riddle me this....."if" the military is "in charge" and the "only way" then who are these military?.....who is the leader?.....and who is in charge, Trump or the military.?....who is going to make the call to take over legally?....
we've been told for many months now that "we've already won"....please get me off the ledge.....
It's pretty simple to understand that when God lets the the next totalitarian despot take over a country and systematically murder tens of millions of the people in that country that God wanted that to happen exactly like it did.
The original American Revolution took 8 years. More than half the clueless population were Tories, sympathetic and obedient to the enemy. The second revolution isn't easy either, but freedom will win again.
DecodingSymbols had an interesting take. How Comms may have suggested that America was intended to be the plaything of British money backers. "The immoral whims of royalty". A place they were more "free", as in, could commit perversions and get away with it, without getting blackmailed (that was a thing, even back then).
“Stay with me deplorables, you’ll love how this movie ends!” DJT
It’s the difficult part of the movie that we all have to struggle through on the way to the climax and resolution, which I believe will be worth the struggle
But normally half way thru is the peak or climax and that is typically the turning point in a movie.. even if we are a few months away the truth is everything for all three movies are heating up and we have to get to the climax or “precipice” soon
I feel down lately too because the gaslighting from the morons is just too much. I was upset at first when I saw he was cancelling tomorrow but I think he either was trolling them to start with or maybe found out that it wouldn't be safe for him or something.
If you try to keep in mind that he spends half of his time manipulating the bad guys its easier to deal with being personally head-faked. We can take one for the team is what I'm trying to say.
Or maybe Trump isn’t Jesus Christ. Maybe he makes mistakes, gets out maneuvered, and does stupid shit from time to time like the rest of us. When you stop worshipping Trump, you care less about whether or not he has messed up or was following some plan that involves Biden being POTUS for a year. One man doesn’t make or break the US. We need a thousand patriots in office across the country.
I am almost to the point of despair.....
riddle me this....."if" the military is "in charge" and the "only way" then who are these military?.....who is the leader?.....and who is in charge, Trump or the military.?....who is going to make the call to take over legally?....
we've been told for many months now that "we've already won"....please get me off the ledge.....
Have Faith, GOD WINS.
We're all in this together, watching the show. Wait til the 1 year inauguration anniversary, enemy occupation for more than a year = INSURRECTION
God is in total control and that is very hard to understand or accept. That is not to say that prayer doesn't work. It does.
It's pretty simple to understand that when God lets the the next totalitarian despot take over a country and systematically murder tens of millions of the people in that country that God wanted that to happen exactly like it did.
You mustn’t forget that God is in a fight with the devil. God rules the people, and the devil rules the world.
God allows us free will. So yes you are correct He allows that to happen. Does He like it? No.
In the end God is going to win whoever i would love to see the win myself on this lifetime of mine.
I know, we are in war and not everyone can make it but still, damn.
Why would you have to wait a year to fight back?
It's in the law of war manuel and geneva convention
Sounds like a cope.
Why in the everloving fuck would we respect some globalist "convention" while they commit treason and subvert our election?
Doesn't LoW say 1 year for military action?
If we cruise past the 20th with no obvious sign then things are likely to deteriorate quite rapidly, and I don't think anyone wants that.
I don't see where the goalposts can even go next tbh.
The original American Revolution took 8 years. More than half the clueless population were Tories, sympathetic and obedient to the enemy. The second revolution isn't easy either, but freedom will win again.
I see it differently.
This is the same Revolution.
Not the second revolution.
We're still fighting the first one.
As a nation, we haven't truly been born. They won't leave us alone until we remove evil from every bit of power.
As a nation, we stand for humanity's freedom.
Not just those in our country, but the entire planet. And beyond it, if humanity exists elsewhere in the universe in thralldom.
And this is why they fight so hard.
They are ultimately doomed.
Excellent perspective, thank you
Good points. The Constitution was being violated before the ink was dry. Fight on.......
This is on the time scale of centuries, not weeks
Trump isn't going to live that long, let's go!
What a time to be alive!
I wish I kept a diary....
DecodingSymbols had an interesting take. How Comms may have suggested that America was intended to be the plaything of British money backers. "The immoral whims of royalty". A place they were more "free", as in, could commit perversions and get away with it, without getting blackmailed (that was a thing, even back then).
It took 8 years because they had to walk everywhere.
Ever heard of a horse? Still, hilarious take
“Stay with me deplorables, you’ll love how this movie ends!” DJT
It’s the difficult part of the movie that we all have to struggle through on the way to the climax and resolution, which I believe will be worth the struggle
But normally half way thru is the peak or climax and that is typically the turning point in a movie.. even if we are a few months away the truth is everything for all three movies are heating up and we have to get to the climax or “precipice” soon
I don’t think that we are any where near half way
So this has been on going since at the minimum 2016 and you think it’ll go on past 2024?
I believe this is a meme, not an actual quote.
Posted by q nonetheless, therefore endorsed by them as something I should expect
I tried searching for it... Couldn't find it?
Any hints?
I feel down lately too because the gaslighting from the morons is just too much. I was upset at first when I saw he was cancelling tomorrow but I think he either was trolling them to start with or maybe found out that it wouldn't be safe for him or something.
If you try to keep in mind that he spends half of his time manipulating the bad guys its easier to deal with being personally head-faked. We can take one for the team is what I'm trying to say.
Yep, life goes on. 😒
We got a big thumbs up from Trump for our challenge to fake news which was maybe to give us heart for this moment.
Or maybe Trump isn’t Jesus Christ. Maybe he makes mistakes, gets out maneuvered, and does stupid shit from time to time like the rest of us. When you stop worshipping Trump, you care less about whether or not he has messed up or was following some plan that involves Biden being POTUS for a year. One man doesn’t make or break the US. We need a thousand patriots in office across the country.
STFU no one here worships Trump you faggot.
Ummm, really?!?
It's cute you think elections are free and fair.
Find the answers you seek, fren