This is great news. Remember when Raffensperger's little hunchback Gabriel Sterling went on Newsmax and 60 Minutes to tell you not to believe your lying eyes about the video of obvious fraud committed? Now Sterling will have to backtrack on his lies and adopt Raffensberger's claim that the video was doctored.
10 years after the CDC did a vaccine-autism study, and discovered a link between vaccines and autism, the CDC came up with an explanation. The explanation is that “autism causes vaccines”
They re-write history. That's what they do. Going forward, I think our history needs to read: "And they were all rounded up, and were given a public trial that demonstrated their complicity and participation in treason, sedition and crimes against humanity, and were sentenced to GITMO awaiting execution or lengthy incarceration. ALL of them....
Lets see if he continues to make that claim under oath when it would be trivial for analysts to go over it to try and pick up any splices or editing signs.
A dumb move, so he is either cornered, rushed or desperate.
He knows the media will run with it. And he knows 99% of liberals are too dishonest to check it for themselves. They know on some level it is most probably a lie. But it is THEIR LIE.
All they need is something to hold onto. Truth or lie is irrelevant.
It really has morphed into narcissistic mass psychopathy, a truly frightening condition akin to the glassy eyed mobs fawning and fainting at the words and mere presence of Adolph Hitler Schicklgruber in 1930s Germany.
Somebody better tell Q it may turn out more like 40% are beyond the grasp of reality.
Can anyone be called to testify to Congress? Why on God's green earth have Ruby Shea and Brad for that matter be called so we can get to the bottom of this?
Lol! We watched the video with the timestamps. They told all the poll workers to leave and then pulled out the suitcases when the coast was clear.
its like a 12 or 24 hour video lol is he just gonna play all 24 hours to show u a few parts?
I guess they forget we were watching in real-time
This is great news. Remember when Raffensperger's little hunchback Gabriel Sterling went on Newsmax and 60 Minutes to tell you not to believe your lying eyes about the video of obvious fraud committed? Now Sterling will have to backtrack on his lies and adopt Raffensberger's claim that the video was doctored.
ratburger needs to be swinging at the end or a short rope connected to a long tree for treason!
It has taken him a while to dream up that excuse. You would have thought that he might have mentioned it earlier.
10 years after the CDC did a vaccine-autism study, and discovered a link between vaccines and autism, the CDC came up with an explanation. The explanation is that “autism causes vaccines”
WOW! Unbelievable. My niece was completely normal and ahead of the curve until she got her vaccines. The CDC is pure evil.
They re-write history. That's what they do. Going forward, I think our history needs to read: "And they were all rounded up, and were given a public trial that demonstrated their complicity and participation in treason, sedition and crimes against humanity, and were sentenced to GITMO awaiting execution or lengthy incarceration. ALL of them....
We need a blockchain method of cementing history and evidence/videos that the DS cannot change or erase
Ipfs is already here
GITMO - Treason - Conviction - Hanging. Stay tuned.
Right now I can only dream of:
🟢 A free Cuba where everyone can travel to and from freely
🟢 Hug our newly freed friends upon our arrival
🟢 Buy their tropical drinks and their Cuban cigars
🟢 Rent a comfy chair under a palm tree next to the fence at Gitmo
🟢 Pray that the evildoers find God and get right with Him
🟢 Cheer on the trials and executions in person
uhh... they barely had time to watch the video initially... but they had enough time to splice it... ok. i swear...
Thats totally normal. So “normal” that nobody has ever seen it done before
What a lying sack of shit!!! He thinks we are stupid.....karma is a bitch Mr Assinburger.
While I think he’s full of shit I gotta admit the average low effort normie & lefty Moonbat will buy that tripe hook, line and sinker.
Lets see if he continues to make that claim under oath when it would be trivial for analysts to go over it to try and pick up any splices or editing signs.
A dumb move, so he is either cornered, rushed or desperate.
All of which I like the sound of.
They expanded (and continue to do so) GITMO for a reason and it's not to hold people in shit stained robes and flip flops! It's for people like him.
I hope both types are put in the same cell together :)
Mirror = projection
Man this guy really really needs to go. I can't take another moment devoted to his blatant fucking lies
He knows the media will run with it. And he knows 99% of liberals are too dishonest to check it for themselves. They know on some level it is most probably a lie. But it is THEIR LIE.
All they need is something to hold onto. Truth or lie is irrelevant.
It really has morphed into narcissistic mass psychopathy, a truly frightening condition akin to the glassy eyed mobs fawning and fainting at the words and mere presence of Adolph Hitler Schicklgruber in 1930s Germany.
Somebody better tell Q it may turn out more like 40% are beyond the grasp of reality.
Is that conjecture or do you have evidence... sounds like conjecture/propaganda to me...Liars will be liars, and the evidence speaks for itself.
Brad seems scared.
I’m sick of lying bolsheviks
It’s beyond the pale, and I’m so frustrated that these lying POS’s are not in jail yet.
Yeah, we are definitely gonna need some public tongue removals on these fuckwads as they are marched to the gallows!!
Don't believe your lying eyes...that video has been scrutinized over and over and real
If only Melissa was from Georgia as well. She would bust open another can of whoop ass.
I think I actually hate Raffensberger more than ANYONE else in the cabal. He’s just so attainably punchable.
Can anyone be called to testify to Congress? Why on God's green earth have Ruby Shea and Brad for that matter be called so we can get to the bottom of this?
Idiot's noise. Who cares ?
It’s in the Attorney Generals hands.
Sounds like Guiliani could sue him for slander, since he is essentially calling Guiliani a liar.
Jesus they bullshit that water is not wet.
He is funny.
So now video evidence is an urban myth?
Nice try loser.
need to primary this fool
You realize that’s Rolling Stone right? I hope you aren’t using that as something true?