My grandmother got the jab and has been sick so many times. She now says…I wish I never got that crap. Same with my uncle, hospital twice since the juice. I would live in a box before I would get it. WWG1WGA.
My best friend got the Jab and shes been sick ever sense. Shes always been sickly but its been like, endless lately. She thinks she might have lupus now.
I doubt she will ever attribute it to the vax. She can't stand to hear anything political so its hard to suggest it to her. Luckily our other friend is really based and way more outspoken so im sure shes going to say something soon. Shes going to flip when she hears it.
Was talking to a guy today he got both shots,ended up blind in one eye and went and took the "booster".asked when I'm going to go get poisoned. I was like you do you dude
My aunt is severely compromised by late stage Parkinsons. Can barely walk or breathe unaided.
But managed to survive entire pandemic without a mask or distancing.
Last month she got her second jab on the Saturday and magically got COVID on the Thursday. She's over it now, but damn what are the odds. These jabs are giving it to people no doubt, hence the rush to infect as many as possible to keep the emergency going.
Yeah people that say that are basically spitting in all their ancestors faces who survived generation to generation only to reach the generation that says “nah i don’t want kids”. WTF.
Lots of people are waking up. I know of sheep who were duped into getting the clot shot who are angry now that they have been told they need a booster, and they are refusing to get the booster.
But like you say, there are also some people who refuse to wake up, because to do so would involve admitting they were fooled, and they will never do that because they value their egos more than they value truth and their health.
The Booster is last month. We’re already at talking about the 4th shot. Same as always: starts with “some people may need” then it’s “some people may be able to get” then it’s “CDC is considering” then “FDA gives full approval to” then “5 things the undervaccinated won’t be allowed to do come July 1st”
These people won't be waking up. It would take a huge event for that to happen. If people continue to die at a slow to medium pace, the corrupt medical elite, big media, and big tech will just say it's a new covid mutation and the unvaccinated are making it worse. All while saying they need to get their 4th boosters
I know a woman that badgered her husband into complete submission and he's on his third shot. Took her oldest child to be jabbed. She has younger ones that I'm afraid to ask about their vax status.
The grandparents are awake and this is absolutely killing them.
Giving women political power was the death knell of our civilization. The woman leading the husband, instead of the other way around, was precisely what happened with Adam and Eve.
I was told by my wife's insane liberal parents, who moved to FL from NY that I'm not allowed to go visit them for Christmas due to being unjabbed and my wife can't either even thoughs she's jabbed!
Insane. My mother-in-law is a nurse practitioner! I really think they're part of the 4-6% lost. They have high levels of TDS.
If I see them down here in Florida I'll be sure to breathe on them for you at Publix! Maskless, of course. This is the Free State of Florida. I hope they're aware!
Ask them if they are under the assumption that the injections prevent anyone from spreading covid, and if they say yes have them show you the documentation.
Multiple Intel agencies are already saying domestic terrorists will attack vaccine lines etc. they’ve been preparing this story for months. They intend to use it
My grandmother got the jab and has been sick so many times. She now says…I wish I never got that crap. Same with my uncle, hospital twice since the juice. I would live in a box before I would get it. WWG1WGA.
My best friend got the Jab and shes been sick ever sense. Shes always been sickly but its been like, endless lately. She thinks she might have lupus now.
I doubt she will ever attribute it to the vax. She can't stand to hear anything political so its hard to suggest it to her. Luckily our other friend is really based and way more outspoken so im sure shes going to say something soon. Shes going to flip when she hears it.
Was talking to a guy today he got both shots,ended up blind in one eye and went and took the "booster".asked when I'm going to go get poisoned. I was like you do you dude
My aunt is severely compromised by late stage Parkinsons. Can barely walk or breathe unaided.
But managed to survive entire pandemic without a mask or distancing.
Last month she got her second jab on the Saturday and magically got COVID on the Thursday. She's over it now, but damn what are the odds. These jabs are giving it to people no doubt, hence the rush to infect as many as possible to keep the emergency going.
Tell young people that are jabbed that they don't need to worry about birth control, or getting pregnant, or leaving a legacy behind anymore!
The sad part is some of them will legitimately be happy about this.
Yeah people that say that are basically spitting in all their ancestors faces who survived generation to generation only to reach the generation that says “nah i don’t want kids”. WTF.
This would be a major pop awakening if there was a sudden narrative change complete with a fraudci arrest
Hoping we see THIS
Let the dead bury the dead....
Donno, but I've got my popcorn and I'm ready to find out!
Fire, rope, tar and feathers? Who knows, but the show seems like it might just be about to start.
I disagree with that Erwan LeCorre dude. I don't think the people are EVER going to wake up.
I think some will and some won’t. It’s sad it had to be this way.
Lots of people are waking up. I know of sheep who were duped into getting the clot shot who are angry now that they have been told they need a booster, and they are refusing to get the booster.
But like you say, there are also some people who refuse to wake up, because to do so would involve admitting they were fooled, and they will never do that because they value their egos more than they value truth and their health.
The Booster is last month. We’re already at talking about the 4th shot. Same as always: starts with “some people may need” then it’s “some people may be able to get” then it’s “CDC is considering” then “FDA gives full approval to” then “5 things the undervaccinated won’t be allowed to do come July 1st”
These people won't be waking up. It would take a huge event for that to happen. If people continue to die at a slow to medium pace, the corrupt medical elite, big media, and big tech will just say it's a new covid mutation and the unvaccinated are making it worse. All while saying they need to get their 4th boosters
I know a woman that badgered her husband into complete submission and he's on his third shot. Took her oldest child to be jabbed. She has younger ones that I'm afraid to ask about their vax status.
The grandparents are awake and this is absolutely killing them.
Giving women political power was the death knell of our civilization. The woman leading the husband, instead of the other way around, was precisely what happened with Adam and Eve.
I was told by my wife's insane liberal parents, who moved to FL from NY that I'm not allowed to go visit them for Christmas due to being unjabbed and my wife can't either even thoughs she's jabbed!
Insane. My mother-in-law is a nurse practitioner! I really think they're part of the 4-6% lost. They have high levels of TDS.
I literally feel like I'm on a comedy movie set.
If I see them down here in Florida I'll be sure to breathe on them for you at Publix! Maskless, of course. This is the Free State of Florida. I hope they're aware!
Ask them if they are under the assumption that the injections prevent anyone from spreading covid, and if they say yes have them show you the documentation.
Show them the new Lancet study and tell them to stop being science deniers.
"Those you are taught to TRUST the most. " --Q
Prophetic, no?
A few more things Q said about >>TRUST<<
Most of us here weren't conned.
But those that were and going to chimp tf out and start the purge on the enemy... And they'll do it FOR US while we enjoy the show.
Yeah it’ll be hilarious we sit back with our new found wealth and get comfy.
What wealth kek
Watching that chainsaw beheading video used to gross me out. Now I see it as a base line to deal with these mother fuckers.
Well if they're pissed off at the establishment with nothing to lose then things could get very spicy.
Should be interesting, find the humor where you can,
ENGRISH ??????????????????????????????
There is no such thing as ' too late ' but there is such thing as ' fuck that took too long'
He's talking about the vax.
We've been lied to about a lot more than you think, the vax is secondary to everything we've been lied to about.
You be reminded how good life is gonna get. Dwelling in the past is killing the most excellent buzz of pure human freedom.
I'm actually very worried about this,
How do we control the masses?. I'm not sure our memes can help with that.
Suicide weekend?
They wont be able to walk down the street
%35 would be pissed.
If that %35 I feel like %80 didn’t get jabbed.
Guess is a fraction will do anything.
I am more worried about the Bio False Flags.
Multiple Intel agencies are already saying domestic terrorists will attack vaccine lines etc. they’ve been preparing this story for months. They intend to use it
When enough wake up to the scamdemic poison poke fraud... rioting shall commence.
My lid got fired from a hospital-- I am so grateful... I don't want them anywhere near there when this starts.
I worry about the pedes still there on 'religious exemption' bullshit. They are in immense danger.
please quit butchering the English language
Come on man, nobody is perfect. I've made the same mistake before. Lighten up.🤨
to, too, two; their, they're, there; you're your, etc.
writing like a retard makes you look like a retard from another country, who has no respect for the common language.
ebonics is a lie. lazy English is perversion.
Just block them, these people only see typos and as opportunity to make themselves feel better by knocking others down.
Who cares about a missing o in the middle of a war? BLOCK them and kick them outta your foxhole.
Fag, phag, pfaag.
Found the grammar Nazi. We’re typing this on phones for fuck sake.
All the people who got jabbed