), and so on. However I never heard about Racine until recently whenever I stumbled over u/TrustTheTruth here and eventually I gave in and dug into it a bit. And I shit you not... it all checks out. It's very compelling. Especially more so whenever it stemmed from the same entity/event (SenateAnon) that kicked off PizzaGate... and I've never seen the Cabal more panicked than when PizzaGate hit the fan. Was also very compelling to find out that Jenny Moore (Voat member) who went to Racine to investigate it turned up dead in a hotel. It's definitely a wild rabbit hole, but it all makes sense and explains how/why we see the level of evil, corruption, and collusion that we see today. Old family blood lines, all sworn to secret societies, all have their own perverted/twisted satanic ways, majority of them worship anything anti-Christ (i.e. satan/baphomet/whatever), they want ultimate domination/control, vaccines are 100% a step in that direction, they have opened a backdoor for the CCP and are colluding, they are trying to bring to the USA exactly what China is further ahead on the curve of (social credit scores, 5G + AI, 24/7 surveillance, smart cities, massive corporations, citizens dont own any land/farm/water, mark of the beast). And then the ultimate goal is eternal enslavement, which = eradicating Christianity at all costs, which is what they have basically done in China. Not having a chance to be saved through Jesus Christ = Eternal Enslavement.
And if you think that sounds crazy... it's already here folks. The UN and all of its countries have already signed onto Agenda 2030, which introduces ID2020, which is a GLOBAL digital identity for each and every person. This GLOBAL ID will be used to do everything from vaccine verification, purchases, traveling, you name it.
Just look at the fucking Alliance for ID2020. Rockefeller, Microsoft (Gates), Gavi Vaccine Alliance, Mastercard, Facebook, etc.
As for any sort of physical mark? Well guess what - they've got that too. and it's being funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Koch Institute.
Sounds a lot like what the Bible talks about doesn't it?
Thank you and they have all been working toward the same end goals. Racine is the Root that connects all branches of their Agenda. It has been their under the radar meeting place for generations. The world is controlled by the secret, closed and open societies that network across corporations, governments and institutions to compartmentalize and implement their plans.
The Social Credit System and ID2020 with COVID, Facebook and the Big Tech Agenda all lead to The Mark of the Beast.
The Truth of Racine has been shared since The Beginning. Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way. The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin.
As in the Koch brothers? Aren’t they know for being huge Republican donors? Yet more proof that it’s all one giant Uni party. Republican my a$$, give me a Democrat any day so I know who I’m dealing with. Republicans are wolves in sheep’s clothing and the right has fallen for their lies for decades. We played into their hands perfectly. Sorry, not trying to be doom and gloom, I just get fired up when I think about all the Republican traitor scum we’ve voted for over the years. 🤯
Racine is Paul Ryan’s district and the historic Bellwether district of America.
The corrupt arm of the GOP was founded in Ripon and Racine, Wisconsin.
Slavery never ended in Racine with Joshua Glover and the Underground Railroad as everyone was told. It evolved.
There are four main types of slavery and many more beyond.
Why is Robin Vos meeting privately with Paul Ryan to obstruct investigations into election fraud in Wisconsin?
Why are they so worried about everyone finding out what really happened in Racine with the “Famous Wisconsin Five” funded by Zuckerberg and CTCL?
Racine guy was on Voat and I believe there is a deep rabbit hole there that I have never gone down. The Moore death just disappeared suddenly with and seemed like a hoax/psyop to scare people off researching pizzagate. Not to be disrespectful if real, it just didn't sit right with me. I believe Racine would be a perfect place for all of the things he's saying. Des Moines is another "nice" Midwestern town will a lot of absolute evil under the surface.
Yeah, but the Racine connections are weak. I was on Voat, I remember Jenny Moore...Did she go to Racine? Maybe she did. Maybe she went to lots of places...Wasn't she found dead in Maryland though? She was after DC pedos and Bill Clinton....I agree with much of what you posted, but the "connection" to Racine ...if you are making its best argument...looks pretty weak. Sorry.
Have you really researched anything shared about Racine?
Your knowledge about Racine is “pretty weak”, and you were attempting on Voat to get others to dismiss it with LOLs and “troll” references.
Will you Repent and help share The Truth?
Look at the elections for one glaring example. Racine’s involvement in rigging the key swing state of Wisconsin with Zuckerberg, CTCL, Knight Foundation, More than a Vote, Rock the Vote, ElectionGuard and other partners is undeniable.
Racine is the historic Bellwether district of America where Paul Ryan became the most powerful man in Congress for the decade leading up to Trump. You don’t find it odd that he suddenly left public office at the peak of his career after playing an instrumental role in the 8th Wonder of the World to “spend more time with family” yet was hired by Fox News?
Racine is also a major human trafficking hub in America.
It is also the model for UN Agenda 21 and 2030 (Sustainable Racine was the original model).
It is also the model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities.
It is also the model for the 4th Industrial Revolution.
it is also the model for public, private, Catholic and higher education.
It is also the Brookings model for “How We Rise”.
It is also sitting on the largest freshwater lake in the world.
Regarding Jenny Moore, she researched the leads about Racine and asked many questions. She began connecting it with her own research and found it all to be extremely credible and linked with the same networks she was investigating. Remember Racine is just north of Chicago, where the Podestas got their big break, and is a completely controlled community with a unique and private international airport, harbor and interstate access. Jenny dragged George Webb Sweigert to Racine. Despite his false promises, he did not want to go. She made him go.
George claimed to have met Jesus Christ in Racine who he said “had the drop on him.” George later stated that he gave too much credit and never wanted any help from Jesus Christ or Jenny Moore. Jenny knew that everything shared about Racine was The Truth. She figured out why George was proven to be a liar and untrustworthy from that meeting, found out what happened after the meeting, and had a big fight with George about it. Days later was found dead. His brother Dave found The Truth in a Titus Frost YouTube chat about a year later who knew too much about the situation, and George moved out of the hotel the very same day after being there so many months after Jenny’s passing.
In her final days Jenny vowed then on her new YouTube channel that she “would never trust George again.”
Before the meeting, the moderators on Voat Pizzagate had banned Jenny after she and others discovered they were doxxing, threatening and blackmailing users. They were exposed by a group of researchers and began creating alts to attack, slide and obfuscate what happened. They changed moderators and began doing what they vowed they would not - openly censoring, deleting, running alts, downvoting, gang stalking, doxxing and banning any who exposed their activities.
Jenny Moore and Racine were two of the most controversial topics on Voat Pizzagate and GreatAwakening, and they eventually censored, banned and threatened anyone who would even dare mention the word Racine.
Then Voat shut down on Christmas Day. Many offered to take it over. Many of the users and many of the corrupt moderators from Voat are here on GAW.
Why is this significant?
Water can be used for many purposes. It has memory. It is used in rituals for both Good and Evil. It can be used for quantum computing. It is also a main key to life.
They aim to control every aspect of life and community including health, education, food, water and energy from conception to cradle to career to grave and beyond.
Why is Bill Gates buying all the farmland? Who controls the global food supply?
Racine is also the gateway to the Path of Souls through Orion and the Milky Way. The area is sacred and connects back to ancient formations and civilizations.
Their agenda is not only global enslavement, but Eternal Enslavement.
Do you believe that Dracos and a handful of other beings with their own agendas are currently meddling in our affairs?
Racine is not some “boondocks county”. It was the once great model industrious city of America and invention capital of the world. It is the most globally influential small city where the elite have met for generations.
If you know anything about Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati, you should know how they are connected to Racine, Wisconsin.
Read the first comment here -
Then read these -
Bauer was Rothschild’s real name.
The Rothschilds live in Racine. The Bauers live in Racine. The Johnsons live in Racine. They are closely connected with the Gates and Rockefellers, and with Cornell University with Fauci, Mason Lab, the Sphinx Head Society and a certain intelligence agency that was the OSS.
It is the model for Agenda 21 and 2030, smart cities, community policing, election reform, education, prison and labor reform, human trafficking, sanctuary cities and the 4th industrial revolution.
Racine is the greatest trick and the Root that must be Exposed.
Racine is the keystone and everything shared is accurate.
This goes back much further than 1666 to ancient civilizations.
The path of Kabbalah with Tzvi, Sabbateans, Frankists and Jacobins leads to Racine.
What was the purpose of the false flag hate speech event at the synagogue in Racine? Who are the Knights of Pythias?
What does Seth Rich know about Camp Raman, Beber Camp and the Knights of Pythias?
What is the history of settlers in the Racine area?
Moses, the son of Schoendel Dobruschka, Frank's cousin, who was known in many circles as his nephew, was the outstanding figure in the last generation of the Frankists, being known also as Franz Thomas von Schoenfeld (a German writer and organizer of a mystical order of a Jewish Christian kabbalistic character) and later as Junius Frey (a Jacobin revolutionary in France).
Thank you. They have layers upon layers of players, groups, companies, thinktanks, PACs, NGOs, societies, clubs, associations, events, and can create new ones to infinity. Those at the top level are insulated with unlimited resources and contingencies.
The one constant is this location and its sacred meaning going back to ancient civilization, historic times, present and future. They must control Racine and the Great Lakes at all costs and keep the world from figuring out how it is the common link and gateway to so much of what is going on.
It is an interfaith alliance with global partnerships across industries, media, government, finance and all aspects of life and community. They also aim to control Christianity. It is their One World Religion and New World Order towards singularity and transhumanism with AI replacing God.
They use models for nearly everything, and many times Racine is the model or the model is designed, discussed or agreed on in Racine. They use their media to build support for their model, and then use that as evidence to copy and implement the model elsewhere.
We must use their own strategy against them by exposing the Root, revealing the Agenda, denying the Mark, and using it as the model to upend and expel the Evil from all communities.
This is the one thing they cannot control nor account for. If The World Unites by Exposing the Root, the Mark can be denied and their Agenda of global and eternal enslavement can be thwarted.
The Parousia begins in Racine. Jesus Christ is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.
Southern Wisconsin is where the center of galaxy intersects with the worlds largest fresh water source.
Agreed.. A union guy I used to work with would say "Now's the time to tighten up!"
Be prepared for brinkmanship that puts us over the brink.
The bible tells us exactly this:
Be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him” (Luke 12:40
Jesus Christ and The Truth are The Only Way.
The Parousia begins in Racine, Wisconsin by exposing the Root and model for the real Agenda of global and Eternal Enslavement with the Mark of the Beast forged through the Great Deception of Sustainability (Satan’s Ability) and enforced by Smart Cities, Resilient Communities, Quantum AI and Community Policing.
Jesus Christ is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.
If there is a place where this is still discussed, I would like to know. Once Reddit nuked it, it all went to Voat, but then sadly our enemies nuked Voat entirely. I know you can use searchvoat to look up old posts (at least ones that weren't scrubbed completely).
Racine was also commented about on the last Reddit Pizzagate post right when it was banned.
Over time, Racine became a topic of interest on Voat Pizzagate, Great Awakening and QRV. After the suspicious death of Jenny Moore and disappearance of other users, it became increasingly obvious how corrupt Voat moderators were when the most deleted comments and users were discussing Racine. Mods including Srayzie, Shizy, Crensch and others were outed for banning and deleting users who exposed their alts, blackmailing, doxxing, grifting, threats, downvoting, slandering, sliding, stalking and other tactics. They were caught fabricating accounts with obscene and absurd posts in an attempt to cover it up and justify their censorship and banning actions.
Many would claim that the comments about Racine must be from some advanced bots, and that was their reasoning for much of their actions when everyone knew it was never any bots, nor spam, nor disinformation, nor anything but The Truth.
U/into_the_continuum was one of the users who helped expose what they were really doing.
It was the Barbara Streisand effect by name.
I suggest you read the book "lsIamic Antichrist" by Joel Richardson. There is a lot more to come that Q has not covered
Such as?
wow!!! I just read that books summary Quasar. Thanks for the fyi
This!! 🙌🏻
And that was the same week the Vegas FF happened
Q Delivers
I have a feeling when it does "habben" it will happen when we least expect it.
This is an example of expecting something, don't get your hopes up.
Just think about it, if we know, they know.
It feels like white hats are putting a squeeze on DS.
Well jeez it's gotta happen SOMETIME. At the rate this forum predicts shit habbening people expect something every day
I just checked in to comment that you got a dope username fren
Aww shiiit, glad you pointed that out! "Gimme the fuggin keys ya fuggin cocksucka!..what da fuh?!" 😎🤣 Funny how our favorite flicks are so difficult to enjoy the same way now...
Ill need an ambulance soon.
I'm overdosing on hopium
This was where i first heard about Q. I saw all the comments break the censorship and I knew that they were all right. I knew a storm was coming and something deep inside of me told me all those redpills were real. I heard of pizza gate knew it was real but when i saw this speech live and watched the twitter comments and hashtags i knew a storm was coming. NCSWIC
i thought he was referring to stormy daniels story that came out a few months after this
Wow that was on my birthday 4 years ago? That makes me feel special.
Not the fastest storm I've seen
This makes me really sad
Wait till you see what happens 17 years from now buddy
The calm before the storm of....old age. Just joking. I love that it has been four years. Hoping for five.