Klaus Schwab opens World Economic Forum's virtual "Davos Agenda" and introduces China's Xi Jinping
⚠️ Vax-TYRANNY ☠️
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Wet worked. Havent heard that since podestas Wikileaks emails....unfortunately that one was likely scalia
I needed that. LOL
Agreed. Much better without.
Yeah a real shame
When do we start?
Fk yes! Please + Thanks.
I think Fauci is supposed to speak after Xi.
He is , disclose TV shared a tweet about fauci
And they call it a conspiracy
Criminals with wealth and power conspire to keep their wealth and power?!?!!
That would never happen…why would they want to do thaaat??
So the China and Soros spat recently was just a lovers quarrel and they all still get together for their family gatherings to plot destroying the rest of humanity so they can stay in charge and feel important.
From the people who brought you the One Child Policy!
This guy is on the "list" along with Soros,Gates,Obama,etc.
The guy drips & drools ~EVIL~.
Why is this what christians have become?! Him fauci gates Biden pelosi all are ruining this world and all claim to be followers of Christ. Shameful
Wolves hiding within the flock. I've heard countless survivor stories about high level Satanists being Catholic. Why? The Catholic Church has the power, it is the one true religion, the Church established by Jesus Christ. Satan goes where the power is. This is why the Satanists steal the Holy Eucharist and hold a mockery black mass. This is all mock-Catholicsm. Notice Satanists are not stealing Methodist crackers or mimicking Baptist or Mormon ceremonies. Why not? No power there.
Well said. Satanists have invaded high rankings of all the abrahamic religions. Fortunately we are aware and can see through the deceit and can identify the true believers and those who claim to believe simply as a tool to sow division (like the pope for example)
I think you are referring to the Apostolic succession. Supposedly, the ordination of Saint Peter is passed down from bishop to bishop & yes there may be something to that. The Catholics & Orthodox have this, some say the Episcopal do as well (from the Catholics before they broke off from them) The Orthodox believe the Apostolic succession is valid for the Episcopal while the Catholic do not necessarily believe it is. Let me also point out there are some that call themselves "Gnostic Christians" that have an Apostolic succession from Saint John and one branch of an all woman order the Apostolic succession from Mary Magdalene. These are very small groups probably no more than a few thousand world wide. Sadly the ones I know seem to have drunk the anti Trump koolaid & probably are worshiping vaccines too. idk, there might be a few who have not. Now that I said all that though watch out. There are some really creepy groups that say they are gnostic but not Christian - avoid them!
But yes, there is something powerful to the blood of Christ. If the priest is true & does the eucharist, it should be valid. If you do not have access to this just call Christ yourself, directly. His blood was shed for you, regardless of who you are, where you are. what you have done or are what you believe or ANY of that. Don't believe ANY who say it is not for you.
Blood runs deep. let me explain. The blood of an animal represents the life of an animal & has powerful magical properties. There are tribes in Africa that do special things with the fresh blood of an animal, some drink it to be powerful some use it in rituals. The ancient Jews were told not to ingest the blood. Not because it was bad but because it was good - too good for humans. It suppose to be given to God, etc etc etc
That's the blood of animals. The blood of humans is even more so. This is why the Satanists want human blood. They want it for power. They drink it or use it in rituals to bring them power on earth.
There is only one thing more powerful than the blood of humans & that the blood of God made flesh. This is more powerful than what the Satanists have & do. This is why they want to stop the churches. If the people do not have the blood of Christ then the Satanists win & they know this. Don't let them. If you are the last man or woman standing know that you can be ordained directly from Christ & it is your belief that turns any fluid into the blood of Christ. Know that they have no power over ye who hast the blood of Christ.
Bruh, Mormons are basically Masons and Masons are Satanists.
What is your point?
My point was the Mormon sacrament bread is not stolen by Satanists for black mass ceremonies, the Catholic Eucharist is.
Absolutely correct. Satan for being completely evil still knows the hierarchy and the truth. Christ founded a Church and sacraments. On the Donald some of the heretics stickied a thread praising the evil fallen Catholic priest Martin Luther.
I like Martin Luther's work on the Jews though, "The Jews and Their Lies"
Matthew 7:15
15 “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Don’t be fooled. Satan is well versed in Christianity. Anyone can talk yammer yammer yammer I’m a Christian yammer. You will know them by their fruits.
Why would anyone listen to this deviant? Remember his all but naked stroll down the beach. Disgusting vermin. Klaus Schwab is a Rothschild by blood lines. That explains the evil and the deviant behavior. Also explains his love for a new world order, population control, genocide.
I would have made it a point to vomit on him, most disgusting vile thing.
It’s all you need to know right there.
What does Schwab mean by this? “We must revitalize the global economy and accelerate its transition to net zero.”
What is “net zero”? Does “net zero” = “great reset”?
What you mean “we”, Ke-mo sah-bee?
Would be such a shame if the BIG little meeting got raided and all within arrested.
It is the gap between the rich and the poor = Between middle class, rich traditional family companies and the poor.
Nothing said about the absolute filthy rich and the rich beyond imagnination = Which are the globalists and promoters of the 4th industrial revolution. And all those who became even richer since 2020.
Lowering the gap...he just wants to make everyone except the uber rich poor so there's no longer a gap.
It’s The Marxist agenda since Lenin and trotsky. Nothing new here except the champagne socialists aren’t even bothering to hide their intentions any more. They want you poor and subservient
This picture of Schwab can never been unseen:
Is that real or photoshopped?
Fauci’s speaking too, along with a few of the usual American suspects.
One worn out jet with a few dozen barrels of extra fuel and fertilizer on board dropping in on the meeting would be a big help.
Not worth it. It’s virtual.
I’ve no idea what jerry is saying but I’m sure it’s nothing I’d like any part in
I feel embarresed for Xi Jinping. I can not imagine sharing a stage with this thing.
What the actual fuck is THAT? Is that some kind of initiation garb or is he actually that deviant by nature? Holy shit, I’ll never unsee that. 🤮
That's basically him. Now you know where the agenda is emanating from.
They're both reptiles.
I can't wait for our side to have conference and Pompao introduces Dong Jingwei
LOL still thinks he is Papaltine.
His mouth even looks like a puppet's does.