Of all the segments of the population from which we had hoped to draw new members, the "conservatives" and "right wingers" have been the biggest disappointment. They are the world's worst conspiracy-mongers - and also the world's greatest cowards. In fact, their cowardice is exceeded only by their stupidity.
The current conspiracy theory being circulated among conservatives is that the Organization is actually in the pay of the System. We are hired provocateurs whose job is to raise enough hell to justify the repressive counterrevolutionary and anti-racist measures the System is taking. If we would just stop rocking the boat, things would be easier on everyone. Whether they believe that theory or not, it gives them an excuse for not joining us.
Remember Alexandra Chalupa, who was a big part of the attempt to frame Trump with a supposed Russian meeting? She is telling folks on Twitter this is real.
"Alexandra (Ali) Chalupa (Ukrainian: Олександра Чалупа) is an American who was co-chair of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC's) Ethnic Council. She is also the founder of the political consulting firm Chalupa & Associates, LLC.[2]. Chalupa is a pro-Ukrainian activist. Prominent supporters of President Donald Trump have, without evidence, promoted the theory that Chalupa's past activities were part of a conspiracy between the DNC and the Ukrainian government to undermine Trump's campaign and, later, to frame the Russian government for the hacking of the DNC during the 2016 US presidential campaign.[3]"
Here she is endorsing it:
"Unfortunately, it appears to be (real). Mikael has a good thread pulled together with receipts."
Seems the same operatives who tried to frame Donald Trump Jr. in that bogus meeting are at it again with another lame frame-up for the norms to swallow.
My crystal ball sees those names on sheets of paper. Paper reads “Defendants”. Paper header says “I-n-d-c-t-m-e-n-t”. Ah Ha! I got the crystal ball PRO…couple bux more $ well spent.
Agreed. They for sure act like it. Stormfags and patriot front bitches. I quoted and linked a Q post talking about how the antifa flag was actually based on the nazi flag and not the original flag it claims to be based off of. One guy tried to disprove me using a snopes article fact checking “Qanon” and Wikipedia articles lmao. I tried to say that the article saying “Qanon” and attacking Q instead of just the claim reinforced my beliefs, but he replied “I’ll see you when Hillary gets arrested” and “You just don’t understand Q”
The "Patriot Front" is organized by someone so stupid that they don't realize that the MAGA crowd never wears masks. That was the tip-off from the beginning. Plus the fact that there was nothing online about them.
Haahh I found a docx file with a chart telling them what to wear!! Everything I read looks like Middle School level thinking/writing. These are glowies, or just a pack of tards? Everyone should look through those files; you’ll see what I mean. Great digg btw 👍🏽
Notice they threw a heavy weight in the pic - guessing they think this will make them look MAGA - the assholes. The past pics had men in perfect shape.
They had a Southern accent but nobody from the South wears colored pants like those pants. They look like they visited a Goodwill and bought the ugliest pants from the womens section. No MAN acts like that or talks like that or dresses like that. It is like a comedy sketch that misses bring funny.
Hmm, I think some of those glow fags are here as well.
Is this a parody by the Glowfags, or is it a parody of their parody? I can't tell!
--The Turner Diaries, 1975.
Called it pretty good, didn't they?
Pretty MUCH?! Wow!
I can see him now. In the basement. Crying in his khaki’s. His mommy rubbing his back. 🤣
Lmao. They think they look cool
Are we sure this isn’t Jake from State Farm?
How does his mommy rub his back while still holding onto her walker?
She uses him as her walker when he's not doing false flags.
Well, there it is. A -1. Good going, glow fag.
Remember Alexandra Chalupa, who was a big part of the attempt to frame Trump with a supposed Russian meeting? She is telling folks on Twitter this is real.
Here is her wiki history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexandra_Chalupa
"Alexandra (Ali) Chalupa (Ukrainian: Олександра Чалупа) is an American who was co-chair of the Democratic National Committee’s (DNC's) Ethnic Council. She is also the founder of the political consulting firm Chalupa & Associates, LLC.[2]. Chalupa is a pro-Ukrainian activist. Prominent supporters of President Donald Trump have, without evidence, promoted the theory that Chalupa's past activities were part of a conspiracy between the DNC and the Ukrainian government to undermine Trump's campaign and, later, to frame the Russian government for the hacking of the DNC during the 2016 US presidential campaign.[3]"
Here she is endorsing it:
"Unfortunately, it appears to be (real). Mikael has a good thread pulled together with receipts."
Seems the same operatives who tried to frame Donald Trump Jr. in that bogus meeting are at it again with another lame frame-up for the norms to swallow.
My crystal ball sees those names on sheets of paper. Paper reads “Defendants”. Paper header says “I-n-d-c-t-m-e-n-t”. Ah Ha! I got the crystal ball PRO…couple bux more $ well spent.
Those screenshots of "proof" are the most retardedly made up thing I've ever seen.
The Feds make you supply your own pants.
B roll for the media.
But there's only seven people watching CNN.
I think it's down to two.
What are we down to with Biden supporters?
minus one. Fact.
Look how many people are buying it, though. Ugh.
Upvote for word combination “fertile meme compost”
At least you can see the creases?
JC Penny’s Front
Nice little 17-second video there. Somebody's playing along. What a great movie this has always been.
Ah Haahh great catch I missed it. I woulda put it in Title 💥😎
Hey, are these the same guys last summer wearing khaki shorts?
Yes that's why they hide their faces,we would recognize the jort brigade.
Looks like they got depressed after we memed them and they put on a lot of weight.
Glowfaggots gonna fag
Agreed. They for sure act like it. Stormfags and patriot front bitches. I quoted and linked a Q post talking about how the antifa flag was actually based on the nazi flag and not the original flag it claims to be based off of. One guy tried to disprove me using a snopes article fact checking “Qanon” and Wikipedia articles lmao. I tried to say that the article saying “Qanon” and attacking Q instead of just the claim reinforced my beliefs, but he replied “I’ll see you when Hillary gets arrested” and “You just don’t understand Q”
Really. I recognize a few…unreal (if true).
We usually see them for what they are pretty early. It’s too late in the game for us to fall for that BS anyway. 👉🏼GIVE IT UP BOYZ!👈🏼
Never a truer statement!!
Oh yeah. I remember him from Voat and (I think) Poal.
Really “Stormer” environment in both places. It was a little much even for me.
This is downright comical.
This Patriot Front thing is hysterical. Can anything be more stupid?
‘Fuck off! The Judean people’s front! We are the people’s front of Judaea!’ Life of Brian
Listen, if you really want to join the PFJ, you have to REALLY hate the Romans. I do. Oh yeah, how much? A LOT. Right, you’re IN.
love it. i never thought we would be living in a monty python movie
The "Patriot Front" is organized by someone so stupid that they don't realize that the MAGA crowd never wears masks. That was the tip-off from the beginning. Plus the fact that there was nothing online about them.
They claim it’s to conceal their identities. Bunch of pansies that look like COD role players.
I’m thinkin Renaissance Fair rejects?
This will work considering half the country is STUCKING FUPID.
I thought these guys were one-hit wonderz?
Ssshhhhh!!! I’m watching this unedited leaked video of us?! Dang we look sharp!! I need a Mag(a)Lite…we ALL do!!
Literally no one:
Glowfags: Hey goys! Let's start a group, call it "Patriots Front," and let's all dress the same. The Sheep won't ever figure it out.
The Great Awakening: Hey glowfags!! Noice costumes!!! Did your mommies make them for you?
Nice creases. Probably got “Inspected by” tags in pockets. Would be epic if a few price tags were dangling…
Dig: https://vault.unicornriot.ninja/patriotfrontleaks/
Haahh I found a docx file with a chart telling them what to wear!! Everything I read looks like Middle School level thinking/writing. These are glowies, or just a pack of tards? Everyone should look through those files; you’ll see what I mean. Great digg btw 👍🏽
The phat ones and the other slobs.
Some of us Boomers are Awake fren 😎
That's true. Some of our parents are/ were as well.
These clowns again? The pants make me lose it every time.
How did ZZTop say it? (Sharp Dressed man) 😂
Now I've got the 🎶she's got lehhhhhgs🎶song in my head🐸
She knows how to use em
What a bunch of queers.
Fuck these traitor glowfags!!!!!!!!!
Glowie created or encouraged group used to advance domestic terrorist narrative.
They can’t meme so they do this.
Definitely not very bright. Sad.
this is so cringe
masks = glowies
Yeah…I was just surprised at the organization’s documents…really poorly written. Morons.
"leaked" lol
These people are stupid. SO stupid.
I would laugh in their face for acting like that. Anyone that thinks that's a real group has lost their connection to reality!
I never miss anything by Catturd.
They tend to show up as a group most often in the D.C. area, for obvious reasons.
Omg they are GlowFags!
FAGs BrownShirt Clowns, get fucked commies!
Notice they threw a heavy weight in the pic - guessing they think this will make them look MAGA - the assholes. The past pics had men in perfect shape.
It’s almost insulting I’d like to kick some butt just for making Patriots look silly like some Monty Python sketch?!
They had a Southern accent but nobody from the South wears colored pants like those pants. They look like they visited a Goodwill and bought the ugliest pants from the womens section. No MAN acts like that or talks like that or dresses like that. It is like a comedy sketch that misses bring funny.
Sickening too is some of the leftards replies to Catturd’s OP…they think it’s a real Patriot group. sigh
Only bad guys wear masks. Real Patriots would show their faces.
The one on the right isnt a fed…. He’s being paid to be their to make it look like they arent feds.…. To fat to be a fed…
There’s always a Farva.
COTD…I’m losin it 🤣
Embarrassingly cringy in the words of middle schoolers,
and adults.
This video seems kind of tongue in cheek
It’s SO BAD that I’m still not sure it wasn’t a parody.