So laughable.... but Cher's incoherent emoji laced twat is the best of them all. Hard to read, with juvenile pics and emojis, and her ignorance on full display. She wins the Twatter meltdown, I think. But the overall message in these fearful tweets is that the Left still has no idea what middle America flyover country people think, nor do they realize just how fed up we are with them. Along with their celebrity status they seem to think we actually CARE what they think. That's just so ADORABLE and funny.
Completely agree. I think part of the reason they're so angry is the realization that their fans don't care what they think. If these celebrities would pull their head out for 5 seconds and gain some introspection (apparently too much to ask) they would realize the Red Wave happened because it's what The People want. It's a good thing.
Cher probably doesn't realize it, but that type of messaging is called a Rebus or Rhebus. They use homophone pictures to represent other words and is usually confined today to children's books. But since you mentioned Egypt ancient Egyptian texts WERE a type of Rebus, substituting characters for one word phonetically for other words.
Whenever I see her picture or her name mentioned, I always remember when Donald Trump poo poo-d all over her in an interview. He wasn't holding back, either.
What if these rants by celebrities are more personal than we realize. If they are tasked by their satanic overlords to defeat the Patriots at the ballot box and they fail to do so, then what is their penalty for failure?
It should be death in many cases and the inability to walk down the street for those that fall below the threshold of long jail terms or execution. They are Yuri Bezmenov's "pretty faces who will smile and lie to you"
Bradley Whitford's comment ......The GOP can't get over losing the Civil F'ing War....Nobody said you had to be smart to be an actor, but come on people. Somebody is listening to the "revised" version on History.
Does anyone even pay any attention to "Hollywood Celebrities"? I don't even know who these people are. The only ones ever mentioned seemed to have been famous decades ago.
They are breaking down because they are realizing that they are the dumbed down minority and there's a whole worldwide majority out there smarter than they are.
I haven't watched anything coming out of Hollywood for years, including movies and their garbage tv shows, so I have no idea who most of these people are. So much for fame.
These are probably among the stupidest people on the planet and they think we care for their rantings on politics?
I don't understand why they're so upset. The right isn't the side pushing all kinds of things on others. They're essentially the party of 'No,' that's all.
Quote from Cher's tweet from the article. These idiots don't understand it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the majority that are not interested in supporting their luciferian agendas and using race as their defense.
I hope they all reach a real break down point soon and quit speaking or expecting to be listened to. I've had enough. There are too many sheeple waiting for some celebrity to tell them what their opinions should be. If I could tell them one thing....NONE OF THIS IS ABOUT RACE JUST STOP.
So laughable.... but Cher's incoherent emoji laced twat is the best of them all. Hard to read, with juvenile pics and emojis, and her ignorance on full display. She wins the Twatter meltdown, I think. But the overall message in these fearful tweets is that the Left still has no idea what middle America flyover country people think, nor do they realize just how fed up we are with them. Along with their celebrity status they seem to think we actually CARE what they think. That's just so ADORABLE and funny.
Completely agree. I think part of the reason they're so angry is the realization that their fans don't care what they think. If these celebrities would pull their head out for 5 seconds and gain some introspection (apparently too much to ask) they would realize the Red Wave happened because it's what The People want. It's a good thing.
It amazed me that for a long time people thought that someone that had a talent that sold automatically made them intelligent
Q923 “They thought SHEEP would follow the stars”
"Shut up and sing us a song" might a harsh but effective shutdown on these soapbox political preachers.
Agreed. Wanted to add that It's more than just flyover country people.
Yeah, seemed she was running low on adrenochrome.
"Cher's twat" -> I just threw up a bit in my mouth..
Cher's twat is visible from space and the ISS crews have complained about it.
All twats are disgusting. Penis only for me folks.
That beaver eats taco bell LOL!
Ugh ... so bad.
Topkek, fren!
I feel like I needed the Rosetta Stone to translate that garbage. Thank god I studied ancient Egypt and hieroglyphics when I was younger!
Cher probably doesn't realize it, but that type of messaging is called a Rebus or Rhebus. They use homophone pictures to represent other words and is usually confined today to children's books. But since you mentioned Egypt ancient Egyptian texts WERE a type of Rebus, substituting characters for one word phonetically for other words.
The noose is tightening around the pedophiles
More liberal tears
Oh, Rosie. You ain't seen NOTHIN' yet, darlin'.
Whenever I see her picture or her name mentioned, I always remember when Donald Trump poo poo-d all over her in an interview. He wasn't holding back, either.
What if these rants by celebrities are more personal than we realize. If they are tasked by their satanic overlords to defeat the Patriots at the ballot box and they fail to do so, then what is their penalty for failure?
"We're Fucked" - Why should they be? Unless now their Satanic, Pedophilia and Cannibalism will be revealed to the world.
It should be death in many cases and the inability to walk down the street for those that fall below the threshold of long jail terms or execution. They are Yuri Bezmenov's "pretty faces who will smile and lie to you"
They need to pay.
And then there’s badasses like Kevin Sorbo!
I tend to agree,a bunch of these people are just dumb sheep actors trapped inside a bubble....they just have no clue like other sheep
The parroting of "racism , racism , racism" about the side that is actaully AGAINST the Racism and separation is proof.
In their club you don't become famous without selling your soul and if you refuse you drift off to the sidelines.
Bradley Whitford's comment ......The GOP can't get over losing the Civil F'ing War....Nobody said you had to be smart to be an actor, but come on people. Somebody is listening to the "revised" version on History.
Do ya think they now know their secrets with diddling children will soon be exposed?
Does anyone even pay any attention to "Hollywood Celebrities"? I don't even know who these people are. The only ones ever mentioned seemed to have been famous decades ago.
They are breaking down because they are realizing that they are the dumbed down minority and there's a whole worldwide majority out there smarter than they are.
I haven't watched anything coming out of Hollywood for years, including movies and their garbage tv shows, so I have no idea who most of these people are. So much for fame.
These are probably among the stupidest people on the planet and they think we care for their rantings on politics?
Firing squad got you down? No amount of tweets are gonna save you because you are fked!
They've always been fucked... they just didn't see it.
I don't understand why they're so upset. The right isn't the side pushing all kinds of things on others. They're essentially the party of 'No,' that's all.
What whiny little shits these people are.
Yep, you are fucked. You are far more fucked than you can imagine. No more adromechrome, no more baby rape, mo more cabal. Yep you are fucked.
Hollywood celebs are fucked.
Corrupt hedge fund billionaires are fucked.
Corrupt politicians are fucked.
News media is almost at the precipice of a cliff, with one foot on a banana peel.
This awakening is glorious. We’re steadily approaching a time where they won’t be able to walk down the street.
“We’ll have so much winning, you’ll get bored with winning” - DJT
He's an Israel first guy that hates white people. These dumb fucking liberals don't know why they're upset when this dude is clearly one of them.
Yep, you're just seeing the slow process of purging it.
They are like children also Cher is insane who tweets in ransom form
They should all leave the country. Oops, forgot they can't.
Quote from Cher's tweet from the article. These idiots don't understand it has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the majority that are not interested in supporting their luciferian agendas and using race as their defense.
why do we think the demoncrats couldn't steal these elections? has the issue been resolved with their tampering cabal?
This would explain the shortage of tissues lately lol
You're using the term "celebrities" very loosely..
What exactly do they think will happen and how exactly will that hurt them?
Are Liberal Teartinis a thing?
Just imagine all these fucks are compromised pedos worrying bout themselves.
Like these rich limousine liberals actually care about issues people vote on like education.
I hope they all reach a real break down point soon and quit speaking or expecting to be listened to. I've had enough. There are too many sheeple waiting for some celebrity to tell them what their opinions should be. If I could tell them one thing....NONE OF THIS IS ABOUT RACE JUST STOP.
No they were fucked anyway now they're just fucked a lot faster
These tweets are like eating peanut butter and jam by the spoonful. Delicious!
They know their playtime is up and they're having a toddler tantrum meltdown.