Remember those fun modmail screenies from angry tards and shills? Not today. Modmail lately has been dark, with heartbreaking mails from some top regulars in that mix. Remember, frens—YOU are what makes this thankless job *worth it.* Spend some happy, quality time with our favorite Pepe today! 😍.

If you're one of five or ten pedes I have in mind while writing this, you know who you are. There's no use "fighting the good fight" if we lose you on the other side. We have to believe that we're not just in the right, but that, as Pepe+ says, "The best is yet to come."
Not just for the world, not just for America, but for YOU, too. Your best is yet to come, too.
The end times are only beginning. The reason we feel such a sense of suicidal dread for the future pain we are all about to go through is because we haven't yet begun the journey of investing the time it takes to become acquainted with the idealized version of ourselves that's somehow supposed to automagically emerge victorious on the other side.
Who can blame you for feeling that way? We're supposed to somehow put on the full armor of God, withstand the wiles of the devil, AND, simultaneously, ALSO somehow mentally levitate in some meadow somewhere, light as a Buddha feather?? Ridiculous! There's nothing wrong with you if that doesn't make sense. But, know what's really ridiculous? The idea that The Plan will save humanity, but somehow leave YOU behind. That's just as illogical, fren. YOU are humanity, and you absolutely HAVE to be part of The Plan, or else it's as much of a lie as all the other lies around us. This is where you have to trust that somehow, Providence sees even YOU, sees your plight, and will somehow offer each of saving US a path towards emerging victorious in the end.
You just have to take that path. One step at a time.
Take some time to take care of you, fren! Reconnect with your best self. It's why, when I saw the vax mandates and BS coming, I seized an opportunity to go to Egypt to study with a teacher I'd admired for years and years. What?? In the middle of a pandemic?? Er, yes. There's no point in winning this battle if you lose your best self on the other side. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Not much further, Durham is bringing the pain, and SOON!
Love, love 😍
Thanks Cats. Epic post.
We're going through the wine press. Why? To make us that much better. Hold fast. Anyway, Great (epic) post.
thanks to you and ALL mods. Your work is invaluable, even if our GAW community doesn't tell you that enough...
This is as good of a mod team as I've seen it, fren. Thanks, and I will make sure the other mods see your post.
We may not always say it, but we do appreciate our mods.
That we do!
Always 🐸 ❤️
Me too. Thanks for the powerful support!
That's why I love this place ! Thank You
Excellent reminder, thanks. We got this. u/#neo
Wow. This is a wonderful comment. Thank you for sharing this.
Egypt? I miss traveling all over the world. How cool.
We need everybody in the fight. It can be hopeless and a tough slog. Waking up or knowing the truth hurts.
But we are getting to the good part here!
God bless you for that, powerful stuff.
I spent years on voat with no moderation to keep the shills out. It was pretty much pure misery.
I appreciate our Mods very much.
Big thumbs up to you folks. You make this place work.
When I read this post I started it with "Attention Faggots"
People misunderstood voat. The reason there was so much profantiy is because it was used like a canary in a mine. Once individual words started getting banned soon ideas followed. To freely cuss and discuss different opinions truly is the epitome of freedom of speech.
@GA.win Do you best to maintain that freedom of speech and youll be fine.
The problem with voat was never profanity.
The problem with voat was racists and anti-semites, or shills pretending to be.
That is all they cared about. I felt like we had to fight back against them, otherwise anybody visiting for the first time was going to think Q was all about hating blacks and Jews.
And it was a never ending job. Exhausting.
Yep. Voat with its goat mascot and pyramid logo. Sure, they were legit...
I stayed the whole time, but I did so only to sift through for the nuggets that were shared by genuine Patriots.
I know of one person (and hopefully myself) who are conquering cancer because of the information about Fenbendazole that I first found there.
Yep same here. Voat kept me from getting caught in the cancer cemo circle jerk.
Yeah there's racists and anti Semitic people. Their is in REAL LIFE. Can't just block them and ban them.. We fight for their right to be ignorant of who they hate so that one day they may find clarity in their lives. They won't become unracists because you silence them, that just doubles down their resolve,, how ever can they acid test their confused theories if they can not put it to the test of fellow man, and learn through debate, discussion, and research. Don't be weak fellow pedes we are strong enough to hear/debate Satan's voices 24/7 in the media, we can handle some guy saying the nword and talking shit about the the circle cult.
That’s awesome 👍🏽
You were there for a reason! Thank God for the sharing of valuable info!
Blessings for your healing!
Really? That’s amazing. I have archived some of that info.
Voat'S dead, baby. Voat's dead.
Can I have his Chopper?
Not dead but ever lasting. Search Voat is still there along with all the n words and circle cult talk you could ever want. It can never die.
I never actually saw voat. I only know what I see said here about it. I was late to this party. I really enjoy reading what people post and I am one of those who had vaguely heard of Q then msm started talking about those conspiracy theorists. So I did a search for Q info. The more I read the more I believe in a powerful cabal. I really think they are dragging us toward a completely totalitarian take over by the DS. THIS IS GOOD VS. EVIL. I am reminding myself all the time to just hang on to God.
I know 👑Sircatsfive... just wish I knew the story behind the scenes.
And I'm happy to see most of my Voat friends migrated here except for LakodaPride...he's on POHL and I miss him.
Agree, I always enjoyed his contributions from Lakoda. I see him around on POAL when I visit which is not often.
Me, too...I need to visit more but I'm always here.
This was something I loved, living in New York. Never felt the same outside of it.
No one I meet seems to understand that concept. I'm from the Mid-Atlantic but maybe I was meant to be a New Yorker lol
Sending prayers for those of us who are in pain today.
Grounding helps. It's free to practice, literally a gift of God in the earth. Awesome protocol, not just for hippies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/
Interesting. Maybe that's why I feel pretty good when I go for walks barefoot. But I saw in that link you can put something through the soles pff the shoe to ground you. I guess you're trying to stay grounded through like a current
Well said brother, you hang in there too. It will all be worth it.
Rooftop tendie is a woman lol
Women can be brothers too, kek!
Reminds me of Southpark calling everyone “dude” and it caught-on.
LOl, is that where it started? Dude is the go-to appellate in the children in my family, regardless of sex.
They even started calling me dude.
Maybe you're our first trans-tender? Ha!
Yeah, pretty sure. First Season they called Wendy “dude” & I was like…what??
Is that how it started?
Sounds like a wild night. Where's the dog?
There are a lot worse things to wake up in. I'd say you did ok.
I've somehow lost mine, not sure how though, it's 10000 lux and the size of basketball.
If only I could turn it on remotely....:)
I'm on the other side of the ball here, fren, and I'll send it back on over to you! Hang on, I'll get my broom...
Me too! Letting Jesus take the wheel for a few days
We have an extremely important function going forward. We are brilliantly sensitive caring men and women who are needed to process all the changing World events and simplify it into a soothing song We can share with all tje new arrivals. We are the creme of the creme of civilization. Our longtime proof of selflessness is our deserved multipass. Movie reference needed. If someone could please making a list of tje longtime people on here. As well as some who have said goodbye over the last months. They had serious lives they needed to re-enter. The list will be private and include only tje name to recognize, deserved recognition of time, heart and soul spilled out here. God bless you all, stay humble be you are all allowed to carry yourselves with divine confidence of selves. Confidence and knowing is King right now.
Honor list. That is, list of honor.
I second that idea. Let it be done. Patriots deserve recognition, especially those who have fallen in combat.
Not for namefagging, but for morale....
Thanks. I'm losing my memory and don't want to lose one important name along tje way. My cat Reginald might want to shake their hands when the party starts.
God Bless all Pedes fighting the good fight and feeling pain. You are loved and needed. We are in this together and you are not alone.
I second this! God Bless YOU, fren.
What did you study in Egypt?
I'm learning hieroglyphics right now and spending as much time as I can learning Arabic. I'm far from an Arab so it's tough sledding (or cameling), haha). I've seen a TON (SIX "special permission" sites with very high fees) already, but there are still many sites that I want to visit. I'm a likely not back until after Xmas. We'll see how it all goes. Life is an adventure, and I wasn't doing myself any good just sitting around drinking at home. So seize the opportunity, I guess, while I'm still breathing.
Very interesting!
Why hieroglyphics and Arabic and how are those sources of encouragement to you at this time?
I'm very interested in ancient Egypt history. To learn more, it seems that the experts mostly speak Arabic (and Polish, ironically, and English, which I'm passable at, haha).
For me right now, it's not about becoming someone specific. I'm a curious person who likes other people. I need to reconnect with that person, add some randomness, and see where that goes. Because if I don't, I really end up being someone I don't like, and that I can't blame it if my wife doesn't like, either.
And Polish...interesting...TIL🐸
Have you heard/been taught about the tunnels under the Sphinx?
There is a special permission coming up that will allow us to explore them. But, if they ever contained anything interesting, the artifacts were removed long ago. The plateau, in favtu, all of Egyptian archaeology, is corrupt to the core. It's why the English aristocracy traces their lineage to the pharaohs.
Besides, the most interesting sites that are important to the origins of humanity are in Turkey, not just Egypt.
YES! The tunnels supposedly stretch from Egypt to further into the mideast incl Syria & Turkey. I’ll find the video & link it to you… much of this knowledge is hidden of course.
That’s is cool.
I can speak and understand spoken Arabic but never learned to read/write it. That’s impressive Bro 😎
Haha, I can write my name now. I'm in classes with literally children
I’m really proud of you man. WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!! I’d love to sit down & share mideast experiences with you some day. I hate to ask again (not really), but have you enjoyed the food? I know I’ve mentioned the “foul” (galaba), but you should try “KIBDA”…fried sheep liver with onions & peppers usually as a sandwich. Goes great with scrambled eggs. It’s less like livers we’re used to & more like meat. I’ve found it a few times here in States, but you gotta find an Arab butcher or an Arab who knows “a farmer”. It’s worth it 👍🏽
The food is wonderful but gets repetitive AF. And the street food is cheap and dangerous. My last £22 food purchase made me sick AF for ten days. But, Ivermectin is plentiful, and they even sell a combo "biotic" pill that's magnesium, C & D together as well. The whole Z-stack! Amazing. I'm taking it every other day.
Interesting. I recall when the breakthrough Hep-C drug Harvoni (Gilead) was released it was $1000 per pill in the USA, but reported to be $5 in Egypt!! Another interesting rabbit hole. Stay safe Brother!!
I will see if it's at the pharmacy. Many drugs here are still on "program" (prescription)
More specifically, how are those two studies inspiring you to this state:
we haven't yet begun the journey of investing the time it takes to become acquainted with the idealized version of ourselves that's somehow supposed to automagically emerge victorious on the other side.
Who can blame you for feeling that way? We're supposed to somehow put on the full armor of God, withstand the wiles of the devil, AND, simultaneously, ALSO somehow mentally levitate in some meadow somewhere, light as a Buddha feather?
It takes balls to follow your nose and just dive in and see what happens. Tons of shit in my life wasn't working. Reconnecting with a time when humanity was one with the laws of nature makes you think and examine your life in away that's sobering.
Modding here isn't the world end or the purpose of my life.. My wife said Q had taken over my life, and she was right, but I audited myself and nothing else I had left was of interest to her. Pursuing my passions, I feel, takes more courage than pretending that modding GAW was the main purpose of my life and pretending she was going to one day realize "what a hero" her husband is when all she sees is some loser (to her) sitting in a chair with two monitors. Maturity is admitting defeat when you're defeated (and it always feels GOOD when you stop banging your head on the wall, I guess), but it doesn't mean you're ineffectual and a loser. It's heartbreaking and it takes courage to point your guns instead somewhere else and hope that love is still possible, even if you end up alone and all you find at the end is a love and honest respect for yourself. That's what I always wanted, anyway, so, I'm realizing that, hey, that's actually a very noble outcome. The people here find me authentic, enthusiastic, and sincerely eager to learn, and I'm making genuine, lifelong friends, here. I was literally in flames back in Canada. So, unless there's something that genuinely says "come back, catsfive," this is where I live, now. I can "mod" from here, be a loser (to her) from here, and seek other sources of positivity and growth that I know can actually respond positively to who I am.
I have always had so much love and respect for the mods here but when u said this "Modding here isn't the world end or the purpose of my life.. Pursuing my passions, I feel, takes more courage than pretending that modding GAW was the main purpose of my life." It some how made me love and respect u guys even more. Its important that u guys see even u are more than just GAW. This place is just the start of us all finding out how awesome God truly designed us to be. Keep this mindset my fren. God has such amazing plans for each of us and u are only defined when u stop letting yourself grow. Keep pursuing ur passion, keep being the awesome leaders that God put u in place to be BUT NEVER let yourself say this is who I am because God always wants to make u more
I do this because I genuinely love this movement and the people who just know not that "something is wrong," but that have a sense of what whatever "should be" should look like. Each of us is very different and individual from each other, but it's what we have in common that binds us all together. We hate injustice. We know this is fucked up. That goes deeper than a tribe. We're not here because of our hobbies or interests. We're here because this shit matters. America falls, we ALL fall. And I'm Canadian, saying that!
Sooo true...Thank you northern neighbor! 🍁
Thank you, southern patriot. Now that we're pals, you're OK if I invite the entire US Army over to my pad for a big BBQ? Right?
AMEN, fren!
Very true. These past 7 years I worked so insanely hard, it all started on a whim. I asked God for guidance as I kept being sent down this path that made no sense.
Why work multiple side jobs until the point of your heart hurting? I used to take a 20 minute nap in the rest area to ease the pain, then get back on the highway for more work.
Why stay in a dead end job, when the people you trained moved on to Big Tech jobs to make double? (And spat in your face on the way up?)
Why stay in a relationship that ran its course? Why try to fix it? There's plenty of fish in the sea.
When covid happened, it all made sense. The lockdowns killed all the side jobs, and gave me time to study again. The hard work provided money to survive, a dead end job turned into my saving grace against the vaxx, and the fights in my relationships were renewed with fights to survive.
And the co-workers I trained? Let's just say God punished them by giving them exactly what they wanted.
I felt like I was being tested, and I feel like I understand what Noah felt. God wants me to be part of this next phase, and Im ready!
Well done for hanging in there thru the trials...you have experienced God's Grace!
It does take courage.
What is the connection between following your passion and putting on the full armor of God?
Because the knight inside the armour is what makes the knight a dangerous warrior on this battlefield, not just the shield and helmet and all that.
If I say, "people should remember that!" without remembering it, myself, what's the use?
Actually, Eph. 6 means just the opposite. It is all about Jesus and not the man in the armour. The whole armor is the expression of your full trust in God and what He has done for you through Jesus Christ. Your victory in spiritual warfare was secured at the cross of Christ and the blood that was shed there.
Luke 12: 6-7
6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God. 7 Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.
Many of us are lurking and have been here from the beginning of all this. Thank you all for what you do, keep up the fight. WWG1WGA
I think that this whole thing is having a negative effect on everyone, but i have faith things will get better in time, i just get the feeling like were close to the precipice but sad that so many people are suffering and dying over this crap.
Keep healthy and also take breaks from all this internet stuff and meditate, just been trying this wim hof breathing and seems to help with the stress and such. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tybOi4hjZFQ
Also start growing some food in your garden and also i secretly plant a bunch of stuff in my local forest/woods so i have it if i need it and i doubt any one knows its there :)
Thanks Mods!!! <3
Thanks for all the hard work.
Says the Commissar.....