Exactly, the Nazis were killing the Bolshevik Jews, they chased them through Europe as they tried to escape. Hitler just bit off more than he could chew.
Hitler literally addressed these types of accusations
on the accusation hitler was a rothschild agent. He closed down the german Austrian and french branches of the house of rothschild/ rothschilds banks. And seized their property. This is a baseless myth, made up by people who are too afraid, because of their indoctrination, to admit that hitler was fighting globalism. Others who perpetuate this myth are actively subverting the truth.
on the accusation hitler created israel
on the accusation hitler was a zionist
Hitler also hated occultists and masons. more in this video .aleister crowley had already fled the country but hitler imprisoned many of his followers. As well as anyone involved in any masonic lodge.
I have many more archived links on this subject if you're interested
I'll believe what US military intelligence saving the world has told me, and you believe whatever bumfuck corner of the internet information you found.
I am a Q supporter bud. Doesn’t mean I have to worship Q posts blindly though. Their whole point is to think and research for yourself, might want to try it. Or go back to r/politics
nazis were into the occult same as the cabal, hitler was part of a occult group and they thought hitler was their chosen one.
Read the book "The Spear of Destiny" by - Trevor Ravenscroft talks all about how he was part of their twisted group, how hitler was doing psychedelics which is probably why he was such a nutter as doing them without preparation opens your mind to quickly and can cause all sorts of problems.
He was also funded by the same cabal bankers.
He was time magazines person of the year as he was the person the cabal chose, i think later on hitler just did whatever he wanted thought he was god kinda like saddam then they turned on him cause he was getting to powerful but he was just a dumb idiot following satan as they all are.
Also hitler was related to the roths so just another scumbag like the rest.
there were a few that were gay, goering was a tranny also.
WW2 germany was kind of weird as they were encouraged to have as much sex as possible to have more children for the war effort, it was the reason mengle was so interested in twins as he thought he could maximize the amount of children.
So sex was more open than most other places and getting random girls pregnant was a good thing for the war effort.
There was also a lot of wife swapping and such with the the nazi high command.
So i think being gay if you were a higher up was accepted but they also killed a bunch of gays and others.
Also if you read about weimar germany 1918 to 1933, it was similar to how the left is acting today along with child prostitutes and tranny's, weird degen art etc which is why people thought hitler could solve the problems of the day as everything was so messed up.
They don't tend to talk about it much these days, but generally when you have such degen behavior it really shows a lack of self control and people focusing on animal desires like sex, emotional outbursts etc rather than improving things and things just go turn to shit, a bit like the leftys today.
I seem to remember that that kind of degenerate behavior historically happens as a civilization is declining.
Nice. Hhmmm...I think a lot of homos think (or fantasize) that straight Alpha’s are gay...BUT no telling the debauchery any bunch of power hungry freaks espouse? Thanks God, it’s beyond me. Their salute WAS gay tho.
Funded by the bankers? They literally made Germany crash and he kicked them out and made their own currency. How was he funded by them when they bled he and all of the Germans dry?
Hitler literally addressed these types of accusations
on the accusation hitler was a rothschild agent. He closed down the german Austrian and french branches of the house of rothschild/ rothschilds banks. And seized their property. This is a baseless myth, made up by people who are too afraid, because of their indoctrination, to admit that hitler was fighting globalism. Others who perpetuate this myth are actively subverting the truth.
on the accusation hitler created israel
on the accusation hitler was a zionist
Hitler also hated occultists and masons. more in this video .aleister crowley had already fled the country but hitler imprisoned many of his followers. As well as anyone involved in any masonic lodge.
I have many more archived links on this subject if you're interested
I can’t wait until I see Gillard (the lizard) who is in the pic with her sent to Gitmo soon. This Gillard when she was the Prime Minister of Australia, gave the Clinton Foundation $500 million of taxpayers hard earned money. When the Australian people kicked her to the gutter, she got a job at the Clinton Foundation in New York…….overseeing ‘school children’programs. Evil woman.
🤮🤮🤮 Julia Gillard was the worst Prime Minister we have ever had in Australia .. you guys dodged the biggest bullet with Hillary never becoming President! Both are bitter angry women!
Judging by the color scheme of Epstain's monstrosity, I'd say Killary isnt the "bottom bitch." I wonder what the other one had to give up in order to have this pic set up?
interesting fact Reagan was shot with exploding bullets that did not go off, just shows they were really trying to get rid of him and he was not supposed to survive.
It wasn't the police, it was his lawyer Alan Dershowitz who got him special treatment. It always weirded me out that Dershowitz defended Epstein when he was in trial, but then Trump hired him to defend him for his impeachment.
Cept Nazis were fighting the same cabal we are now…
Read Q.
Lots of posts how evil the Nazis were/are.
Unless you don't believe Q, then bye.
Exactly, the Nazis were killing the Bolshevik Jews, they chased them through Europe as they tried to escape. Hitler just bit off more than he could chew.
Here's a good one for him
Hitler literally addressed these types of accusations on the accusation hitler was a rothschild agent. He closed down the german Austrian and french branches of the house of rothschild/ rothschilds banks. And seized their property. This is a baseless myth, made up by people who are too afraid, because of their indoctrination, to admit that hitler was fighting globalism. Others who perpetuate this myth are actively subverting the truth. on the accusation hitler created israel on the accusation hitler was a zionist Hitler also hated occultists and masons. more in this video .aleister crowley had already fled the country but hitler imprisoned many of his followers. As well as anyone involved in any masonic lodge. I have many more archived links on this subject if you're interested
I'll just trust Q on it, thank you very much.
I'll believe what US military intelligence saving the world has told me, and you believe whatever bumfuck corner of the internet information you found.
Just a FYI Q is from THE bumfuck corner of the internet lol…but yes fair believe whatever you would like
Surprise surprise.
You can't read. Check out the right column. Q supporters on this site only.
Go back to Voat.
I am a Q supporter bud. Doesn’t mean I have to worship Q posts blindly though. Their whole point is to think and research for yourself, might want to try it. Or go back to r/politics
nazis were into the occult same as the cabal, hitler was part of a occult group and they thought hitler was their chosen one.
Read the book "The Spear of Destiny" by - Trevor Ravenscroft talks all about how he was part of their twisted group, how hitler was doing psychedelics which is probably why he was such a nutter as doing them without preparation opens your mind to quickly and can cause all sorts of problems.
He was also funded by the same cabal bankers.
He was time magazines person of the year as he was the person the cabal chose, i think later on hitler just did whatever he wanted thought he was god kinda like saddam then they turned on him cause he was getting to powerful but he was just a dumb idiot following satan as they all are.
Also hitler was related to the roths so just another scumbag like the rest.
Hitler was a meth addict. Meth can induce hallucinations yet never heard he was doing psychedelics. WHAT psychedelics? I’m calling BS on that.
Peyote apparently according to the book, crazy stuff though and this was before he was in power.
Page discussing this from the book https://i.postimg.cc/wvrxfZXV/Hitler-Does-Peyote.png
Any way read the book its pretty crazy but tracks with what we now know of what the elites are into.
Will read; thanks 👍🏽 I’m pretty much an expert on entheogens, but apparently not about Hitler?
there were a few that were gay, goering was a tranny also.
WW2 germany was kind of weird as they were encouraged to have as much sex as possible to have more children for the war effort, it was the reason mengle was so interested in twins as he thought he could maximize the amount of children. So sex was more open than most other places and getting random girls pregnant was a good thing for the war effort.
There was also a lot of wife swapping and such with the the nazi high command.
So i think being gay if you were a higher up was accepted but they also killed a bunch of gays and others.
Also if you read about weimar germany 1918 to 1933, it was similar to how the left is acting today along with child prostitutes and tranny's, weird degen art etc which is why people thought hitler could solve the problems of the day as everything was so messed up. They don't tend to talk about it much these days, but generally when you have such degen behavior it really shows a lack of self control and people focusing on animal desires like sex, emotional outbursts etc rather than improving things and things just go turn to shit, a bit like the leftys today.
I seem to remember that that kind of degenerate behavior historically happens as a civilization is declining.
Nice. Hhmmm...I think a lot of homos think (or fantasize) that straight Alpha’s are gay...BUT no telling the debauchery any bunch of power hungry freaks espouse? Thanks God, it’s beyond me. Their salute WAS gay tho.
We rebuilt S & G right here. Disgusting imo. But you got something on the game show thing...don’t be surprised if we see that?
Funded by the bankers? They literally made Germany crash and he kicked them out and made their own currency. How was he funded by them when they bled he and all of the Germans dry?
Hitler literally addressed these types of accusations on the accusation hitler was a rothschild agent. He closed down the german Austrian and french branches of the house of rothschild/ rothschilds banks. And seized their property. This is a baseless myth, made up by people who are too afraid, because of their indoctrination, to admit that hitler was fighting globalism. Others who perpetuate this myth are actively subverting the truth. on the accusation hitler created israel on the accusation hitler was a zionist Hitler also hated occultists and masons. more in this video .aleister crowley had already fled the country but hitler imprisoned many of his followers. As well as anyone involved in any masonic lodge. I have many more archived links on this subject if you're interested
nah your thinking of that big brute Micheal 0bama https://i.postimg.cc/DfJFBC8C/michelle-obama-time-magazine-most-beautiful-woman-that-ever-lived-sad-hill-news.jpg
Now isn't that special. Great catch.
Stephen Colbert's twitter pfp.
Ellen's set.
Qualcomm HQ (they make the adreno GPU chip)
Aleppo, Syria - public baths.
Mark Zuckerberg.
"Welcome to the red room of pain."
Ikr he has this weird deadpan arrogance about him
Can't wait to see Hilldog in a black & white striped pantsuit...or my fave, orange
I can’t wait until I see Gillard (the lizard) who is in the pic with her sent to Gitmo soon. This Gillard when she was the Prime Minister of Australia, gave the Clinton Foundation $500 million of taxpayers hard earned money. When the Australian people kicked her to the gutter, she got a job at the Clinton Foundation in New York…….overseeing ‘school children’programs. Evil woman.
Wow Vlad, harsh. 😳
I'm down. Fuck that cunt.
Just like Ellen’s set
🤮 They make me want to hurl.
Gees, I thought that was Gina Haspell at first.
🤮🤮🤮 Julia Gillard was the worst Prime Minister we have ever had in Australia .. you guys dodged the biggest bullet with Hillary never becoming President! Both are bitter angry women!
Hold up, I need to go throw away a tshirt I have.
Am I mistaken or is that the former treasonous lesbian (((head of state))) from Australia that gave the CF 20million just to have her lose in the end?
I don't get why they would show any sort of symbolism if they are fighting a losing battle.
They need to flaunt it. It's part of their religion. Something about consent.
Fat-arsed Gillard ran around calling any man who dared criticize her a misogynist. Good riddance.
Tjey put the Jews in stripes like that. Maybe so the symbolize they die in the temple by wearing the stripes and complete the sacrifice to Satan?
Don’t forget the set of Ellen Degenerate talk show.
Judging by the color scheme of Epstain's monstrosity, I'd say Killary isnt the "bottom bitch." I wonder what the other one had to give up in order to have this pic set up?
Looks like Swillary is wearing a used '63 Sadillac. They didn't even bother to take the dents out
Julia Gillard, short-lived Australian Prime Minister who was involved in a money laundering and extortion scheme with an ex boyfriend.
Also, remember when Q asked "What does it mean to be covered in GOLD?"
Well, I never did understand that one, but look at Hillary's outfit there.
Also: Julia looks like a dude. When a Cabal woman looks like a man, I usually assume it IS a man.
It's supposedly to represent the sun god Ra who has gold skin. The dome on the Epstein temple is thought to represent the sun above Ra.
Gillard 100% a bloke. Thought it were a nasty lesbian cunt my whole life but then I grew up
No one is the gender God gave them.
Some dude fucked that?
Her male ‘partner’ was a hairdresser, so probably not.Chances are she is a lesbo.
Seems common amongst Australian top ministers. Lol
And why is her neck so long? Mine’s hurting just looking at that...
Lizzard neck.
Mitch McConnell‘s sister? The similarities are too close. 🤣😂🤣
kek they really do
interesting fact Reagan was shot with exploding bullets that did not go off, just shows they were really trying to get rid of him and he was not supposed to survive.
It's on top of underground bunkers, here's pictures inside posted by Rachel "Child Handler" Chandler. https://qalerts.app/?n=3401
I read in another thread that those Chandler pics were from the Magic Castle in Los Angeles.
It’s from Epstein Island. Around the time I think Epstein realised he was in a lot of trouble and Q told us this in Qdrop #1000
Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels Underneath is temple on Epstein Island? Problem. Phones were allowed in. These people are stupid. Q
Epstein knew he was in trouble v cause that Miami Herald reporter was digging him for months.
He had a prior conviction but he was sent to jail but the corrupt police in the area allowed him out and privileges no other prisoners got. Sickening.
It wasn't the police, it was his lawyer Alan Dershowitz who got him special treatment. It always weirded me out that Dershowitz defended Epstein when he was in trial, but then Trump hired him to defend him for his impeachment.