Number-fagging is really just an expression of the desire to know what's going to happen.
Try the Bible, book of Revelation to start. Bonus: check the first few verses.....God promises a blessing to any that read it....the only book in the Bible that makes such a promise.
I would love to find a current events/Bible prophecy discussion group.
It could be that the best black-pilling tool of all is "the Bible predicts all of this".
I dont know much about Revelation and the promises and would definitely start reading up. However, numerology as used by Cabal will give very useful clues since they imprint everything they do with their signature via numerology and can be decoded if you know how.
For example, reduced gematria of "Ghislane" and "Omicron" match each other, giving a strong indication that Omicron was named for an operation that is connected to Ghislane (I am assuming distraction / lockdown etc)
OK, sure. As COMMS, and Q included, OK....but when someone is trying to find meaning in "there's 666 days between x and y!"?
Then I'm suggesting that time is better spent in the Bible rather than wherever your mind takes you....
Also, the COMMS are not perfectly predictive....The other team has good players and there are a lot of them....Some of Q's COMMS were disinfo on purpose, some were disinfo b/c they didn't know they were going to lose some skirmishes....
The Bible? Revelation, written 2000 years ago....too many examples to start a list...but names all the state players contending for global hedgemony, IDs the allies, describes the cabal as Satan worshippers, the offenses they commit against children etc etc etc....for example, the "Kings of the North" (Russia) allied with Syria and Turkey, attacks Israel from the North....look at a map....Syria on Israel's N border, Turkey North of that (ready to leave NATO, becoming hostile to the West and Islamist,) ....Moscow directly North of Israel, too....
The only country blocking a Northern invasion by geography is Ukraine. Now if Ukraine became overrun/dominated by Russia, then....oh....Everything is lining up for the events described in Revelation......
BTW, The revived Roman Empire (EU?), led by the antichrist, opposes the Kings of the North, destroys their armies, but then is annihilated by a 100 million man army from the East....Gee, what country, East of Israel, is CAPABLE of fielding a 100 million man army?
Funny how the entire WORLD didn't have 100 million humans 2000 years ago....yet all predicted in the Bible. Its ALL predicted.
Mathematicians got involved in the 2 follow on books re Bible Code. They absolutely proved it is real and well beyond any rates of coincidence and that Infinite Monkey Theory doesn’t apply.
I always wondered why they didn’t update it with more current events. I have no doubt that all the information we need is hidden in the Bible. We have more than we know x a million.
Reminder to ignore you the next time you talk, "Whitehousedog"
People who talk before thinking or verifying are dangerous.
If the mark of an educated mind is thw ability to entertainna thought witbout accepting it, then the mark of an idiotic mind is one doesnt even entertain thoughts and discourages others from thinking. 10 upvotes to your post is depressing as well, i expect more from this community.
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, 3 or more times and it’s enemy action. Im fairly certain we’ve had more than 3 instances of satanic symbolism involved in the COVID mass hysteria
666 days to flatten the soul
Sorry, had to take Ya up to 18 👍🏽
Sauce for Emergency Declaration
Its 666 days to 26 November, but we will take it.
Wasn't 2020 a leap year with an extra day?
Gotta leave room for your +1
If you leave the math inclusive, it works
So day 666 was the 25th. Source says up to but not including the end date.
This one what your name reminds me of, and I LOVE IT
Oh boy, just the 8-bit music makes me nostalgic and I wanna go and hide back in the 80s :)
Number-fagging is really just an expression of the desire to know what's going to happen. Try the Bible, book of Revelation to start. Bonus: check the first few verses.....God promises a blessing to any that read it....the only book in the Bible that makes such a promise.
I would love to find a current events/Bible prophecy discussion group. It could be that the best black-pilling tool of all is "the Bible predicts all of this".
I dont know much about Revelation and the promises and would definitely start reading up. However, numerology as used by Cabal will give very useful clues since they imprint everything they do with their signature via numerology and can be decoded if you know how.
For example, reduced gematria of "Ghislane" and "Omicron" match each other, giving a strong indication that Omicron was named for an operation that is connected to Ghislane (I am assuming distraction / lockdown etc)
Getting “clues” via gematria is for fools. You can make almost anything align.
Does it change when you spell her name correct? Ghislaine
How about when you spell it Jizzlaine?
Jazz lane
OK, sure. As COMMS, and Q included, OK....but when someone is trying to find meaning in "there's 666 days between x and y!"? Then I'm suggesting that time is better spent in the Bible rather than wherever your mind takes you....
Also, the COMMS are not perfectly predictive....The other team has good players and there are a lot of them....Some of Q's COMMS were disinfo on purpose, some were disinfo b/c they didn't know they were going to lose some skirmishes....
The Bible? Revelation, written 2000 years ago....too many examples to start a list...but names all the state players contending for global hedgemony, IDs the allies, describes the cabal as Satan worshippers, the offenses they commit against children etc etc etc....for example, the "Kings of the North" (Russia) allied with Syria and Turkey, attacks Israel from the North....look at a map....Syria on Israel's N border, Turkey North of that (ready to leave NATO, becoming hostile to the West and Islamist,) ....Moscow directly North of Israel, too....
The only country blocking a Northern invasion by geography is Ukraine. Now if Ukraine became overrun/dominated by Russia, then....oh....Everything is lining up for the events described in Revelation......
BTW, The revived Roman Empire (EU?), led by the antichrist, opposes the Kings of the North, destroys their armies, but then is annihilated by a 100 million man army from the East....Gee, what country, East of Israel, is CAPABLE of fielding a 100 million man army?
Funny how the entire WORLD didn't have 100 million humans 2000 years ago....yet all predicted in the Bible. Its ALL predicted.
Yes like that Bible Code book from the 90’s! Why did that get dropped?
Mathematicians got involved in the 2 follow on books re Bible Code. They absolutely proved it is real and well beyond any rates of coincidence and that Infinite Monkey Theory doesn’t apply.
I always wondered why they didn’t update it with more current events. I have no doubt that all the information we need is hidden in the Bible. We have more than we know x a million.
Any more info on that book (Title, Author?) would be appreciated?
Well, it wasn't the Bible. Bible "codes" are crap. "Decoders" are fallible and sometimes agenda-driven.
Try Pastor JD Farage's Bible Prophesy recordings:
Bible prophesy is anything but a black pill, brother.
Where's it been wrong, BRO?
I confused my colors, bro! Bible is the ultimate red-pill
There are no coincidences
Explain to me how you propose to stop the "revolution we are suffering through" on your own.
It’s 666 days after the UK announced its first day of COVID.
Gematria Effect did a solid write up about it.
Ty ! 💥
These kinds of memes are embarrassing. Simple math makes anyone who posts this look foolish.
The math works out if you count the days it mentions.
Reminder to ignore you the next time you talk, "Whitehousedog" People who talk before thinking or verifying are dangerous.
If the mark of an educated mind is thw ability to entertainna thought witbout accepting it, then the mark of an idiotic mind is one doesnt even entertain thoughts and discourages others from thinking. 10 upvotes to your post is depressing as well, i expect more from this community.
Shape up folks.
Couldn't have said it better myself.
The math is 665 days. Not the one in the meme.
Are we just gonna go with close enough from now on?
Did yo leap year?
I calculated the exact amount of days from the dates stated in the meme.
It’s 665 days.
The meme is incorrect and if we’re gonna wake people up we gotta do better because normies will just look at this as “reaching”.
International date line. I's always a day later or earlier somewhere.
2020 was a leap year with an extra day in Feb.
The calculator I used accounts for that.
I thought you were put down for biting the Resident?
math is for the deepstate spies
Math is racist
Imagine if we all figured it out at the exact same time right now?
I wanna reach out and grab ya!
You’re just one of those conspiracy theorists.....!
Coincidences are unicorns. They exist but are very rare.
Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, 3 or more times and it’s enemy action. Im fairly certain we’ve had more than 3 instances of satanic symbolism involved in the COVID mass hysteria
Probably a coincidence
You must be new here
Lol, no not really. See username for reference
It checks out, that’s for sure. But Q did tell us there are no coincidences with the (((DS)))
Very true. Was a lot more on the fence about Q tbh when i made the username.
Name…yep chex-out!!!
Lol, i made it so long ago and yet it is so relevant all of the time
Except they did that on March 11, 2020.
Hrm…. Does this mean we need to pay attention? I mean, omicron could be their play right?
March 21 and nov 26 - 615 days. Or am I missing something…?
Jan 30 2020 ya derp
lol how was this stickied..?
Because not everyone is as dumb as you :)
Well that was a big so what.