Possibly, and I hope you're right. But to me, the orange is modern shortcut for "a death of a man player." And the eyes of course ("eyes on") speaks for itself. Keep your head on a swivel, a high profile death might be announced soon. And if so, it's significant enough for Scavino to Tweet about it.
It's not a widespread thing, most normies would never put it together. I think the orange as a symbol of death began with the "Godfather" movie series. Some autiste pointed out that an orange is shown shortly before (or during) a high-level death. Example, the Godfather played by Marlon Brando with his grandson in the garden, falls to his death shortly after eating an orange. Apparently there are other examples too in the series, but it most certainly could have been a coincidence rather than a "code" by the director. Still though, a modern meme of sorts came about suggesting that an orange could signify a death.
Here's a simple thing you can do.... enter the word "orange" in the GAW search engine and you'll see how many connections the words "orange" and "death" have in common.
It’s almost certainly a godfather reference. All 3 movies, and the Sopranos actually, use the orange as symbolism for death. Whenever someone important gets wacked, oranges are in the prior scene somewhere. Q did reference the movie a few times, so it’s not crazy to assume.
One of the biggest parts of the series is the revenge the family takes against their enemies. They lie and deceive them, keeping the charade going until the last possible moment, and in one afternoon settle all their family debts by taking out basically everyone at the same time.
Pray that this is the scenario that we find ourselves in. That all of this shit has been going on for so long, because they were waiting to go after everyone at the same time.
Keep your eyes peeled this week for interesting deaths or arrests. Cross your fingers.
Give it a check. I thought the "Godfather" series was a master stroke of movie making, although the first and second movies are much better than III. They capture a slice of American life that until the book by Mario Puzo came out, few people knew about. Excellently researched, it tells the tale of one particular family called the Corleone family. In Part II, it tells how Vito Corleone escaped from Sicily as a small child and came to America in the 1920s and became a mob boss. The thing about the "Godfather" series is that much of it is true, only the names have been changed....etc.
So it's not really just a "mob movie" series, it is an important chapter in our collective history. The actors (Brando, James Caan, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall) are at their best. It's a very compelling trio of movies.
If you can stand the intense drama and murders and such, you really should treat yourself to at least the first and second "The Godfather" movies.
"Code Orange. As discussed above, orange usually means there has been an external disaster. But orange can also mean there has been an event with mass casualties, depending on the province. It often means that the hospital should initiate protocols to prepare for the arrival of many new patients.
"In Ontario, there is also a more specific 'Code Orange: CBRN,' meaning the disaster is chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear."
Let's hope so. time this movie moved on to the end part.
Possibly, and I hope you're right. But to me, the orange is modern shortcut for "a death of a man player." And the eyes of course ("eyes on") speaks for itself. Keep your head on a swivel, a high profile death might be announced soon. And if so, it's significant enough for Scavino to Tweet about it.
Never even remotely thought an orange meant death. Not sure where your reference comes from.
Orange is obviously the "orange man", President Trump.
Eyes on Trump.
Anouncement or important actions incoming.
It's not a widespread thing, most normies would never put it together. I think the orange as a symbol of death began with the "Godfather" movie series. Some autiste pointed out that an orange is shown shortly before (or during) a high-level death. Example, the Godfather played by Marlon Brando with his grandson in the garden, falls to his death shortly after eating an orange. Apparently there are other examples too in the series, but it most certainly could have been a coincidence rather than a "code" by the director. Still though, a modern meme of sorts came about suggesting that an orange could signify a death.
Here's a simple thing you can do.... enter the word "orange" in the GAW search engine and you'll see how many connections the words "orange" and "death" have in common.
Here is my search: https://greatawakening.win/search?params=orange&community=GreatAwakening
Thank you for the info, I'll check that out.
I'll admit I'm not into mobster movies, so GF 1-3 are not in my experience.
It’s almost certainly a godfather reference. All 3 movies, and the Sopranos actually, use the orange as symbolism for death. Whenever someone important gets wacked, oranges are in the prior scene somewhere. Q did reference the movie a few times, so it’s not crazy to assume.
One of the biggest parts of the series is the revenge the family takes against their enemies. They lie and deceive them, keeping the charade going until the last possible moment, and in one afternoon settle all their family debts by taking out basically everyone at the same time.
Pray that this is the scenario that we find ourselves in. That all of this shit has been going on for so long, because they were waiting to go after everyone at the same time.
Keep your eyes peeled this week for interesting deaths or arrests. Cross your fingers.
Give it a check. I thought the "Godfather" series was a master stroke of movie making, although the first and second movies are much better than III. They capture a slice of American life that until the book by Mario Puzo came out, few people knew about. Excellently researched, it tells the tale of one particular family called the Corleone family. In Part II, it tells how Vito Corleone escaped from Sicily as a small child and came to America in the 1920s and became a mob boss. The thing about the "Godfather" series is that much of it is true, only the names have been changed....etc.
So it's not really just a "mob movie" series, it is an important chapter in our collective history. The actors (Brando, James Caan, Al Pacino, Robert Duvall) are at their best. It's a very compelling trio of movies.
If you can stand the intense drama and murders and such, you really should treat yourself to at least the first and second "The Godfather" movies.
Also put orange in a search for the Q posts.
I did that earlier and got nothing.
Sorry. My error. I was thinking of "Godfather" which has 24 hits.
Ah yes, I am fully aware of the "Godfather" references in Q drops.
And nobody is asking about the blunt force trauma to the head?? Who knows? Maybe he did fall and hit his head but it's so damn weird.
Much like Joe Scarborough’s intern.
Ho must have fallen several times. I read somewhere he had multiple skull fractures. But no blood?
An orange is known in the comms world as "death is near"
...the [ queen ]
Naw man, he’s obviously saying GO VOLS. Lol.
Georgia peach bro
All Squaddies former and current welcome here, fren.
Leave that dumb rifle at home though. We'll get you an M4, or a SAW if you're a god boy.
Heh. And sadly our faggot State Department seems to be mandating "the vackstheeeen" to emigrate to the USA now. Fags.
Eyes on orangeman
Eyes on Orange Man, Trump? If so what is he up too?
Eyes on Trump?
Death/suicide incoming? (God Father III)
Watching Georgia?
Auditor Brian Geels Identified Nearly 100,000 ballots in Georgia that Were Invalid
Florida has oranges. Georgia has peaches. The emoji could be interpreted as both.
From another post, "code orange" could mean an impending disaster, mass casualty event, poss nuclear? Just guessing here.
Here’s another post about code 🍊 & this Scavino tweet, that code orange could mean the hospitals in Canada are on high alert for mass casualties ....
I think this is the comms too!! Maybe a warning that a FF is happening? Any medical pedes opinions?
Look at the orange. Orange man? Lol. I don't think our guesses ever really pan out.
i think its pretty straight forward, he's saying they were spying on trump, per durham's latest info.
the FED has an important sealed meeting on Monday. Eyes on Jack/TWITTER/TRUTH SOCIAL (DWAC/TMTG)... MOASS oncoming?
Aren't timestamps usually in EST?
So, post 615, not 415?
News about @Jack?
I'm in Central and converted wrong. Haven't had my coffee yet. Drat! Deleted.
If he’s in the East coast do you still have to convert time stamps?
Here is 3:15. “As the world turns” and talks about us military coming in for justice.
Interesting as the world turns phrase coming up as the melania post u/BQnita posted
I have been waiting for the Military since Jan 21st 2020. 'bout time
"Eyes on death?"
High Profile individual about to drop-eyes on-seems to be the common theme with oranges lately.
FYI: That emoji is called a tangerine on Tw*tter.
Who's next in line for the DP?
Emergency Colour Code Chart from Ontario Hospital Association
Orange = Disaster
*Crikey, they also list Code Orange CBRN:
"Code Orange. As discussed above, orange usually means there has been an external disaster. But orange can also mean there has been an event with mass casualties, depending on the province. It often means that the hospital should initiate protocols to prepare for the arrival of many new patients.
"In Ontario, there is also a more specific 'Code Orange: CBRN,' meaning the disaster is chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear."
When was the last time? Like every single week. You just need to pay attention.