It’s not that. If, as a person, your knee jerk reaction is to see and comment on from a POV that is race based, you are useless as a person going forward in my world.
Sterotypes and tropes exist for a reason, or there would be no stereotypes or tropes. It'll never "die off" so long as those stereotypes and tropes continue to materialize by those creating them...
It isn't a matter of putting your hands over your face and thinking you're invisible, man. It's reality and whether or not you want to engage that reality is another matter entirely.
Statistics, real world proof, and personal experience with just about every "Racial" stereotype that exists doesn't simply go away because I choose to think a different way. Side note: I was military for 24 years and went around the world, literally, so many times I lost count. It would be easier to list the Countries I haven't been to than the ones I have, so this is coming from a shit-ton of lifetime interactions.
Shit is the way it is for a reason. Either acknowledge it, or go White Knight on like that group-think "doesnt exist if we dont recognize it" BS over there.
we have monthly meetings, last month everyone walked out when they tried to enforce masks. Which they havent bothered with all year, but someone in the office is having a hissy fit and reporting the company to the health department.
so this month they dont say anything to us and let us sit down, we all had to grab donuts on our way out to "comply" with the rules of you dont need one if eating.
I liked those spots on the floor where they wanted you to stand in checkout lines. I took those as my opportunity to tell people I would never stand on those X's or circles. When they would ask why I'd tell them the TV taught me to never stand on spots like those or an anvil, boulder, or piano would fall on my head. Nearly every cartoon I watched growing up taught me that. Man I miss those X's.
I know. Thank you for your concern. But I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m a very sensitive man and can commiserate when others may be offended.
I was recently told I am perceived as intimidating. A firefighter in our department was butt hurt about something I did that was perceived as insensitive. She went above chain of command and did not come to me first. Then all of a sudden I’m in a three Chief meeting being grilled. None of them agreed that the first chief should have asked her if she spoke with me about it to try and resolve it before escalating.
Fucking pussies.
Oh...and fuck joe pedo demented Biden.
In case you were wondering, I do feel a little better.
Recently I've been binge watching YouTubers who do public pranks as content. That shit is so addicting. Something about messing with random people just tickles my soul lol.
Hehe I haven't looked for those vids in a while. Now it looks like there are a lot of dumb ones on YouTube and some good ones. Just look up inflatable dinosaurs👌I think the charm is that I've seen these a half a dozen times in person and everything they try to do looks so ridiculous. e.g. a beautiful Bollywood dance group... aaaaand one dino doing the routine too... good stuff🐸
I hate swimming pools, every time i get into one i get out with a sinus infection. Water parks are just as vile, you can get planters warts from using public showers.
Same reason you shouldnt be walking around with sandels or crocs everywhere.
I'm not doubting your experience just saying myself and my rather large family have had zero problems swimming in public pools, at water parks, wearing sandals, even going barefoot. There's risk in everything. Some get unlucky. The overwhelming majority do not
My first thought was that these are great pictures to show people a hundred years from now when they’re teaching this time period in school. “Yes, students; many of the people living through this ACTUALLY behaved like this. They were referred to as “sheep”. Now let’s go back to the lesson on “fear porn” and see what techniques the demons used to get people to behave like this...”.
Now I know why evil is so prevalent, people are stupid!
How they survived so long I will not know.
This level of stupidity is purely the product of overwhelming comfort. People who are fighting to survive don't have time to think of shit like this.
They survive because there is a warning label on everything. Remove those and the planet will get smarter over night!
Yet a lot of urban democrats voted for their klan loving white master Joey B. Lol
Blocking for blatant, pointless racism. Go away.
no... but you're using these mopes in the pool to attack most White people
that's the point...
pretty fucking retarded
The world is full of stupid people....
...stupidity, like ugliness permeates to the core....
...people are looking to be "triggered"....
It’s not that. If, as a person, your knee jerk reaction is to see and comment on from a POV that is race based, you are useless as a person going forward in my world.
That shit needs to die off.
...isn't what you wrote, the classic definition of "triggered"?
If being triggered is cutting someone out of my life for seeing life through the spectrum of color, sure. Color me triggered, I don’t give a fuck. are "triggered" by people who are "triggered"?
Sterotypes and tropes exist for a reason, or there would be no stereotypes or tropes. It'll never "die off" so long as those stereotypes and tropes continue to materialize by those creating them...
Food for thought.
Food for thought: Rise above such simple thinking.
I do it. You can as well.
It isn't a matter of putting your hands over your face and thinking you're invisible, man. It's reality and whether or not you want to engage that reality is another matter entirely.
Statistics, real world proof, and personal experience with just about every "Racial" stereotype that exists doesn't simply go away because I choose to think a different way. Side note: I was military for 24 years and went around the world, literally, so many times I lost count. It would be easier to list the Countries I haven't been to than the ones I have, so this is coming from a shit-ton of lifetime interactions.
Shit is the way it is for a reason. Either acknowledge it, or go White Knight on like that group-think "doesnt exist if we dont recognize it" BS over there.
Does the plexiglass protect you from the HVAC system??? The sheer stupidity ive seen during this nonsense is believable
Viruses can't move left, right, or up I guess. They can only move straight forward. It's science.
Well, the good thing here is they can't cheat at the breast stroke by using their arms... 😁
So the virus doesn't travel laterally?
we have monthly meetings, last month everyone walked out when they tried to enforce masks. Which they havent bothered with all year, but someone in the office is having a hissy fit and reporting the company to the health department.
so this month they dont say anything to us and let us sit down, we all had to grab donuts on our way out to "comply" with the rules of you dont need one if eating.
It also knows the second you sit in a restaurant and take your mask off to eat that it must run the fuck away. Very clever virus!
Yep, I'm sure that "experts say" this.
It would be fun to swim laps in the in-between spaces just to freak them out 🐸
Like when stores had one way arrows on the floor. I’d walk the ‘wrong way’ while maskless.
The looks of horror were priceless.
Every once in awhile letting out a fake nasty cough. My arm was bruised by my wife. So worth it!
I liked those spots on the floor where they wanted you to stand in checkout lines. I took those as my opportunity to tell people I would never stand on those X's or circles. When they would ask why I'd tell them the TV taught me to never stand on spots like those or an anvil, boulder, or piano would fall on my head. Nearly every cartoon I watched growing up taught me that. Man I miss those X's.
Damn Acme mail order’re wise. Caution the painted on tunnel.
Lol as long as you're not going down the wrong way in the one way parking lot. Man, those people drive me batshit crazy🐸
Lol. Ditto. I’ll walk in the one way grocery parking lot and block someone going the wrong way. And point at the 6 ft arrow on the pavement.
Yes. I’m an asshole. Admitting it.
And won’t change.
Oh. And fuck joe Biden and his whore diversity hire slave trading family spawn.
Lol I really think you should express your feelings more before it all builds up inside🐸
I know. Thank you for your concern. But I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. I’m a very sensitive man and can commiserate when others may be offended.
I was recently told I am perceived as intimidating. A firefighter in our department was butt hurt about something I did that was perceived as insensitive. She went above chain of command and did not come to me first. Then all of a sudden I’m in a three Chief meeting being grilled. None of them agreed that the first chief should have asked her if she spoke with me about it to try and resolve it before escalating.
Fucking pussies.
Oh...and fuck joe pedo demented Biden.
In case you were wondering, I do feel a little better.
😂😂 gosh your style of humor is so unique FGM. Or like swimming under them, in between their legs lol
Lol I think we're just both easily amused... which is a wonderful way to go through life👌
Recently I've been binge watching YouTubers who do public pranks as content. That shit is so addicting. Something about messing with random people just tickles my soul lol.
Giant inflatable dinosaur costumes you say? I don't think I've seen this lol
Hehe I haven't looked for those vids in a while. Now it looks like there are a lot of dumb ones on YouTube and some good ones. Just look up inflatable dinosaurs👌I think the charm is that I've seen these a half a dozen times in person and everything they try to do looks so ridiculous. e.g. a beautiful Bollywood dance group... aaaaand one dino doing the routine too... good stuff🐸
Bwahahaha this is so ridiculous! Where do you come up with this stuff? How are you a real person 😂😂 I've never seen this stuff in my life!
So the chlorine in the pool isn't deadly enough to viruses?
SSSSSSH! Don't tell them that they might poop their suits...
So elderly ass gunk in the water is safe, but breathing isn't?
A coworker I knew got HPV from the puddles in a water park.
You tellin' me this is gonna save you from the coof?
I hate swimming pools, every time i get into one i get out with a sinus infection. Water parks are just as vile, you can get planters warts from using public showers.
Same reason you shouldnt be walking around with sandels or crocs everywhere.
I'm not doubting your experience just saying myself and my rather large family have had zero problems swimming in public pools, at water parks, wearing sandals, even going barefoot. There's risk in everything. Some get unlucky. The overwhelming majority do not
She got it on her feet.
buddy works for a sign place that builds these hes killin it
My first thought was that these are great pictures to show people a hundred years from now when they’re teaching this time period in school. “Yes, students; many of the people living through this ACTUALLY behaved like this. They were referred to as “sheep”. Now let’s go back to the lesson on “fear porn” and see what techniques the demons used to get people to behave like this...”.
This is equivalent to them having to pee in the peeing section of the pool.
The same thing it accomplishes in restaurants and schools. Nothing, NADA. Where is this? Germany?
This whole thing is a military grade fear based mind psyop & those with a low iq have failed miserably. Lmfaoo
There's probably enough chlorine in the air to kill COVID on contact.
,,,the one major disappointment this travesty has brought into my life is...
...I didn't have any stock in "Plexiglas" manufacturing companies....
STDs : hold my beer.
If only there was a chemical in pools that killed viruses and bacteria… it might start with a C and end with a hlorine
California? Hahaha
Stupidity on display!
I'm embarrassed for them. My goodness, this is really beyond stupid!
What about the ones in the back that don't have panels behind them? Would that be an OSHA violation?
Someone needs to make a coffee table book with photos of all these morons. They'll become rich!
Wow!!! You can't fix Stupid"
gotta keep people safe! covid and all that!
you can pee in the pool if you wear two swim suits...
It would be funnier if you see them wearing masks while swimming
Lol all this does is create more surface area for bacteria and viruses to rest on.
Where before it would fall into the water and die from the chlorine...
When the 'class' is over I bet they dunk the plexiglass in the pool to clean it.
They swab the spit out of their mouths so they don’t drown.
Mental illness .... doesnt it just make you wonder how much worse it would be if a real pandemic were to hit!
The sad thing is that these people procreate and vote. :-(
Like rabbits apparently.
That’s pathetic Even more pathetic are the morons that go along with it