I know what the cold is like we've had -30f and being in ND with almost no trees we know wind chills very well.
We loved Bob and Doug McKenzie and take off. So here's a little Geddy Lee for you in my opinion one of the best rock voices I've ever heard
I thought that was the first thing I thought of when I saw everybody standing over the underpasses is how cold it must be.
And how brave you all were it made me cry. It also made me a sad to see the lack of snow I really hope that the drought ends for you guys. We seem to be getting plenty of snow here in my area so I'm hoping the drought is over here.
Drought? lol We don't have no drought. Don't know where you heard that....
But one thing you do learn is that when the temp is too low, it don't snow.
Thanks for the best wishes though!
We had some heat no doubt but... BC has the same problem California does, to a lesser extent. We got environmentalists who aren't allowing the forest undergrowth to be managed, we got too many people living in areas they shouldn't be and we got idiots setting fires to try and push the climate agenda.
That sucks, everyone suffers when idiots don't allow forest management. I usually walk my dog every night the smoke was so bad I couldn't even walk around the block, I would bust into choking and coughing fits from my allergies.
I'm all for looking after the environment, and conservation, we definitely need to recycle, and clean up the planet, but this fear driven agenda is just being used because a whole bunch of people invested a whole lot of money in lithium mines.
Deckhand from coastal Maine checking in. Nothing but love, support, and prayers frens! I only wish I could be there with you, but if it’s of any solace, we’re not any warmer out on deck.
Keep pushing, the Old Guard withers more and more as the light of God exposes their sins.
This is just a taste. Macron says he won’t back down, well that little pansie who is in hiding due to his mealy mouth Covid exposure excuse, has zero idea what is unraveling. These truckers will NEVER give up and they will Never back down. So Macron and Biden can take their agreement and shove it. Now if all businesses and restaurants would say you can shove your vaccine restriction, we are operating our business despite what you say because that is our right and this is not a law backed by any science. Then let your patrons patronize your business withou passport proof. Everyone, stand up, grow some balls, and resist.
The best part is.... Trudeau says he has to isolate but.... Health Canada, a couple days ago, changed the rules saying anyone who is triple vacced and has a positive test, doesn't need to quarantine or isolate.
So the little fuck is just hiding.
But the truckers are saying, "that's okay. We'll still be here when you get better!"
I just got home after 3 hours on the side of the highway. The first 2.5 hours were spent waiting and socializing. I finally met some of the people I've met online fighting this nonsense.
The police had apparently been hampering the trucks, keeping them in smaller groups, so we weren't sure when they'd get to our stretch of highway. I only got to see one cluster of 80-100 trucks before my hands were too numb to hold my sign and keep it from getting taken by the wind. My feet are still frozen.
This thing is real. What I really found encouraging though, is that while we waited and waited, we still waved to uninvolved vehicles going by and at least 85% of them were honking and waving enthusiastically. The few drivers that were uninterested and unimpressed looked absolutely miserable.
I feel so upbeat to be on this team. We're the side with the optimists, the happy people and the enthusiasm for life.
My woodstove is roaring, I'm filled with hot coffee and my sauna is heating up. I still feel cold but I'm grateful that I got to see the convoy. They weren't scheduled to travel on our highway, but there was a change of plans this morning. They split off part of the group to go along our northern route, probably to make for less of a logistical challenge. We don't have a lot of divided, multi-lane highway on this leg of there journey.
Awesome! This is gonna destroy the media and their cucked fanboys.
I work outside everyday in this shit, get yourself a long warm shower, wrap up and have a couple drinks to get that blood flowing to your skin, if you're still not warming up do some light exercise. If you're not used to it it's easy to get mild hypothermia and then it can take a real long time to warm up (hard to start a fire in a frozen fireplace). I got myself the other day, woke up the next morning parts of my body were still like ice to touch.
Thanks. I'm much better now after spending some time in the sauna. I'm fine working outside and being active, but standing motionless for all that time was brutal. I'm lucky there was a long gap in the convoy or I'd have stayed beyond my body's limit.
I have a bedjet. It heats or cools between your sheets. It is not cheap but I have toasty toes in the winter. Husband liked it so much, I bought him one too.
Thank you for sharing. We were able to hear them go by on Sunday afternoon here in the BC interior. Lots of people cheering - we could hear them from inside the house. Too cold for me, so we didn’t go stand outside, but it was amazing to hear the support. If that’s a “fringe” of Canadians with “unacceptable beliefs”, It’s no wonder Trudeau has run away to hide. It won’t bode well for him in the end - he’s proving all the criticism of him to be absolutely correct.
Actually right now it is!
-43 two weeks ago.
But let me ask you a question... Have you ever stood along a highway in the middle of a prairie with 30 mile per hour winds on a minus 17 F day, for two hours? Just to wave to a truck going by!
It's often said that Canada is like America's little brother.
Well, there is always a moment where that little brother who looked at the big brother for so long sees a change in them, and not for the better. Stand up now Canada. Show Americans, and the rest of the world what we were supposed to do.
Show us the ideals we told you we stood for, remind us again why we were once great, snap us out of what we have let ourselves become.
Make your stay here, change the status quo. Fight for your freedoms in the way you thought we would.
Show the world all the ideals we thought we had and remind us what it looks like so we can wake up again!
You couldn't have said it better. My entire life I've looked up to the US in awe of what you're forefathers built... I'm not so much in awe of the US now simply because of the changes that have taken place but, know this: I honestly believe if it wasn't for your constitution, your 1st and 2nd amendment and the fact that you guys haven't rolled over and the UN and WEF are terrified of you. the whole world would be screwed right now. It has always been your example that the rest of us look to with hope. You people truly are the beacon on top of the hill! We need you strong.
I am in Texas and word has spread really rapidly of all this where I am at. Everyone here is rallying. Not so hard with Texas, but the way I see it - the South of U.S is just about as down as you are. The North and NorthEast are the ones that need to see it the most. But you all are doing incredible work in reinvigorating everyone, I know.
Don't back down. This is going to be what uncucks America.
Thousands upon thousands of stalwart Canadians making history lining the roads in freezing temps cheering the truckers convoy is monumental, historical, inspirational. I've felt fortunate and been as excited seeing this spectacle as when I saw the first man on the moon.
I have a feeling Trump is not going to ignore what’s going on in Canada and will soon annex the country and save out northern brothers from tyranny. I don’t feel like the movie truly ends until Trump unites all Christian nations into one and destroys the deep state and all Muslim/socialist/non-believing countries.
Hey Micio, I don't believe people in the US are either. Unfortunately, in both our countries, we've let weasels let bigger weasels into our chicken coops. Now things just need to be cleaned up.
Just got back from doing my part...2 hours waving my Canadian flag in SW Ontario to support one of the smaller convoys.
I could hardly feel my feet at the end, but damn proud to be there... history in the making. Thanks to all Americans for your support.
Love to you my fren from the Great White North.
I know what the cold is like we've had -30f and being in ND with almost no trees we know wind chills very well.
We loved Bob and Doug McKenzie and take off. So here's a little Geddy Lee for you in my opinion one of the best rock voices I've ever heard https://youtu.be/ot70G4wSQi0
Hahaha thanks for this - I grew up listening to Rush...brings back memories!
I thought that was the first thing I thought of when I saw everybody standing over the underpasses is how cold it must be.
And how brave you all were it made me cry. It also made me a sad to see the lack of snow I really hope that the drought ends for you guys. We seem to be getting plenty of snow here in my area so I'm hoping the drought is over here.
Drought? lol We don't have no drought. Don't know where you heard that.... But one thing you do learn is that when the temp is too low, it don't snow. Thanks for the best wishes though!
All the wildfires from the north last summer. The smoke was so bad here. I had thought you were having a drought up north like we were here.
I live in ND and I know about it needing to warm up to snow lol.
We had some heat no doubt but... BC has the same problem California does, to a lesser extent. We got environmentalists who aren't allowing the forest undergrowth to be managed, we got too many people living in areas they shouldn't be and we got idiots setting fires to try and push the climate agenda.
That sucks, everyone suffers when idiots don't allow forest management. I usually walk my dog every night the smoke was so bad I couldn't even walk around the block, I would bust into choking and coughing fits from my allergies.
I'm all for looking after the environment, and conservation, we definitely need to recycle, and clean up the planet, but this fear driven agenda is just being used because a whole bunch of people invested a whole lot of money in lithium mines.
I once threw up while listening to Rush, but not because of them.
Deckhand from coastal Maine checking in. Nothing but love, support, and prayers frens! I only wish I could be there with you, but if it’s of any solace, we’re not any warmer out on deck.
Keep pushing, the Old Guard withers more and more as the light of God exposes their sins.
Pfft.theres like seven trees.there were nine but it was windy a few weeks ago lol
Thank you for doing your part and our part. You guys are rocking it up there, with love from Missouri.😁🇺🇸🇨🇦
Wish I were there with you fren, you are all amazing. Freedom.
God bless you all! We are so proud of you!! Hope Australians and will gather courage from your example!
This is just a taste. Macron says he won’t back down, well that little pansie who is in hiding due to his mealy mouth Covid exposure excuse, has zero idea what is unraveling. These truckers will NEVER give up and they will Never back down. So Macron and Biden can take their agreement and shove it. Now if all businesses and restaurants would say you can shove your vaccine restriction, we are operating our business despite what you say because that is our right and this is not a law backed by any science. Then let your patrons patronize your business withou passport proof. Everyone, stand up, grow some balls, and resist.
The best part is.... Trudeau says he has to isolate but.... Health Canada, a couple days ago, changed the rules saying anyone who is triple vacced and has a positive test, doesn't need to quarantine or isolate. So the little fuck is just hiding. But the truckers are saying, "that's okay. We'll still be here when you get better!"
Till he calls out the army
That would be the best thing that could happen. Keep uniting us Justin!
they cant really back down now - they've committed to the landing and the "window of opportunity" is getting smaller and smaller.
I agree & yet always wonder... Where is everyone going to the bathroom, showering, etc? Maybe some of that 5.5 mil will be put toward porta potties🐸
I just got home after 3 hours on the side of the highway. The first 2.5 hours were spent waiting and socializing. I finally met some of the people I've met online fighting this nonsense.
The police had apparently been hampering the trucks, keeping them in smaller groups, so we weren't sure when they'd get to our stretch of highway. I only got to see one cluster of 80-100 trucks before my hands were too numb to hold my sign and keep it from getting taken by the wind. My feet are still frozen.
This thing is real. What I really found encouraging though, is that while we waited and waited, we still waved to uninvolved vehicles going by and at least 85% of them were honking and waving enthusiastically. The few drivers that were uninterested and unimpressed looked absolutely miserable.
I feel so upbeat to be on this team. We're the side with the optimists, the happy people and the enthusiasm for life.
This post makes me so happy, I wish I could bring you hot cocoa🐸
My woodstove is roaring, I'm filled with hot coffee and my sauna is heating up. I still feel cold but I'm grateful that I got to see the convoy. They weren't scheduled to travel on our highway, but there was a change of plans this morning. They split off part of the group to go along our northern route, probably to make for less of a logistical challenge. We don't have a lot of divided, multi-lane highway on this leg of there journey.
Thank you for the cocoa gesture!
Oh that's wonderful to hear❤ It makes me think of that cozy Pepe pic!
Awesome! This is gonna destroy the media and their cucked fanboys.
I work outside everyday in this shit, get yourself a long warm shower, wrap up and have a couple drinks to get that blood flowing to your skin, if you're still not warming up do some light exercise. If you're not used to it it's easy to get mild hypothermia and then it can take a real long time to warm up (hard to start a fire in a frozen fireplace). I got myself the other day, woke up the next morning parts of my body were still like ice to touch.
Thanks. I'm much better now after spending some time in the sauna. I'm fine working outside and being active, but standing motionless for all that time was brutal. I'm lucky there was a long gap in the convoy or I'd have stayed beyond my body's limit.
I have a bedjet. It heats or cools between your sheets. It is not cheap but I have toasty toes in the winter. Husband liked it so much, I bought him one too.
Thank you for sharing. We were able to hear them go by on Sunday afternoon here in the BC interior. Lots of people cheering - we could hear them from inside the house. Too cold for me, so we didn’t go stand outside, but it was amazing to hear the support. If that’s a “fringe” of Canadians with “unacceptable beliefs”, It’s no wonder Trudeau has run away to hide. It won’t bode well for him in the end - he’s proving all the criticism of him to be absolutely correct.
Proud of my neighbors to the north today!
Cold wind meet strong commitment and warm hearts! Go 🇨🇦
Pretty warm day,up their.
Actually right now it is! -43 two weeks ago. But let me ask you a question... Have you ever stood along a highway in the middle of a prairie with 30 mile per hour winds on a minus 17 F day, for two hours? Just to wave to a truck going by!
I'm from the UP of Michigan,I've gone rabbit hunting with a slingshot at -40 bellow.
hope that 'weapon' was registered! How things have frickin changed eh...
Can't say I have. I'm a wuss when it comes to wind chill. I don't even want to walk to the car when it's -10F.
The Canadians are great. Can you recall or vote out that girly-man running the country?
A vote of no confidence in parliament triggers a new election.
It's often said that Canada is like America's little brother.
Well, there is always a moment where that little brother who looked at the big brother for so long sees a change in them, and not for the better. Stand up now Canada. Show Americans, and the rest of the world what we were supposed to do.
Show us the ideals we told you we stood for, remind us again why we were once great, snap us out of what we have let ourselves become.
Make your stay here, change the status quo. Fight for your freedoms in the way you thought we would.
Show the world all the ideals we thought we had and remind us what it looks like so we can wake up again!
You couldn't have said it better. My entire life I've looked up to the US in awe of what you're forefathers built... I'm not so much in awe of the US now simply because of the changes that have taken place but, know this: I honestly believe if it wasn't for your constitution, your 1st and 2nd amendment and the fact that you guys haven't rolled over and the UN and WEF are terrified of you. the whole world would be screwed right now. It has always been your example that the rest of us look to with hope. You people truly are the beacon on top of the hill! We need you strong.
Continue forward, all of you.
I am in Texas and word has spread really rapidly of all this where I am at. Everyone here is rallying. Not so hard with Texas, but the way I see it - the South of U.S is just about as down as you are. The North and NorthEast are the ones that need to see it the most. But you all are doing incredible work in reinvigorating everyone, I know.
Don't back down. This is going to be what uncucks America.
Hopefully this uncucks Canada. But we got a lot of liberal progressive snowflakes over here to melt..
Thousands upon thousands of stalwart Canadians making history lining the roads in freezing temps cheering the truckers convoy is monumental, historical, inspirational. I've felt fortunate and been as excited seeing this spectacle as when I saw the first man on the moon.
I think you should rename the QEW THE FREEDOM HIGHWAY
I have a feeling Trump is not going to ignore what’s going on in Canada and will soon annex the country and save out northern brothers from tyranny. I don’t feel like the movie truly ends until Trump unites all Christian nations into one and destroys the deep state and all Muslim/socialist/non-believing countries.
After living up in Canada for a few years and comparing those folks to us I have to say they are a lot tougher pound for pound
So proud of my brothers and sisters in Canada, standing tall for what is right! THANK YOU!!
It looks like a Trump rally!!!
God bless these patriots! We are with you Canadians - so proud.
May God bless everyone standing their ground in Jesus name!!
You vilify who you fear. Nothing more needs to be said.
Fuckin’ eh!
Never been so proud to be a pussy Canadian!
Make Canadians alpha again!!
Hey Micio, I don't believe people in the US are either. Unfortunately, in both our countries, we've let weasels let bigger weasels into our chicken coops. Now things just need to be cleaned up.
They should a put a Get Well Soon Justin on a bumper ... with We'll wait for you.
I heard from a Cananon years ago, i don't know if it's true, but the Canadians were the first to be called the "Stormtrooper"
Can any Cananons back this up?
-6 where I am, no one cares.
-6 is a chinook!
Well.... water freezes long before beer does! Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if some are drinking anti-freeze...
Why bring a cooler when the land itself can chill your beer?
Ed Zachary!!
I hope every doomer feels like a sack of shit watching this.
Their silence is deafening.
Well to be fair some of them ARE perma-banned.
We live in such an exciting time! Gooooo Canada!
-27 C
Still cold though
lol Have you ever stood along a highway in the middle of a prairie with 30 mile per hour winds on a minus 17 F day, for two hours?
I heard that Canadians have 127 words for snow.
When everybody knows that all you need is "17"
Most of us feel about the same about snow as we do about Turd-pedo 😂
Correct. Not cucks at all. That kind of cold is brutally painful and dangerous to be in.
Music should be from the last Q post (we're not going to take it)
God Bless
They were cucks until they finally started doing stuff like this.
Everybody has a breaking point. In Canada it has been reached. But, you kind of confuse me... are you saying you're still a cuck?