And I just want to add that more than a decade ago we had a conversation about when they finally succeed in mandating adult vaccines (which we knew was coming), it will only be once adults start dropping dead or developing debilitating reactions that the population will finally wake up.
I hear ya. I got over it 10 years ago. There's some higher purpose for their obtuseness, beyond our ability to grasp.
You can only help those who don't think they already know. 90% of this board will fight me tooth and nail on the existence of viruses, even though it's been proven beyond dispute that germ theory has always been a fraud - from Pasteur to Fauci. It's all 100% lies.... but hardly anybody wants to hear it, certain they think they are because the flu spread around their family in the past, or they attended a chicken pox party as a kid. They just won't listen...the end. I don't waste my time explaining any longer. The burden of proof lies on the establishment, and they can't prove any of what they claim. That's really all ya need to know.
I'd guess we'll have to wait another 10 years before this starts to become common knowledge. C'est la vie!
i was wrong, the other guy was right. the pathogen is nothing. the terrain is everything.
so basically, we are all just walking, talking bags of bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, etc and they are all kept in a state of balance,
but once that balance is upset, then these pre-existing germs can then grow out of control.
supposedly, what we think of a virus, is actually just a small snip of DNA, called an exosome, that is expelled from the body, and taken in, and interpreted by other peoples bodies, as to alert them that theres an infection in the area.
Great post. I agree with the majority of it. A few corrections if I may.
Viruses don't exist. They never have. It was originally theoretical, then found to be a profitable way to sell us petro-drugs when the electron microscope was invented, so the lie was upheld both to scare us and profit from our hardships.
Dr. Kaufman's has abandoned his exosome theory thanks to Dr. Lanka demonstrating viruses don't exist. To wit, exosomes DO exist, but are not mistaken for viruses in reality. The controllers may take pictures of them sometimes and CLAIM they're viruses, but that's just more deception.
Bacteria and fungi both arise from the "God Particle", which Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur's contemporary that was right about everything) called the "Microzyma", Enderlien called the "Protit", Reich called the "Bion" and Nassans called the "Somatid". All 4 researchers found this particle. Said particle TRANSFORMS into the various bacterial and fungal forms. The term for this is called "Pleimorphism" or "Polymorphism" (many forms). The body generates the appropriate form to perform the appropriate task. Both bacteria and fungi perform vital functions - either to remove damaged/decaying/dead tissue (bacteria) or to quarantine/block off areas that are damaged in order (fungi). This particle is also the basis of life, not the "cell". The microzyma/somatid is also indestructible - it literally can't be destroyed. It is the basis of all life.
Parasites are opportunistic scavengers. They pass through our systems regularly, and only become active when the toxins that they feed on exist within our bodies. If you don't have any toxic waste held in your body, they just pass right on through, unbeknownst to you.
During the process of bacteria eating/removing damaged tissue, or during the process of parasites devouring toxins, their waste product results in putrefaction, which the entirely bodily system must flush out of your system via mucous, urine, excretion, etc.. This putrefaction is what makes us feel sick.
Basically, every time you're "sick", you're actually "healing" in terms of the actions of the microzyma/somatid. Bacteria, fungi and parasites HELP US stay healthy and alive.
Everything we've been taught is an INVERSION of the truth.
I would normally agree, but my 40 years in social services workimg with babies and children has shown a SIDS decline since we started to put babies on their backs to sleep during the first 4 months or so. I fully believe jabs cause much damage to children in many ways, but SIDS has decreased while jabs have hugely increased over the past 10 years. Some SIDS may be due to jabs, but much SIDS was due to babies not being strong enough to lift their heads to get their noses out of sheets, blankets, or spit up formula etc.
It’s funny that SIDS just randomly appeared out of nowhere when we’ve been having babies for thousands of years.
There is a massive correlation between SIDS and vaccines:
Torch found that two-thirds of babies who had died from SIDS had been vaccinated against DPT (diphtheria–pertussis–tetanus toxoid) prior to death. Of these, 6.5% died within 12 hours of vaccination; 13% within 24 hours; 26% within 3 days; and 37%, 61%, and 70% within 1, 2, and 3 weeks, respectively.
He concluded that DPT “may be a generally unrecognized major cause of sudden infant and early childhood death, and that the risks of immunization may outweigh its potential Fine and Chen reported that babies died at a rate nearly eight times greater than normal within 3 days after getting a DPT vaccination.
Linear regression analysis of unweighted mean IMRs showed a high statistically significant correlation between increasing number of vaccine doses and increasing infant mortality rates
SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up vaccine deaths.
its the medical examiners way of saying it was the vaccines, without saying it was the vaccines.
like, they have to put something down as a "cause" of death, so they just put SIDS as the cause of death, even though "SIDS" never killed any baby,
because SIDS isn't actually a cause of death, but rather a statement to the effect that all other causes of death have been ruled out, EXCEPT vaccines,
and i have had many people online that they just can't fathom how a vaccine can kill someone, because of the size of dose, and where they put it.
these people literally had trouble believing that a vaccine given in the arm, could cause a fever in the forehead.
so basically the medical establishment gets away with attributing vaccine deaths to SIDS, because the general public "just can't believe" that a vaccine would kill anyone.
There was that bible story where one lady was cosleeping with her baby, and the baby died after she rolled onto it, and thus suffocated, her baby. I could see that representing a broader occurence of SIDS in the past.
the problem with that narrative, is that if a baby was suffocated, then that would be evident during autopsy, and would be listed as the cause of death.
SIDS might be listed as a cause of death, only after suffocation, and all other potential causes of death, have been ruled out.
Being highly vigilant with my two children, I couldn't bear to have them so far away from me in their own room which was on a different floor on the opposite end of the house from the Master bedroom.
To be sure, the house was quite large and likely designed for people with teenagers or guests who wanted privacy and a sound buffer. But, it wasn't so ideal with a new baby or two.
So, we placed their bassinet right near my side of the bed in the Master bedroom downstairs, allowing for ease in breastfeeding and supervising their breathing, sleeping and state of health.
We also got a tiny wedge pillow to place under the bassinet's mattress, elevating their heads and keeping them on their backs for sleeping to prevent SIDs.
This was before the internet or cell phones, etc. If I had the tools I possess now, I would have refused all vaccinations from the beginning.
I’ve also read a theory there’s a chemical that was put in or on mattresses in the 80s/90s that leaches out and baby breathes in, hence why babies were dying on their bellies. SIDS is a fairly new phenomenon. It’s a term used when they can’t explain why babies just die. Sleeping on their bellies, they say they can’t move their necks well enough and suffocate. That’s suffocation, the cause of death is known. SIDS isn’t a known cause, supposedly. The Back To Sleep movement also coincides with the implementation of the Vaccine Schedule for babies. Most SIDS cases happen at 3 and 6 months. Right when babies get their scheduled vaccines. Once I saw this correlation, I just couldn’t risk vaccinating my child. Also, the kiddo slept on his back until he could roll over, despite my mother saying she put all of us on our bellies.
when a baby dies of "SIDS", they will always claim its because the baby was sleeping on "the wrong side", no matter which side the baby was sleeping on.
TPTB know our weaknesses, and exploit them to the fullest.
they know that parents are afraid of losing a child, so they use that fear to sell vaccines.
then they LIE about the vaccine side effects, and adverse reactions, etc
and justify their LIES by saying that if the general public knew the truth about how dangerous vaccines are, parents wouldn't vaccinate anymore, and gee whiz, wouldn't it be terrible if measles, and polio, and smallpox came back just because a few parents were worried about a little autism...
I actually lost my first daughter to SIDS… I will pursue these assholes for the rest of their natural born lives until I deem retribution has been garnered from them. There will be no mercy if I get my hands on these bastages. Yes it was over 20+ years ago BUT it still hurts badly and won’t stop until I see the last of them swing.
This murdering must stop! Babies are the most innocent, delicate, beautiful of all of God’s creatures and must be protected at all costs. What the medical community has done is absolutely unforgivable and unforgettable. Utterly evil…
Bless you and Godspeed to you as well brother! NCSWIC
this is the difference between an anti-vaccine activist, and a new-rage-of-the-day variety of activist.
an anti-vaccine activist is usually motivated by a first-hand, personal experience, and so they will continue to stew on vaccines forever.
i am fully convinced, that part of the reason for this plandemic, was to try and root out the so-called anti-vaxxers, from places like hospitals, nursing homes, and eventually everywhere else,
and also to implement things like vaccine passports, which is presumably be permanent, because the flu never seems to go away.
the pro-vaccine people had been engaged in this online debate for many years, and eventually it because evident that the anti-vaxxers actually had the better arguments, and everyone knew it.
so it was around that time, that YOU first heard the phrase "anti-vaccine misinformation"
that was the generic term they use to describe pretty much any criticism of vaccines,
or even anyones personal, first-hand account of their experience with a vaccine.
they were very careful never to address the best anti-vaccine arguments, because they were conversations they knew they couldn't win.
so they found the weakest anti-vaccine arguments, and "straw manned" them.
"anti-vaxxers are scared of needles"
but now the whole world knows that vaccines cause SIDS
My mom was diagnosed with this late last year - before she got the jab. It’s 100% because she’s been on the same anxiety medicine for about 20 years. This is medical negligence. No way should someone be getting prescribed the same freaking pill for 20 years with no attempt at solving the root cause, or even recommending some sort of therapy.
Anyways, my mom almost dropped dead one night and it was the scariest phone call I’ve ever received. Her heart spiked up to 180+ bpm and she lost complete control of everything. We’re lucky to still have her and I’m very worried about how the jab will affect her now.
Thank you for the link, I think you just helped me figure out why I’ve been having heart flutters the past week or so. I’ve been drinking too much Gatorade and it must have messed with my electrolytes!
We declined hep B and Vit K, Vit K is to try and prevent brain bleeding caused by Hep B vax. We agreed to oral vit K but only got the one dose in hospital. Then came all the docs to coerce you into allowing them to inject your newborn along with all the "declination" forms. I'd recommend a home birth...
Vit k also to help with bleeding from circumcision. Which is another totally unnecessary procedure. And why do babies need hep b anyway? Blood to blood and sexual contact should not be occurring.
supposedly, every baby needs a Hep B shot on the day they are born,
because MAYBE their mother MIGHT have Hep B,
and somehow the Hep B test they give the mother MIGHT be a false negative,
and so the mother actually has Hep B, BUT the Hep B test didn't catch it.
and so the mother has Hep B, but the test can't find it, AND somehow the mother is NOT already giving Hep B to the baby while the baby is still inside the mother, because the blood is separate,
BUT during childbirth, the mother BLEEDS her Hep B infected blood all over the baby, thus exposing the baby to Hep B
But thanks to the marvels of Rockefeller Medicine,
your baby can now get a Hep B shot, that will somehow train your babies immune system how to fight the imminent Hep B infection that will certainly follow, before the Hep B infection itself takes hold.
Oh, and babies are also known to engage in highly risky behaviors, such as sharing dirty drug needles with sketchy prostitutes.
Where can I find this info? We had a baby girl last Friday turned down the hep b, but did the vit k and eye stuff. We have a pediatrician that doesn’t care if you do vax or not, so she won’t get any other shots.
Google home birth and your city. There are centers with midwives who will come to your home. We did not go this route bc our insurance wouldn't cover it. I know someone that it was just her and her husband at home. All well planned out. They had a midwife on-call for any issues. We also found an NP that agrees it's our choice to vax or not. Texas allows exemptions for public schools even public universities. Most aren't aware bc the Dr$$ said you had to have it to go to school.
Thanks for the reply, but I was referring to the vit k info, she’s already born so that is a little late and my wife wouldn’t go for a home birth anyway since our first daughter had an issue at birth.
As far as the vaccines and school, I’m going to home school my kids, no indoctrination is happening in our house ;)
I declined the hep B for my son but got the Vitamin K because he was in the NICU for 3 weeks. By the time we got home I found a vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 drop you can add to their bottle.
I refused all of the vaccines at his 1 month appointment.
Yep! We've known for a very long time and NO ONE WOULD LISTEN!
And I just want to add that more than a decade ago we had a conversation about when they finally succeed in mandating adult vaccines (which we knew was coming), it will only be once adults start dropping dead or developing debilitating reactions that the population will finally wake up.
bad reactions to vaccines, are the leading cause of anti-vaccine activism.
I'm with ya escapee, we might as well have been talking to brick walls. And the irony was, they all thought WE were crazy. Inversion+Projection, eh?
"Nobody seems to listen, nobody seems to care" - George Carlin
It's infuriating.
I hear ya. I got over it 10 years ago. There's some higher purpose for their obtuseness, beyond our ability to grasp.
You can only help those who don't think they already know. 90% of this board will fight me tooth and nail on the existence of viruses, even though it's been proven beyond dispute that germ theory has always been a fraud - from Pasteur to Fauci. It's all 100% lies.... but hardly anybody wants to hear it, certain they think they are because the flu spread around their family in the past, or they attended a chicken pox party as a kid. They just won't listen...the end. I don't waste my time explaining any longer. The burden of proof lies on the establishment, and they can't prove any of what they claim. That's really all ya need to know.
I'd guess we'll have to wait another 10 years before this starts to become common knowledge. C'est la vie!
on his deathbed, louis pasteur admitted,
i was wrong, the other guy was right. the pathogen is nothing. the terrain is everything.
so basically, we are all just walking, talking bags of bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungus, etc and they are all kept in a state of balance,
but once that balance is upset, then these pre-existing germs can then grow out of control.
supposedly, what we think of a virus, is actually just a small snip of DNA, called an exosome, that is expelled from the body, and taken in, and interpreted by other peoples bodies, as to alert them that theres an infection in the area.
see also, Kochs Postulates
TLDR: they have never satisfied Kochs Postulates for proving the existence of a COVID virus, and will make every excuse as to why not.
Great post. I agree with the majority of it. A few corrections if I may.
Viruses don't exist. They never have. It was originally theoretical, then found to be a profitable way to sell us petro-drugs when the electron microscope was invented, so the lie was upheld both to scare us and profit from our hardships.
Dr. Kaufman's has abandoned his exosome theory thanks to Dr. Lanka demonstrating viruses don't exist. To wit, exosomes DO exist, but are not mistaken for viruses in reality. The controllers may take pictures of them sometimes and CLAIM they're viruses, but that's just more deception.
Bacteria and fungi both arise from the "God Particle", which Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur's contemporary that was right about everything) called the "Microzyma", Enderlien called the "Protit", Reich called the "Bion" and Nassans called the "Somatid". All 4 researchers found this particle. Said particle TRANSFORMS into the various bacterial and fungal forms. The term for this is called "Pleimorphism" or "Polymorphism" (many forms). The body generates the appropriate form to perform the appropriate task. Both bacteria and fungi perform vital functions - either to remove damaged/decaying/dead tissue (bacteria) or to quarantine/block off areas that are damaged in order (fungi). This particle is also the basis of life, not the "cell". The microzyma/somatid is also indestructible - it literally can't be destroyed. It is the basis of all life.
Parasites are opportunistic scavengers. They pass through our systems regularly, and only become active when the toxins that they feed on exist within our bodies. If you don't have any toxic waste held in your body, they just pass right on through, unbeknownst to you.
During the process of bacteria eating/removing damaged tissue, or during the process of parasites devouring toxins, their waste product results in putrefaction, which the entirely bodily system must flush out of your system via mucous, urine, excretion, etc.. This putrefaction is what makes us feel sick.
Basically, every time you're "sick", you're actually "healing" in terms of the actions of the microzyma/somatid. Bacteria, fungi and parasites HELP US stay healthy and alive.
Everything we've been taught is an INVERSION of the truth.
I would normally agree, but my 40 years in social services workimg with babies and children has shown a SIDS decline since we started to put babies on their backs to sleep during the first 4 months or so. I fully believe jabs cause much damage to children in many ways, but SIDS has decreased while jabs have hugely increased over the past 10 years. Some SIDS may be due to jabs, but much SIDS was due to babies not being strong enough to lift their heads to get their noses out of sheets, blankets, or spit up formula etc.
It’s funny that SIDS just randomly appeared out of nowhere when we’ve been having babies for thousands of years.
There is a massive correlation between SIDS and vaccines:
SIDS was invented for the sole purpose of covering up vaccine deaths.
its the medical examiners way of saying it was the vaccines, without saying it was the vaccines.
like, they have to put something down as a "cause" of death, so they just put SIDS as the cause of death, even though "SIDS" never killed any baby,
because SIDS isn't actually a cause of death, but rather a statement to the effect that all other causes of death have been ruled out, EXCEPT vaccines,
and i have had many people online that they just can't fathom how a vaccine can kill someone, because of the size of dose, and where they put it.
these people literally had trouble believing that a vaccine given in the arm, could cause a fever in the forehead.
so basically the medical establishment gets away with attributing vaccine deaths to SIDS, because the general public "just can't believe" that a vaccine would kill anyone.
It looks more official than "Cause of death: This baby suddenly died."
i hear if you take your baby to a pediatrician for vaccines,
and your baby dies soon thereafter,
the pediatrician won't return your phone calls.
they let the ER deal with it.
Based. Thanks for sharing.
My babe just started sleeping on her belly a couple weeks ago - because she can actually roll over and manipulate her position. It’s the cutest!
Did you just assume your baby's gender?
Damn skippy
Yep. Once they can roll over and maneuver a bit, the suffocating danger is gone.
Infants get a hepatitis shot their second day out of the womb. We turned that shit down for our kids but they really pressure you.
doctor: whats the matter? you want your kid to die of Hep B or something?
Yes. And actually my parent's generation talked about how babies just sleep better on their stomachs.
There was that bible story where one lady was cosleeping with her baby, and the baby died after she rolled onto it, and thus suffocated, her baby. I could see that representing a broader occurence of SIDS in the past.
the problem with that narrative, is that if a baby was suffocated, then that would be evident during autopsy, and would be listed as the cause of death.
SIDS might be listed as a cause of death, only after suffocation, and all other potential causes of death, have been ruled out.
Being highly vigilant with my two children, I couldn't bear to have them so far away from me in their own room which was on a different floor on the opposite end of the house from the Master bedroom.
To be sure, the house was quite large and likely designed for people with teenagers or guests who wanted privacy and a sound buffer. But, it wasn't so ideal with a new baby or two.
So, we placed their bassinet right near my side of the bed in the Master bedroom downstairs, allowing for ease in breastfeeding and supervising their breathing, sleeping and state of health.
We also got a tiny wedge pillow to place under the bassinet's mattress, elevating their heads and keeping them on their backs for sleeping to prevent SIDs.
This was before the internet or cell phones, etc. If I had the tools I possess now, I would have refused all vaccinations from the beginning.
I’ve also read a theory there’s a chemical that was put in or on mattresses in the 80s/90s that leaches out and baby breathes in, hence why babies were dying on their bellies. SIDS is a fairly new phenomenon. It’s a term used when they can’t explain why babies just die. Sleeping on their bellies, they say they can’t move their necks well enough and suffocate. That’s suffocation, the cause of death is known. SIDS isn’t a known cause, supposedly. The Back To Sleep movement also coincides with the implementation of the Vaccine Schedule for babies. Most SIDS cases happen at 3 and 6 months. Right when babies get their scheduled vaccines. Once I saw this correlation, I just couldn’t risk vaccinating my child. Also, the kiddo slept on his back until he could roll over, despite my mother saying she put all of us on our bellies.
when a baby dies of "SIDS", they will always claim its because the baby was sleeping on "the wrong side", no matter which side the baby was sleeping on.
TPTB know our weaknesses, and exploit them to the fullest.
they know that parents are afraid of losing a child, so they use that fear to sell vaccines.
then they LIE about the vaccine side effects, and adverse reactions, etc
and justify their LIES by saying that if the general public knew the truth about how dangerous vaccines are, parents wouldn't vaccinate anymore, and gee whiz, wouldn't it be terrible if measles, and polio, and smallpox came back just because a few parents were worried about a little autism...
Vaccines dont “merely” cause SIDS...
Its much, much worse than that...
SIDS itself, was invented for the sole purpose of covering up the fact that vaccines kill babies.
I was just about to page you!
definitely happy today, to see SIDS get some much-deserved attention,
and what a time for this to happen! right when the whole political world is focused on vaccines.
If you don't mind me asking (just ignore this if you want), how did you get into the topic in the first place?
😁👊🏼 you da man VC Sids!
I actually lost my first daughter to SIDS… I will pursue these assholes for the rest of their natural born lives until I deem retribution has been garnered from them. There will be no mercy if I get my hands on these bastages. Yes it was over 20+ years ago BUT it still hurts badly and won’t stop until I see the last of them swing.
This murdering must stop! Babies are the most innocent, delicate, beautiful of all of God’s creatures and must be protected at all costs. What the medical community has done is absolutely unforgivable and unforgettable. Utterly evil… Bless you and Godspeed to you as well brother! NCSWIC
this is the difference between an anti-vaccine activist, and a new-rage-of-the-day variety of activist.
an anti-vaccine activist is usually motivated by a first-hand, personal experience, and so they will continue to stew on vaccines forever.
i am fully convinced, that part of the reason for this plandemic, was to try and root out the so-called anti-vaxxers, from places like hospitals, nursing homes, and eventually everywhere else,
and also to implement things like vaccine passports, which is presumably be permanent, because the flu never seems to go away.
the pro-vaccine people had been engaged in this online debate for many years, and eventually it because evident that the anti-vaxxers actually had the better arguments, and everyone knew it.
so it was around that time, that YOU first heard the phrase "anti-vaccine misinformation"
that was the generic term they use to describe pretty much any criticism of vaccines,
or even anyones personal, first-hand account of their experience with a vaccine.
they were very careful never to address the best anti-vaccine arguments, because they were conversations they knew they couldn't win.
so they found the weakest anti-vaccine arguments, and "straw manned" them.
"anti-vaxxers are scared of needles"
but now the whole world knows that vaccines cause SIDS
It is absolutely unforgivable…
I remember that they used to blame the fabric of the blankets used in the crib, stating that the material trapped co2 causing the baby to suffocate…
It was the vaccines all along.
My mom was diagnosed with this late last year - before she got the jab. It’s 100% because she’s been on the same anxiety medicine for about 20 years. This is medical negligence. No way should someone be getting prescribed the same freaking pill for 20 years with no attempt at solving the root cause, or even recommending some sort of therapy.
Anyways, my mom almost dropped dead one night and it was the scariest phone call I’ve ever received. Her heart spiked up to 180+ bpm and she lost complete control of everything. We’re lucky to still have her and I’m very worried about how the jab will affect her now.
that might be caused by an electrolyte imbalance
Thank you for the link, I think you just helped me figure out why I’ve been having heart flutters the past week or so. I’ve been drinking too much Gatorade and it must have messed with my electrolytes!
Thank you! Will look into this.
The CDC doesn't show data for 2020 or 2021 yet. I wonder why.
do they use Dominion products?
They need a new acronym though, it's already taken for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Just saying.
Sudden arrhythmia death syndrome?
2 + 2 = 5
Both our kids slept on their stomachs and were fine
Here is VAERS data of deaths from any vax of babies 1 and under.
Just read through the reports. Baby dead in crib 12hrs after 4 month vax round.
Thank you for this.
I refused hep B for my son and all other vaccines. Good link
Like every single infant death i've been looking at in the last few years has had the Rotavirus vaccine wtf
They force two shots on your newborn., but if the mom is lucid, she can decline.
We declined hep B and Vit K, Vit K is to try and prevent brain bleeding caused by Hep B vax. We agreed to oral vit K but only got the one dose in hospital. Then came all the docs to coerce you into allowing them to inject your newborn along with all the "declination" forms. I'd recommend a home birth...
Vit k also to help with bleeding from circumcision. Which is another totally unnecessary procedure. And why do babies need hep b anyway? Blood to blood and sexual contact should not be occurring.
supposedly, every baby needs a Hep B shot on the day they are born,
because MAYBE their mother MIGHT have Hep B,
and somehow the Hep B test they give the mother MIGHT be a false negative,
and so the mother actually has Hep B, BUT the Hep B test didn't catch it.
and so the mother has Hep B, but the test can't find it, AND somehow the mother is NOT already giving Hep B to the baby while the baby is still inside the mother, because the blood is separate,
BUT during childbirth, the mother BLEEDS her Hep B infected blood all over the baby, thus exposing the baby to Hep B
But thanks to the marvels of Rockefeller Medicine,
your baby can now get a Hep B shot, that will somehow train your babies immune system how to fight the imminent Hep B infection that will certainly follow, before the Hep B infection itself takes hold.
Oh, and babies are also known to engage in highly risky behaviors, such as sharing dirty drug needles with sketchy prostitutes.
They need it because those longnose doctors see a bleeding baby penis and they just can't help themselves.
Where can I find this info? We had a baby girl last Friday turned down the hep b, but did the vit k and eye stuff. We have a pediatrician that doesn’t care if you do vax or not, so she won’t get any other shots. Thanks
Google home birth and your city. There are centers with midwives who will come to your home. We did not go this route bc our insurance wouldn't cover it. I know someone that it was just her and her husband at home. All well planned out. They had a midwife on-call for any issues. We also found an NP that agrees it's our choice to vax or not. Texas allows exemptions for public schools even public universities. Most aren't aware bc the Dr$$ said you had to have it to go to school.
Thanks for the reply, but I was referring to the vit k info, she’s already born so that is a little late and my wife wouldn’t go for a home birth anyway since our first daughter had an issue at birth.
As far as the vaccines and school, I’m going to home school my kids, no indoctrination is happening in our house ;)
I declined the hep B for my son but got the Vitamin K because he was in the NICU for 3 weeks. By the time we got home I found a vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 drop you can add to their bottle.
I refused all of the vaccines at his 1 month appointment.
It's all about the profits.
when you own the printing presses, and can put as many 0000000000000's on a check as you think you need...
money becomes meaningless,
and power and control becomes everything.
ok doc, its like this. how about i sign for all the things i DO want, instead of signing for all the things i DON'T want
I'm triggered
Holy moly how have I never put this together before?? I'm still half alseep ffs
'Sudden Unexplained Death Syndrome.'
give a kid 8 shots in one office visit, kid drops dead 12 hours later.
we can't explain it, but we are sure it was NOT the vaccines.
Maybe now more people will be interested in natural (true) health.
you rang?
I regret that I have but one upvote to give.
SADS is already a medical issue.....
Seasonal Adjustment Disorder.....
Or Yuppie flu.....
Ah. Now I see it.