As many of you know, my husband had a very severe stroke on December 6th. Doctors gave him a 10% chance of making it through the night. I asked for prayer, and oh, how you responded along with many others. A week later, he was moving around well and had said a word or two. Another week later, he is talking in sentences. Staff continue to tell me they have seldom seen anyone improve this quickly from this severe of a stroke and are stunned as to how it's been possible. I'm not. It's God's miracle to me.
So as we celebrate Christmas and 2021 comes to a close, we are reminded that, although WH are in control, we have not yet seen justice served and are still waiting for the destruction of the cabal. But this year, God has instilled in me a peace and patience to wait for Him to act according to His will and His timing to end the DS. It is coming. But God has reminded me He is often busy with the day to day things like saving my husband. So, Frens, enjoy your families, friends and whatever you do for the holidays and take a moment to appreciate every last thing you have in your lives, because they can disappear in the blink of an eye. 2022 will be our year for justice, and I'm so thankful my husband will be by my side to see it. Merry Christmas, Everyone!
TLDR--my husband is coming home from the hospital, praise God, and 2022 will be our year to see justice. WWG1WGA
These are the kind of wins we need! I am happy for you and your husband. I am sure he will be back to 100% soon!
Praise God!! Thank you for sharing your Good News, and Merry Christmas!
This gave me a much needed boost. God's blessings 🙌
I'm so glad. Blessings to you too.
Life is sweet, God is good....
One thing that really help with stroke recovery are simple online video games.
Start with games that develop memory, like matching cards. You have to remember where you saw the matching card. It's a child's game, but it helps.
You can also play Tetris, where you have to recognize shapes and figure out where they fit. Play online jigsaw puzzles, which makes you recognize colors, paterns and shapes.
Those things REALLY help the mind to reconnect.
For jigsaws, u/Factfiler , I love this website:
Thank you.
So happy for you. Have a well deserved joyous Christmas.
So happy for your miracle.🙏🥰 Let me add an update for husband here too as I asked for prayers on your post in a comment. Though he's not better we did get into a specialist in tic borne illness. He thinks it's very possible this isn't dementia and is neuro lyme. We have a treatment plan from this man who spent several hours with us. It wasn't cheap but money really isn't important when we are talking about the function of the brain. It involves multiple different antibiotics, quinine(pharmacy is being difficult about this drug, we know why, an antiviral)🙄 then switching in and out of those plus adding HCQ as some point as well as nystatin/antifungals prophylactically for the AB use. I'll let you all know how that works. It will take time though, possibly months.
God bless you and I hope it works!
Praying for you. We are on different journeys, and yet they're similar. Good luck.
Praise our Lord. May your blessings continue in to the new year and beyond. Merry Christmas 🎄❤
And all the time, God is good.
God bless.
I read once that Irish Coffee is excellent emergency first aid for someone you suspect is having a stroke.
It is the combo of the caffeine from the coffee and the alcohol that somehow helps prevent some stroke damage.
So my husband and I keep a bottle of coffee liqueur in our long-term emergency first aid kit, to be opened in the event one of our neighbors experiences one.
Merry Christmas to you and your husband !
It will thin the blood. Problem is 30 percent of strokes are bleeding stroke. Stroke just means lack of oxygen. If you thin the blood when it’s bleeding from a blood vessel you’ll hasten death.
The same problem is with the clot buster. Doctors will tell you in 70 percent of cases it will bust a clot, but in 30 percent it will lead to death.
They have to do a CAT scan or MRI to figure out which one it is. In case of the clot busting drug, you never have time to check you have 120 minutes to get to the hospital and get treated.
Choose wisely
So glad to hear!!!
Praise God! Merry Christmas to you, and praying that he recovers faster than the doctors expect!
God bless!
Great news to hear! We are all very proud of you too. You stood strong by your husband's side. You stayed positive. I'm sure you didn't sleep in who knows how long. Your positive energy was directed through your husband when he needed it most. Praise the Lord. Merry Christmas :)
Thank you. I am a bit tired, but I put that aside. God has totally sustained me through this.
What a beautiful, wonderful Christmas gift! Thank you for the update! God is still in the miracle business! I wish you and your blessed husband a happy and joyful Christmas and a victorious New Year for all of us! God bless!
Wonderful news and thanks be to God for watching over you and your husband. I hope that you have a Merry Christmas!
Great to hear such Good news...God bless.
What wonderful news! So happy for you and your family!
This is good news. Have a Merry Christmas!
Praise GOD for sure! Great news. Goes well with the good news of this season. God bless you both, and all those #PrayerWarriors.
God Bless you and your entire family.
Great news, fren. I am glad you are here reminding people God is STILL in the miracle business. Blessings to you and yours.
Miracles do happen. God has plans for you and your husband.
Make sure you two don't lose your sense of humor. My dad and many others I know credit their stroke recovery to their sense of humor.
We have cats, and I make up stories about them. I've already had him laughing.
Good! Keep it going! My dad was joking about everything including his own condition the ENTIRE time, from the point he regained the ability to speak! He had like 9 strokes and doctors told him recovery was literally physically impossible and to accept loss of function and the wheelchair and being dependent on someone to feed him. Now, he can walk on roofs and up ladders and lift heavy stuff, keep up with me on the treadmill, drive a stick on a road trip by himself, literally anything he needs to do.
Praise God indeed!!! I’m so happy to hear this - God hears our prayers!!! ❤️ 🥰 🙏🏻
Prayed. Still not sick of all this winning. I’m very happy for you.
Congrats. My wife had 4 strokes (not vaxxed) on 11/27. She went to rehab then had another 3. She is being released today to go to acute rehab. She is here because of God and all of your prayers.
Very happy for you and your family. May 2022 bring you health and happiness!
Same with my wife’s grandmother we found out today she has been jabbed once none of us knew in the last two weeks she’s had a stroke then a massive stroke 2 days later winds up getting septic then lung infections and clotting to coming home tommrrow the lord works in miracles for those that truly believe it’s beyond a miracle she’s alive let alone gonna be home for Christmas ❤️
Praise God! It’s truly amazing to see our prayers answered. God bless you both!
That's wonderful news fren. Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a happy new year! 🙏