It shows polar opposites. Bring trump in to turn the economy on, win trade wars, negotiate peace, and generally show the people what a real president is capable of and how good it can be.
Then allow the steal which serves two purposes.
1:) show people how bad it can be to get them awake and fighting
2:) set up the criminals to complete the steal and rope in as many people as possible.
Not saying this as fact or what is happening/happened. Just one of the reasons I can see for having the ability to stop a steal but not stopping it.
I concur. Not only all that but to those who understand probabilities, both 2016 & 2020 presidential races seem odd in that the 4 closest races went to the winner (or "winner") The chances are one out of 16 so it implies foul play on BOTH elections. Really weird eh?
The only thing that makes sense is like what that Q video said.. Q made sure that the steal didn't happen IN KEY STATES in 2016 and let the steal occur in 2020 in order to locate as many as possible swamp creatures in order to drain them all out.
Perhaps there's another scenario that explains all this but this is the only one that holds water that I have heard
I believe the DS wanted Trump to win, to mess with the elections, or to overturn the results. Trump played them and now they have Biden as their fake pres.
Thank you for the link to your research findings. At a first, somewhat cursory look-through, its impressive. I’ll look through it more carefully when I have more time.
I made a movie as well, I wanted to put it together in as much formats to attract as much attention as possible. Unfortunately, at a time when this info was important, I couldn't even get a sticky.
This info is very important - even now. I’m pretty sure that this election had to be stolen in order to sweep up all the perpetrators and their minions.
Saying “Look! They were going to steal the election!” has far less impact than “Look, they stole the election and we have proof. We’d found out they were going to and so we implemented surveillance to that end.” Nice and legal. And as a bonus we get to sweep up the willing little minions that agree to participate in the fraud, follow the money trails, etc, dredge out more swamp creatures.
Remember, white hats have known about this for a long time, but they want to set traps for these marxist scum to walk right into. The courts these marxist beasts are going to be facing aren’t the DS revolving door sham courts that imprison good people and let criminals free. When these marxist scum go down for this - and I truly believe they will - they’re going down for good. Just mho.
Your research skills are valuable and will continue to be so going forward. We can NEVER let these types of evil people gain any influence or power in the future, be it ten years, ten decades or ten centuries from now. The cleanup from our current sorry state of affairs and concurrent rebuild of society is going to take years to accomplish.
(Anyway, sorry for the long-winded reply. There’s just so much hand-wringing and dooming on this board lately that I felt a need to point out the white hat strategy is a ‘longer term to implement’ one in order to get longer term results).
There isn't a need for you to know. Remember: in life, and in business, and in wartime, the advantage goes to the competitor who does not flinch, and does not broadcast his game plan.
Where did I say that they don't know. Of course they know. That doesn't negate the strategy. You have to keep the enemy off balance.
You think patriots don't know about agent provocateurs? False flags? FBI glowies? Of course we do. But that doesn't stop the enemy from deploying them.
Probably blocked by firewall or anti-virus/anti-malware programs you have running on your computer. Try disabling either or both TEMPORARILY and see if it works. If it works, then you or someone will need to go through the settings to either allow or whitelist
Hey guys- did anything actionable come out of Lindells Cyber Symposium? I know he dropped like $20 mil on it and I haven’t really seen anything come from it.
I watched the whole symposium and I think it was a huge countermove by White Hat Patriots.
Representatives from all 50 States were in attendance. They had hack attempts 4 times at the beginning, but eventually got going. Many speakers and truth bombs on findings. Data & Stats revealed. Voter anomalies in just about every state revealed. Great Q & A panel. Guests like Dr. Shiva, Seth Keschel, Dr. Frank and others really laid it all out. Mesa County Colorado Clerk appearance and the fraud/cover-up in her county. Deep State players attending were outed.
So much was revealed and I think the DS panicked so they had to shift the news narrative off the symposium to the Afghanistan withdrawal. The symposium was Aug 10-13 and the Withdrawal was Aug 14-15th. Coincidence?
Interesting thing is that Tom Feeney who allegedly asked him to write the code, was a Republican. Feeney got trashed as allegedly being corrupt. My feel is that either Feeney didn't actually ask and was being framed as an easy target given his reputation OR he did ask but for the purpose of getting the Dems to think that Republicans were planning to cheat, so Dems actually went out and got the programs written so they can cheat... "they're going to cheat so we have to cheat to prevent the cheating!"
871 firefighters sue for 2 million dollars apiece...
2 X 871 = 1742 = 17 (Q) 42 (Rule 42 - Alice in Wonderland)
Rule forty-two is a reference to the King just making up a rule so that Alice could not defend herself against the charge of stealing tarts. She challenges the rule the King says is the "oldest rule in the book," to which Alice responds that if so, it "ought to be Number One."
Didn't catch the other team moving the goal posts... caught the referees.
Taken as allegory, any court in which the executive state authority, not the legislative, writes bespoke rules (as opposed to laws) as required (let alone in the middle of a trial - but judges often do this when they either over rule or sustain objections or in instructions to the jury) to achieve an outcome is beyond corrupt. It is no court at all since there is no rule of law that cannot be changed at whim as needed.
Reverse Lawfare is being waged across the country, this random number of firefighters (871) and the amount, 2 million per, is Q signalling like "Kilroy Was Here" in WWII, when you multiply the number of plaintiffs and the per plaintiff amount of damages claimed and the result is 17 / 42. The question is just who is being signaled... the judge... the city officials... opposing counsel.... I don't think it is to the audience of this movie alone.
Q is signalling again and again, through revealing the depth and scope of the rigged election, and the fact that except for the judge in Atrium County PA, every court (judge) has not allowed the case to be heard on technicalities of one form or the other (often corrupted interpretation of the law, or worse, corruption of some rule based on an interpretation of the law). Most of this is due to corruption, some of it is designed stage craft.. like the letter from A.G. Barr to the U.S. Attorney for Philadelphia area to not pursue investigation of fraud in Philadelphia - that was stage craft. Of course the Philly DAG does not know it was stage craft... which makes his performance in the propaganda war being waged absolutely authentic and unassailable in its sincerity.
Watch Hunger Games film #3 Mockingjay Part I - when Haymich (Woody Harrelson) explains why scripting Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) speeches for propaganda clips is a recipe for disaster. The entire subplot of the production of and broadcast of the propaganda pieces to attack President Snow and The Capitol is eerily prescient and when watched (or read in Mockingjay) along with the information about the use and timing of propaganda in Q drop #3882 makes what appears opaque quite transparent. Keep in mind the clips with the squirrel at Walter Reed / Bethesda Hospital and the one at the White House north lawn with the raccoon.
Dr. Shiva was on The Lindell Report on Wednesday, 6 October 2021... never mentioned the 4.2% deviation he talked about on the last day of the Cyber Symposium (42 Shiva attributes to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - see below comment). I mentioned before about both Shiva and Louis Carrol being math geniuses... and the possibility of Dr. Shiva not knowing comment below should be considered low.
Shiva's attribution of the 4.2% across the board deviation in Lindell's State by State "extrapolated" vote rigging without mentioning that 1) refs to 42 shows up a lot in Douglas Adams early writings and comedy skits 2) though he often denied later in his career, those who knew Adams in his early days would kid him about his obsession over Alice in Wonderland and putting a ref to 42 in a lot of his writing. Shiva tagged the ref to Hitchhiker's Guide to not be obvious about using the ref to Alice in Wonderland since the latter ref is used often in Q drops.
Just in case...
Dr. Shiva / War Room Interview at Lindell's Cyber Symposium on Day 3 / 08/12/2021
Is Sidney's hair purple? Normally I'd be judgmental, especially with "soccer moms" who are trying to remain relevant by dyeing their hair some bright color. I'll give Sidney a pass, because she is truly Punk Rock, kicking ass and taking names. Unlike all these faux "cool" middle-aged women trying to relive their high school years because they sure as hell didn't dye their hair back then. Sorry, end of rant.
Kim Clement's "Two Presidents" Prophecy coming into view.
I thought it was incredible that they revealed the Gov owns a patent to switch votes to elect who they want.
This probably means back in 2016, Trump broke the algorithm.
Would make a great Jaws meme where they say "We're gonna need a bigger algorithm".
according to one Q video, those military people who asked Trump to run were able to correct the those flips on the spot
But strangely couldn’t do it this last election?
It shows polar opposites. Bring trump in to turn the economy on, win trade wars, negotiate peace, and generally show the people what a real president is capable of and how good it can be.
Then allow the steal which serves two purposes.
1:) show people how bad it can be to get them awake and fighting
2:) set up the criminals to complete the steal and rope in as many people as possible.
Not saying this as fact or what is happening/happened. Just one of the reasons I can see for having the ability to stop a steal but not stopping it.
I concur. Not only all that but to those who understand probabilities, both 2016 & 2020 presidential races seem odd in that the 4 closest races went to the winner (or "winner") The chances are one out of 16 so it implies foul play on BOTH elections. Really weird eh?
The only thing that makes sense is like what that Q video said.. Q made sure that the steal didn't happen IN KEY STATES in 2016 and let the steal occur in 2020 in order to locate as many as possible swamp creatures in order to drain them all out.
Perhaps there's another scenario that explains all this but this is the only one that holds water that I have heard
This would mean that Trump won by more in 2016. Maybe even a lot more. The Q team was only focused on making sure he got in
I believe the DS wanted Trump to win, to mess with the elections, or to overturn the results. Trump played them and now they have Biden as their fake pres.
Joe is just a Resident.
"We did it all for you. Dont you know you're too stupid to decide who gets to lord over you?"
Only one government is actually running anything. The other is being run.
Dear Jesus, we need your help!!!!!
I exposed all of this right after the election:
Sidney retweeted this research a few days after I released it.
Thank you for the link to your research findings. At a first, somewhat cursory look-through, its impressive. I’ll look through it more carefully when I have more time.
I made a movie as well, I wanted to put it together in as much formats to attract as much attention as possible. Unfortunately, at a time when this info was important, I couldn't even get a sticky.
This info is very important - even now. I’m pretty sure that this election had to be stolen in order to sweep up all the perpetrators and their minions.
Saying “Look! They were going to steal the election!” has far less impact than “Look, they stole the election and we have proof. We’d found out they were going to and so we implemented surveillance to that end.” Nice and legal. And as a bonus we get to sweep up the willing little minions that agree to participate in the fraud, follow the money trails, etc, dredge out more swamp creatures.
Remember, white hats have known about this for a long time, but they want to set traps for these marxist scum to walk right into. The courts these marxist beasts are going to be facing aren’t the DS revolving door sham courts that imprison good people and let criminals free. When these marxist scum go down for this - and I truly believe they will - they’re going down for good. Just mho.
Your research skills are valuable and will continue to be so going forward. We can NEVER let these types of evil people gain any influence or power in the future, be it ten years, ten decades or ten centuries from now. The cleanup from our current sorry state of affairs and concurrent rebuild of society is going to take years to accomplish.
(Anyway, sorry for the long-winded reply. There’s just so much hand-wringing and dooming on this board lately that I felt a need to point out the white hat strategy is a ‘longer term to implement’ one in order to get longer term results).
I appreciate that, but I wanted some military Seal Team 6 style group to scoop this guy up before he went into hiding. He's assuredly a ghost now.
Still important. If you got a sticky it’s not like the election was getting overturned.
No, but still, this community broke some major news
Is there a reason that it's always about to be released? It's just around the corner! We'll drop this tomorrow! Coming soon! It's getting old.
Careful, you’ll be banned for two weeks like I was.
How do you get the enemy to spend ammo?
Sooooooo forever? How much ammo is there? And what are they doing with it? I haven't seen anything that's been happening.
Information warfare is a tricky battleground especially for laymen. Wins sometimes look like defeats.
There isn't a need for you to know. Remember: in life, and in business, and in wartime, the advantage goes to the competitor who does not flinch, and does not broadcast his game plan.
It does, actually. You have to let the enemy think it's cornered and you're "right around the corner" for them to empty their magazines.
Where did I say that they don't know. Of course they know. That doesn't negate the strategy. You have to keep the enemy off balance.
You think patriots don't know about agent provocateurs? False flags? FBI glowies? Of course we do. But that doesn't stop the enemy from deploying them.
No worries fren.
There is a reason but you wouldn’t like it
Enlighten me.
can never get rumble to play
Mine takes a long time to load the buffer and then plays. Just don't try rewinding or skipping ahead, you'll be lost in limbo.
but then you’ll have to figure out how long it was going before you awoke
and then rewind again
If you block ads, that is part of it. Usually just waiting it'll finally load.
I block ads. You just have to greylist the right domain
Probably blocked by firewall or anti-virus/anti-malware programs you have running on your computer. Try disabling either or both TEMPORARILY and see if it works. If it works, then you or someone will need to go through the settings to either allow or whitelist
Hey guys- did anything actionable come out of Lindells Cyber Symposium? I know he dropped like $20 mil on it and I haven’t really seen anything come from it.
The symposium was an homage to Plato’s symposium, it wasn’t intended for you
I watched the whole symposium and I think it was a huge countermove by White Hat Patriots.
Representatives from all 50 States were in attendance. They had hack attempts 4 times at the beginning, but eventually got going. Many speakers and truth bombs on findings. Data & Stats revealed. Voter anomalies in just about every state revealed. Great Q & A panel. Guests like Dr. Shiva, Seth Keschel, Dr. Frank and others really laid it all out. Mesa County Colorado Clerk appearance and the fraud/cover-up in her county. Deep State players attending were outed.
So much was revealed and I think the DS panicked so they had to shift the news narrative off the symposium to the Afghanistan withdrawal. The symposium was Aug 10-13 and the Withdrawal was Aug 14-15th. Coincidence?
Here's the video from the 2000 hearing she references:
Interesting thing is that Tom Feeney who allegedly asked him to write the code, was a Republican. Feeney got trashed as allegedly being corrupt. My feel is that either Feeney didn't actually ask and was being framed as an easy target given his reputation OR he did ask but for the purpose of getting the Dems to think that Republicans were planning to cheat, so Dems actually went out and got the programs written so they can cheat... "they're going to cheat so we have to cheat to prevent the cheating!"
Summary for those that can't watch video?
Worth watching for sure!
Is it normal to be aroused by Sidney's voice? Asking for a friend.
Frank Speech is on Roku.
Count the visible pearls/stones on Sidney's necklace... yup.
Well, this sucks...
Article states damages sought in case is $2.5 million.... not $2 million.
Always wait for the horse you rode in on to finish drinking before counting your chickens.
cc: v8power
9 October 2002
871 firefighters sue for 2 million dollars apiece...
2 X 871 = 1742 = 17 (Q) 42 (Rule 42 - Alice in Wonderland)
Rule forty-two is a reference to the King just making up a rule so that Alice could not defend herself against the charge of stealing tarts. She challenges the rule the King says is the "oldest rule in the book," to which Alice responds that if so, it "ought to be Number One."
Didn't catch the other team moving the goal posts... caught the referees.
Taken as allegory, any court in which the executive state authority, not the legislative, writes bespoke rules (as opposed to laws) as required (let alone in the middle of a trial - but judges often do this when they either over rule or sustain objections or in instructions to the jury) to achieve an outcome is beyond corrupt. It is no court at all since there is no rule of law that cannot be changed at whim as needed.
Reverse Lawfare is being waged across the country, this random number of firefighters (871) and the amount, 2 million per, is Q signalling like "Kilroy Was Here" in WWII, when you multiply the number of plaintiffs and the per plaintiff amount of damages claimed and the result is 17 / 42. The question is just who is being signaled... the judge... the city officials... opposing counsel.... I don't think it is to the audience of this movie alone.
Q is signalling again and again, through revealing the depth and scope of the rigged election, and the fact that except for the judge in Atrium County PA, every court (judge) has not allowed the case to be heard on technicalities of one form or the other (often corrupted interpretation of the law, or worse, corruption of some rule based on an interpretation of the law). Most of this is due to corruption, some of it is designed stage craft.. like the letter from A.G. Barr to the U.S. Attorney for Philadelphia area to not pursue investigation of fraud in Philadelphia - that was stage craft. Of course the Philly DAG does not know it was stage craft... which makes his performance in the propaganda war being waged absolutely authentic and unassailable in its sincerity.
Watch Hunger Games film #3 Mockingjay Part I - when Haymich (Woody Harrelson) explains why scripting Katniss (Jennifer Lawrence) speeches for propaganda clips is a recipe for disaster. The entire subplot of the production of and broadcast of the propaganda pieces to attack President Snow and The Capitol is eerily prescient and when watched (or read in Mockingjay) along with the information about the use and timing of propaganda in Q drop #3882 makes what appears opaque quite transparent. Keep in mind the clips with the squirrel at Walter Reed / Bethesda Hospital and the one at the White House north lawn with the raccoon.
Dr. Shiva was on The Lindell Report on Wednesday, 6 October 2021... never mentioned the 4.2% deviation he talked about on the last day of the Cyber Symposium (42 Shiva attributes to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - see below comment). I mentioned before about both Shiva and Louis Carrol being math geniuses... and the possibility of Dr. Shiva not knowing comment below should be considered low.
Shiva's attribution of the 4.2% across the board deviation in Lindell's State by State "extrapolated" vote rigging without mentioning that 1) refs to 42 shows up a lot in Douglas Adams early writings and comedy skits 2) though he often denied later in his career, those who knew Adams in his early days would kid him about his obsession over Alice in Wonderland and putting a ref to 42 in a lot of his writing. Shiva tagged the ref to Hitchhiker's Guide to not be obvious about using the ref to Alice in Wonderland since the latter ref is used often in Q drops.
Just in case...
Dr. Shiva / War Room Interview at Lindell's Cyber Symposium on Day 3 / 08/12/2021 (go to time hack 39 min, 30 sec / no timestamp on rumble when Bannon interviews Dr. Shiva).
Have an interesting thought about the fake set that Biden has been using... will cc: when I put up that comment.
cc: v8power
cc: u/MAGAdeburger
Is Sidney's hair purple? Normally I'd be judgmental, especially with "soccer moms" who are trying to remain relevant by dyeing their hair some bright color. I'll give Sidney a pass, because she is truly Punk Rock, kicking ass and taking names. Unlike all these faux "cool" middle-aged women trying to relive their high school years because they sure as hell didn't dye their hair back then. Sorry, end of rant.
Sidney, you go girl!
Don’t. Purple hair means she is showing you her true colours as one of the rainbow people, one of the clowns. It’s their uniform.
Purple hair and her studded biker's black leather vest!
I was ready for Cthulhu to descend from the heavens.
Trolling is a subtle art. Not for everyone.
Can you explain please?