Why did Martha Stewart go to prison for insider trading and Nancy Pelosi has not?
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Because some years ago Congress passed legislation exempting themselves from being charged with insider trading. How else do you think they all make their millions?
We MUST change that!!!
This is the answer.
Because she wouldn't agree to be involved in horrible things to give them the Kompromat they demanded?
Just a guess.
Just a reminder
These people are not tricked into blackmail. Everybody understands that you have to let them record you doing horrible stuff in order to advance in their ranks.
She wouldn’t eat the kids?
Was just thinking about this & wondering if she refused to do something. Seems likely. It’s funny how many deaths, bankruptcies…that you look at differently now knowing so much more was going on.
Nancy should try prison to see if it works for her. But I would rather see her remain in prison until she comes out in a pine box.
Isn’t she friends with Trump, too?
I love to bake so I watch her on YouTube occasionally. Her videos are comforting to listen to.
She endorsed Hillary but congratulated Trump after he won in 2016.
It's actually really weird. The more I look into it, the more it seems like they have a love/hate relationship. It seems like the source of animosity between them isn't even political, but related to The Apprentice.
Walter White has entered the chat.
"is it time to cook?"
😂I’m currently restoring a vintage (mid century) home built by a somewhat famous architect named Walter S. White. EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to do online research all I get is pics of Heisenberg.
Martha Stewart was NOT prosecuted for insider trading. That was never the charge. The media lied and played it up that way, but she was prosecuted for lying to investigators.
What was the so-called "lie?"
She said she did not tell her broker to sell stock in order to avoid losses, after she briefly met the CEO of the company.
Her broker supported her position. However, an "FBI expert" on ink analysis claimed under oath that the broker changed the sales ticket for the stock order, and the prosecution claimed it was because she knew the stock price was going to fall.
The corrupt prosecutor threatened the broker with many years in prison if he didn't flip. So, he flipped, and lied about what happened to support the prosecution.
After she was convicted, it came out that the "FBI expert" on the ink analysis ... NEVER LOOKED AT THE DOCUMENT. He lied under oath (perjury) for the purpose of putting her in prison.
Her lawyer attempted to get the conviction overturned on this issue, and the corrupt judge refused to allow any challenged to the conviction.
She was railroaded, so that scumbags could build their careers at her expense.
Thanks for that explanation.
YES!! Yotally that ☝🏼
Another trap they do specifically during investigations to get innocent people to look guilty. No one should go to prison for their actions during any investigation of a crime. It's the crime and accusation that is all that matters.
I like Martha. She really has great recipes. But her cookie recipes sometimes feed a family of 17 for days.
Maybe it was her public humiliation to pay for her high celebrity status. At the same time, it gives the appearance that even celebrities have to go to jail for crime.
Nancy looks crazy. Those facial expressions are freaky.
The mask is shifting.
They needed a high profile 'elite' to take one for the team.
A dramatic cover for Jamie Dimon, Hank Paulson, Lloyd Blankfein and the rest of the Banksters.
Think Lewinski's blue dress, and how MSM drives sensational headlines to cover up much larger crimes.
One is a lawmaker and the other one bakes pies.
That’s why the deep state likes to make lots of rules and laws. They can selectively enforce them to manipulate the world. It needs to all be burned down,
Looks like Martha didn't join the club.
It was a process crime... the coverup/denial is what got her... always does...
True. But so is this: https://www.forbes.com/sites/kylesmith/2011/06/01/insider-trading-rules-that-dont-apply-to-congress/?sh=5761b41e6167
[FYI, Forbes is China owned now, but this article predates that]
And why is there still an open investigation into Maxine Walters and her insider dealings with her husband’s bank....
They opened a congressional investigation and never went any further.... it’s still open....
Why are all sexual allegations against politicians always paid for by the tax payers to go away and or to set up an NDA and sealed to prevent any publicity..... anyone want to hazard a guess how many of these sorts of deals not just with adult allegations but also minors have been done in DC over the last 20 years.....?!
Could it be over 1000 ....?
And remember Martha only saved herself $40,000...
Martha is what Nancy thinks she looks like when she is stumbling around in a drunken stupor.
Simple. Because insider trading is not illegal for them. They exempt themselves.
I like the correlation of Martha having her bed sheets in Kmart and the moment she went to prison, Kmart went under.
That store was a staple of my child hood with the polar ice slushes
Stewart's a distraction. That was her role. Same as Madoff's.
In a word? Hypocrisy
I heard it was because she lied. Does not Pelousy lie with every word that exits her pie hole?
Take a look at u/MAG768720 comment above 👍🏽
Yes, that explanation was stellar!
I think all people in power have to "pay their dues" in some fashion.
Perhaps even spending time in jail.
The elite are exempt from laws...don’t cha know?
Buy, hold and DRS Gamestop, and we get to destroy (((their))) money laundering operations.
My theory : Whatever she did pissed off come congresscritter and the congresscritter, who is legally allowed to trade with insider information thanks to laws they passed to protect themselves, decided to take it out on her.
Didn't Congress voted themselves a loophole?
Congress made a law that exempts then from insider trading, what they do is all legal.
Technically it was for obstruction of justice, i.e. lying to a federal officer, not for insider trading. (And since the insider trading was cleared, it seems to be obstruction of injustice). But yeah, corruption.
I'll bet that pisses Martha off! She did lose weight in prison.
The question, as always, with the uni-party leaches, answers itself.
Martha went to prison for lying to the FBI...
Cuz nancy blew JFK AND Ruhollah Khomeini and Benjamin Netanyahu...
Stewart only blew TV execs...
I've long wondered about Martha. She was a model in the 70s after all, what did she have to go thru back then?
Pelosi makes the laws