I live in a red state but a very blue area. Just got some snacks and stuff and as I'm standing in line, this guy is just grilling me from the other line parallel to me.
He starts speaking loudly to the person behind him who was not with him that "he should be a mask. Why do they let them in here? Someone should make him wear it". The person shrugged and didn't respond. I didn't say anything.
He kept staring at me and speaking louder and louder and we both got the our respective registers at the same time. At this point, he begins grilling the cashier, a young girl, about their lack of mask enforcement. She says there's nothing she can do about it and ignores the rest of his ramblings.
This faggot decides to get my attention and directly yells "where's you're fucking mask?". I decided not to respond as it was obvious the crowd was not going to back him up as I suspect he might have thought.
He ran his mouth some more and left. He was just ahead of me on the way out. The managers were called in and they stood at the exit of the registers thinking something was gonna pop off but I smiled at them and walked out.
As I left, he said something under his breath about me which I couldn't understand but I snapped.
I don't know why I snapped but this little prick just needed to be put in his place.
So I walked over to his car and told him if he's got something to say, say it now. Of course, he pussed out immediately and began bargaining with me about safety.
I calmly told him that if he ever sees me and runs his mouth again that his jaw would be hanging loose from his face.
I used to get into it with people publicly who tried to Karen me but too many phones and faggots out there who will make you look like the Asshole.
I think it's time to deal with these types on a one on one manner where you calmly let them know how real things can get.
If they’re really worried about personal safety, they might want want to reconsider running their mouth.
I've been really fucking irritated lately. I wanted to murder that dude and I'm very lucky I didn't snap.
Prayer helps I promise. We gotta be patient, remember they are completely brain washed. Instead of anger we should feel bad for them.
Are you patient with satan though? Some people will never even accept God. You can't say they were brainwashed. There will be a reckoning, just like this guy had.
God is patient with satan. Remember when God allowed satan to test Him? God allows satan to exist and pervert His people, but God knows that He wins in the end. But you are correct that some will never accept God, but only God knows who won’t and who will accept Him. It is our job to spread the Word and hope that our spreading of faith works. God will do the rest, or not, only He knows.
Should have told him you are much more dangerous to his health than a cold.
I hear ya and am right there with you on the snapping point. Good restraint and it MAY cause him to stop getting in other people's face with HIS problem.
I try to red-pill as many as I can but like you, have ran into some loud mouth sheep. They will (unfortunately) get far worse than a dislocated jaw in the end. Can you imagine living that pitiful existence? I try to ignore the bleating only engaging when I think there might be a soul wanting to be saved. All in all I understand what you are going through. It fucking sucks. Hang in there. We are all here for you.
A LOT of us are getting there.
It's gonna really suck for them soon.
That's the proof they aren't They're cowards who want you to cuck with them.
They could stay inside if they're worried about their health.
You behaved in an exemplary manner. Kudos.
I'm proud of you. And thanks for the reminder that we all need to deal with things in a way that doesn't give our enemies ammunition to use against us.
You did better than me. I am getting grouchy in my old age.
I should have said that for sure lol. I gotta cool off so I can deal with these assholes differently. Otherwise, I will lose it and end up in jail.
😂🤣😂🤣 Thank you
Act like you don't understand him and say the mask is muffling his voice. Try to get him to take it off!
"Do you know what's even better for your health than wearing a mask?
Minding your own &#%$& business!"
I love this line. I'm gonna file that one in my repertoire.
Yeah its funny how when you get them one on one they puss out. He is likely disappointed in his own life and just looking for attention.
You should have pointed out to him how stupid he looked wearing a mask! He's probably one of those that wear a mask while driving his car with no one in the car with him!
I'm tired of negotiating and debating with them. They're quick to pull out there phones and begin labelling you for the other fags who watch it online. This guy needed a reality check and from now on, this is how I am going to confront anyone who wants to comment. I've had it with their shit.
"Masks don't block air from going right through and around the edges, or else you'd have suffocated by now. But they DO restrict oxygen to your brain—that much is evident."
Especially children in their learning years An that damage is permanent.
The problem with debating retards about any of this, is they are so biased that they hear nothing you say and only want reinforcement that justifies their bad decisions. Just say ok, and walk off. Tards gonna tard.
One of my brothers is a seasoned deputy sheriff who doesn't take shit from anyone. When this mask insanity started, he was in a store when some maskhole acted just like this Ken. When Ken asked my brother where his mask was, my bro answered, "On your mom's nightstand!" and proceeded out the door to his car. The guy actually followed my brother to tell him that his answer made him laugh so hard. LOL
"I'm sorry sir, but I don't subscribe to your religion."
Good for you. I'm sad that other people didn't defend your rights and jump on him for being an idiot.
Cowards like that may try to get the crowd to attack you... but if the crowd turns against THEM, they quickly shut up.
I did that to a guy once he was running his mouth and he offered me a ride to my truck in the company truck. I waited 20 min till we arrived at my truck, As I got out I leaned over to him I said if you ever run your mouth about me again it would be his last time he ever run his mouth. He was 10 years older then me but I’m a hero compared to this chump. His face was priceless and he knew not to say much he said Ok. Never heard boo for him again. He did say hello to me once which I coldly ignored . NCSWIC
That's all you really need to do to these people.. challenge their commitment to do something THEMSELVES..
Dont be afraid to do something like this again to the same guy or if it happens again by someone else. they arent warriors like we are, they are pawns.
You should have asked where his gold star is.
Next time, ask them what bills of yours they are going to pay. Ask them if they're going to put gas in your tank. Tell them that unless they start paying ALL of your expenses, that they don't get to tell you how to live your life.
Supreme Leader Kim appreciates your kind words
Well Done Pede
Just know that EVERYONE else thinks these clowns are a bunch of idiots. I have been in stores with them and we all just wish they would shut their big fat mouths. Did they never learn to MYOB?!
Totally feeling all these comments. These freedom hating faggots don't deserve America and need to move to Australia.
I just tell people... My freedom is more important than your safety. LOL They hate that.
I really like that one lol
These fuck stains aren't worth it. You gotta kill them with kindness. Treat them like a 2 year old who is throwing a fit because they didn't get their way. Just reply with empathetic responses and say I know a lot. I know sport, that's too bad. Oh how sad for you. That's a bummer. This shit gets in their head and fucks with them way more than breaking their face. When people flip me off on the highway, I just smile and wave.
Yes. Carry around a pocket of Dum Dums and hand them one like a toddler at the doctor's office. If that doesn't bring the gay out of them, simply sweep the leg. I'm a huge advocate of Rex Kwon Do
Break the wrist and walk away.
I'm cathartically living through your experience, lol
It happens OP. I'm a pretty chill dude but I blew up on some asshole in San Francisco. AFTER he already walked passed us he yells Wear your fucking mask to me and my family, I normally would've just stopped and watched him continue to walk away but my adrenaline was already pumping from a near confrontation with a schizo homeless guy, so I went off on on this clown. Luckily he kept moving on. Once at the car my wife didn't even get mad at me. And she has never, not once, been OK with me getting in any confrontation. This time she said who the fuck does that guy think he is, she was pissed. Anyway, we can't always be nice when it seems like we are constantly under attack.
Agreed, fren. Agreed.
Reminds me of the Mike Tyson quote:
They are the criminals, taking your rights away. Don't let them
No, I like what rooftoptendie said in another post about throwing it back at them. Call him a bully. Loudly in a store or wherever it happens-just say “you’re a bully” and see what happens. I bet silence is what happens.
Walgreens is kinda woke in my NY metro area.
I like your style, fren.
You gotta remember, these idiots speak like they've never been smacked in the mouth before. There is a remedy for that of course, but you did well to avoid giving it to him. The way i am now, i cannot guarantee i could say i could have done the same.
Burrito Bro would be proud.
Just remember, cameras everywhere. Also, they're looking for an incident to put on the news to make the unmasked/vaxxed look crazy and dangerous.