FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking
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The FBI/CIA NEVER fully delcassifies anything. There's good info to be found there, but most is already open source knowledge, if you're willing to look. Don't expect to find any more juicy nuggets than what's already open source.
The Q team told us that most of what we want and need to know is actually open source. They actively encouraged anons for years to dig through open source material.
i feel that it is an opportunity to demonstrate these thing to the normies tho. there is a large difference between what we know and what they blow off as "conspiracy theory" declassifications like this can lend credibility to thing in their eyes. even if it is the damn FBI
This particular document was available even 4 years ago. This is just a clickbait headline.
once you "know" something or have seen evidence of possible crimes, then what?
If Trump was supposed to usher in the great reset he sure did a shitty job with that corporate tax cut and the decimation of the Saudi and Russian oil markets. Lol. America First was not a Great Reset plan. Lol President Trump also freed up cash and kept people afloat during the first year of the plandemic which killed the great reset too.
The author is flat wrong on this one.
But posting this did the job. It irritated most reading it. The ones believing this or pretending or believe it are not worthy of a response.
Spot on.
The headline of this article is misleading - makes you believe something just got declassified. The relevant files: https://vault.fbi.gov/the-finders/the-finders-part-01-of-03/view were already available since 2017.
It goes through a whole bunch of open source information, unrelated to Trump, just to come up with a final conclusion that Trump was brought in to usher in the Global Reset.
This is a textbook example of highly sophisticated propaganda.
TLDR: Always check for the sources to backup the headline claims.
Are we 10000% sure that Trump wasn't brought into the political scene to have just that happen? I mean, look at where our nation is now? If we are to be critical thinking, not hive-minded, we also must look at ALL sides as we do not have solid facts backing up either viewpoint at the moment.
Lets do a thought experiment. I want everyone to do it, because no one should trust Trump or Q or anyone else blindly.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine that Trump was one of them, brought in to finish the final step of the Great Reset.
Its logical that his main task would have been to keep the patriots calm and guide them to the slaughter house. Obama went too far too quickly, and ended up alerting too many patriots that something was not quire right. Trump could easily bridge the divide between the patriots and the left.
Trump was perfectly poised to do it given his history of helping minorities, women etc. This would be enough to woo the liberals and hollywood types. Then when he brought back the jobs and made the country thrive, that would be enough to win the admiration of the long ignored flyover country. Finally he could take very heavy handed approach against banks and wall street, and pull in the Bernie Bros.
Then he could have exposed some of the pedos, Hillary, Obama, some of the Hollywood etc - and seal the deal. Constantly plaster the pedo stuff everywhere and cause half the country to go crazy. Encourage civil strife from there, encourage people to go to hospitals, or commit suicide, or kill others. Let everything go out of control and then use that as an excuse to declare martial law.
No one would question him. He would have earned everyone's trust. Keep everything locked down, while go ahead with the NK nuclear false flag and/or Covid at the same time.
You dont need to even do draconian lockdowns. Just let people start dying - make sure the Covid is a deadly variant. People would see others dying left and right. They would lock themselves in without question. Continue this until the vaccines were ready. Economy would be decimated. People's psyche would be destroyed. But everyone's trust in Trump would be close to 100%. Bring in the vaccines. no one would even question it, they would gladly take it.
This would be the pefected vaccines with nano tech well tested. Once majority of the world is vaccinated, pull the plug on the economy, usher in Great Reset, and he would have the whole world tied in a nice little bow, presented to the Top Elites, and he and his dynasty would have been able to rule us for centuried in a technofascism.
Nothing could have been easier than this. He didnt need to endure so many arrows and so much hate. He would have enjoyed all the glory up until the last minute when the unsuspecting humanity would have been enslaved.
I truly appreciate the well thought out reply rather than going only and directly to the "shill!!", "glowie", or "doomer" comment.
I am just extremely torn right now and with the way our nation is headed right now, and so many criminals still walking freely (many in Congress even), the terrible "influencers" on Hellywood and the sports industry still projecting to sheep and continuing to even gain new fans somehow, kids being indoctrinated and even groomed in schools.. nothing being done about any of it other than exposing it all it seems. No actual justice. I just dont know what to fucking believe any longer.
I love the part when you said that Trump was your and/or others' conclusion that trump was brought in to usher in the Global Reset.
Might I have a direction to consider my next possibilities for a brighter future or I am screwed too?
Read what I said carefully. Thats not what I said.
I suppose you gotta subscribe to Comment. Brian-the-SHILhavy was about to get an earful from me. His replies to comments are transparently CLOWNish. And he tries to cover with his Christ virtue signaling…and the subs buy it.
Don't think for a moment that this is the FBI doing something good, it's just their way of settling score with another agency. Interagency rivalry bullshit.
Underground tunnels in california, lots of them. Disney, military (DUMBS), Satans castle in San bernardino. Some were old bootlegger tunnels, some drug traffickers. I think every state probably has tons of these tunnels used to shuttle kids through. Going to research more later
I zeroed in on the videos. I did not know AR and GA Senators had been murdered for instance.
“ Kay, it is people like you, part of the Trump cult, that are allowing this horrendous child trafficking to continue to occur.
By labeling me as part of the “gossipy left,” you actually discredit everything else you say, as the many thousands of articles I have published over the years clearly show that I am not part of “the left,” and yet the Christian Right always wants to attach this label to anyone who does not agree with their views on DJT.
My info comes directly from attorneys who represent young girls allegedly raped by DJT but are seldom, if ever, reported by the corporate media, and some testimonies from the actual victims that I also have and have investigated.
How do you actually know how many times DJT rode in Epstein’s plane? You are just parroting what his supporters say, and I seriously doubt you have done any real investigative work to try and find the truth.
Why did DJT associate with Epstein to begin with?
You and the Trump cult you belong to are a blight on American culture, and judgement by a Holy and Righteous God will be very thorough to those who worship Satan’s servants, like DJT.
You have condemned yourself with this public comment, choosing to try to defend your “savior” Trump, rather than stand up for all the horrible child victims that have been terrorized and abused by a very evil system, that Trump is obviously a part of. He has clearly demonstrated in past days that he is part of “the swamp” by promoting the bioweapon shots and encouraging everyone to take them, belittling those who speak the truth about them.
Repent now, before it is too late.”
What a bunch of bullshit. Who tf worships trump? He sounds like a lefty that doesn’t even bother to understand the Q community. What a judgemental Puritan cunt. He’s so quick to label others as cultists and “cast them into hell” without even hearing their perspective. What are the chances he himself is a fed? Repent now before it’s too late? Of what? I’m guilty of being a sinner but worshiping Trump is not a sin of mine. Is wanting better proof that someone who could possibly be our ally is actually bad going to get me cast into hell now? What a piece of shit.
If there was the thinnest shred of evidence linking PDJT to pedo, the DS would have amplified it 1000X. They couldn't even get the Russiagate to stick.
Because everything PDJT did was counter to the DS narrative.
Lol…I think we’re on the same page. We’re watching history in the making.
PDJT didn’t give up everything and then walk away to leave us swinging. He isn’t a pedo. He isn’t beholden to the DS.
The dooming is sophisticated but will not fool us.
Thanks for posting this. It needs to stay in the public eye and not be swept under the rug. I just pray someday there is justice for the abused - no matter who was involved.
Happy new year, brother!
Back at you bro. ; )
After reading through most of this, I was surprised by the person who claimed that Trump belonged in this group. Information this damaging would of come out by the Hillary camp pryor to their election. She would of used it if it were true. She had the access to most classified info. This is meant to distract us because the left and these corrupt individuals are unraveling.
I’m not in support of that part of the article - I disagree. What was important was the video testimony.
It's a shame Micheal Aqunio committed suicide before these questions could be answered.
Within the last year. Temple of Set claims he died "peacefully in his sleep"....he didn't. He knew there was no way out of this.
Before or after the inauguration? Hm and they blew up 09A's spot too. Ruined my Halloween party ghoulish chant playlist
Any sauce would be appreciated
Paper won't refuse ink. Just another attention seeking psycho...
I can see you never tried to write something on wax paper.
Are the FBI and CIA in the middle of some serious beef? grabs popcorn
The sad part is that everything White Hats do is for the children of the world who are being abused. If you look at many of the postings on this site, the focus is upon hating Israel and Jewish people. I would ask the Board Moderators to help clean this up, as these people are wasting our time and focus. The Great Awakening is for everyone, all religions etc. who want a better way of life for themselves and their children thru Peace and Freedom. Hatred (evil) has no place here. Moderators please clean up these boards of all posts that attack individuals based upon religion, ethnicity etc. Thank you!
Who is "them" exactly? The Great Awakening of which I am a proud member admits all Patriots. It is you who violate our terms with your hatred and thus nullify your membership. Seth Rich was evil? The 11 Jewish Patriots who served with distinction and honor in President Trump's administration were evil? I know who Donald Trump is and what he has done for this nation. WHO ARE YOU? A NOBOODY. NO ONE HERE IS INTERESTED IN YOUR HATRED.
As Jesus often answered misleading and out of context questions with another question (so as to clarify the bad intent of the questioner) so I responded to your smear with an actual question. My response was rational and logical. Your "question" was misleading, illogical, and devoid of any factual basis. You merely conveyed the hatred you share in your heart. Sad brother, very sad. Get help. I am not your therapist, and don't want to be.
Typical Protestant white male with a enlarged ego who believes that by Divine Right they should lead all conversations, and that only THEY have the keys to truth. And why? Because you opened up the Bible at one point in your life, read a few lines out of context and said a small prayer. You are "saved" and now all should worship at your feet. Not this Anon.
Legitimate questions you would not answer. The difference between you and I is that I belong here. I share the sentiments and admiration of our leader for both Israel and the Jewish people. I have nothing to justify. You do. So answer these questions, or go back to Obama, HRC and Ilhan who share YOUR sentiments completely.
Who is "them" exactly? The Great Awakening of which I am a proud member admits all Patriots. It is you who violate our terms with your hatred and thus nullify your membership. Seth Rich was evil? The 11 Jewish Patriots who served with distinction and honor in President Trump's administration were evil? I know who Donald Trump is and what he has done for this nation. WHO ARE YOU? A NOBOODY. NO ONE HERE IS INTERESTED IN YOUR HATRED.
Bye NoVax, I tried to reign you in, to help you see the light. But ultimately your refusal to engage with logic and rational discourse was your undoing. I did my best, more than most Patriots would do.
There is an important distinction between Jew & Sabbatian. When people express negativity toward Jews they don't get that they really mean it toward Sabbatians who have Jewish names and have descended from Jews but they followed Sabbatie Sevi and want to bring an end to all other Jewish sects (Including Christianity) They foster attacks on Christianity and foster moves to secularize Judaism. I wrote more of him on here somewhere. Search by his last name Zevi, Tzi or Sevi a very chameleon like and diabolic fellow from the 1600's who I believe birthed the cabal or whatever you call it
Agreed. I refuse to get Jews confused with the scumbags like him.
It would be more constructive if we simply focused upon behaviors WWG1WGA means other factors (race, gender, religion, nationality) do not matter So there is no reason to refer to relgion, ethnicity at all Simply to whether one is a patriot or not If we are going to point out everyone who is Jewish then we should do that for ALL individuals of all races, religions etc.
This is a good site. They did some digging and it links in the Q posts. It also links the finders with the McMartin preschool in California. In fbi papers for finders it has the tunnels map of the preschool
Bogus article. I thought the same thing about it being stickied......
Seriously the person that wrote it is mentally challenged.
"We chose Donald Trump to distract from satanic ritual abuse and human trafficking even though he specifically declared war on it and we had the perfect candidate in Hillary already lined up to enact our evil plans.
We also created Q which brought awareness to it even though the vast majority of people were blissfully unaware that kind of stuff was even happening 5 years ago
Furthermore because Trump is our agent we had him lead the most successful political campaign in history and stir up a hornets nest of patriotism and love for America appealing to the best in people which lead to the biggest victory in political history which we then frantically had to steal so we could install our potato which made those same patriots with all the guns EXTREMELY angry."
Like fucking lol how did the author come up with this stupid shit.
Perfectly stated. Note Author’s name? Brian SHILhavy…ha haaahh fuggin SHILL.
I posted it as FYI/SA. To insinuate that I am an idiot for posting it is disingenuous at best. I do not agree w the author’s assessment on PDJT. In fact, I can argue hard against it. The point of the post was raise awareness on new SRA-related information.
Nope. Not that I don’t believe that child sex trafficking and Satanic ritual abuse exists - but this is just too contrived and it’s no wonder people who read this bunk start disbelieving EVERYTHING. I’ve always heard, and believe it to be true, that Satan would rather everybody believes he’s just a fairy tale. You overdramatize things and you’ll play right into that game.
Yeah, they called attention to the trafficking and created awareness of it just so they could hide it better. GTFO
Go away with you bogus theory shill and stay away
You think Trump is going to help usher in the great reset or did I read that wrong. Yes, he had some involvement with Ep, is a billionair & they probably did expect him to play at least partially along. By MSM's attack I don't think he did. I do agree that he may have made a deal with some of those higher swamperdodos to make his vax comment but that, to me means we are very close to his end game. Wave the white flag to draw them in & decimate them all, perhaps even himself included
Of course Jim! I am not being blind here though, this is my best take of what's going on. If things don't happen yeah I'll rethink it. I don't blindly follow anyone. I hate to admit it but I voted for Bill Clinton too. I wasn't blindly following him though! I remember in the 90's at 1st feeling bad for him that all his friends were dying left & right.... Then, a friend said cough "suicide" to one of them & I figured it out
Like the DS need a Trump to "distract the public from evil child trafficking"... Nobody in the general public even knew it existed 5 years ago...
That's it right there. That's also the argument against the other theory of lulling patriots to sleep. Everyone was already asleep
People are still asleep even here. They fall back into identity politics at the snap of a finger. They don't take any skepticism or criticism. Not very good for a truly awake person.
Also, it's kind of a shifting scale. People knew about it, but it wasn't as public. People still believed in voting, for example, even if they knew about all the other stuff.
I think more people are just waking up to more realities over time.
Its true. Its tough when the mods fall for it too.
When this happens we have to keep breaking people's conditioning. It feels like a wasted effort at first, because you have to repeat yourself (and fight with retards) but every crack in the dam will contribute to the eventual resounding breakthrough.
One anon said it best (and I'm paraphrasing): "If you're being downvoted on GAW, wait a few months. That same statement will get upvoted later."
Seems odd to me that I look through the posts here daily and have done so pretty much since the site started and have seen very little of what you claim. Also, you called Q "his". I think you're not what you claim to be. I guess I could be wrong...too lazy to look at your post history. HelloFellowCentipede.jpg
You must have guessed that one right!
You are correct
Shills and bots are sent at us in waves in the hopes of demoralizing us. I refuse to fall for it. This is an information war where the People are concerned. First it was the battle between Wood and Flynn and Powell. Now they are after Trump for his Owens interview. And they do it while calling themselves realists and critical thinkers and implying you are not. Its all bullshit. Its the same tactic the MSM uses with their settled science and expert testimony crap. I wont let them have their victories.
We here at GA are made of sterner stuff than over at Patriots.win
Yeah I agree. Not the most popular opinion out in the world even among those that voted for him esp now with his vax comment. I just see that as meaning the time is at hand. I really see it all as part of the plan, am waiting for his 1/6/22 comments & holding my breath for the 20'th
I remember seeing child trafficking warning signs at rest stops along the 10 freeway in 2016 while on a road trip. They almost resembled the milk carton posts when I was a kid. How deep and far reaching this problem is has been unsettling to learn.
Yea please tell me how Trump was a distraction from this? All we did for 4 fucking years was dig on these things and dig on Trump as well. FFS
Excellent observation
Ah well that sucks. Sorry guys, Trumps a pedo, nevermind all the Qencedences! Like Q took down the House of Saud back in 2018 just to mess with us and make it look like the whole thing was legit.
Guess the whole thing is for not
We'll get them next time!
He didn’t distract people from child trafficking. He shined a light on it. Hardly anyone talked about child trafficking before 2016.
I wouldn't conflate the two topics. There isn't a lot of evidence to support Trump's involvement, other than flying on a couple of Epstein's planes and being in the same social circles. Remember what Trump said about the Perverts - fast trial, death penalty. I'm pretty sure the author has his own opinion about things. That doesn't negate the information released.
It's actually a poison pill on some of the most relevant stories over the last 25 years, including Ted Gunderson and Nancy Shafer.
I can sort it out and so can you, of course. But attaching Trump to the people that murdered Gunderson and Shafer is ridiculous.
This may be the first time some normies are seeing these stories.
Honestly it’s a double edged sword. It allows the deep state to co-opt “conspiracy theories” and turn us against our allies. Divide and conquer. It will expose some stuff to the normies but at what cost?
And what is wrong with that? We consider this as an option too.