Escalation. These are the kind of dumb ass moves that lead to violence and revolution. In Canada of all places. Hard to believe. So much for that reputation as moderate, polite, and reasonable people who can talk out anything. These "leaders" are absolute freakin' morons.
Ford looks like the swarmiest of mouth breathing swamp critters....only interested in fattening his wallet, a nice hunk of brisket and phat slice of pecan pie.
With all due respect, you are parroting the MSM position on Rob Ford. If you're not from the Toronto area and don't know much about him, this is understandable and you have been very much mislead.
Rob Ford was a flawed human being but at the core was a good guy. He made the claim, and I do believe it to be true, that he would make an effort to answer every single phone call he would get as Major (and he was Major of a 2.5 Million person city). Despite the constant attacks by the media, he generally never said a bad word about anyone (this is the opposite of Doug Ford who started his political careers with some really distasteful attack ads, foreshadowing what was to come). Throughout his whole tenure as Major, the media attacked him day and night (unlike Dough Ford, the media is propping him up). The media knew about he had issues and tried to push him over the edge with constant harassments. They would have reporters show up at his house to spy on his young family (perverts) and when he confronted them about it they would turn it round on him even though what they were doing was clearly unethical and had nothing to do with journalism.
If you think him and Hunter are the same, you should consider:
The media ran with the crack story on him worldwide. Can you say that about Hunter or did they cover for him?
They called him racist for hanging out and partying with people of African ancestry. The people who he hung out with didn't think he was racist. If they had, they would have kicked his butt. The MSM was outraged on behalf of the alleged victims who didn't care. Sound familiar?
When Rob Ford was elected, to the extend it was possible, he did what he was elected to do. In Canada, the Major is only 1 vote on city council with almost no special powers, so the many leftists on city council did try to block his agenda. However, where it was possible, he carried out his agenda and actually got more done than might have been expected given the lefty city council.
Think what you want, but I do suggest you do some of your own research on Rob Ford and don't just parrot the MSM narrative on him. He was definitely flawed but I would take him, even on crack, over 99% of today's politicians. It would obviously have been better if he did not have a substance abuse issue, especially because it gave the media an angle to attack him thereby undermining what he was trying to do, but if I had to pick: substance abuse issue (Rob Ford) versus being liars who only govern to suit themselves (Dough Ford and 99%+ of politicians), I would take the latter any day.
If any word describes Rob Ford, it is a man of the people. He was never to high an mighty to talk to anyone and legitimately cared about the people. In the same position, he would never do what Doug Ford is doing. In fact, of any politician, this is 1 of the few that I actually believe would have sided with the truckers. The same people in Toronto who loved Rob Ford, absolutely hate his brother Doug.
Even if the dude smoked crack he did a better job than his brother is doing right now. It's something I always found funny, he was a decent guy just a bit flawed.
Agreed. Rob Ford was for sure a way better person and leader than his brother is now, and probably ever will be unless he drastically changes. It's unfortunate that Rob's brother seems to be the exact opposite of him. A petty, short sited, hateful, elitist bully.
As city councilor, Rob Ford used to use his printing business for his paper work and would literally charge the city $0 in expenses when almost every other council (except for Doug Holyday) would use it as an additional source of income and charge ridiculous amounts of money to it. Doug Ford on the other hand has used his position as premier to give lucrative contracts to that very same business. There is a stark difference between the decency of these 2 brothers. Almost like Kane and Abel.
So Alberta and Saskatchewan announce that they are ending mandates.
Ontario attacks the funding of the convoy through 2 separate companies and then proceed to threaten the entire province of Ontario that they are criminals if they don't comply with tyranny.
I personally don't trust the bone that the primiers of Saskatchewan and Alberta threw us. Not until they're arrested and put on trial, will I trust it.. (Doomy but with good reason.)
Also, what will the Canadian governments do when the Americans block the other side of the border and bridges?
Good luck dumbass. The truckers can just as easily protest by staying home. Either way you aren't getting your Twinkies delivered. Maybe you should just admit that you've been doing the bidding of an evil NGO and then resign.
By the way, my comment was directed toward Doug Ford as the "dumbass". Re-reading it, it almost reads like I was somehow in support of the stupid bullshit he said.
I work in the trucking industry and I have nothing but love for the guys doing this. I hope they stay safe. I'm also hoping we get something like this going in the USA soon.
Yeah and a lot of these guys have probably already disabled their trucks so they can't be towed easily. It is a shit sandwich and I can't wait to watch them eat it.
the craziest part if we lose history will not matter. these politicians will have nothing to pass to the new generation other than to say look what total fuckheaded douche bags we were attacking the people. when we win history will not be kind to these people. for me the most jaw dropping is how it is just out in plain site. a majority of humans do not want to be on the wrong side of history. so either they are sociopaths which i am sure some are, the others bought and paid for. growing up in the 80s and 90s honor was a word used to manipulate. at least that is the way i always perceived it. it took me serving my country to know what real honor is. and now that i know the people that have none just GLOW.
That was Rob, he died back in 2016. I remember back then it broke out saying he died from an overdose but now they're covering his scandal up with that he died from cancer that plastered him for several years and had unsuccessful chemotherapy. Yeah sure...
He honestly sees himself as their ruler. They seem desperate to escalate things, they're now going to arrest and make examples out of a handful of individuals, most likely sparking violence.
would love to see this poll on facebook or twitter
Truckers on Ontario Bridges and boarders
or Ontario Premier Doug Ford...
Someone's got to go, Choose.
Escalation. These are the kind of dumb ass moves that lead to violence and revolution. In Canada of all places. Hard to believe. So much for that reputation as moderate, polite, and reasonable people who can talk out anything. These "leaders" are absolute freakin' morons.
It's just as John F. Kennedy said "those that make peaceful revolution impossible, make a violent revolution inevitable."
It's what THEY want, but the world stands with the truckers.
That's why the WEF agents (Trudeau, Jagmeet, etc) stick out so strong in Canada.
Romania has entered the chat.
Ford looks like the swarmiest of mouth breathing swamp critters....only interested in fattening his wallet, a nice hunk of brisket and phat slice of pecan pie.
Wouldn't be surprised if Ford's brother, Rob, hung out with Hunter and smoked crack together until Rob died.
With all due respect, you are parroting the MSM position on Rob Ford. If you're not from the Toronto area and don't know much about him, this is understandable and you have been very much mislead.
Rob Ford was a flawed human being but at the core was a good guy. He made the claim, and I do believe it to be true, that he would make an effort to answer every single phone call he would get as Major (and he was Major of a 2.5 Million person city). Despite the constant attacks by the media, he generally never said a bad word about anyone (this is the opposite of Doug Ford who started his political careers with some really distasteful attack ads, foreshadowing what was to come). Throughout his whole tenure as Major, the media attacked him day and night (unlike Dough Ford, the media is propping him up). The media knew about he had issues and tried to push him over the edge with constant harassments. They would have reporters show up at his house to spy on his young family (perverts) and when he confronted them about it they would turn it round on him even though what they were doing was clearly unethical and had nothing to do with journalism.
If you think him and Hunter are the same, you should consider:
The media ran with the crack story on him worldwide. Can you say that about Hunter or did they cover for him?
They called him racist for hanging out and partying with people of African ancestry. The people who he hung out with didn't think he was racist. If they had, they would have kicked his butt. The MSM was outraged on behalf of the alleged victims who didn't care. Sound familiar?
When Rob Ford was elected, to the extend it was possible, he did what he was elected to do. In Canada, the Major is only 1 vote on city council with almost no special powers, so the many leftists on city council did try to block his agenda. However, where it was possible, he carried out his agenda and actually got more done than might have been expected given the lefty city council.
Think what you want, but I do suggest you do some of your own research on Rob Ford and don't just parrot the MSM narrative on him. He was definitely flawed but I would take him, even on crack, over 99% of today's politicians. It would obviously have been better if he did not have a substance abuse issue, especially because it gave the media an angle to attack him thereby undermining what he was trying to do, but if I had to pick: substance abuse issue (Rob Ford) versus being liars who only govern to suit themselves (Dough Ford and 99%+ of politicians), I would take the latter any day.
If any word describes Rob Ford, it is a man of the people. He was never to high an mighty to talk to anyone and legitimately cared about the people. In the same position, he would never do what Doug Ford is doing. In fact, of any politician, this is 1 of the few that I actually believe would have sided with the truckers. The same people in Toronto who loved Rob Ford, absolutely hate his brother Doug.
Even if the dude smoked crack he did a better job than his brother is doing right now. It's something I always found funny, he was a decent guy just a bit flawed.
Agreed. Rob Ford was for sure a way better person and leader than his brother is now, and probably ever will be unless he drastically changes. It's unfortunate that Rob's brother seems to be the exact opposite of him. A petty, short sited, hateful, elitist bully.
As city councilor, Rob Ford used to use his printing business for his paper work and would literally charge the city $0 in expenses when almost every other council (except for Doug Holyday) would use it as an additional source of income and charge ridiculous amounts of money to it. Doug Ford on the other hand has used his position as premier to give lucrative contracts to that very same business. There is a stark difference between the decency of these 2 brothers. Almost like Kane and Abel.
Somehow he created some fine offspring.
So Alberta and Saskatchewan announce that they are ending mandates.
Ontario attacks the funding of the convoy through 2 separate companies and then proceed to threaten the entire province of Ontario that they are criminals if they don't comply with tyranny.
This is escalating quickly.
I personally don't trust the bone that the primiers of Saskatchewan and Alberta threw us. Not until they're arrested and put on trial, will I trust it.. (Doomy but with good reason.)
I don't think this is doom. This is logical thinking.
Doom would be saying we should give in before we all get arrested.
Also, what will the Canadian governments do when the Americans block the other side of the border and bridges?
Pol is reporting that internet is down in Ottawa. Can anyone confirm?
According to pingdom, not too many outages within the last hour.
Ottawalks is streaming live right now as well on screwtube.
Good luck dumbass. The truckers can just as easily protest by staying home. Either way you aren't getting your Twinkies delivered. Maybe you should just admit that you've been doing the bidding of an evil NGO and then resign.
Who's gonna move the trucks, lol
The tow truck drivers just joined the protest
By the way, my comment was directed toward Doug Ford as the "dumbass". Re-reading it, it almost reads like I was somehow in support of the stupid bullshit he said.
I work in the trucking industry and I have nothing but love for the guys doing this. I hope they stay safe. I'm also hoping we get something like this going in the USA soon.
we got you fren
Yeah and a lot of these guys have probably already disabled their trucks so they can't be towed easily. It is a shit sandwich and I can't wait to watch them eat it.
Among the ultimate move in shill faggotry. Mr. Ford, you are indeed the puss-filled pimple on Ontario's ass.
the craziest part if we lose history will not matter. these politicians will have nothing to pass to the new generation other than to say look what total fuckheaded douche bags we were attacking the people. when we win history will not be kind to these people. for me the most jaw dropping is how it is just out in plain site. a majority of humans do not want to be on the wrong side of history. so either they are sociopaths which i am sure some are, the others bought and paid for. growing up in the 80s and 90s honor was a word used to manipulate. at least that is the way i always perceived it. it took me serving my country to know what real honor is. and now that i know the people that have none just GLOW.
What a faggot.
I hope this faggot hangs some day
Gonna need hemp, otherwise the rope will snap easily.
Isnt he the crack man?
I think that was his brother
That was Rob, he died back in 2016. I remember back then it broke out saying he died from an overdose but now they're covering his scandal up with that he died from cancer that plastered him for several years and had unsuccessful chemotherapy. Yeah sure...
Fuck this faggot
what a wet wipe
He honestly sees himself as their ruler. They seem desperate to escalate things, they're now going to arrest and make examples out of a handful of individuals, most likely sparking violence.
They can stop this all by ending the tyranny but don’t hold your breath boys
would love to see this poll on facebook or twitter Truckers on Ontario Bridges and boarders or Ontario Premier Doug Ford... Someone's got to go, Choose.
Serious question: is this the crackhead guy?
Time for the rope
Permanent panic is on the menu eh