Why is this stickied? Let's see if GAW's top researchers can cut through the massive FUD on this one. Here goes:
Brian Cates: (from TruthHammer) Existing vaccines focus on recognition of the spike protein.
Suddenly new variant with 50 CHANGES shows up. FAR outside normal deviation.
32 of them on the spike protein… meaning existing vaccine related antibodies are unlikely to recognize spike protein and block infection. This makes Omicron spread faster. But somehow it’s also more mild.
If true… this is a serious threat to Fauci & Co because everyone is about to have updated natural immunity… and that means the MSM is about to have their hands full trying to help keep excuses for lockdowns going while cases plummet worldwide. 👀
Some other salient comments:
Guy Houle:
They will probably use faulty tests to render enough false positives so people continue to comply.
Ivermectin, surprisingly, blocks both receptor and spike protein of not just one protein, but all of them. Go figure.
Everybody is also about to find out that they've been able to cure a lot of diseases for a long damn time and haven't done shit about it...until now...possibly.
Ph.D. Medical Biochemist Fauci's Nightmare:
RNA viruses mutate hundreds to thousands of times per infection as there is no proofreading mechanism on their transcriptase enzyme. The original one (if it ever existed anywhere but on paper and in a database), will have mutated 10’s of millions of times by now, becoming more and more benign over time. That is the basic theme for ALL RNA-based viruses. A major nothingburger.
Seth Stallman:
How can they determine this if there is not even an existing sample of the original cvd19 virus?
In South Africa, motorists are now being stopped on highways by 'Health Workers' and forcebly coerced to take these jabs!
I don't see this as hurting the bad guys here. The tests change dec 31 to differentiate between covid and the flu (not a surprising date). Their plan is to implement the worst, most tyrannical "covid measures" now and in the coming weeks, then the cases plummet early next year because they aren't mixing in flu cases, so they can say "see, our tyranny worked". If the "new variant" helps this narrative, then the only conclusion that can be drawn, is they wanted it to be this way.
(NOTE: "Omicron" is shapped like Africa. It is all a joke within a psyop.)
There is a reason that it is all done with drawings and not photographs: the virus does not exist.
ALL viruses are imaginary.
Virologists have bought into a dogma, not a scientific study. When they think they are looking at viruses, they are really looking at fragments of dead cells, and nothing more.
Even virologists will say that viruses are not alive. They are not microorganisms. They do not have a respiratory system. They do not have a digestive system. They cannot reproduce. They cannot move around. They are NOT alive.
If they cannot move around, then they cannot DO anything. That being the case, how can they possibly get into someone, get into their cells, cause damange, replicate, and all the other nonsense we are told?
They canNOT do any of it. They are not alive. In fact ...
They are simply fragments of broken down cellular tissue, mistakenly assumed to be independent molecular structures. It is just cellular debris that is caused by the process of poisoning of cell cultures that "virologists" use in EVERY STUDY THEY CONDUCT about "viruses."
Most of them have simply never bothered to check their own assumptions.
Just like doctors believe what they are told about the Covid scam, and they do NO independent research of their own, virologists are the same. They learned some "facts" when they were in school. Those facts were fraudulent, but they believed them. Now, they continue to assume these facts as they "study viruses." But the facts are not facts. They are a misunderstanding and/or intentionally misleading and fraudulent. They are following a dogma, and it has NOTHING to do with science, because it IGNORES the Scientific Method.
It Is Difficult to Get a Man to Understand Something When His Salary Depends Upon His Not Understanding It -- Upton Sinclair
They are now caught in a trap. They have cognitive dissonance about the fundamental building blocks of their own profession. It will not be easy to get them to see the error of their ways, but see it they must.
No, they are not "lacing" the cellular debris. Even if they tried, it wouldn't do anything because the cellular debris cannot do anything.
You should watch the video. It is only 23 minutes, but it will blow your mind and awaken you to the lies.
As far as "clearly there is some toxin being spread around," that is open to debate.
It would take a lot more to explain that. There are many videos that explain it (seems to be better than reading, since in videos people are asking questions like you are).
Basic overview --
Germ theory is false. Terrain theory is more likely true. We get sick because of poor nutrition, poor hygene, poor sanitation, and/or toxins entering our bodies.
Every year or so, our bodies detox. Some people do it more frequently (due to their lifestyle), and others less often. It is likely that this happens as the Sun changes position in the sky.
That's why "cold and flu season" happens in OCT-MAR in the Northern Hemisphere, but in APR-SEP in the Southern Hemisphere. If it were due to a "virus" floating around in the air, with international travel, it should all happen around the same time -- like the Covid psyop pretended to do. But in years past, it has not been like this. If it happens due to the position of the Sun, and less vitamin D, then it all makes sense.
Bears hibernate in the Winter. Humans detox seasonally (primarily, but can detox at any time if needed).
Colds and flus are detox of the body. It is a natural occurance for those of us who have health problems due to lifestyle choices and external influences, like EMF's in the atmosphere.
The current toxin we are all dealing with that is not being discussed at all is the new 5G system and its EMF's.
The first fully 5G city in the world was Wuhan, China. The next area was northern Italy. These were also the first "outbreaks of Covid."
Back in 1918, the Spanish Flu was also a misunderstanding of what was going on. Edison figured out the light bulb in 1896, and over the next 20 years, cities around the world installed power plants, electric power lines, and electricity in homes and businesses. This coincides with people getting sick around 1918 -- which also included WW1 and the craziness of that.
Again, watch that video. It is a great starting point to get a handle on this.
The reason why drawings are used for viruses are the same reason they are used for cells. It's easier to point out details by using a drawing than it is using a photograph.
Electron microscopes have photographed, and even filmed viruses but viruses are so incredibly small that even using electron microscopes they are still small with very little details.
The reason they don't use regular light microscopy is that viruses are virtually invisible in regular light because they are smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave. Anything smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave can't bend light and won't reflect it. Electrons have a wavelength 100,000 times shorter than light.
The virus has infact been isolated several times by several research teams around the globe and has infact been photographed.
It has not been isolated in accordance with kotch's postulates which was designed for bacteria.
Koch's postulates standard includes growing the culture on agar which is possible with bacteria because they are living cells. Viruses are not living cells that replicate themselve, but impossible with viruses. Viruses require cell culture which is why vaccine manufactures grow viruses in monkey cells
Koch's postulates standard also include infecting a healthy person with the culture that was obtained from an infected person and grown on agar. Not only impossible due to the agar, but also illegal due to the infection of a healthy person.
The person that offered a million dollar reward for anyone who could isolate the virus said it must be isolated according to Koch's postulates.
So that is why no one has collected the money, but again the virus has been isolated and sequenced and photographed
It’s my understanding that Ivermectin is a Protease inhibitor. Protease being an essential enzyme for protein production (proteins are just multiple enzymes put together in a chain). So ivermectin will continue to work so long as the virus produces a spike protein.
Natural immunity is 13.04 times more effective than the vaccine (and it doesn't wear off after 2-4 months like the vaccine).
Vaccines are poison. The body doesn't really have an "immune system," so much as it has a "maintenance system." Whatever it does to maintain the body, it is better than injecting a poison.
The "extremely mild" omicron variant is weak and feeble.
So weak and feeble, in fact, that it does not exist at all. It has the exact same power as a unicorn.
It is also very infectious, so it will spread through the population giving everyone either no symptoms, or a very mild cold.
No, it is not infectious and cannot spread, because it does not exist.
Everyone will be left with natural immunity, with virtually no deaths.
Normal maintenance of the body.
Omicron has 50 mutational genetic differences from the original Wuhan variant.
No, there is no original virus, and there are no mutations or variants.
It is ALL a psyop.
This would take a minimum of 10.3 years to occur naturally.
Of course, it would never happen because it does not exist.
Just as bad actors can create bioweapons, good actors can create biocures.
There may very wll be man-made bioweapons. I suspect that is what the "gain of function" research is about. But they are in the vaccines, not mythical viruses.
People are therefore theorizing that the weak and feeble omicron variant was created by good actors as a cure to ruin the cabal's evil plans.
So the portrait of Aunt Jemima gets cancelled because it’s considered “hateful and racist” but then a bunch of covidphobes get together and draw these offensive dog-whistle caricatures of viruses and that is supposed to be okay?
I don’t get these. Is it just me or do these images just give the scam narrative more meat behind it? I feel people get dragged into conversations and suddenly they subconsciously are beginning to become part of the narrative. Whenever I see MSM post any conversations about their omicron casedemic I openly laugh at it and usually when more people do the same it destroys the gaslighting attempt.
Establishment Left floats something in the media. Establishment Right takes the bait and amplifies it with outrage programming. Right useful idiots get angry. “Can you believe... AOC/they want to cancel Dr. Seuss/math is racist/men can get pregnant?!?” Left useful idiots who weren’t even paying attention to the original thing see the right complaining and think, “My enemy is angry. Must defend source of anger.” Left then argues back: “AOC is great, Seuss is a bigot, ban math, trannies 4ever.”
I'm hoping one of our top frogs comes up with one. I haven't run into anything yet, and I'm looking. This is kind of breaking scientific news, so, hoping some context emerges. I'll post it in context if it appears.
BTW. Um. I see your username, figure, uhhhh, read all your comments, and ended up upvoting all your "zero" downvoted comments for you because they were all good and deserved better. OK, did not expect that. What gives? LOL. You can have just about any username you want around here, I guess. Just a friendly note, sidebar = life. Thanks fren.
If we don't or can't get any scientific data, that's armour piercing ammo for the courts. I had a better user name (TheRealThor) for 12 months or more and one day banned. I don't like arguing productively or unnecessarily fighting because we need a united front and the mods would even respond to my messages.
I’ve been banned and mods were nice to me and immediately unbanned. But you have to be polite. Sometimes when we are under shill or troll attack, quality users get banned in the crossfire. If you are still around after the attack and your post history is legit, they will usually see it was friendly fire and unban you.
Yep, same with the original virus. Much easier to let us mingle and allow the virus to kill us. Fact that they didn’t want us to tells you everything about how little threat Covid actually was.
Looks like genomic sequencing is maintained at https://www.gisaid.org/, we can assume that sequencing is real and they did find a variant called Omicron.
The key to this puzzle might be by looking into the mutations that causes the variant to infect people. This is basically the ACE-2 binding area, which connects to the ACE-2 receptor and cause infection.
N501Y increases binding to the ACE2 receptor, which could increase transmission, and the combination of N501Y and Q498R may increase binding affinity even more; however, other substitutions in the Omicron spike protein are expected to decrease binding to ACE2. As such, receptor binding affinity needs to be assessed using the full spectrum of spike protein substitutions found in the Omicron variant.
Looks like there are individual mutations that looks like they can increase the binding affinity to ACE2 receptor, but as a whole, combined mutations actually decrease the affinity.
My guess is that its a natural evolution due to the evolutionary pressure by the vaccines. Reduced infection + increased spreading is perfectly suited for a mutation to become dominant, and at the same time create herd immunity in the population.
So perhaps its not a manufactured bioweapon, but rather the outcome of viral evolution.
Looks like genomic sequencing is maintained at https://www.gisaid.org/, we can assume that sequencing is real and they did find a variant called Omicron.
No, it is ALL done via computer program.
NONE of it is done from a sample from a human who is sick.
Can you explain how it works? What I hear is around the world every country randomly does a genomic sequencing of a small portion of positive case. Firstly, is that statement strictly correct or not?
If not, then on what basis do they create the computer model of, say, Omicron in the first place?
If omnicron (moronic) came from South Africa AND you are required to have a jab proof to board an airplane, then logic says that the jab gave you omnicron. The unvaxed cannot board an airplane, hence they are not spreading this FF omnicron.
In Texas my physicians assistant and Urgent Doc will prescribe it. And local pharmay will fill it. He gave husband a complete prescription for all meds he would need if he got it again. We travel with it.
I have gotten human iver from pushhealth.com and IndiaMart.com Tuli Enterprises. The Indian order took a month. I have another order from India for antibiotics that is still not here at 5 weeks. I got horse from amazon (paste and injectable).
You can obtain a tele med consult from FrontLine Doctors. They will prescribe a prophylactic prescription, which comes from a Texas pharmacy.. Make an appointment now and have it on hand before you need it. Early treatment is the key. Take Vitamin C and D. Have your a Vitamin D levels checked by your doctor.
You asked about vaccination and adverse reaction in terms that implies in general, not if I was vaxxed against covid, and I answered the question directly.
Learn grammar, pose questions in complete sentences and then complain, but until then be a bit more humble.
From similar isolates of SARS, they have isolated and ciltured that strain for a long time.
They have been working to tweak the original Sars for 20+ years.
And yes, you CAN see virus' under an electron microscope--some have viral envelopes that are geometrically beautiful.
From similar isolates of SARS, they have isolated and ciltured that strain for a long time. They have been working to tweak the original Sars for 20+ years.
That is false. SARS (the first one, in 2003) was ALSO never isolated and purified.
And yes, you CAN see virus' under an electron microscope--some have viral envelopes that are geometrically beautiful.
That is also false. Nobody can SEE a virus under an electron microscope. What they see is a picture of cellular debris, caused by the poisoning of the cell culture. There is NO virus "in there" at all.
It’s amazing people think they have “seen” all these viruses with “their own eyes”. Look at this graphic again. They are all cartoons! Every virus graphic you see on CNN and Fox and every other TV channel - all cartoons!
They can't kill too many people too fast. Much of the world would have had hard lockdowns, and getting food and water would have been a total nightmare. Those that have an in-person job would have become unemployed, and unable to afford anything.
With this, they can give us a "new normal," making the left fear their own shadow.
Why is this stickied? Let's see if GAW's top researchers can cut through the massive FUD on this one. Here goes:
Brian Cates: (from TruthHammer) Existing vaccines focus on recognition of the spike protein.
Suddenly new variant with 50 CHANGES shows up. FAR outside normal deviation.
32 of them on the spike protein… meaning existing vaccine related antibodies are unlikely to recognize spike protein and block infection. This makes Omicron spread faster. But somehow it’s also more mild.
If true… this is a serious threat to Fauci & Co because everyone is about to have updated natural immunity… and that means the MSM is about to have their hands full trying to help keep excuses for lockdowns going while cases plummet worldwide. 👀
Some other salient comments:
Guy Houle: They will probably use faulty tests to render enough false positives so people continue to comply.
SlickWilliesWillie: Ivermectin, surprisingly, blocks both receptor and spike protein of not just one protein, but all of them. Go figure.
DCDecoder: Everybody is also about to find out that they've been able to cure a lot of diseases for a long damn time and haven't done shit about it...until now...possibly.
Ph.D. Medical Biochemist Fauci's Nightmare: RNA viruses mutate hundreds to thousands of times per infection as there is no proofreading mechanism on their transcriptase enzyme. The original one (if it ever existed anywhere but on paper and in a database), will have mutated 10’s of millions of times by now, becoming more and more benign over time. That is the basic theme for ALL RNA-based viruses. A major nothingburger.
Seth Stallman: How can they determine this if there is not even an existing sample of the original cvd19 virus?
Lou: In South Africa, motorists are now being stopped on highways by 'Health Workers' and forcebly coerced to take these jabs!
Steve: I don't see this as hurting the bad guys here. The tests change dec 31 to differentiate between covid and the flu (not a surprising date). Their plan is to implement the worst, most tyrannical "covid measures" now and in the coming weeks, then the cases plummet early next year because they aren't mixing in flu cases, so they can say "see, our tyranny worked". If the "new variant" helps this narrative, then the only conclusion that can be drawn, is they wanted it to be this way.
Isn't evil evolution fascinating. As it tried to make usall extinct?
The entire graphic is nonsense.
(NOTE: "Omicron" is shapped like Africa. It is all a joke within a psyop.)
There is a reason that it is all done with drawings and not photographs: the virus does not exist.
ALL viruses are imaginary.
Virologists have bought into a dogma, not a scientific study. When they think they are looking at viruses, they are really looking at fragments of dead cells, and nothing more.
Even virologists will say that viruses are not alive. They are not microorganisms. They do not have a respiratory system. They do not have a digestive system. They cannot reproduce. They cannot move around. They are NOT alive.
If they cannot move around, then they cannot DO anything. That being the case, how can they possibly get into someone, get into their cells, cause damange, replicate, and all the other nonsense we are told?
They canNOT do any of it. They are not alive. In fact ...
They are simply fragments of broken down cellular tissue, mistakenly assumed to be independent molecular structures. It is just cellular debris that is caused by the process of poisoning of cell cultures that "virologists" use in EVERY STUDY THEY CONDUCT about "viruses."
Most of them have simply never bothered to check their own assumptions.
Just like doctors believe what they are told about the Covid scam, and they do NO independent research of their own, virologists are the same. They learned some "facts" when they were in school. Those facts were fraudulent, but they believed them. Now, they continue to assume these facts as they "study viruses." But the facts are not facts. They are a misunderstanding and/or intentionally misleading and fraudulent. They are following a dogma, and it has NOTHING to do with science, because it IGNORES the Scientific Method.
They are now caught in a trap. They have cognitive dissonance about the fundamental building blocks of their own profession. It will not be easy to get them to see the error of their ways, but see it they must.
Quick overview:
No, they are not "lacing" the cellular debris. Even if they tried, it wouldn't do anything because the cellular debris cannot do anything.
You should watch the video. It is only 23 minutes, but it will blow your mind and awaken you to the lies.
As far as "clearly there is some toxin being spread around," that is open to debate.
It would take a lot more to explain that. There are many videos that explain it (seems to be better than reading, since in videos people are asking questions like you are).
Basic overview --
Germ theory is false. Terrain theory is more likely true. We get sick because of poor nutrition, poor hygene, poor sanitation, and/or toxins entering our bodies.
Every year or so, our bodies detox. Some people do it more frequently (due to their lifestyle), and others less often. It is likely that this happens as the Sun changes position in the sky.
That's why "cold and flu season" happens in OCT-MAR in the Northern Hemisphere, but in APR-SEP in the Southern Hemisphere. If it were due to a "virus" floating around in the air, with international travel, it should all happen around the same time -- like the Covid psyop pretended to do. But in years past, it has not been like this. If it happens due to the position of the Sun, and less vitamin D, then it all makes sense.
Bears hibernate in the Winter. Humans detox seasonally (primarily, but can detox at any time if needed).
Colds and flus are detox of the body. It is a natural occurance for those of us who have health problems due to lifestyle choices and external influences, like EMF's in the atmosphere.
The current toxin we are all dealing with that is not being discussed at all is the new 5G system and its EMF's.
The first fully 5G city in the world was Wuhan, China. The next area was northern Italy. These were also the first "outbreaks of Covid."
Back in 1918, the Spanish Flu was also a misunderstanding of what was going on. Edison figured out the light bulb in 1896, and over the next 20 years, cities around the world installed power plants, electric power lines, and electricity in homes and businesses. This coincides with people getting sick around 1918 -- which also included WW1 and the craziness of that.
Again, watch that video. It is a great starting point to get a handle on this.
Pics of the virus that causes covid
The reason why drawings are used for viruses are the same reason they are used for cells. It's easier to point out details by using a drawing than it is using a photograph.
Electron microscopes have photographed, and even filmed viruses but viruses are so incredibly small that even using electron microscopes they are still small with very little details.
The reason they don't use regular light microscopy is that viruses are virtually invisible in regular light because they are smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave. Anything smaller than half the wavelength of a light wave can't bend light and won't reflect it. Electrons have a wavelength 100,000 times shorter than light.
The virus has infact been isolated several times by several research teams around the globe and has infact been photographed.
It has not been isolated in accordance with kotch's postulates which was designed for bacteria.
Koch's postulates standard includes growing the culture on agar which is possible with bacteria because they are living cells. Viruses are not living cells that replicate themselve, but impossible with viruses. Viruses require cell culture which is why vaccine manufactures grow viruses in monkey cells
Koch's postulates standard also include infecting a healthy person with the culture that was obtained from an infected person and grown on agar. Not only impossible due to the agar, but also illegal due to the infection of a healthy person.
The person that offered a million dollar reward for anyone who could isolate the virus said it must be isolated according to Koch's postulates.
So that is why no one has collected the money, but again the virus has been isolated and sequenced and photographed
Not the vaxxed. Their immune systems are shot.
"Nobody will be forced to take this vaccine" President of South Africa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0kkSDGSoU8
It’s my understanding that Ivermectin is a Protease inhibitor. Protease being an essential enzyme for protein production (proteins are just multiple enzymes put together in a chain). So ivermectin will continue to work so long as the virus produces a spike protein.
If true, whitehats are running around the planet spreading omicron 😃
Thanks for the tldr, way over my head 👍
Vaccines are poison. The body doesn't really have an "immune system," so much as it has a "maintenance system." Whatever it does to maintain the body, it is better than injecting a poison.
So weak and feeble, in fact, that it does not exist at all. It has the exact same power as a unicorn.
No, it is not infectious and cannot spread, because it does not exist.
Normal maintenance of the body.
No, there is no original virus, and there are no mutations or variants.
It is ALL a psyop.
Of course, it would never happen because it does not exist.
There may very wll be man-made bioweapons. I suspect that is what the "gain of function" research is about. But they are in the vaccines, not mythical viruses.
No need to create something that does not exist.
It is a psyop, not a White Hat operation.
Aren't these all computer renditions ANYWAY??? why people talking about this art like they looking at it through microscopes??
Cell apoptosis is the "covid" art picture?? It's a fuckin artistic goose chase!
So the portrait of Aunt Jemima gets cancelled because it’s considered “hateful and racist” but then a bunch of covidphobes get together and draw these offensive dog-whistle caricatures of viruses and that is supposed to be okay?
I miss Aunt Jemima.
I don’t get these. Is it just me or do these images just give the scam narrative more meat behind it? I feel people get dragged into conversations and suddenly they subconsciously are beginning to become part of the narrative. Whenever I see MSM post any conversations about their omicron casedemic I openly laugh at it and usually when more people do the same it destroys the gaslighting attempt.
Establishment Left floats something in the media. Establishment Right takes the bait and amplifies it with outrage programming. Right useful idiots get angry. “Can you believe... AOC/they want to cancel Dr. Seuss/math is racist/men can get pregnant?!?” Left useful idiots who weren’t even paying attention to the original thing see the right complaining and think, “My enemy is angry. Must defend source of anger.” Left then argues back: “AOC is great, Seuss is a bigot, ban math, trannies 4ever.”
Is there a paper, lab report or anything scientific that shows the existence of delta or Lamda or omicron?
I'm hoping one of our top frogs comes up with one. I haven't run into anything yet, and I'm looking. This is kind of breaking scientific news, so, hoping some context emerges. I'll post it in context if it appears.
BTW. Um. I see your username, figure, uhhhh, read all your comments, and ended up upvoting all your "zero" downvoted comments for you because they were all good and deserved better. OK, did not expect that. What gives? LOL. You can have just about any username you want around here, I guess. Just a friendly note, sidebar = life. Thanks fren.
If we don't or can't get any scientific data, that's armour piercing ammo for the courts. I had a better user name (TheRealThor) for 12 months or more and one day banned. I don't like arguing productively or unnecessarily fighting because we need a united front and the mods would even respond to my messages.
Digital soldier. Fight, fight, fight!
I’ve been banned and mods were nice to me and immediately unbanned. But you have to be polite. Sometimes when we are under shill or troll attack, quality users get banned in the crossfire. If you are still around after the attack and your post history is legit, they will usually see it was friendly fire and unban you.
That was my first thoyght and systems can have gliches, but after a couple of months of tryibg to cobtact them I gave up on that name and moved on.
Sheep need a visual, how scary can we make it look?
Would explain travel bans etc. If it was deadly, the nasties would be all for it and allow it to spread far and wide.
Yep, same with the original virus. Much easier to let us mingle and allow the virus to kill us. Fact that they didn’t want us to tells you everything about how little threat Covid actually was.
South Africa was not gung ho on the jab so travel ban is their punishment. Now they can get with the program if they want commerce to resume.
Interesting take.
Maybe they will finally close the border now too LOL! Talk about a twofer.
That would be funny :)
If Covid 19 has never been isolated, then how are the scientists developing a separate test for a Covid and another for flu?
Looks like genomic sequencing is maintained at https://www.gisaid.org/, we can assume that sequencing is real and they did find a variant called Omicron.
The key to this puzzle might be by looking into the mutations that causes the variant to infect people. This is basically the ACE-2 binding area, which connects to the ACE-2 receptor and cause infection.
According to this paper
Looks like there are individual mutations that looks like they can increase the binding affinity to ACE2 receptor, but as a whole, combined mutations actually decrease the affinity.
My guess is that its a natural evolution due to the evolutionary pressure by the vaccines. Reduced infection + increased spreading is perfectly suited for a mutation to become dominant, and at the same time create herd immunity in the population.
So perhaps its not a manufactured bioweapon, but rather the outcome of viral evolution.
in silico - software
No, it is ALL done via computer program.
NONE of it is done from a sample from a human who is sick.
Can you explain how it works? What I hear is around the world every country randomly does a genomic sequencing of a small portion of positive case. Firstly, is that statement strictly correct or not?
If not, then on what basis do they create the computer model of, say, Omicron in the first place?
If omnicron (moronic) came from South Africa AND you are required to have a jab proof to board an airplane, then logic says that the jab gave you omnicron. The unvaxed cannot board an airplane, hence they are not spreading this FF omnicron.
Does it cure the "vaccine?"
That’d be cool
Where's the favored place to get Ivermectin these days? Doctors won't prescribe it.
In Texas my physicians assistant and Urgent Doc will prescribe it. And local pharmay will fill it. He gave husband a complete prescription for all meds he would need if he got it again. We travel with it. I have gotten human iver from pushhealth.com and IndiaMart.com Tuli Enterprises. The Indian order took a month. I have another order from India for antibiotics that is still not here at 5 weeks. I got horse from amazon (paste and injectable).
I've acquired it from https://www.indiamart.com/ and https://www.safegenericpharmacy.com/.
Mexipharmacy.mx It’s a website, Mexican pharmacy where IVM is over the counter. However shipping is like 50 days
Seven Cells doctor/pharmacy.
You can get quercetin from most health food stores
The more hype and bullshit detail the more it is an obvious lie. Psyops, without causing fear they lose
Sorry, I forgot to bring my micro-biology degree 😳
You can obtain a tele med consult from FrontLine Doctors. They will prescribe a prophylactic prescription, which comes from a Texas pharmacy.. Make an appointment now and have it on hand before you need it. Early treatment is the key. Take Vitamin C and D. Have your a Vitamin D levels checked by your doctor.
Is it just me or is it shaped like Africa! This variant has to be a meme
That's just another aspect of the "inside joke" they are perpetuating in this psyop.
It's the Jesus variant
No, it's not.
Does anyone know if the vaccine for this variant will be created by white hats as well?
Or it's just a flu virus. Flu viruses are also coronaviruses
You asked about vaccination and adverse reaction in terms that implies in general, not if I was vaxxed against covid, and I answered the question directly.
Learn grammar, pose questions in complete sentences and then complain, but until then be a bit more humble.
Take care
I hope so, I've got the sniffles this week...
Yeah, that's the punishment.
in silico
Computer software.
Which means it is a man-made concept (computer programmed by man), and NOT something obtained directly from nature.
GIGO, plain and simple...
I'm confused.... Exactly how do you think the "Research wanted" flair works?
From similar isolates of SARS, they have isolated and ciltured that strain for a long time. They have been working to tweak the original Sars for 20+ years. And yes, you CAN see virus' under an electron microscope--some have viral envelopes that are geometrically beautiful.
That is false. SARS (the first one, in 2003) was ALSO never isolated and purified.
That is also false. Nobody can SEE a virus under an electron microscope. What they see is a picture of cellular debris, caused by the poisoning of the cell culture. There is NO virus "in there" at all.
Exactly! Those are some very pretty cartoon depictions of what they think a "virus" may look like but they are pure fantasy and contrivance.
It is the same with black holes and exo planets. Nice artistic interpretations, but not accurate by any means.
It’s amazing people think they have “seen” all these viruses with “their own eyes”. Look at this graphic again. They are all cartoons! Every virus graphic you see on CNN and Fox and every other TV channel - all cartoons!
It's been isolated many times by many research teams all around the globe
Pics of SARS COV 2:
https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/JVI.00543-20 https://www.mja.com.au/journal/2021/first-isolation-sars-cov-2-outside-china-wins-national-research-prize
Source? All I've seen are real elctron microscopy pictures and papers that have said it's been isolated and sequenced.
All arguments against that seem to be relying on things that only say it hasn't been isolated like a bacteria.
It's nothing like a bacteria
Why would you assume I don't think anything s wrong?LOL
They can't kill too many people too fast. Much of the world would have had hard lockdowns, and getting food and water would have been a total nightmare. Those that have an in-person job would have become unemployed, and unable to afford anything.
With this, they can give us a "new normal," making the left fear their own shadow.