I have a feeling [[they]] walked into a trap on this one. Not unlike that scene from home alone 1 where Marv thinks he's good and clear going in through the window... till he barefoot steps on a bunch of glass ornaments. Can someone say "discovery phase"?
Don’t forget she was a jag. They will look like babies compared to Sidney during the questioning. I want this televised. What a spectacle it will be. Lol. They don’t know what they did when they served Sidney with a subpoena!
Lord please have the back of and surround and help Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani and any who are fighting for justice on this election.
In Jesus Almighty name,
She's got courage. I think most everyone else called knows it's a trap and that no matter what they say their words can be twisted. But Bannon is requesting relevant documents from the committee.if I remember?
Lord Jesus,
I plead with you for a quick overturning of the fraudulent, stolen elections of 2020, most importantly the Presidential election. Please bring Swift and complete JUSTICE.
In your Almighty and Awesome name,
My first thought when I heard they "requested her presence" was "oh, they done fucked up now." The more I think about it the more I think those assholes won't let her talk. However, if they DO let her talk, they're DONE.
I doubt it will be public so that they can twist what she says. But, I think she is smart enough to plead the 5th based on the tenor of the room. She's a very smart lady and they are only concerned on how to get rid of 45.
There is no "discovery" for this like there is for a trial. This is a Congressional committee, not a court room, unfortunately.
I wonder how her case with voting machine company is going! Ya know, the one where they are suing her for something like 3 BILLION dollars.
oops, on 2nd thought, you do not have to come.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
I’m gonna come!
Don't !!! Don't come!!!
I'm gonna come!
Ima laugh when the horned guy shows up dressed like Sydney and she talks to those asshats through a Bluetooth speaker on his belt
Hold on, I'm commin'
Was going to upvoat you, but you're sitting at the magic number, 69!!
Not gonna do it!!
I have a feeling [[they]] walked into a trap on this one. Not unlike that scene from home alone 1 where Marv thinks he's good and clear going in through the window... till he barefoot steps on a bunch of glass ornaments. Can someone say "discovery phase"?
How do you legally introduce evidence etc
Post 1287 it fits a little to well
Always a justification. Nothing ever happens, lol. Ever.
Okay keep your head in the sand. NCSWIC isn’t a slogan or a catch phrase, it’s a literal fact. Wars are won before they are fought, They’re toast.
You done? Or you gonna keep running your mouth?
Edit: I'm a bit bitter, sorry guys.
Unleash the Kraken!!
Yes please! u/#Golfing
This clip never gets old...ever!! 🤣🤣 So epic and I would love to know what Trump thinks about it!
That is Lizzie heading into the plane!
Release it!! https://youtu.be/DGK-2wBRtAo
Don’t forget she was a jag. They will look like babies compared to Sidney during the questioning. I want this televised. What a spectacle it will be. Lol. They don’t know what they did when they served Sidney with a subpoena!
Why are you even here if you are such a blackpilled faggot? shouldnt you be off somewhere mumbling about the sky falling or sealed in a bunker?
Republicans will let her talk and talk and talk. Dems & RINO Liz Cheney will cut her to yes or no responses.
Let's see if this will be a public hearing!
Popcorn time indeed.
And nothing will come of it. Period.
Sidney is kraken the whip.
Let's talk about election fraud!
-at the pre subpoena meeting: "Can't wait to arrest this bitch for not appearing"
Today: FUCK!
She'll flop them around like a cat toy.
Lord please have the back of and surround and help Sidney Powell, Rudy Guiliani and any who are fighting for justice on this election. In Jesus Almighty name, Amen
She's got courage. I think most everyone else called knows it's a trap and that no matter what they say their words can be twisted. But Bannon is requesting relevant documents from the committee.if I remember?
This reminds me of a Q post “How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?”
Post 1287
Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to Stormy Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUS’ attorney to pull Stormy Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United States’ attorney for payment details re: private case re: Stormy Daniels?
Think logically. How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law? Insert Rudy.
First public statement. “It shouldn’t take more than “a week or two” to come to a resolution on the probe.”
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would ‘they’ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.
Ahhhhh....We're canceling that subpoena just stay home.
I love Sidney Powell. What a fighter!
Kraken the whip.
I knew they were ready.
Lord Jesus, I plead with you for a quick overturning of the fraudulent, stolen elections of 2020, most importantly the Presidential election. Please bring Swift and complete JUSTICE. In your Almighty and Awesome name, Amen
You're pleading for a "quick" overturning?! It's been over a year already. Jesus clearly has no intention of doing anything quickly.
As a US citizen, I find the prospect of Sidney Powell presenting our case to be kind of exciting.
That was the easy way of getting UNcalled! KEK
She's got some big balls! Release the Kraken.
My first thought when I heard they "requested her presence" was "oh, they done fucked up now." The more I think about it the more I think those assholes won't let her talk. However, if they DO let her talk, they're DONE.
I doubt it will be public so that they can twist what she says. But, I think she is smart enough to plead the 5th based on the tenor of the room. She's a very smart lady and they are only concerned on how to get rid of 45.
There is no "discovery" for this like there is for a trial. This is a Congressional committee, not a court room, unfortunately.
I wonder how her case with voting machine company is going! Ya know, the one where they are suing her for something like 3 BILLION dollars.
In other words...In your face MF'er.
That's going to bite them on the ass.
As if they'll give her time to do that.
That committee will not ask one question that will allow her to get any information into the congressional record, I guarantee.
Yeah -- watch that subpoena spin on a dime to never-neverland
They'll be sorry....
Doesn't even bother to mention Arizona. Straight Gangsta
Subpoena-ers beware!
I thought Lynn Wood was going on about SP being a guy? Now people here like her?
I do. And Desantis.
What’s going on with Lynn?
I have 0 faith in Sidney or Wood.
You should dial back on your black pills.
Lol OK 👍
You’re not acting bitter, you’re acting like a bitch. Get yourself together “Fren”
Don’t call me buddy, guy.
I'm not your guy, pal xD
Introducing evidence. Nice move, DS. You're screwed.
Deposition on Feb 8. Let's see how this plays out. Somebody make a popcorn run.