Lost a brother tonight who just started Chemo yesterday after cancer returning after 15 years. I asked the question and he had several jabs and just got the his damn flu shot last week. Not saying it’s related but this was a guy who could take a lot. Happy fucking new year… I’m at a total loss right now.
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I am sorry for your loss. It is the vaccine that is one of the side effects bringing back cancer that is long gone and also creating fast acting cancers. I am so sorry
Condolences fren....we agree with the info about the VAXXes causing a resurgence of cancers & tumors....
October 24, 2021 Actor James Michael Tyler, 59 who portrayed Gunther on "Friends," died at his home in Los Angeles after a battle with prostate cancer. VAXXED? He was diagnosed with cancer in 2018 and kept it private for three years as he underwent chemotherapy. Tyler wasn't particularly active on social media, with his last post being from July of this year. https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/JamesMichaelTyler/?utm_source=ig_embed https://twitter.com/slate_michael
Oct. 22, 2021 - Actor Peter Scolari, dies at 66. The cause of death was cancer after a two-year battle. VAXXED? (Hollywood elites ALL SEEM TO have)
Oct. 19, 2021 Gen. Colin Powell (who was fully VAX'd), died at 84 of COVID complications & cancer – The Smithsonian article says “COVID” but later on, the media wipes out COVID references, then says "cancer." Powell, who was being treated for blood cancer, that affects the immune system, died from complications of COVID-19 on October 18, 2021 (WIKIPEDIA): https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/colin-powell-secretary-of-state-who-led-us-into-iraq-war-dies-at-84-180978882/ https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/18/politics/colin-powell-dies/index.html
Kathy Griffin got booster shot in wake of cancer battle, & more celebs got COVID-19 VAXXES...is this a ticking time bomb???
Kathy Griffin dying would be a good thing.
My aunt is recovering from bone marrow cancer that she coincidently got shortly after her first jab. The doctors will not let her get a vaccine until at least Summer 2022. Seems related.
There are a few underliers in the vax, that, while they do not give you cancer, they supress certain protiens, and natural processes that fight and prevent cancer in your body. Wish I could find the study on the specific protiens but I am not home. Here's another with some info. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8538446/
Once your body no longer has the means to fight cancer, previous cancers are very likely to return. Cancers that our bodies have been fighting against naturally without our knowledge will begin to emerge for the vaxxed.
It is essentially because your healthy immune system keeps cancer at bay, and these gene altering jabs mess up the immune system entirely.
kills the t8 white blood cells which fight infections
Yes, CD8 T cells and "natural killer" cells kill cancerous cells.
And the vax depletes them
The gene modifying Vaxx deconstructs the human immune system. It has created a new form of AIDS called Vaxxine Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).
The connection between cancer and AIDS is well known.
Dear Lord, please wrap your comforting arms around Decimusunum and his brothers family. Amen
Amen. And may God's angels stay close to help them endure this pain and give him assurance that he will see his loved one again.
May he Rest In Peace. I’m sorry for your loss.
I’m sorry for your loss. I lost my sister the day before thanksgiving. It’s not easy. You’ll find a way to live day to day. God keep you safe. <3
I'm sure you have heard it all already. But you need to know you are not alone. We've got your back. Lean on us.
So very sorry for your loss, pede! May God carry and comfort you and your family!
I’m so very sorry. I’ll pray for your strength and to help ease your pain.
I am so sorry. God Bless his soul. God Bless you. Grief is tough, I lost my mom 6 years ago on New Years Eve. It does get better with time.
Find a way to forgive. Forgive him, forgive these monsters foisting this upon us, and then fight like hell to make sure it happens to as few people as possible in the future.
Amen to that fren. We need to remember who the real enemies are in this war.
Sorry, brother. I know the loss. Lost our mother June 2020, and dad last July. Makes it really hard to celebrate anything. FUCK cancer. FUCK covid.
My older brother had cancer, chemotherapy and got it under control 20 years ago.
He had cancer return 3 years ago, caught it very early and has it under control.
Now he has taken both jabs and the booster.
I'm waiting for the announcement to come in 2022 about an aggressive cancer coming back.
The Deep State had this planned all along. They knew the cancers and heart problems would dramatically increase.
Chaga mushrooms powder Amazon..it a growth on a birch tree . Its the highest antioxidant on the planet by far. ORAC levels per1g Chaga 36557 next a acia berries 800. I own as a cancer cure Russia. They use chunks and keep one in their mouth constantly. Clif high drinks Chaga coffee all day as he has had cancer three times
Been using Chaga since the beginning of this shit show. Docs in China used it. Even though their patients got sick, they all survived - and many of them were elderly. I got sick and got over it. Now I have immunity from whatever the hell is being passed around. But, I still take the Chaga for the reasons you state.
I am so sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I am praying for him and you right now. I thank you for posting. This is where I would come with that kind of pain. I'm praying for you right now.
I’m so sorry. Where he is now he is whole again and not sick. It doesn’t help much to know that, I know.
Sorry friend. 😞💔
I am so sorry for your loss, I pray your friend is in the arms of Christ.
To anyone reading and this and dealing with cancers, please reach out. Many people in this community have controlled and defeated cancer through traditional and\or alt- means. Please reach out when in need. This is a WWG1WGA situation! There are people here with experience and courage to share their knowledge.
Your love runs deep, and it will find a way to comfort you.
You will be in my prayers.🙏
I’m so sorry for your loss. The cabal medical system didn’t give him a chance.
So sorry.
Losing a brother is very hard. They are a part of you and it is so so painful. Praying you 🙏 hold yourself and your family tightly and lean on The Father for strength.
I'm sorry for your loss, may he find eternal peace in heaven. Your brother is back with God now. Take all the time you need right now, pray for comfort in these difficult times. Keep your family and friends close...may you find peace. Sending lots of love and hugs to you.
Praying for you and your family. We are here for you
So sorry fren, may he Rest in Peace.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I offer you my prayers. I wish I knew words to comfort you but, I'm not good with that. Just know my thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone that has lost someone from this evilness.
Sorry for your loss. Condolences.
So sorry for your loss. My little brother passed in 2009 do to an over dose of pain meds, because of workmans comp doctors not telling him to stop taking the one pain med before starting the other one. I was there and specifically asked if he should stop taking the first one and they said no, it would be fine.
There was a law suit and his kids won, but we still lost him. I miss him terribly, but know I’ll get to see him again. It does get easier with time. I just remember the good times we had growing up together and after we became adults.
May God bless you, your family and his family with peace of mind knowing he is no longer suffering.
...so very sorry to hear.
Oh my gosh...I'm so sorry for your loss! What a horrible shock I'm so sorry. :*-( I'll say prayers for you and your family tonight.
May the souls of the faithful departed by the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.
so sorry for your loss....lost my dear beloved brother, fit as a fiddle, from the covid protocols so I can emphasize.....losing a brother is worse then losing a parent....you expect that someday your parents will depart to heaven but a brother or sister you hope to grow old with...
this has been a terrible year.....God show us the way, the truth and the light because frankly, many of us are getting beaten down and losing hope....
I pray for comfort and strength for you and all the loved ones effected by your loss. I fear that we are only in the early stages of a horrible catastrophe. It is time to turn toward and lean into our Lord and Savior for direction.
Prayers OP. So sorry for the loss.
Sadly, it is certainly related. I know three people who had their cancers return and flare up right after the COVID shots. The one man died within 2 weeks of jab (and he was tough as a horse!), the other two (a mother and daughter pair) are struggling with their cancers, which were in remission prior to the jabs.
They will not get away with this.