He’s cussed a few times lately; last couple Rally’s come to mind too. This is not like him, so I’m flagging it as a signal we’re definitely getting close(?)!
I didn’t really brush it off either? I thought it would wear-off but lasted all day & gave it some thought. Pretty much same today. My empathy-meter is pegged for everyone under this mandate BS, but I dunno? I just feel calm? I’m thinking you keep showing & giving love and He rewards us. Calm before The Storm?
I'm having a bad day today and feel like we are completely screwed ... but when I'm stuck on something (unrelated to the Rats and their scheme), I tend to get pessimistic :-) . Just pay no attention to me ... I needed to vent a little :-P.
I used to watch celebrity apprentice. That’s all I knew about him. I could tell he’s a person in control of himself. I know people like that. (They don’t have money or business) People that have that type of demeanor don’t have to curse to show authority. Cursing doesn’t bother me, I’m terrible about it because I grew up with it. My husband is the opposite. If he curses people look up, like what’s wrong!?
That’s just the impression I got with his Iowa speech. He’s frustrated and disappointed in many people and things. I don’t take it as defeat!
Hopium...exactly! Trump had a golden opportunity on Jan 6th to show the world what he was made of and failed miserably. Definitely not what I had hoped he would be for sure. There's still a small part of me that thinks this whole thing may be a movie, but a bigger part of me is sick that many of my fellow Patriots are sitting in a prison with no freedom, no due process and torture! What's Trump doing?...Oh yeah, he's playing golf in Florida!!!! I also wonder how many Patriots have died because Trump told them and is still telling them to take the death jab!
Hawker, we feel you. But there is of course much more to all of this than just people here in the US. This is world wide. What Trump did, he had to do. He didn’t want to have to make the choices he did, but it had to be this way. Small casualties had to be chosen over a much larger global scale amount. The Cabal had deeply grim plans that were countered by the White Hats and Trump’s current actions. So please hold the line. We Will Win. And then with God’s glory Where We Go One, We Go All.
I understand the frustration. I had it bad last week. Trump called us there, at least a million strong, to show the UberState what he could do . He does it every two weeks now at his rallies. We gotta stay strong and support him and each other.
That reminds me. I don’t remember what I was watching. One of the prime time TV series, New Amsterdam or The Resident. They said someone was a shill. I had never heard that word before getting on here.
Trust me...I'm make more money than you and have been self sufficient all of my adult life. Started working when I was 9 years old and have worked sometimes many jobs at a time all my life. You couldn't be more off base about me goof ball. You can just keep living in your dreamland of hopium and do nothing. It's shills like you who are keeping the real Patriots, real men from taking care of business the way the Founders would have years ago! We need to be realistic about our situation. Many things about Trump DO NOT add up!
I can't stand that the ones locked up on 01/06 are still waiting in jail. But my take on Trump failing miserably is that no one there that day (except maybe a few planted people--if you believe FBI or another agency was involved) was ready for, nor armed for, an insurrection action. They were there to actually protest the congress and maybe convince Pence not to sign. It would have been a golden opportunity to rise up like former patriots and take some action, but that was not the purpose of that day. I sure hope that day is coming soon, whether it be us or the "plan" if there is one. I can't speak about the jab-as I am not sure myself what is happening there with Trump.
The YT link in 4884 is "Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)". Remember that one. That was a pretty exciting day for me. Everyone got all fired up about shit getting biblical on these lunatics. Notice that 4882 is in caps. words in caps have meaning. Often they seem to have great meaning when you apply a 1, 2, or 3 year delta.
Now look at the date of those posts and apply a one year delta. Q goes silent just two months later. The plan is set. The timeline of action is clear. The path is clear. The message(s) is sent. Coms aren't needed. Everything that needed to be said was said. The Q movement is an entropy machine. Nothing can stop the message from getting out. Time will do its thing even if Q or the Cabal or even Trump himself tried to stop it. The Great Awakening is inevitable. Now they have to get everything in place to exterminate a great evil and set us back on course as a country.
IMHO October 17th at noon is when the plan goes into motion. We might not see anything for a few days so I'm not trying to date fag that precisely. I'm just saying they have been working through a multi-phase plan and that day is when the final phase starts. Days or weeks later they will go fully kinetic. They have no choice. If they wait much longer the pot is going to boil over and that would break Q's promise that there would be no riots, etc, etc.
The Cabal is now screwing with people's livelihoods, their health, and worse their children. Any one of those could end in violence. All three makes violence inevitable and Q knows that. They are probibly just glad that things lasted this long so they didn't have to change their timetable.
Yes. Their lives are ruled by their misplaced priorities, and by comfort. Their comforts have not yet even been dented. Only the poor at the moment are really suffering. Well, there's also us who won't be talked to or seen by some in our families because we're clean bloods, etc. But you know what I man.
There is not one breadwinner in this country who hasnt felt the sting of inflation. Gas went up in my area 25 cents overnight Sunday/Monday. Bread is 4 bucks a loaf. You pay for hamburger what you would pay for a nice steak pre-plannedemic. Hell even a Mcdonalds egg and sausage Mcmuffin is 4.50 now. Believe me everyone is feeling this and in panic mode as even the idiots running Biden talk of shortages for Christmas.
Just wait til furnaces come on and you are paying 50% more per bill. That reminds me I need to buy about 50 gallons of pre mix for the chain saw and a couple quarts of bar oil. Which also begs the question: Is Californias new law to end the use of small engines really about stopping you from cutting fuel for a fire to keep warm after they cut the gas off?
You got that right! I can’t believe so many people are still so blind. I have a family function this weekend and I’m either going to dread it or get the freedom flu early.
Unfortunately, I believe Trump is on record as stating that
"You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette"
While I truly and firmly believe he's /our guy/ and all that, I also truly believe he doesn't want anyone to suffer any more than absolutely, unavoidably necessary.
I really want to trust and believe that it did, in fact, have to be this way; that there is no other BETTER, lower casualty way to do it.
If the goal was to end this cabal, really truly end it, then the only way was in one fell swoop. And that result was always going to be painful for both sides. Hopefully, much much more painful for the demons.
Trump has absolutely been very unusually vocal and active in the public eye since "leaving office."
He's also not a talker; not an idle bullshitter who runs his mouth.
When he says something, it's because he's right and he's usually already won / completed / accomplished whatever TF he's talking about.
Lord God I hope and can't wait for his return!!!!!
The law doesn't allow the WWE to call itself "wrestling", thus it now calls itself "sports entertainment." Similarly these productions shouldn't be allowed to call themselves "news".
How do you balance keeping up with all this? Living your life with out becoming obsessed?
I feel like I’m drowning! Maybe it’s because all this is new to me (January 2021) Before January I just had suspicions about bad stuff and people. Now I learn to much in one day. I tell myself I’m going to take a break and then I don’t because I’m scared I’m missing out on big news.
I’m praying, doing breathing exercises and started walking.
I sound like I’m scared. I’m not, I have faith & always have. I think it’s because it’s so overwhelming.
I know it doesn’t help that I don’t have many distractions. I’m retired. I have some medical conditions so I’m home more. I can’t sleep and that doesn’t help any situation! I’m not asking for therapy or life advice. I don’t mind positive criticism. (Just saying I’m not using this platform for therapy) I’m fully aware I need to get myself together in many ways. Health, food choices, activity, etc!
That statement doesn't sound like he is apt to fix the wrongs, just point them out. We are paying too big a price for what they did and they are the ones who did it and should be paying the price. I think the term is treason!
I get the importance here, but I’d love to hear more from trump on the bullshit mask mandates in schools and the millions of workers being forced to take a vaccine right now.
Has he said anything about this? Or is it all approval ratings, the border, January 6th and Afghanistan ?
Ok, so when there is nowhere left to work, that’s because of me too, right?
This is the Biden administration forcing tyrannical unconstitutional mandates on millions of people and he’s silent on the matter. How’s that different than any different than the other scenarios?
That’s like saying the people of Texas are just letting illegal immigrants into the country, and they should be rounding them up and deporting them.
You’re arguing like a liberal… Here, I’ll fix it for you - take out forced - sub in required for employment. It doesn’t change the context of my actual point.
My point wasn’t on the word forced. It’s that trump is bitching about January 6th whole vaccine deniers are also falling victim to Biden’s regime. Perhaps not by a gun to the head, but by the inability to have a reliable income to take care of their families.
First of all you engaged in the conversation. So I’m not dragging you anywhere.
Second of all, i corrected my original statement since you are fixated on the word forced while I was using it to encompass people facing unemployment and the inability to feed their families if not complying.
Third, you may have missed my other response, but I’m not vaccinated. Nor does my current employer require it. I just understand the impact this is having on people..
It’s coercion. Take away someone’s income while they have to provide for a family. They could choose not to take the shot and then end up homeless and broke and starving kids. It’s not a choice, it’s coercion.
Not Jan 6...You saying that Trump should say something...Global situation,masks, economy,etc....He has at one point or another...The whole point IMO at the moment,is not to Tell people but to show them...we must see for ourselves, not just believe others....or not...and that's exactly what is happening... Everything is up to shit...
He sent one out the other day that said the real insurrection happened on election day. I think that is quite literally saying the insurrection act was activated. It's not going to be super public with military killing people in the streets...
So give the order you pussy... oh wait you told us all to go home on Jan 6th because the media scared you... fucking pathetic, you deserve what you get now
No plandemic, no steal, Trump cruises to 2020 re-election, and in Jan 2025 we’d be in the same mess as now or worse but without all of the damning evidence we have to sink the cabal
No plandemic in 2020 could’ve still meant another globalist plandemic attempt anytime in Trump’s second term. The deep state would’ve continued with the false accusations and skullduggery to thwart Trump’s agenda. A regular second term would’ve probably sucked bad, but even if it somehow didn’t, we’d know the return to suckiness would be inevitable once Trump’s term was over, so we wouldn’t really enjoy it.
The suckiness of 2020-21 has been a sacrifice so that a return to suckiness is not inevitable.
He’s cussed a few times lately; last couple Rally’s come to mind too. This is not like him, so I’m flagging it as a signal we’re definitely getting close(?)!
I noticed the exact SAME thing yesterday?!! Very interesting. 👍🏽
I didn’t really brush it off either? I thought it would wear-off but lasted all day & gave it some thought. Pretty much same today. My empathy-meter is pegged for everyone under this mandate BS, but I dunno? I just feel calm? I’m thinking you keep showing & giving love and He rewards us. Calm before The Storm?
I’m prayin Fren 🙏
I'm having a bad day today and feel like we are completely screwed ... but when I'm stuck on something (unrelated to the Rats and their scheme), I tend to get pessimistic :-) . Just pay no attention to me ... I needed to vent a little :-P.
I used to watch celebrity apprentice. That’s all I knew about him. I could tell he’s a person in control of himself. I know people like that. (They don’t have money or business) People that have that type of demeanor don’t have to curse to show authority. Cursing doesn’t bother me, I’m terrible about it because I grew up with it. My husband is the opposite. If he curses people look up, like what’s wrong!? That’s just the impression I got with his Iowa speech. He’s frustrated and disappointed in many people and things. I don’t take it as defeat!
Grabs you by the ears, for sure 😎
Hopium overload. Lets go!
Hopium...exactly! Trump had a golden opportunity on Jan 6th to show the world what he was made of and failed miserably. Definitely not what I had hoped he would be for sure. There's still a small part of me that thinks this whole thing may be a movie, but a bigger part of me is sick that many of my fellow Patriots are sitting in a prison with no freedom, no due process and torture! What's Trump doing?...Oh yeah, he's playing golf in Florida!!!! I also wonder how many Patriots have died because Trump told them and is still telling them to take the death jab!
Hawker, we feel you. But there is of course much more to all of this than just people here in the US. This is world wide. What Trump did, he had to do. He didn’t want to have to make the choices he did, but it had to be this way. Small casualties had to be chosen over a much larger global scale amount. The Cabal had deeply grim plans that were countered by the White Hats and Trump’s current actions. So please hold the line. We Will Win. And then with God’s glory Where We Go One, We Go All.
I understand the frustration. I had it bad last week. Trump called us there, at least a million strong, to show the UberState what he could do . He does it every two weeks now at his rallies. We gotta stay strong and support him and each other.
You'll be ok sweetie now go back downstairs and shill on reddit while mommy food stamps you and your gurlfriend some nice coco.
That reminds me. I don’t remember what I was watching. One of the prime time TV series, New Amsterdam or The Resident. They said someone was a shill. I had never heard that word before getting on here.
Trust me...I'm make more money than you and have been self sufficient all of my adult life. Started working when I was 9 years old and have worked sometimes many jobs at a time all my life. You couldn't be more off base about me goof ball. You can just keep living in your dreamland of hopium and do nothing. It's shills like you who are keeping the real Patriots, real men from taking care of business the way the Founders would have years ago! We need to be realistic about our situation. Many things about Trump DO NOT add up!
I can't stand that the ones locked up on 01/06 are still waiting in jail. But my take on Trump failing miserably is that no one there that day (except maybe a few planted people--if you believe FBI or another agency was involved) was ready for, nor armed for, an insurrection action. They were there to actually protest the congress and maybe convince Pence not to sign. It would have been a golden opportunity to rise up like former patriots and take some action, but that was not the purpose of that day. I sure hope that day is coming soon, whether it be us or the "plan" if there is one. I can't speak about the jab-as I am not sure myself what is happening there with Trump.
Did you know trump donated to the Clinton Foundation ?https://www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/08/05/donald-trump-and-bill-clinton-chatted-by-phone-before-trump-announced-candidacy/
The YT link in 4884 is "Law abiding citizen (It's Gonna Be Biblical)". Remember that one. That was a pretty exciting day for me. Everyone got all fired up about shit getting biblical on these lunatics. Notice that 4882 is in caps. words in caps have meaning. Often they seem to have great meaning when you apply a 1, 2, or 3 year delta.
Now look at the date of those posts and apply a one year delta. Q goes silent just two months later. The plan is set. The timeline of action is clear. The path is clear. The message(s) is sent. Coms aren't needed. Everything that needed to be said was said. The Q movement is an entropy machine. Nothing can stop the message from getting out. Time will do its thing even if Q or the Cabal or even Trump himself tried to stop it. The Great Awakening is inevitable. Now they have to get everything in place to exterminate a great evil and set us back on course as a country.
IMHO October 17th at noon is when the plan goes into motion. We might not see anything for a few days so I'm not trying to date fag that precisely. I'm just saying they have been working through a multi-phase plan and that day is when the final phase starts. Days or weeks later they will go fully kinetic. They have no choice. If they wait much longer the pot is going to boil over and that would break Q's promise that there would be no riots, etc, etc.
The Cabal is now screwing with people's livelihoods, their health, and worse their children. Any one of those could end in violence. All three makes violence inevitable and Q knows that. They are probibly just glad that things lasted this long so they didn't have to change their timetable.
Not really enjoying this portion of the movie. Suffering abounds... trying to stay comfy.
I'm not sure if we are supposed to... maybe we closer than we think....cos we Damm sure at the edge of the precipice right now...
Yes. Their lives are ruled by their misplaced priorities, and by comfort. Their comforts have not yet even been dented. Only the poor at the moment are really suffering. Well, there's also us who won't be talked to or seen by some in our families because we're clean bloods, etc. But you know what I man.
There is not one breadwinner in this country who hasnt felt the sting of inflation. Gas went up in my area 25 cents overnight Sunday/Monday. Bread is 4 bucks a loaf. You pay for hamburger what you would pay for a nice steak pre-plannedemic. Hell even a Mcdonalds egg and sausage Mcmuffin is 4.50 now. Believe me everyone is feeling this and in panic mode as even the idiots running Biden talk of shortages for Christmas.
Just wait til furnaces come on and you are paying 50% more per bill. That reminds me I need to buy about 50 gallons of pre mix for the chain saw and a couple quarts of bar oil. Which also begs the question: Is Californias new law to end the use of small engines really about stopping you from cutting fuel for a fire to keep warm after they cut the gas off?
You got that right! I can’t believe so many people are still so blind. I have a family function this weekend and I’m either going to dread it or get the freedom flu early.
Unfortunately, I believe Trump is on record as stating that "You have to break a few eggs to make an omelette"
While I truly and firmly believe he's /our guy/ and all that, I also truly believe he doesn't want anyone to suffer any more than absolutely, unavoidably necessary.
I really want to trust and believe that it did, in fact, have to be this way; that there is no other BETTER, lower casualty way to do it.
9 tenths of suffering is perception/perceptual.
Very true....!
If the goal was to end this cabal, really truly end it, then the only way was in one fell swoop. And that result was always going to be painful for both sides. Hopefully, much much more painful for the demons.
Why one fell swoop?
I again for about the millionth time state that;
Trump has absolutely been very unusually vocal and active in the public eye since "leaving office."
He's also not a talker; not an idle bullshitter who runs his mouth. When he says something, it's because he's right and he's usually already won / completed / accomplished whatever TF he's talking about.
Lord God I hope and can't wait for his return!!!!!
Damn Straight President Trump! Tens of millions of us are ready to go!
TY 🙏
Looks that way🤭🙃🙏
The patriots know it!
What I would give to have him in office right now... I miss him every day.
What’sTrump gonna do about it?
The law doesn't allow the WWE to call itself "wrestling", thus it now calls itself "sports entertainment." Similarly these productions shouldn't be allowed to call themselves "news".
How do you balance keeping up with all this? Living your life with out becoming obsessed? I feel like I’m drowning! Maybe it’s because all this is new to me (January 2021) Before January I just had suspicions about bad stuff and people. Now I learn to much in one day. I tell myself I’m going to take a break and then I don’t because I’m scared I’m missing out on big news. I’m praying, doing breathing exercises and started walking. I sound like I’m scared. I’m not, I have faith & always have. I think it’s because it’s so overwhelming. I know it doesn’t help that I don’t have many distractions. I’m retired. I have some medical conditions so I’m home more. I can’t sleep and that doesn’t help any situation! I’m not asking for therapy or life advice. I don’t mind positive criticism. (Just saying I’m not using this platform for therapy) I’m fully aware I need to get myself together in many ways. Health, food choices, activity, etc!
To arms in Dixie!
Starts with 7,1 and 16 words. Is he saying something about 17 info from 1/6?
Is there an email sign up for Trumps daily post? Website?
Well, hopefully we're going to have a Biblical solution to the problem. One they'll be talking about for a thousand years.
That statement doesn't sound like he is apt to fix the wrongs, just point them out. We are paying too big a price for what they did and they are the ones who did it and should be paying the price. I think the term is treason!
I get the importance here, but I’d love to hear more from trump on the bullshit mask mandates in schools and the millions of workers being forced to take a vaccine right now.
Has he said anything about this? Or is it all approval ratings, the border, January 6th and Afghanistan ?
POTUS MUST remain NEUTRAL for optics....
Ok, so when there is nowhere left to work, that’s because of me too, right?
This is the Biden administration forcing tyrannical unconstitutional mandates on millions of people and he’s silent on the matter. How’s that different than any different than the other scenarios?
That’s like saying the people of Texas are just letting illegal immigrants into the country, and they should be rounding them up and deporting them.
You’re arguing like a liberal… Here, I’ll fix it for you - take out forced - sub in required for employment. It doesn’t change the context of my actual point.
My point wasn’t on the word forced. It’s that trump is bitching about January 6th whole vaccine deniers are also falling victim to Biden’s regime. Perhaps not by a gun to the head, but by the inability to have a reliable income to take care of their families.
This is from a post last week. I copied and saved in my notes.
No Vax Job Boards: https://redballoon.work/ https://novaxmandate.org/ (to my knowledge this one has the most) http://novaxjobsusa.com/ https://unvaxxxedworkers.com/ http://vaccinefreejobs.org/ http://thefreedomjobnetwork.com/ http://www.jobsnotjabs.com/ http://www.provisionjobs.com/ 🔆 https://vantagepointcareers.com/ https://gab.com/groups/49159 (this gab group has a lot of additional resources)
Yeah this site might be a little short on the millions of people that will have no income if they’re not vaccinated.
First of all you engaged in the conversation. So I’m not dragging you anywhere.
Second of all, i corrected my original statement since you are fixated on the word forced while I was using it to encompass people facing unemployment and the inability to feed their families if not complying.
Third, you may have missed my other response, but I’m not vaccinated. Nor does my current employer require it. I just understand the impact this is having on people..
It’s coercion. Take away someone’s income while they have to provide for a family. They could choose not to take the shot and then end up homeless and broke and starving kids. It’s not a choice, it’s coercion.
Also, I’m not vaccinated nor do I intend on receiving the vaccine.
President Trump clearly stated long ago the vaccines were a choice, everyone has a CHOICE it’s called freedom.
I think that's a given, Don't you..?
No, I don’t. This impacting the entire world and global economy. He could be speaking about it.
And then what...? You think things will magically change...?I don't think we have any idea what's happening behind the scenes...
I’m not sure I follow your logic. What’s changing because of his comments about January 6th?
Not Jan 6...You saying that Trump should say something...Global situation,masks, economy,etc....He has at one point or another...The whole point IMO at the moment,is not to Tell people but to show them...we must see for ourselves, not just believe others....or not...and that's exactly what is happening... Everything is up to shit...
And the reason I used January 6th is because that’s what this post is about..
So he doesn’t want to highlight and capitalize on what’s going on in New York City for example?
Again how’s this any different?
Im sorry but Who talked you out if the Insurrection Act? Because help to stem the daily assault on us seems unlikely no matter the Q jingle.
He sent one out the other day that said the real insurrection happened on election day. I think that is quite literally saying the insurrection act was activated. It's not going to be super public with military killing people in the streets...
So give the order you pussy... oh wait you told us all to go home on Jan 6th because the media scared you... fucking pathetic, you deserve what you get now
No plandemic, no steal, Trump cruises to 2020 re-election, and in Jan 2025 we’d be in the same mess as now or worse but without all of the damning evidence we have to sink the cabal
Would have been a great 5 years.........now it all sucks
No plandemic in 2020 could’ve still meant another globalist plandemic attempt anytime in Trump’s second term. The deep state would’ve continued with the false accusations and skullduggery to thwart Trump’s agenda. A regular second term would’ve probably sucked bad, but even if it somehow didn’t, we’d know the return to suckiness would be inevitable once Trump’s term was over, so we wouldn’t really enjoy it.
The suckiness of 2020-21 has been a sacrifice so that a return to suckiness is not inevitable.
You aren’t trying to understand how the Plan works and why it has to be this way.
It's about catching them ALL, once and for all and putting an end to this shit show...