I am on a day off and go back into work tomorrow morning. Just got a phone call from the supervisor of housekeeping. This in itself is interesting as she is not my supervisor. My supervisor is a gutless incompetent. The whole line above him are also apparently. She apologised for calling and said she was told by her bosses to call me. She was very uncomfortable with it.
They are mandating the vax for all. But first they want us all to sign a piece of paper that tells them what our Vax status is. I told her that I assumed they already, somehow, knew my status or she would not be calling me. She said she would send me the paperwork, via e-mail, as it has to be in by today or I would get a letter in my file, or worse.I told her I would not be signing it and my status was between me and my DR. I said that they could go ahead and do what they had to do and they would be hearing from my lawyer.
I am lucky enough to be in a place in my life where I feel I can stir this pot and see what happens , without losing everything.
I am so tired frens, so sick of what seems like a lifetime of battles with these power hungry assholes. So tomorrow will be an interesting, although very stressful day.
Pray for me , I am asking for the armor of God and for his guidance in this fight.
This is only one of many hills I have stood upon in the name of freedom and light.
Similar situation here.... I'm not giving in. I have faith in God and in the millions of fellow patriots around the country, and the world, standing up for freedom and what they believe in.
My company just said that health care premiums for non-vaccinated folks will be $100/month higher than if you are vaccinated. I asked how they came up with the $100 figure, where the money was going and how it would be spent (crickets). My employer is ‘self-insured’ so this is not a mandate from an insurance company but from my employer.
Seriously if there are any lawyers who think this is now a good discrimination case please PM me. If they say insurance costs for unvaccinated are believed to be higher then why don’t they charge all the fat, lazy, obese pieces of shit $100/month, or smokers for that matter? If they cannot prove the added costs or why they will not target other ‘at risk’ categories of unhealthy bastards then this is now going beyond ‘coercion’ and entering the realm of extortion - is it not?
Sue for medical discrimination
You should have read original Obamacare bill better.
It prevented this.
Same situation here.... employer wasn’t ready to just come out and mandate the vax for everyone (as much as they would like to) they opted for coercive (voluntary) measures, like paying higher health care freedoms. We all argued about the same things you brought up.... why aren’t obese/unhealthy people paying higher premiums..... it’s amazing how obtuse a depressingly large percentage of the population is. Anyway, the coercive measures helped convince many, but the rest of us holdouts are now told to expect the outright mandate any day now. I’d like a good attorney contact as well
If you're interested, here is an affidavit prepared by constitutionalists who have won hundreds of cases in US courts using their constitutional methods. It's long, so you may want to edit it. It's got a fill in the blank style so you can tailor it to your specific situation. Good luck. Let us know if you use it and it helps.
Outstanding. Saved. Thanks for the resource.
I am waiting for them to "do harm" but will let you know.
There was a list of resources linked on this site that I referenced a few weeks ago, and I reached out to a couple of law firms but they haven’t returned my messages/emails..... if you have un updated list of attorneys that are following the vax info that we have and are on our side, I’d be grateful to get it. I think it’s about time to get in contact with one
You're doing God's work.
May he bless you and your family.
Thank for the references friend. Time to start dialing....
Are there any lawsuits from federal employees? I’m working on my religious exemption, but I expect it to be thrown into the round file.
There’s basically no legal recourse. You can be fired for being unvaccinated.
...for anything. The Law is dead.
I own a hotel company and restaurant compnay that operates in 41 states. I would be honored to offer you a job. We have far more than 100 employees but we are completing ignoring the "mandate". My brother and i have owned the company for 22 years and they tried to ruin all that hard work over the last 18 months. Fuck them, they dont get to tell me how or what i am going to demand my employees to do. if they want to get it, fine. if they dont then i am not testing or mandating anything. Tell them to bring Gandpa Joe, Nancy & AOC when they come to my office to fine me.......in all seriousness if you need a job i am hiring
Thank you for taking a stand with your business!!!
Im facing similar situation, but in Texas and Im hopeful Abbott's recent executive order banning mandates will convince my employer to back off. SouthWest airlines (not my employer) said they weren't backing down despite Abbotts order. Anyways if I find myself unemployed I may want to send you a resume. Im a highly skilled IT guy with database & reporting specialty.
You are in the positive to help a lot of people who are going to be hurt by these mandates. Hire only Frens, Pedes, Magas!
I’m going to need a new job soon too. Can you give us a hint to the name of your company? I don’t want you to dox yourself, but I’d love to check out your company.
Maybe Checkmateanon can private message the folks that are looking for jobs with his company so that he doesn’t put his info out. I would actually like to know the company in case I need a based hotel to stay at. But as you said I wouldn’t want him to dox himself telling us.
ThanQ! Great idea!
Do you need any CDL truck drivers who like driving at night?
Our Lord in Heaven... His highest son Jesus Christ.... please send your powerful hand down to rest on the shoulder of our OP Fren here, to guide and empower them to resist the evil forces standing in their way; but also to instill confidence and provide success in any transitory action that takes place should OP become jobless as a result of the evil forces attempting to impose their will on OP. We all pray together to support our Pedes and Frens, in your name, giving glory to you! Amen!
Amen ! Thanks!
Amen to this heartfelt prayer! 🙏
Whatever you do: speak the truth. Do not let falsehoods cross your lips. Stick to that rule and the outcome will be correct. Also, get all of their comms in writing, don't let a spoken word direct you. These people try to threaten with unwritten words, and that is where all the dirty deeds are done. So when they threaten you with whatever, state: "Can I have that in writing?". You are not obligated to share your vax-status because of privacy laws. You are not obligated to take an experimental procedure in order to keep your job, and they are not allowed to discriminate, on the basis of a perceived disability.
Yes I would have your phone and I would record everything. Whether you can see their faces or not, record it all
Yes. Suits love to use "If I didn't put it in writing, then I didn't say it." Get everything in writing.
Prayers up for you.....so many people, my children included, on the line to be unemployed soon.
Please pray for me as well. I just responded to a survey at my work with "I do not wish to disclose my status"
If this isn't the hill to die on I don't know what is. Pure Insanity!
I'm praying for you, fren. I'm just as tired and internally, extremely angry and fed up. You're doing the right thing. Don't compromise your integrity and hold the line. God bless.
Cast your cares upon Him and walk in there like you don’t have a care in the world. (Because you don’t.) He feeds the sparrows. He’s got you too!
I will try. I am struggling with my 60 odd years of "programing" , trying to break out of that matrix, you know.
Be sure to demand that your employers provide you with a complete list of their venereal diseases, any medications they are taking and any surgical procedures they might have had in the past 10-years. :>)
Fair is fair. You will provide YOUR list of vaccinations for their review after they comply to your request for their data.
I think I'd ask them if they're ready to disclose THEIR medical history as opposed to offering to disclose mine for ANY reason.
Dear Lord. I lift up my Fren to you, And ask you to go before him and fight his battles. I ask you to cover him with the complete armor of God, and that he would win this battle. Lord send your angels around him, and before him, and stand with him in this fight for truth. He’s asking for your help Lord, so I’m asking for you to help him too. In Jesus name amen
Amen ! Thanks! I have always had two gardian angles with me. I pray they are still about!
Sending prayers your way. . . .Who knows? You might be pleasantly surprised, given the difficulties in filling jobs.
That is the crazy part. We are already down two people and they have been trying to fill them for months. They are pushing to fire two of us for not vaxing and they will be left with 4 people , running an 8 person facility. Another coworker says he will retire if they start making him work a ton of overtime, which is already happening. It is amazing how they just do not care, just following orders, nazi's !
Same here. 🙏🏻 been gone 4 days.
God Bless Fren - know we are behind you 100% - and most importantly - GOD IS BEHIND YOU!!! Stay strong!
I got the same paper work from G4S /Allied as well. Told them to get bent. Had another job the following week. God is great! I hope it works out for you fren!
Yay I have had a bunch of interviews and close to offers but they end up balking when we discuss the mandates. Guess I haven't found an employer yet who is based.
You are a Patriot! Proud of You! Stand your ground!
Ride-on Patriot, RIDE ON!!
God is with you and bigger than all the evil you are facing.
Seems like the employers are more likely to back down when faced with the majority of their workforce resisting. Can you get enough co-workers to stand with you against the mandate?
To late. There are less than 10 of us,unjabbed , that I know of. Most folks are libs, others need the job to survive so feel like they had no choice.
I pray for you
That right, if you attest that you are fully vaxxed they make you upload a scan of your card. I got the first shot but not the second and if I forged the second they could fire me for lying so I have to just sit and wait for their move.
Godspeed to you and ALL of you refusing this tyranny. Excited to hear good reports back.
Stay strong brother.....
Have not yet received a ‘mandate’ from work, but will follow your approach if I do. Stay strong. I’m working on three side hustles/businesses that will serve as my life raft to freedom.
So far my approach has been non compliance and to ignore, but make copies of, each threatening e-mail or mandate. Being a "model" employee.
Props to you fren. Keep up the good fight. For me the key is reducing my dependency on my job for income. Been working hard to shift my thinking. Rich Dad Poor Dad, Think and Grow Rich, Richest Man in Babylon and other similar books are worth the time.
Yep, really only working for the insurance at this point in my life. Worked hard for pensions etc. As long as that all doesn't go away !
Create multiple streams of income. This is the way.
Think and grow rich. Excellent choice. I read and integrated the "secret" of this book over 25 years ago. Took 3 read throughs to fully get it. I mean fully as that core integration burning desire equivalent to instinct. That is the "secret"
Hold the line. The more of us that do the stronger we become. And you will live another day where the CSX Ed may or.
CSX Ed may or.. ?
Thanks !
Good for you, hold the line. You are fighting for what is right, not just for you, but for those who don't have the strength to fight. Will pray for you.
It's funny how many of the people around me , tell me they won't get boosters, ask me about my stance, are waking up but don't feel like they can fight. All I can do is set the example and become the guy they talk about for the next few years... remember that guy who...
Yes they will remember that guy who…
Lots of us are in the same boat,let's stand strong together.
Tell all of your supervisors that your antiabortion views conflict with the vaxx ingredients list.
Already submitted my religiose exemption, knowing full-well it will make no difference. They put together a new group, mostly lawyers, who are reviewing alll exemptions. Those who had already had their exemptions approved were asked to resubmit them.
Ask them for the correct spelling of their first and last name and their employee number. Will help with the lawsuit later
That's because they're politizing their decision instead of doing what is right!
Wanna win. Never give in to any of it. Not even the lie there was a thing called c9vid. It was all in people's minds and the normal flu made worse by the hysteria and treatments.
How do I know? No test period. End of fucking story. Not one single diagnosed case of covid all a lie. No fucking test. If you give in on that and say there is covid, act like there is covid then you will always be blind and wearing mask and losing jobs for not vaxxing. Fuck them and their lie.
Keeping you in my prayers
Stay strong. You are not alone. You have the rest of your life to love you for your firm Righteous stand.