Lol. Your names mean nothing to me. One side calls racism in order to silence others when met with ugly truth. America is already unrecognizable because of those who are afraid of these words. Have fun being a minority.
"One side calls racism in order to silence others..." You're here expressing your own bigotry for "groups". Have you been silenced??? I didn't silence you, but you are off topic in this forum. Try Consume Product if you're worried about being silenced here for going off topic.
"Have fun being a minority." Discrimination is illegal, minority or not. Getting your alleged "equity" is the least of humanity's problems. No rational person is going to shelter a white bigot for the sake of defeating a brown bigot. No sort of bigot is right in the head or a desirable neighbor to have.
Lol you know that something being illegal only lasts as long as those in power keep it that way...what happens when they change that? They basically have already.
lol Bureaucracy is a thing for a reason. Dooming won't make the ONGOING legal backlash stop. You seem to have something to sell here and I'm not buying. We have a remedy for all brands of bigotry, just as we have a remedy for government corruption and the hateful parasites who feed on racial conflict.
You say, "Have fun being a minority." Then, you proceed to give me an entire paragraph claiming that I'm already being discriminated against as a MAJORITY: " long as those in power keep it that way...what happens when they change that? They basically have already." The truth is that corruption can be remedied and we have a bureaucratic system for gently ironing out social problems over time.
"I wish i was as delusional as you..." Racial hatred is utterly delusional, which is why you're now spewing insults like a broken fire hydrant after getting trounced in rational debate.
"Your [names]..." ??? Bigotry is a BEHAVIOR. It's an actual thing, like boating or typing on the internet. No need to conflate that BEHAVIOR with pejoratives. That would be a desperate ploy, of course.
Segregation, which you go on to later promote as a "solution", is a COMMUNIST "democrat" position, not a conservative one. That makes it pretty retarded to start calling anyone here a "liberal".
Yup do realize the hatians have been fighting bankers for 200 years?
You do realize hatians had to repay the french in gold for the slaves freed after the revolution?
No disrespect but as a “black” MAGA person or as I like to call myself, just an American. There’s stuff going on that majority Dont know about. Republicans don’t run candidates in my area and if you try to run as a repub the support isn’t there, if you try to be independent major attacks on your life and family…. The police do nothing. The whole system is rigged. The deep state has used the islands and Africa as a central bank and vaccine war college.
Let’s take care of our common enemy first before we go believing what the tv shows us about other cultures.
Haitian historians,… meaning. Local writers who publish info that doesn’t really leave the island and make it into fake news.
When Nikki Minaj flipped out a few months ago it was because these monsters have been experimenting in those islands for decades. It’s more of a locally known thing, so when she brings stuff up it makes no sense to Americans.
I heard this info from a local Caribbean radio station and I’ve also asked Haitian people I’ve worked with.not being an ass, but I cannot point you to a western news source. My saying is colonialist put away the boats and brought out the banks.
I used to believe that Africa's stagnation was because "black people = stupid" only to realize that is a gross over simplification and I also realized that the Bible belt is littered with poor white trailer trash... There's actually quite a bit of white Republicans living happy on welfare. So if it's not an ethnicity thing, then why is it a majority of African countries are seemingly so far behind. Well... it's cause the people in power in those countries hoard all the money and guns leaving the people of those places to just... exists as best they can. Most African countries haven't been given the opportunity and this is done purposefully to fuel the narrative.
Sadly some of the lower IQ types on this sub don't get that the narrative of the
eugenics mindset is a product of the Cabal. They also don't grasp that "racsim" is a bunch of made-up bullshit based on the stupidest of reasons and that ANY who partake are pieces of shit. There is ZERO excuse to be prejudiced and it is not compatible with the Great Awakening.
I’m from one of these shithole countries before Cia and imf showed up.
My dad was one of the biggest business people in the country, my mother had her own house in the beach by the time she was 20 and had her own business. A family with professionals …. Close family friend who was Oxford educated….. last time I saw him he was almost naked and his clothing and shoes had holes in it.
If westerners cannot deal with 1 year of Joe Biden and Bill Gates how is my family supposed to deal with it for 30+years. Maga and Q movement really are shooting them selves in the foot if they don’t really understand and bring us into the fold. We know all the tricks these people pull. Americans act like the deep state didn’t use all nations and that South Americans and Africans are just stupid.
Rural white poverty in America is worse than anything I’ve ever seen and is on par with the 3rd world, we can all come together and work together.
And PS they were using cloned Prime Ministers in the 3rd world decades ago.
We are in the current times bud. Trying to compare Irish people to Haitians while one group were literal peasants and the other is given millions in economic aid per year is a poor attempt. You can simp for this idea that everyone is exactly the same with only different skin color. The reality is that you are wrong.
Happens to be the places that are run by Democrats. Hmm, almost like it has more to do with the fact those abusing their power and influence are to blame. Weird.
Did you know there are places in the Bible belt that are a majority white and 95% of them are on welfare?
And I disagree with you lol. And I could give a shit about petty crimes. Violent crimes are all I care about and the data is there for all to see. The fact that you constantly make excuses for humans to simply not harm other humans is disgusting.
Wolves and Coyotes are of the same genome hence why they can breed. You are right we have many different sub-species of human. But to say that value is based on skin color alone is fucking retarded and has been proven wrong many many times. That value is based on how that person chooses to live their lives and until the cabal is defeated and every Democrat stripped of power, we won't know what the data holds. Right now it is tainted by cabal influence and not really a metric we should be using against other humans.
There's only one kind of dog, the dog race. You may see a German Shepherd and a Chihuaha and think there is a difference between them, but that's totally an illusion, a social construct. They are both simply dogs.
And what do we do when the German Shepperd tries to exert its dominance over the Chihuahua? Oh that's right, we beat the shit out of it until it understands the Chihuahua is an equal.
Oh and if the Chihuahua was raised by the German Shepherd, it would see it as Alpha.
Uh oh... it appears I turned your "racist" and wrong analogy into swiss cheese. Ooopsie.
Well that's where you're a fucking idiot. A chihuahua and a german shepherd are not equal. They're quite obviously different. They look different and they exhibit different aptitudes.
You're the one who brought up domination. I merely commented on the reality of difference.
Now, why don't you explain to me why Africa is an unlivable shithole without resorting to blaming white racists. And then once you've done that explain to me why every city or country with a black majority is a crime ridden filthy degenerate unlivable nightmare.
I don't think the corrupt criminal psychopaths that are ruling over the world hate white people. It is just a tool for division. They want white people feeling attacked, so they lash out in self-defense. Then every example of somebody doing that can be used as evidence to non-whites that white people are all racist bigots.
The narrative right now is that there is something genetically wrong with white people that makes them racists, and that it is not possible for a non-white person to be a racist.
Their primary reason is just to cause chaos and distract everybody from what they are up to. A secondary reason was to cause normies to hate on Trump supporters.
I think BLM was a big flop. All the images of BLM burning down cities, videos of blacks looting familiar stores, blacks beating up white men and women, and even the murder of a white child were attempts to fire up white people into thinking our enemy is black people. Recall how all that stuff happened together in time, and it all just stopped like somebody turned off a spigot.
But it didn't work so they had to resort to trying to fake White Supremacy using hoaxes like Jussie Smollett's little adventure.
But the fact is, they wanted the normies think that Trump supporters are White Supremacists. There are White Supremacists, but there very few of them and they don't like Trump. White Supremacists are not populists. They are authoritarians. White Supremacists want to use government authority to rid the country of non-white people.
Patriotic Populists just want to be left alone and go back to their lives.
They do want white people gone. And to your point, they do want them to feel attacked. They want them to be scared to be white and adjust to fit into other cultures. But it's not only to create division, the goal is to create oneness. A race without a culture. A race in which everyone not only is the same in the human sense, but looks the same.
There's a clear reason why which is too in depth to go into here.
Trump supporters are portrayed as "white supremists" because they need a face to focus the anger and frustration of minorities on to.
This deflects from the real culprits, who are the white Democrat elite, that have made hollow promises to the minorities for the last 50 yrs, in exchange for their votes.
Yeah, probably true but honestly, I am more interested in my own 'convictions / core values' group. I don't care what race a person is, I care far more what they believe in, hold dear, respect, will fight for, etc.
A "group" doesn't make individual decisions to commit crimes. Individuals make the choice to commit crimes... Unless you're prepared to be held accountable for all crimes committed by those with whom you share some superficial quality such as a pallor.
It's a cultural issue. You dont address the violence by going after the race, you address it by going after the culture that fosters the issue. Gang culture, thug culture
Not sure if you've noticed, but white people get caught up in these cultures sometimes too, meaning it isn't racial at its roots
it's absolutely true that individuals commit crimes and individuals should not be persecuted for things they did not do. but do not be oblivious to the mathematical realities of our world.
"...but do not be oblivious to the mathematical realities..." Today, I figure I'll judge you by class instead of race, you know: to avoid being oblivious to the mathematical realities of our world. Do some "mathematical reality" on that one, before you try to claim innocence based on your skin tone, smart guy.
What forum are we on? We all know here that the deep state has been working overtime enslaving minorities to live in permanent servitude and reliance on the state. Decades of this, plus decades of destroying the nuclear family, has resulted in these issues
So you're going to stop an entire demographic from listening to their favorite music. And hope they stop murdering people for shoes. Well I have heard worse plans.
"Sure are a whole lot of violent black ‘individuals’ out there." Sure are a whole lot of violent, stupid white "individuals" out there, too. Since you're never going to 'punish' an entire race based solely ON their race, without getting your own asses 'punished' for that, the premise is too retarded to matter.
Because they're usually owned by people who want them to be mean or fight because the stereotype that they're mean persists. I've met more than enough amazing rescue pit bulls and they were perfectly loving and normal dogs. Yet the sigma continues. Your stupid racist gotchas and metaphors still don't and won't work.
Yes and that would overwhelmingly be the Jews. So stop getting your panties twisted with "muh racism". I get called a nazi here sometimes for my beliefs about the Holocaust, but what you've been spouting off here about not all humans being equal is actual nonsense.
Where did I say you were praising Jews? Im saying they are the only ones that actually stand out as the group pushing psyops and trying to enslave the working class.
If you're spouting off about white supremacy and denigrating black people or other non-whites then you definitely are wrong.
Nothing wrong with being a "nazi", but very much wrong with being a white supremacist. And no, feelings have nothing to do with it. Objectively there are based people of all groups and races.
Obviously every race has individuals. But statistically I have to be more wary about certain races. I do wish you were correct though. I would prefer everyone to be equally less violent or likely to vote for communism. But the reality is that the more diverse America becomes, the less likely it is to survive.
The only race I'm worried about are the Jews in high places of power. As for the last part, I vehemently disagree. The more diverse America becomes, ironically the less diverse it becomes as different races interbreed. Red Queen theory from evolutionary biology. It's like a teeter-totter, the more diverse a population in the beginning, the more homogenous it becomes over time. Evolutionary advantages/mutations love a diverse gene pool. This is why half white/interracial women are so attractive imo.
Eventually you have more people like me who look white because of light skinned Spaniard grandparents, but grew up culturally Mexican from one parents influences, and fully indoctrinated into Americanism, shook off the indoctrination of liberalism from the college education system, and only supports right wing political causes now.
I don't care about other black folks.
It's called the 10 commandments.
I follow those and that's all I need.
Tribalism had its benefits when people were in the jungle.
They could not trust "othersiders" with land, food and security.
So people naturally stunk with those who were similar to survive.
Fast foward to now.
People are no longer in the jungle.
People should care about themselves and their families.
Mind their own business.
Start an enterprise to work together as team to build something.
This jungle talk of group think.
I let the low IQ think about "us" vs "them"
A Chihuahua is every bit as good at tracking as a Bloodhound. A Saint Bernard swims every bit as well as a Labrador. A Dauchund herds as well as an Australian Shepherd. Right?
There is a reason why the world is the way it is; and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. That’s an excuse
The only race that isn’t allowed to live in a collective of white peoples; are other white people
Take a pile of rubble and place white people amongst the rubble; in 10 years you will find a beautiful city
Take that beautiful city and give it to a group of non-whites; and in 5 years you will find a pile of rubble. I offer Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and hundreds of others as examples
Dude that's bullshit. You're still buying into the mainstream media narratives that white= intelligent and non white= stupid. Intellect is largely cultivated in nurture not nature.
Really? So why are continents like Africa STILL unable to manage the feat of feeding itself? Africa is perhaps the most mineral rich continents on the planet. Slavery is bigger today, than it was 200 years ago
Latin America, is still largely poverty ridden.
Open your eyes, travel internationally and look for yourself
We know what your European cartels have spent CENTURIES doing to Africa: making sure there isn't enough organized power to withhold the mineral wealth and other resources. Open YOUR eyes. Open a history book or two.
Is there a culture that has discovered Africa that didn’t conquer them? Despite being offered education, technology, agricultural advancements, medical and educational opportunities for centuries.
No country in Africa can yet manage the feat of feeding itself. And instead of looking inward at their failures, which are legion; they (like you) seek to blame someone else
That’s what losers have always done. That’s why they are losers
I have friends in Africa. Their governments are fucked and completely keep all of the wealth and resources amongst themselves, providing no middle class jobs to workers. It's a slave class and a ruling class system. And the same thing can be implemented anywhere else. So it has nothing to do with the people being less intelligent genetically. Having a deficit of education systems in their communities only exacerbates their issues
When whites move into “rubble” and invest their time, money and energy to improve a demolished neighborhood- it’s called “Gentrification” and every person involved is called a “racist” for improving a shit hole
Again, I can cite examples across the nation. It seems all you have to argue with, is “feelings”. You know, someone wrote a song about that.
How is ACTUALLY MOVING INTO THE GHETTO "exactly the opposite" of no one stopping you from MOVING INTO THE GHETTO? It's fucking pathetic when you can't even be bothered to think up an actual response that isn't on your cut-n-paste script already.
Only half true, People tend to judge poorly in general. There's no harm in reminding them of that. And btw, white people statistically loves chinese food, and chinese people loves dogs.
I completely disagree with this, because it simply doesn't work for the US. People in America used to be racist and discriminatory towards Irish, Italians, and the Spanish. All European, all light skinned, yet still looked down upon and discriminated. Was that right? no, that was real bigotry
Also how do you deal with this in states where culture is directly influenced and shaped by another culture? Texas with native Americans and Mexico, California with Mexico and China, Creole and Louisiana, or Hawaii with its own indigenous people and also Japan?
What do you do in those states with people who are mixed, across generations?
And, how do you address the permanent societal changes like food, holidays, architecture, etc?
Racism may be manipulated by the powers that be against "white people" in order to further divide society but no single discussion against this is rational enough to create a plan going forward.
This is even ignoring the fact white is not an ethnic group, it's a generic skin color descriptor that is arbitrary to both left and right
Are you serious? This is why minorities don't fuck with GAW. Racism hasn't hurt you or affected your life in ANY significant way. Your feelings are just hurt because when you wear your white pride shirt bitches won't fuck you. Get over it snowflake.
There's constant racism and antisemitism and LGBT open gate on this website whether people here want to accept that or not. It is there in a whole lot of threads, and even in this thread there's a good number of posters advocating for racist principles or actions. If you're a minority this is not a very welcoming place. People claim the left wants white people to not exist, and they rightly think white people deserve to exist and be left alone. Isn't it the same when minorities see lots of people on this board wishing they don't exist or calling them less worthy or good as white people? The prejudice on this site is obviously not from everyone, but it's from enough people that the prejudice is in many, many threads on this site.
That's literally what is happening.
And "Racism" is enclosed in quotes because it is a construct.
There is only one race....the human race.
Or at least, that is how we would be able to differentiate between a race of humans and say....a race of reptiles.
Our "supposed differences in the human race" is simply different people from different countries.
We have the genetic capability to inter-breed, actual race.
sure. but not all are created equal.
Weaponized bigotry is still no excuse for your actual bigotry. Sure, you can do it and sure: we can call it what it is.
Lol. Your names mean nothing to me. One side calls racism in order to silence others when met with ugly truth. America is already unrecognizable because of those who are afraid of these words. Have fun being a minority.
"One side calls racism in order to silence others..." You're here expressing your own bigotry for "groups". Have you been silenced??? I didn't silence you, but you are off topic in this forum. Try Consume Product if you're worried about being silenced here for going off topic.
I actually do hang out there. I enjoy the memes.
"Have fun being a minority." Discrimination is illegal, minority or not. Getting your alleged "equity" is the least of humanity's problems. No rational person is going to shelter a white bigot for the sake of defeating a brown bigot. No sort of bigot is right in the head or a desirable neighbor to have.
Lol you know that something being illegal only lasts as long as those in power keep it that way...what happens when they change that? They basically have already.
lol Bureaucracy is a thing for a reason. Dooming won't make the ONGOING legal backlash stop. You seem to have something to sell here and I'm not buying. We have a remedy for all brands of bigotry, just as we have a remedy for government corruption and the hateful parasites who feed on racial conflict.
You don't like me because of my skin I could careless. You work for rhe government and use that against me oll fuck your racist ass up. That's all. .
Lol. Keep being a victim buddy
Also notice how you instantly become violent. If you tell me you don’t like me then I go about my day. But you became violent. Strange...
You say, "Have fun being a minority." Then, you proceed to give me an entire paragraph claiming that I'm already being discriminated against as a MAJORITY: " long as those in power keep it that way...what happens when they change that? They basically have already." The truth is that corruption can be remedied and we have a bureaucratic system for gently ironing out social problems over time.
I wish i was as delusional as you were so I didn't have to see it.
"I wish i was as delusional as you..." Racial hatred is utterly delusional, which is why you're now spewing insults like a broken fire hydrant after getting trounced in rational debate.
"Your [names]..." ??? Bigotry is a BEHAVIOR. It's an actual thing, like boating or typing on the internet. No need to conflate that BEHAVIOR with pejoratives. That would be a desperate ploy, of course.
By the way:
Segregation, which you go on to later promote as a "solution", is a COMMUNIST "democrat" position, not a conservative one. That makes it pretty retarded to start calling anyone here a "liberal".
All are created equal.
Not all are born equal.
drop the swedes into haiti and the haitians into sweden. Which country do you expect to thrive?
Yup do realize the hatians have been fighting bankers for 200 years?
You do realize hatians had to repay the french in gold for the slaves freed after the revolution?
No disrespect but as a “black” MAGA person or as I like to call myself, just an American. There’s stuff going on that majority Dont know about. Republicans don’t run candidates in my area and if you try to run as a repub the support isn’t there, if you try to be independent major attacks on your life and family…. The police do nothing. The whole system is rigged. The deep state has used the islands and Africa as a central bank and vaccine war college.
Let’s take care of our common enemy first before we go believing what the tv shows us about other cultures.
Where would you direct someone wanting to learn Haitian history. I have only heard bits.
Haitian historians,… meaning. Local writers who publish info that doesn’t really leave the island and make it into fake news.
When Nikki Minaj flipped out a few months ago it was because these monsters have been experimenting in those islands for decades. It’s more of a locally known thing, so when she brings stuff up it makes no sense to Americans.
I heard this info from a local Caribbean radio station and I’ve also asked Haitian people I’ve worked with.not being an ass, but I cannot point you to a western news source. My saying is colonialist put away the boats and brought out the banks.
The low iq surely dosent help.
That statement puts your own into question.
I used to believe that Africa's stagnation was because "black people = stupid" only to realize that is a gross over simplification and I also realized that the Bible belt is littered with poor white trailer trash... There's actually quite a bit of white Republicans living happy on welfare. So if it's not an ethnicity thing, then why is it a majority of African countries are seemingly so far behind. Well... it's cause the people in power in those countries hoard all the money and guns leaving the people of those places to just... exists as best they can. Most African countries haven't been given the opportunity and this is done purposefully to fuel the narrative.
Sadly some of the lower IQ types on this sub don't get that the narrative of the eugenics mindset is a product of the Cabal. They also don't grasp that "racsim" is a bunch of made-up bullshit based on the stupidest of reasons and that ANY who partake are pieces of shit. There is ZERO excuse to be prejudiced and it is not compatible with the Great Awakening.
Thank you.
I’m from one of these shithole countries before Cia and imf showed up. My dad was one of the biggest business people in the country, my mother had her own house in the beach by the time she was 20 and had her own business. A family with professionals …. Close family friend who was Oxford educated….. last time I saw him he was almost naked and his clothing and shoes had holes in it.
If westerners cannot deal with 1 year of Joe Biden and Bill Gates how is my family supposed to deal with it for 30+years. Maga and Q movement really are shooting them selves in the foot if they don’t really understand and bring us into the fold. We know all the tricks these people pull. Americans act like the deep state didn’t use all nations and that South Americans and Africans are just stupid.
Rural white poverty in America is worse than anything I’ve ever seen and is on par with the 3rd world, we can all come together and work together.
And PS they were using cloned Prime Ministers in the 3rd world decades ago.
What if you were born in Haiti? Would you expect to be different than the culture teaches you to be?
How did the culture get to be the way it exists today?
How would the Irish culture of the 1700s compare to the Haitian culture of today?
We are in the current times bud. Trying to compare Irish people to Haitians while one group were literal peasants and the other is given millions in economic aid per year is a poor attempt. You can simp for this idea that everyone is exactly the same with only different skin color. The reality is that you are wrong.
Do you really believe the millions in aid gets to the ordinary Haitian people?
Seems like the reality is you are wrong.
You also aren't that intelligent if you believe my position is everyone is the same, just with different skin color.
They are not.
Intelligent people see things the same no matter what the skin color.
Ignorant people see things the same no matter what the skin color.
Drop everyone into a melting pot, like say... the U.S.
Which "flavor" have higher or lower literacy/IQ/EQ/crime/violent crime rates?
Axin for a fren
Happens to be the places that are run by Democrats. Hmm, almost like it has more to do with the fact those abusing their power and influence are to blame. Weird.
Did you know there are places in the Bible belt that are a majority white and 95% of them are on welfare?
All I know about diversity is this: Eternals + Deviants = Thanos.
Thanos bad.
Half the universe dies 🤪
I'm gonna put this plainly for all to see: you are wrong. Your perspective is wrong. And until you change it, you will always be wrong.
And I disagree with you lol. And I could give a shit about petty crimes. Violent crimes are all I care about and the data is there for all to see. The fact that you constantly make excuses for humans to simply not harm other humans is disgusting.
Or brainwashed equally.
wolves and coyotes breed - yet they are two distinct species
not that I'm saying we're different species entirely, just different sub-species of human.
There are distinct and unarguable differences in skull structure between humans from various areas of the globe.
It doesn't make one all good and one all bad - but it does make them distinctly different.
Same with height, eye color, hair color, hair texture, etc...etc...etc.
The differences you mention are simply a arbitrary choices made by you.
They are not scientific guidelines which determine a different race, like it would between a race of humans and a race of Neanderthals.
this makes no sense - what guidelines do you use?
The guide lines which a scientist uses to differential between the Human Race and the Neanderthal Race, as an example.
Wolves and Coyotes are of the same genome hence why they can breed. You are right we have many different sub-species of human. But to say that value is based on skin color alone is fucking retarded and has been proven wrong many many times. That value is based on how that person chooses to live their lives and until the cabal is defeated and every Democrat stripped of power, we won't know what the data holds. Right now it is tainted by cabal influence and not really a metric we should be using against other humans.
There's only one kind of dog, the dog race. You may see a German Shepherd and a Chihuaha and think there is a difference between them, but that's totally an illusion, a social construct. They are both simply dogs.
Fuck, I was gonna say the same thing.
Still gonna say it.
And what do we do when the German Shepperd tries to exert its dominance over the Chihuahua? Oh that's right, we beat the shit out of it until it understands the Chihuahua is an equal.
Oh and if the Chihuahua was raised by the German Shepherd, it would see it as Alpha.
Uh oh... it appears I turned your "racist" and wrong analogy into swiss cheese. Ooopsie.
Well that's where you're a fucking idiot. A chihuahua and a german shepherd are not equal. They're quite obviously different. They look different and they exhibit different aptitudes.
You're the one who brought up domination. I merely commented on the reality of difference.
Now, why don't you explain to me why Africa is an unlivable shithole without resorting to blaming white racists. And then once you've done that explain to me why every city or country with a black majority is a crime ridden filthy degenerate unlivable nightmare.
Homo Sapian Sapian
Caucasoid, Negroid, Mongoloid: THREE RACES.
Three skin shades.
It’s scientific definition, biology 101.
No it is not.
“If I stick my fingers in my ears and cover my eyes, it’s changes reality!”
Yes, biology classifies Homo sapiens in 3 races, as given above, a biological meaning, not in the context of a socially constructed concept.
Recently some have added a fourth, Australoid.
“Human” is not a biological race.
Of course, woke “scholars” find the classifications to now be offensive.
You’re not woke, are you?
So your contention is the Human race is divided into other races.
Sounds like a division created by certain humans like you to serve your own purposes.
But continue to stick your fingers in your ears......faggot.
I don't think the corrupt criminal psychopaths that are ruling over the world hate white people. It is just a tool for division. They want white people feeling attacked, so they lash out in self-defense. Then every example of somebody doing that can be used as evidence to non-whites that white people are all racist bigots.
The narrative right now is that there is something genetically wrong with white people that makes them racists, and that it is not possible for a non-white person to be a racist.
Their primary reason is just to cause chaos and distract everybody from what they are up to. A secondary reason was to cause normies to hate on Trump supporters.
I think BLM was a big flop. All the images of BLM burning down cities, videos of blacks looting familiar stores, blacks beating up white men and women, and even the murder of a white child were attempts to fire up white people into thinking our enemy is black people. Recall how all that stuff happened together in time, and it all just stopped like somebody turned off a spigot.
But it didn't work so they had to resort to trying to fake White Supremacy using hoaxes like Jussie Smollett's little adventure.
But the fact is, they wanted the normies think that Trump supporters are White Supremacists. There are White Supremacists, but there very few of them and they don't like Trump. White Supremacists are not populists. They are authoritarians. White Supremacists want to use government authority to rid the country of non-white people.
Patriotic Populists just want to be left alone and go back to their lives.
Your first paragraph is entirely wrong.
They do want white people gone. And to your point, they do want them to feel attacked. They want them to be scared to be white and adjust to fit into other cultures. But it's not only to create division, the goal is to create oneness. A race without a culture. A race in which everyone not only is the same in the human sense, but looks the same.
There's a clear reason why which is too in depth to go into here.
The rest is pretty close to correct.
I always think of the lost tribes of israel and how the assyrians did what they did to rob the Israelites of their identity.
That’s what I see happening with “multiculturalism” today.
They don’t want one race. It’s too valuable to them being able to pit us against one another.
One race would be much easier to control
It's demoralization
Exactly right, well said.
Trump supporters are portrayed as "white supremists" because they need a face to focus the anger and frustration of minorities on to.
This deflects from the real culprits, who are the white Democrat elite, that have made hollow promises to the minorities for the last 50 yrs, in exchange for their votes.
The problem isn't any race or another, nor is it racism, but it is the mind virus of cultural Marxism and those who perpetuate it.
Yeah, probably true but honestly, I am more interested in my own 'convictions / core values' group. I don't care what race a person is, I care far more what they believe in, hold dear, respect, will fight for, etc.
Character matters, not colour.
when one group disproportionately kills and rapes another...i will be wary around that group.
A "group" doesn't make individual decisions to commit crimes. Individuals make the choice to commit crimes... Unless you're prepared to be held accountable for all crimes committed by those with whom you share some superficial quality such as a pallor.
You're correct. So why does one group commit so much more?
It's a cultural issue. You dont address the violence by going after the race, you address it by going after the culture that fosters the issue. Gang culture, thug culture
Not sure if you've noticed, but white people get caught up in these cultures sometimes too, meaning it isn't racial at its roots
culture is downstream from race
it's absolutely true that individuals commit crimes and individuals should not be persecuted for things they did not do. but do not be oblivious to the mathematical realities of our world.
"...but do not be oblivious to the mathematical realities..." Today, I figure I'll judge you by class instead of race, you know: to avoid being oblivious to the mathematical realities of our world. Do some "mathematical reality" on that one, before you try to claim innocence based on your skin tone, smart guy.
Culture is a product of race. Culture doesn't rain down randomly from the heavens to bless some people with work ethic and others with sloth.
What forum are we on? We all know here that the deep state has been working overtime enslaving minorities to live in permanent servitude and reliance on the state. Decades of this, plus decades of destroying the nuclear family, has resulted in these issues
So you're going to stop an entire demographic from listening to their favorite music. And hope they stop murdering people for shoes. Well I have heard worse plans.
"You're correct." <--- Claims to agree with statement.
"So why does one group commit..." <--- Tries to pretend statement did not occur.
Again, GROUPS of people don't make the individual choice to commit crimes. INDIVIDUALS make the INDIVIDUAL choice to commit crimes.
If you need to read that a third time, I'm here for you.
so one group has more violent individuals?
A "group", as in a race (before you try to muddy the waters), can't commit a crime.
Only an INDIVIDUAL can commit a crime.
Because Democrat influence is strong and we need to remove it. Until everyone is given a fair shot, the data is corrupted.
But we also need to abolish most of our laws too. People should not be in prison of selling marijuana. Hell anti marijuana laws are unconstitutional.
"Sure are a whole lot of violent black ‘individuals’ out there." Sure are a whole lot of violent, stupid white "individuals" out there, too. Since you're never going to 'punish' an entire race based solely ON their race, without getting your own asses 'punished' for that, the premise is too retarded to matter.
Right. So why are pit bulls more likely to kill than a golden retriever?
"pit bull" isn't a race. Also, what does this faulty premise have to do with Q, WN troll?
Because they're usually owned by people who want them to be mean or fight because the stereotype that they're mean persists. I've met more than enough amazing rescue pit bulls and they were perfectly loving and normal dogs. Yet the sigma continues. Your stupid racist gotchas and metaphors still don't and won't work.
Stereotypes exist because they are real.
Yes and that would overwhelmingly be the Jews. So stop getting your panties twisted with "muh racism". I get called a nazi here sometimes for my beliefs about the Holocaust, but what you've been spouting off here about not all humans being equal is actual nonsense.
Lol if you think I’m some fan of the Jews then you’re wrong. And I’m not wrong. It just hurts your feelings
Where did I say you were praising Jews? Im saying they are the only ones that actually stand out as the group pushing psyops and trying to enslave the working class.
If you're spouting off about white supremacy and denigrating black people or other non-whites then you definitely are wrong.
Nothing wrong with being a "nazi", but very much wrong with being a white supremacist. And no, feelings have nothing to do with it. Objectively there are based people of all groups and races.
Obviously every race has individuals. But statistically I have to be more wary about certain races. I do wish you were correct though. I would prefer everyone to be equally less violent or likely to vote for communism. But the reality is that the more diverse America becomes, the less likely it is to survive.
The only race I'm worried about are the Jews in high places of power. As for the last part, I vehemently disagree. The more diverse America becomes, ironically the less diverse it becomes as different races interbreed. Red Queen theory from evolutionary biology. It's like a teeter-totter, the more diverse a population in the beginning, the more homogenous it becomes over time. Evolutionary advantages/mutations love a diverse gene pool. This is why half white/interracial women are so attractive imo.
Eventually you have more people like me who look white because of light skinned Spaniard grandparents, but grew up culturally Mexican from one parents influences, and fully indoctrinated into Americanism, shook off the indoctrination of liberalism from the college education system, and only supports right wing political causes now.
Low IQ people care about "Their Group" lol.
I don't care about other black folks. It's called the 10 commandments.
I follow those and that's all I need.
Tribalism had its benefits when people were in the jungle. They could not trust "othersiders" with land, food and security. So people naturally stunk with those who were similar to survive.
Fast foward to now. People are no longer in the jungle.
People should care about themselves and their families. Mind their own business.
Start an enterprise to work together as team to build something.
This jungle talk of group think. I let the low IQ think about "us" vs "them"
All dogs are equal.
Perfect A Chihuahua is every bit as good at tracking as a Bloodhound. A Saint Bernard swims every bit as well as a Labrador. A Dauchund herds as well as an Australian Shepherd. Right?
There is a reason why the world is the way it is; and it has nothing to do with the color of your skin. That’s an excuse
The only race that isn’t allowed to live in a collective of white peoples; are other white people
Take a pile of rubble and place white people amongst the rubble; in 10 years you will find a beautiful city
Take that beautiful city and give it to a group of non-whites; and in 5 years you will find a pile of rubble. I offer Los Angeles, Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore and hundreds of others as examples
Dude that's bullshit. You're still buying into the mainstream media narratives that white= intelligent and non white= stupid. Intellect is largely cultivated in nurture not nature.
Really? So why are continents like Africa STILL unable to manage the feat of feeding itself? Africa is perhaps the most mineral rich continents on the planet. Slavery is bigger today, than it was 200 years ago
Latin America, is still largely poverty ridden.
Open your eyes, travel internationally and look for yourself
We know what your European cartels have spent CENTURIES doing to Africa: making sure there isn't enough organized power to withhold the mineral wealth and other resources. Open YOUR eyes. Open a history book or two.
Is there a culture that has discovered Africa that didn’t conquer them? Despite being offered education, technology, agricultural advancements, medical and educational opportunities for centuries.
No country in Africa can yet manage the feat of feeding itself. And instead of looking inward at their failures, which are legion; they (like you) seek to blame someone else
That’s what losers have always done. That’s why they are losers
I have friends in Africa. Their governments are fucked and completely keep all of the wealth and resources amongst themselves, providing no middle class jobs to workers. It's a slave class and a ruling class system. And the same thing can be implemented anywhere else. So it has nothing to do with the people being less intelligent genetically. Having a deficit of education systems in their communities only exacerbates their issues
A gross oversimplification that leaves out cabal influence.
No one is stopping you from moving to the ghetto.
Exactly the opposite
When whites move into “rubble” and invest their time, money and energy to improve a demolished neighborhood- it’s called “Gentrification” and every person involved is called a “racist” for improving a shit hole
Again, I can cite examples across the nation. It seems all you have to argue with, is “feelings”. You know, someone wrote a song about that.
How is ACTUALLY MOVING INTO THE GHETTO "exactly the opposite" of no one stopping you from MOVING INTO THE GHETTO? It's fucking pathetic when you can't even be bothered to think up an actual response that isn't on your cut-n-paste script already.
Only half true, People tend to judge poorly in general. There's no harm in reminding them of that. And btw, white people statistically loves chinese food, and chinese people loves dogs.
was that racist or funny?
I completely disagree with this, because it simply doesn't work for the US. People in America used to be racist and discriminatory towards Irish, Italians, and the Spanish. All European, all light skinned, yet still looked down upon and discriminated. Was that right? no, that was real bigotry
Also how do you deal with this in states where culture is directly influenced and shaped by another culture? Texas with native Americans and Mexico, California with Mexico and China, Creole and Louisiana, or Hawaii with its own indigenous people and also Japan?
What do you do in those states with people who are mixed, across generations?
And, how do you address the permanent societal changes like food, holidays, architecture, etc?
Racism may be manipulated by the powers that be against "white people" in order to further divide society but no single discussion against this is rational enough to create a plan going forward.
This is even ignoring the fact white is not an ethnic group, it's a generic skin color descriptor that is arbitrary to both left and right
white is the cluster of indigenous european races
mediterranean, nordic, alpine, dinaric, and east baltic
when people say white, they mean one of these peoples. it's certainly not a generic skin color descriptor. that's kind of insulting tbh.
african albinos and ethnic jews aren't white despite the color of their skin.
Indeed. This does not excuse such behaviors though, especially for people in this group who call themselves "awakened".
If you aren't seeking unity, then you aren't compatible with GAW. Plain and simple.
Divide and conquer.
the problem why it's not really racism is because dipshit white libtards are the ones who discriminate and hate their own race.
I switch between, black, white. Arab and jew. How's that for a mix motherfuckers. I'm all that.
Ban the R word!
Not by censorship but by discouragement.
so it seems, so it seems
I do it anyway. Being Free has lot's of benefits.
Are you serious? This is why minorities don't fuck with GAW. Racism hasn't hurt you or affected your life in ANY significant way. Your feelings are just hurt because when you wear your white pride shirt bitches won't fuck you. Get over it snowflake.
what does this mean; "minorities don't fuck with GAW"
There's constant racism and antisemitism and LGBT open gate on this website whether people here want to accept that or not. It is there in a whole lot of threads, and even in this thread there's a good number of posters advocating for racist principles or actions. If you're a minority this is not a very welcoming place. People claim the left wants white people to not exist, and they rightly think white people deserve to exist and be left alone. Isn't it the same when minorities see lots of people on this board wishing they don't exist or calling them less worthy or good as white people? The prejudice on this site is obviously not from everyone, but it's from enough people that the prejudice is in many, many threads on this site.
so we're 'offensive'??
people we're never offended before the 'media' told them to be.
do you know how silly that sounds? we're battling SATAN, but we're supposed to watch what we say?
nah, that won't work.
That's not true. I'm a white Mexican and I fuck with GAW hard. Although apparently I'm a nazi sometimes, kek.