I agree 100% with that. There’s no amount of money, no matter vehicles, special houses types of foods etc. that are more important than your mother being able to stay home with their child..
Praying for you, afmamhwwsstL, and for your husband to find work that provides for all of you and some to save. There is something out there for him, Trust God to help him find it.
We didn’t vaccinate our children and they’ve always been very healthy. They’re in their twenties now. My brother vaccinated his kids and they get sick a lot.
Was gonna say my cousins best friend is lucky and his wife has been able to home school their kids since birth which means no immunization requirements. Said all of them have been fine and healthy going without. So it's nothing to fear if you choose to leave your kids completely unjabbed.
I became very vax-hesitant after my baby had a terrible reaction to the MMR vax. We thought that we would have trouble with schools, so we decided on home schooling. (Also, he grew up a high-functioning autistic, which would have been a disaster in a class-room setting - I blame that vax). This decision made my parents so angry that I did not speak to them for over twenty years. However, my kids are doing well, and I have NEVER regretted the decision. Yes we had to watch our pennies, and move to a cheaper house, but we are happy.
I would definitely go with the "we're delaying vaccines" tactic. That way you can feel the waters for how they feel about it. If you know of any specific cases that you could share to get your point across, such as someone you know of that had a bad vaccine reaction, I would have that ready too.
We did a delayed/alternate vaccine schedule with our doctors input for my kids so that is a real thing that can be done.
That was years ago and not sure if I’d even do that if it came up again today as more is known about vaccines now.
We also chose to home school which meant my wife giving up her job. Day care seemed ridiculously expensive even with my wife’s job at 50k per year and it meant we would paying money to have less time with our kids.
The time with your kids is quite literally priceless, so choosing a change in your lifestyle to make that happen is going to be far more valuable in non-dollar ways than even a job that could pay you a million dollars per year. That was how we reframed our thinking when we made our choice.
Then we went into lots of debt for a while because we didn’t quite understand how to budget on half of what we had been making. :). It’s been 14 years so far and it’s still been worth it.
The infant phase is massively important in child development and years later if you miss this phase because of work, you may grow to resent the loss. I know I do.
No one is going to care for your baby the way you and your husband will. Re-evaluate your financial needs. Do you really need the second income? How much of that second income will you actually get when you consider the expenses related to that second income (car, clothes, outside lunches, etc) and cost of the day care itself.
Life becomes much easier if you and your partner lean into each other and are not dependent on other to raise your children.
And if the answer is “debt binds us!” Then I recommend Dave Ramsey!
My husband and I work opposite shifts. I work 15hrs a week in the morning and he works 40hrs a week. We paid off all our debt and our expenses per month are about $2000. We pay rent, buy food, pay for car insurance and gas... little more than that. We gave birth to our first little one in 2019 and its been hard - quite a sacrifice! We used to make 60-70 grand a year together but now its a little over half that much with a toddler and a baby on the way now. Its hard; its tight; and I wouldn’t change a thing. I know where my happiness is and its here with my little daughter, making crap pay and eating beans and rice LOL.
Jesus is King - hes the only reason I can do any of this.
Delaying your vaccines is a good idea. I think there may be revelations coming, so many people have finally gotten interested. Some parents manage to care for their children by working in shifts. This is a good time when the baby is small and sleeping a lot.
I commend you for staying firm to a no vax policy. You are much further ahead than many young parents that do not find out about the down side of vaxxines until it is too late. But, you are missing the much bigger picture here that goes way beyond just vaxxines. Who is going to really raise your child? Those early childhood years of development can never be regained once lost. I know you have a plan worked out, but please give an old fart a few moments to pass along some wisdom accumulated over many years of personal and professional experience.
As a health care provider and clinician for many years, the healthiest children I saw in my practice were those that were unvaxxed and were raised at home till they were school age. Exposing young children to the petri dish that is called daycare is not good for them and their developing immune systems - especially when they are infants and toddlers. In my experience, the children that were in day care seemed to always be sick. Parents often didn't think there is a problem and that their kid were fine and that being sick was just part of the normal process of childhood development. They were not seeing the situation from the perspective that I had where I could evaluate cross sections of different cohorts of children. IMO those children that were unvaxxed and stayed at home with at least one parent till they were ready to start school, then were home schooled in some manner, did not suffer from all the maladies that have sadly become commonplace with children today. I have been around long enough to know that none of this was normal.
Downsize. Do not let someone else raise your child. That includes child care and the public school system. The public schools stopped educating children years ago - it is not social justice indoctrination. If we and our children are going to survive this system designed to destroy and enslave us, than we must break away from it. It is very hard, but there is a way to make it on one income if you are determined to make it happen. I know people that do it every day. When your children reach school age there is homeschooling and there are churches that have started schools and others are doing co-opt education out of the mainstream system. But honestly, those first 5 to 6 years years of your child's life should be spent with you. My own mother did not reenter the work force until I started junior high and only because she was bored.
Do not give the reward and joys of your child's milestones to someone else to witness and experience. However, if you are insistent on living the American Dream, whatever the hell that is, you will sacrifice your children for it. What is the point of having two incomes when there is a huge expense for child care? Is it really because you think you can't make it or is it more a matter of keeping up your current lifestyle? You ask any parent that made the hard choice to stay home with their children and they will honestly tell you it was hard - but it was also the best decision they ever made. Having your child for a few hours in the evening and on the weekends does not cut it - especially when they are very young. This whole concept of paid child care is a modern phenomenon that is truly insane and designed to start the process of pulling your children away from you. Think about it. You are only being a part time parent with visitation while the system molds and indoctrinates your child. If you want your children to have your values then you must teach those values. You cannot pass that responsibility off to someone else that you think shares those values.
Reach out to other parents that have made the choice to keep their children at home. Break away from the system that desires to have your child. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I pray that you consider what I have said. I do mean well and I pray for your success. God bless.
Nothing wrong with slowing and spacing the vaxxes. I'm not anti vax but they give too many too soon nowadays. My own sons are up to date but pushback will begin if they push me after this covid fuckery
One of you should home with your baby. Whoever makes the most and not at risk of firing from any vaxxx requirements. Pare down your expenses in order to do this. You will never regret the decision.
We made the sacrifice to keep my wife home with our daughter and homeschools her. Granted, there are some people out there whom would cause me to pity their child if they homeschooled but my wife has a bachelor's in biology and a minor in chem that she achieved on a full tuition scholarship. We drive old vehicles and my house isn't a mansion. We make it work on less than 50k a year. It's not easy and lack of finances gets to me sometimes when I see other people with their cool toys but all I have to do is see my daughter and it is all worth it. You can do it. Best of luck to you.
I am beyond happy that you not only researched this and made an educated decision instead of just doing what you are told to do but also that your husband agrees with you! That can be one of the hardest parts.
My first child was fully vaccinated and it changed her, made her neuro-divergent and also almost killed her. We made the decision not to vaccinate our 2nd and WOW what a difference in these 2! Best decision we ever made.
MY BEST ADVICE TO YOU is to try and obtain your baby's religious exemption now! We told everybody in the hospital that she was NOT to get any vaccines and later when we obtained her religious exemption, they printed an immunization record that showed somebody gave her a Hep B injection on her first day of birth. It is literally the cause of her 1 life long injury, we found out later but you can't sue unless you can prove your child got "injured immediately after vaccination" which doesn't always work like that. I was literally told that there was nothing we could do about that and I was beyond pissed! We were told that ADHD, ODD, behavior disorders, sleep disorders, etc were genetic in both of us, yet our youngest doesn't have any of these. She was such a happy and calm baby too! You will have a pretty damn healthy kid, I'm telling you!
Probably not a bad idea unless somebody here has experience in that field and would know if this is something that just gets filed away or if it's typically authenticated in some way.
I know where I am it's illegal for employers to check, they just have to store it on file, the whole thing is unlawful. May be different for the US though.
I agree with everyone recommending you stay at home----get creative, pray, and work that budget and your options every way possible. If you salary requirements aren't crazy high, dm me and I can tell you about a work from home thing I did the last 6 months. It is legit. I just left the company but they have 24 hour shifts. I pulled three 12 hour weekend shifts (Fri Sat Sun).
I'll pray for you but in my opinion---which you did not ask for--- the first few years of a child's life are the most important. only coming The child will either bond with their Mother or they will not bond at all. I have seen many daycare services and not one of them had the time to spend with a baby. They wrap the child in a blanket and put it in a crib only coming by to change the diaper or feed the baby---usually by propping a bottle up on a pillow. The baby needs holding to bond. We have an intire generation that never bonded and they have no compassion for their fellow man. I know you didn't ask me but if you made the decision to have a child, cutting the way you live so you can afford to stay home with them will be the best decision you ever made. Now I will get off my 70 year old soapbox and pray for your family.
On vaccinations and the medical-pharma cartel generally, here's a post from last night that will not only support your concerns but will go much further -- highly recommended. The comments below the post are worth reading also,
You made me remember my story. We decided to have me stay at home when our baby was born. I was a pregnant, we lived on two incomes, and I was the one that carried the insurance. I agreed, however after the baby was born I was scared to death. How would we do it? What about insurance with a new baby?? I stuck to it, and two weeks before my maternity leave was up, we paid for one month of insurance and I put in my notice.
I doubted myself every step of the way, even thought about keeping the letter, acting like it got lost in the mail and going back to work. I was scared to death to not work, and live on one income. I didn't deceive my husband though, and went through with it. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life. We had to cut back so much! He worked many long hours to support us, and we used a christian based sharing plan for insurance. That scared me too. How would I know to make the right decisions? Where would we get the money to pay the bill until the checks from other members came in? I was so stressed.
Plus, I felt like I lost my identity when I quit to stay at home... I was so wrapped up in "what I did for a living" that I didn't realize I was taking on a new job. I felt like a failure, like I was nothing.
However, God watched all this and helped. My husband was offered a new job a few years later (yeah, we had to scrimp and save a LOT for a long time), and he was making twice what he made before! We now are breathing again. I would redo it all in a heartbeat though! It was worth it to stay home with my baby!
Please don't send your newborn child off to be raised by anyone else. Please don't hear the funny stories of what your kid has done from a note sent home, if they even remember to tell you. Please don't miss the milestones! Please don't let them light up when the see a stranger instead of you in the morning! Please figure out how to make it work! Give up the extra car, boat, or big house. Give up the nice car for one that looks terrible but gets you where you want to go. My crappy, dented van had a broken drivers door so I had to go in and out through the back slider door. It would also lock and unlock the doors whenever it wanted to, and the passenger window wouldn't stay shut so I duct taped it. I joked that I would come back from the downtown zoo and someone would feel so bad for me driving that car they would leave $20 on the dash!
Just take care of this baby that God is entrusting with you, not with anyone else. Your baby can't talk... what will you do if when you leave they put your baby in a corner all day, and you don't know? Sure they're nice when you drop them off, but you don't know what is going on when you aren't there. I was always so afraid of that. I swore I wouldn't even use a baby sitter until my kid could talk and tell me what went on. Please, you care for your baby more than any stranger or family friend would. See this as a sign that you need to make it work!!! God is talking to you!!
Not in your situation but my 2 grandchildren are not jabbed, 3 and 5. They are true purebloods. I think they had their oldest in a Montessori daycare for a while. I never thought to ask about jabs and daycare. Congratulations on your lil pureblood!🎉
If you're having your baby in a hospital, be sure you put NO VACCINES OR INJECTIONS in big bold letters on your admission paperwork and sign it. You can't trust the medical bureaucracy these days. Blessings! I too will be praying for a way for you to stay at home and be your child's perfect caretaker.
Autism is caused by the huge list of vaccinations children are told to get. You can start by saying you are being cautious and will wait until age 2 to begin a limited vaccine program for your child. If this woman can listen to reason, she will allow you to do what you want with your child. If your child becomes ill, you will take the child to the doctor and find out what the problem it. All the vaccinations are not necessary at all. I guess you will find out what her mindset is tomorrow.
Wifey and I have four boys and if we knew then what we know now we would not have given our children any vaccines at all. We did stop the younger two when they were 3 and 5 yrs old. Love and prayers fren!
I agree 100% with that. There’s no amount of money, no matter vehicles, special houses types of foods etc. that are more important than your mother being able to stay home with their child..
You guys have the best idea! I'll pray too!
Amen, brother! God can make a way even if it seems impossible.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i05ilXozrro (Dan Peek, former member of America- All Things Are Possible)
Praying for you, afmamhwwsstL, and for your husband to find work that provides for all of you and some to save. There is something out there for him, Trust God to help him find it.
Or they could work different shifts.
That might work, but it is terribly hard on both a marriage and family life, If one worked part time that might work better.
You are absolutely right. But everybody has to make that decision for themselves.
Best way to bypass the BS system is to not partake at all or as little as possible.
We didn’t vaccinate our children and they’ve always been very healthy. They’re in their twenties now. My brother vaccinated his kids and they get sick a lot.
Was gonna say my cousins best friend is lucky and his wife has been able to home school their kids since birth which means no immunization requirements. Said all of them have been fine and healthy going without. So it's nothing to fear if you choose to leave your kids completely unjabbed.
I became very vax-hesitant after my baby had a terrible reaction to the MMR vax. We thought that we would have trouble with schools, so we decided on home schooling. (Also, he grew up a high-functioning autistic, which would have been a disaster in a class-room setting - I blame that vax). This decision made my parents so angry that I did not speak to them for over twenty years. However, my kids are doing well, and I have NEVER regretted the decision. Yes we had to watch our pennies, and move to a cheaper house, but we are happy.
Oh God bless you and your family. I am so sorry that this ripped you and your own parents apart. I pray your relationship can be healed one day.
I would definitely go with the "we're delaying vaccines" tactic. That way you can feel the waters for how they feel about it. If you know of any specific cases that you could share to get your point across, such as someone you know of that had a bad vaccine reaction, I would have that ready too.
We did a delayed/alternate vaccine schedule with our doctors input for my kids so that is a real thing that can be done.
That was years ago and not sure if I’d even do that if it came up again today as more is known about vaccines now.
We also chose to home school which meant my wife giving up her job. Day care seemed ridiculously expensive even with my wife’s job at 50k per year and it meant we would paying money to have less time with our kids.
The time with your kids is quite literally priceless, so choosing a change in your lifestyle to make that happen is going to be far more valuable in non-dollar ways than even a job that could pay you a million dollars per year. That was how we reframed our thinking when we made our choice.
Then we went into lots of debt for a while because we didn’t quite understand how to budget on half of what we had been making. :). It’s been 14 years so far and it’s still been worth it.
Stay home. Either you or your husband.
The infant phase is massively important in child development and years later if you miss this phase because of work, you may grow to resent the loss. I know I do.
No one is going to care for your baby the way you and your husband will. Re-evaluate your financial needs. Do you really need the second income? How much of that second income will you actually get when you consider the expenses related to that second income (car, clothes, outside lunches, etc) and cost of the day care itself.
Life becomes much easier if you and your partner lean into each other and are not dependent on other to raise your children.
And if the answer is “debt binds us!” Then I recommend Dave Ramsey!
My husband and I work opposite shifts. I work 15hrs a week in the morning and he works 40hrs a week. We paid off all our debt and our expenses per month are about $2000. We pay rent, buy food, pay for car insurance and gas... little more than that. We gave birth to our first little one in 2019 and its been hard - quite a sacrifice! We used to make 60-70 grand a year together but now its a little over half that much with a toddler and a baby on the way now. Its hard; its tight; and I wouldn’t change a thing. I know where my happiness is and its here with my little daughter, making crap pay and eating beans and rice LOL.
Jesus is King - hes the only reason I can do any of this.
Delaying your vaccines is a good idea. I think there may be revelations coming, so many people have finally gotten interested. Some parents manage to care for their children by working in shifts. This is a good time when the baby is small and sleeping a lot.
I commend you for staying firm to a no vax policy. You are much further ahead than many young parents that do not find out about the down side of vaxxines until it is too late. But, you are missing the much bigger picture here that goes way beyond just vaxxines. Who is going to really raise your child? Those early childhood years of development can never be regained once lost. I know you have a plan worked out, but please give an old fart a few moments to pass along some wisdom accumulated over many years of personal and professional experience.
As a health care provider and clinician for many years, the healthiest children I saw in my practice were those that were unvaxxed and were raised at home till they were school age. Exposing young children to the petri dish that is called daycare is not good for them and their developing immune systems - especially when they are infants and toddlers. In my experience, the children that were in day care seemed to always be sick. Parents often didn't think there is a problem and that their kid were fine and that being sick was just part of the normal process of childhood development. They were not seeing the situation from the perspective that I had where I could evaluate cross sections of different cohorts of children. IMO those children that were unvaxxed and stayed at home with at least one parent till they were ready to start school, then were home schooled in some manner, did not suffer from all the maladies that have sadly become commonplace with children today. I have been around long enough to know that none of this was normal.
Downsize. Do not let someone else raise your child. That includes child care and the public school system. The public schools stopped educating children years ago - it is not social justice indoctrination. If we and our children are going to survive this system designed to destroy and enslave us, than we must break away from it. It is very hard, but there is a way to make it on one income if you are determined to make it happen. I know people that do it every day. When your children reach school age there is homeschooling and there are churches that have started schools and others are doing co-opt education out of the mainstream system. But honestly, those first 5 to 6 years years of your child's life should be spent with you. My own mother did not reenter the work force until I started junior high and only because she was bored.
Do not give the reward and joys of your child's milestones to someone else to witness and experience. However, if you are insistent on living the American Dream, whatever the hell that is, you will sacrifice your children for it. What is the point of having two incomes when there is a huge expense for child care? Is it really because you think you can't make it or is it more a matter of keeping up your current lifestyle? You ask any parent that made the hard choice to stay home with their children and they will honestly tell you it was hard - but it was also the best decision they ever made. Having your child for a few hours in the evening and on the weekends does not cut it - especially when they are very young. This whole concept of paid child care is a modern phenomenon that is truly insane and designed to start the process of pulling your children away from you. Think about it. You are only being a part time parent with visitation while the system molds and indoctrinates your child. If you want your children to have your values then you must teach those values. You cannot pass that responsibility off to someone else that you think shares those values.
Reach out to other parents that have made the choice to keep their children at home. Break away from the system that desires to have your child. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I pray that you consider what I have said. I do mean well and I pray for your success. God bless.
Nothing wrong with slowing and spacing the vaxxes. I'm not anti vax but they give too many too soon nowadays. My own sons are up to date but pushback will begin if they push me after this covid fuckery
Good for you! I’m started to doubt all vaccines.
One of you should home with your baby. Whoever makes the most and not at risk of firing from any vaxxx requirements. Pare down your expenses in order to do this. You will never regret the decision.
Prayers sent. Delay vaccinations forever as they are unnecessary. Good luck!
We made the sacrifice to keep my wife home with our daughter and homeschools her. Granted, there are some people out there whom would cause me to pity their child if they homeschooled but my wife has a bachelor's in biology and a minor in chem that she achieved on a full tuition scholarship. We drive old vehicles and my house isn't a mansion. We make it work on less than 50k a year. It's not easy and lack of finances gets to me sometimes when I see other people with their cool toys but all I have to do is see my daughter and it is all worth it. You can do it. Best of luck to you.
I am beyond happy that you not only researched this and made an educated decision instead of just doing what you are told to do but also that your husband agrees with you! That can be one of the hardest parts. My first child was fully vaccinated and it changed her, made her neuro-divergent and also almost killed her. We made the decision not to vaccinate our 2nd and WOW what a difference in these 2! Best decision we ever made. MY BEST ADVICE TO YOU is to try and obtain your baby's religious exemption now! We told everybody in the hospital that she was NOT to get any vaccines and later when we obtained her religious exemption, they printed an immunization record that showed somebody gave her a Hep B injection on her first day of birth. It is literally the cause of her 1 life long injury, we found out later but you can't sue unless you can prove your child got "injured immediately after vaccination" which doesn't always work like that. I was literally told that there was nothing we could do about that and I was beyond pissed! We were told that ADHD, ODD, behavior disorders, sleep disorders, etc were genetic in both of us, yet our youngest doesn't have any of these. She was such a happy and calm baby too! You will have a pretty damn healthy kid, I'm telling you!
God bless you and your family!!
Could you just photoshop fake proof of vax for the daycare?
Probably not a bad idea unless somebody here has experience in that field and would know if this is something that just gets filed away or if it's typically authenticated in some way.
I know where I am it's illegal for employers to check, they just have to store it on file, the whole thing is unlawful. May be different for the US though.
I agree with everyone recommending you stay at home----get creative, pray, and work that budget and your options every way possible. If you salary requirements aren't crazy high, dm me and I can tell you about a work from home thing I did the last 6 months. It is legit. I just left the company but they have 24 hour shifts. I pulled three 12 hour weekend shifts (Fri Sat Sun).
I prayed
I'll pray for you but in my opinion---which you did not ask for--- the first few years of a child's life are the most important. only coming The child will either bond with their Mother or they will not bond at all. I have seen many daycare services and not one of them had the time to spend with a baby. They wrap the child in a blanket and put it in a crib only coming by to change the diaper or feed the baby---usually by propping a bottle up on a pillow. The baby needs holding to bond. We have an intire generation that never bonded and they have no compassion for their fellow man. I know you didn't ask me but if you made the decision to have a child, cutting the way you live so you can afford to stay home with them will be the best decision you ever made. Now I will get off my 70 year old soapbox and pray for your family.
Hopefully this shit ends soon.
On vaccinations and the medical-pharma cartel generally, here's a post from last night that will not only support your concerns but will go much further -- highly recommended. The comments below the post are worth reading also,
Best wishes to you, your husband, and your child.
I will keep you in my prayers today.
I'm going to be a little crude and as why can't you stay at home? Is it work attachment (don't want to leave your job) or financial?
How about you start a daycare for just a few babies?
Praying for you friend. Congratulations on the baby and on sticking to your convictions. Your child will thank you for it. 🥰🥰
Move. Downsize! Parent your own child STOP asking for prayers for daycare. Grow up! You’re going to be parents so start behaving responsibly.
You made me remember my story. We decided to have me stay at home when our baby was born. I was a pregnant, we lived on two incomes, and I was the one that carried the insurance. I agreed, however after the baby was born I was scared to death. How would we do it? What about insurance with a new baby?? I stuck to it, and two weeks before my maternity leave was up, we paid for one month of insurance and I put in my notice.
I doubted myself every step of the way, even thought about keeping the letter, acting like it got lost in the mail and going back to work. I was scared to death to not work, and live on one income. I didn't deceive my husband though, and went through with it. Hardest thing I have ever done in my life. We had to cut back so much! He worked many long hours to support us, and we used a christian based sharing plan for insurance. That scared me too. How would I know to make the right decisions? Where would we get the money to pay the bill until the checks from other members came in? I was so stressed.
Plus, I felt like I lost my identity when I quit to stay at home... I was so wrapped up in "what I did for a living" that I didn't realize I was taking on a new job. I felt like a failure, like I was nothing.
However, God watched all this and helped. My husband was offered a new job a few years later (yeah, we had to scrimp and save a LOT for a long time), and he was making twice what he made before! We now are breathing again. I would redo it all in a heartbeat though! It was worth it to stay home with my baby!
Please don't send your newborn child off to be raised by anyone else. Please don't hear the funny stories of what your kid has done from a note sent home, if they even remember to tell you. Please don't miss the milestones! Please don't let them light up when the see a stranger instead of you in the morning! Please figure out how to make it work! Give up the extra car, boat, or big house. Give up the nice car for one that looks terrible but gets you where you want to go. My crappy, dented van had a broken drivers door so I had to go in and out through the back slider door. It would also lock and unlock the doors whenever it wanted to, and the passenger window wouldn't stay shut so I duct taped it. I joked that I would come back from the downtown zoo and someone would feel so bad for me driving that car they would leave $20 on the dash!
Just take care of this baby that God is entrusting with you, not with anyone else. Your baby can't talk... what will you do if when you leave they put your baby in a corner all day, and you don't know? Sure they're nice when you drop them off, but you don't know what is going on when you aren't there. I was always so afraid of that. I swore I wouldn't even use a baby sitter until my kid could talk and tell me what went on. Please, you care for your baby more than any stranger or family friend would. See this as a sign that you need to make it work!!! God is talking to you!!
Not in your situation but my 2 grandchildren are not jabbed, 3 and 5. They are true purebloods. I think they had their oldest in a Montessori daycare for a while. I never thought to ask about jabs and daycare. Congratulations on your lil pureblood!🎉
Maybe if this person falls through due to the vaccine issue, explore with other mothers in your neighborhood any willingness for daycare.
Just say delay and give immunizations slowly. Your family has a history of egg allergies which are severe. Then just don't mention it again.
Prayers on the way.
If you're having your baby in a hospital, be sure you put NO VACCINES OR INJECTIONS in big bold letters on your admission paperwork and sign it. You can't trust the medical bureaucracy these days. Blessings! I too will be praying for a way for you to stay at home and be your child's perfect caretaker.
Autism is caused by the huge list of vaccinations children are told to get. You can start by saying you are being cautious and will wait until age 2 to begin a limited vaccine program for your child. If this woman can listen to reason, she will allow you to do what you want with your child. If your child becomes ill, you will take the child to the doctor and find out what the problem it. All the vaccinations are not necessary at all. I guess you will find out what her mindset is tomorrow.
Wifey and I have four boys and if we knew then what we know now we would not have given our children any vaccines at all. We did stop the younger two when they were 3 and 5 yrs old. Love and prayers fren!