A whole lot of fucking people care more about the animals on earth than the people on earth. They have substituted their benevolence for humanity with social justice posturing for animals and the earth.
In my opinion the reality is they don't give a fuck about anything, but with their enviro and animal causes they will never be asked to prove their committment. With people they will face a day when they have to shut up or prove it.
So true. Childless couples slobbering over dogs in public, talking to them like they were human. I sometimes think “just have a kid already!” but then I think “no, maybe not, you’re likely the last people who should be entrusted with kids”.
Here's a suggestion: why not kill off the global elite, and redistribute their wealth? Kind of a global reset in reverse! That would eliminate about 99.97% of the world's largest problems. Globalism
Id also be okay with removing half of the money supply via EO 13848, making everyones money worth twice as much. Is probably much more fair to everyone than socialist style redistribution.
There is going to be an announcement one of these days from the davos set that goes something along the lines of:
'well our plans succeeded and we have indeed killed off billions of useless and stupid people, now you wise people who proved yourself a higher category of being by refusing the deathvaxx can happily enjoy the decluttered world and rule with us forever more'
I hope we have them all hunted down, dead and buried before the announcement is made.. but I bet the speech is being worked on right now.
When the hunters have the luxury of taking of their time, sure. I would rather get through the target list quickly though since otherwise you keep opportunities open for them to try and flee..
I'm not quite sure how to interpret your post. Are you agreeing with me that she should be the first in line to reduce global population, or have I just been insulted?
All these things we talk about wouldn't be a problem if it was the size of the population 500 years ago.
Let's take a look at 500 years ago:
Unmanageable disease
Extreme poverty
Unchecked human right's abuses, sexual abuse is normal
Slavery, slavery, and more slavery. And not just black people, slave masters were equal opportunity masters
All nations on earth, ALL rules by tyrants and dictators. No free societies existed
Do I really need to go on?
Jane Dumdum wants us to revert back to the way things were 500 years ago. It's not so bad, at least we won't have to worry about global warming raising the temp by .1 degrees and all of today's first world problems.
They've been saying it, and writing it for years, decades.
We are finally starting to hear it for the reality that it is. It is not an easy thing to grasp for normal decent people, which is by far the vast majority of the human race.
She was teaching the apes the fuccc for sure, not to mention Tarzan (the monkey man) girlfriend was named Jane. Who is Jane Goodall the ape raping demon and why can she fuck off?
Never even knew she was a thing other than the ape ”stuff”, she’s a UN honcho and apparently worth 10mil.
If I was in her shoes. I'd be wishing the same thing. If younlove animals profoundly, you might hate humans profoundly. We have had work to do on ourselves. One of them is to stop farming the planet to ground zero.
Anyone who thinks the world population needs to be reduced is more than welcome to go kill themselves.
weird how (just like communism apologists) everyone thinks they'd be in the surviving 6%
It does, by about 50 million deepstaters.
Cool, let's start by helping the culling by throwing this old cunt bag into the wood chipper.
KEK! Came there to say exactly this.
You first bitch... Lead by example.
Lead by example. Patriots are more then willing the clean the dust off their bullets lol.
I didn't even know she was still alive.
She getting infant gorilla adrenochrome.
Hahaha, now that's funny!
She is like the crazy cat lady on steroids.
A whole lot of fucking people care more about the animals on earth than the people on earth. They have substituted their benevolence for humanity with social justice posturing for animals and the earth.
In my opinion the reality is they don't give a fuck about anything, but with their enviro and animal causes they will never be asked to prove their committment. With people they will face a day when they have to shut up or prove it.
So true. Childless couples slobbering over dogs in public, talking to them like they were human. I sometimes think “just have a kid already!” but then I think “no, maybe not, you’re likely the last people who should be entrusted with kids”.
Well, good to know. With all the satanic pedophiles gone maybe that would reduce the population quite significantly.
Says the woman who spent her life fucking gorillas in the jungles.
Here's a suggestion: why not kill off the global elite, and redistribute their wealth? Kind of a global reset in reverse! That would eliminate about 99.97% of the world's largest problems. Globalism
Id also be okay with removing half of the money supply via EO 13848, making everyones money worth twice as much. Is probably much more fair to everyone than socialist style redistribution.
There is going to be an announcement one of these days from the davos set that goes something along the lines of:
'well our plans succeeded and we have indeed killed off billions of useless and stupid people, now you wise people who proved yourself a higher category of being by refusing the deathvaxx can happily enjoy the decluttered world and rule with us forever more'
I hope we have them all hunted down, dead and buried before the announcement is made.. but I bet the speech is being worked on right now.
When the hunters have the luxury of taking of their time, sure. I would rather get through the target list quickly though since otherwise you keep opportunities open for them to try and flee..
There should not be any that escape this time.
Well Jane, be a good little globalist and set the example instead of just talking about it.
Sure thing, you first, show us the way.
I'm not quite sure how to interpret your post. Are you agreeing with me that she should be the first in line to reduce global population, or have I just been insulted?
We’d already be colonizing the galaxy if they weren’t keeping us under heel.
She's 88. Seems like she wouldn't want to be anywhere near a conversation on depopulation....
btw, I'm pretty sure she was screwing those apes in Tanzania.
You and everyone else.
Actually I'm not sure pegging counts.
Global issues wouldn't be a problem if people like Jane were all removed from the planet. That means libtards even any im related to v
If we're reducing the human population, start with Jane Goodall and anyone else who subscribes to that theory.
Let's take a look at 500 years ago:
Jane Dumdum wants us to revert back to the way things were 500 years ago. It's not so bad, at least we won't have to worry about global warming raising the temp by .1 degrees and all of today's first world problems.
Well back 500 years ago they could be open about their feudal system. They have had to disguise it for longer than they’d like.
We're entering a solar minimum anyway and things are getting colder! Ugh.
Well the bitch can start by offing herself.
They've been saying it, and writing it for years, decades.
We are finally starting to hear it for the reality that it is. It is not an easy thing to grasp for normal decent people, which is by far the vast majority of the human race.
She was teaching the apes the fuccc for sure, not to mention Tarzan (the monkey man) girlfriend was named Jane. Who is Jane Goodall the ape raping demon and why can she fuck off? Never even knew she was a thing other than the ape ”stuff”, she’s a UN honcho and apparently worth 10mil.
Is this the gorilla bitch?
So...we can start by depopulating her and the rest of [them], right?
What are the 'global issues?'
Global issues wouldn't be a problem with 100% less Jane Goodall in the world
She’s just saying what most already know. Without humans there would be no human problems.
Start with the gorillas.
You first, Jane
If I was in her shoes. I'd be wishing the same thing. If younlove animals profoundly, you might hate humans profoundly. We have had work to do on ourselves. One of them is to stop farming the planet to ground zero.
She should go first, volunteer as tribute.
Good catch.
Jane the chimp pole smoker can fuck rightly off I guess.
Go back to studying Apes Jane.