And the Canadian military has done absolutely nothing to stop it. This constitutes a foreign army occupying Canadian soil and waging war on it's citizens. The military in Canada is 100% on the side of Castro's bastard.
Ironically, this covers the genuine and typical sort of reasons for the emergency act being invoked - threats of invasion, attacks on the sovereignty of canada and so on. Rather than say, protests being made by people the prime minister doesn't like.
By the way, if you can get as close to a plane as the people in the video clip are shown, its pretty trivial to destroy them even with hand tools that many cars in canada are likely to have. An icepick of any quality of steel will go right through the aluminum skin of an aircraft with ease with any adult level of force behind it, for example. And it wouldn't take much to damage engines, control surfaces and so on and make the plane not fit for flying. The materials used for planes are chosen for lightness, not strength.
When there is no remaining ambiguity as to whether assets like this are the property of an actual occupying enemy force, expect things to heat up.
Those in charge and who give the orders are part of the same bolt of globalist cloth as Castro Jr and the rest of the WEF offspring. The good rank and file of our militaries will stand down unless there is a major mutiny from within - and I do not see that happening - at least not at this time. Western militaries and law enforcement have been purging their ranks using the mandates as the excuse to remove based personnel while leaving the vaxxine damaged and those willing to compromise to keep a job. So who is left? The brain dead and the woke. The power vacuum left from the purging is being filled by foreign actors. In Canada, there are private mercenaries and other low IQ psychopathic operatives that don't give a crap working the protests. This is what we will be up against. We must not think that the same playbook that toppled many a government is not being used here. In fact for Soros, the defeat of the US has been his life's mission - and he is not the only one that intends to take us out. We the people are the plan and whether or not we keep or lose our countries depends upon us alone.
No, and the reason why is the public owns more guns and ammo than most military's of the world. That pesky 2A is the biggest road block for them and the reason they've been trying to disarm us for decades. Our Rights are in there way.
Make no mistake. The emergency powers has allowed Castro Jr not to return to Ottawa as their constitution requires. He can only be away for a certain length of time. In addition, he has been bringing in nonCanadian mercenaries and private ops. Those are the goons with weird uniforms that have no identification or fake law enforcement uniforms that are probably most often involved in the violence - because that is what they are getting paid to do. The scumbags use these guns for hire all over the world to destabilize countries in order to crack down on the people. Found this video and I think it pretty well sums it up. Be on notice America - this will be in operation in DC.
Yes Bones, eyes on this for sure and they must hold the line - with no violence and lots of cameras going. Our cameras are our biggest weapon right now. The cockroaches have to operate in the dark.
That plane isn't large enough to move the number of people they needed unless it made dozens of trips. This is far more likely to be big wigs from the UN advising Trudeau on how to crush his people.
Canadians pay taxes ostensibly to fund the military, who should be defending against an invasion. Citizens doing it themselves should be the last resort. Shame on the military in Canada for abdicating their duty
If Trudeau brought in a military force from outside the country to use against the Canadian People who were doing nothing but peaceful protest stuff, hopefully that would be enough for a No Confidence Motion to pass in the House of Commons. They only need a simple majority.
Are Canadians ok with freezing the bank accounts of people that donated $40 to the truckers? Would they be ok with foreign military soldiers being brought in to use against the truckers?
Trudeau has brought in private guns for hire. That is what they always do to start the crap. Then, when the people fight back, the UN is there as a occupying peace keeping force. They are being set up. The only way they can defeat this is by non violent resistance and non compliance. As soon as there is any violence on the protesters part, they will lower the boom on the entire country. We can see those pieces being moved into place, not just in Canada, but also here in the US. The Patriots must learn to identify and document the external non Canadian forces that have been brought in. Our cameras are our best weapon at this point and the reason they have been targeting alternative media personnel. Lesson for DC - protect those that are documenting. The globalists must remain covert for their plan to work. Therefore, we must expose it.
Thanks. I am sure the Canadians have had their heads on a swivel about this - but I am not so sure whether we yanks completely understand how far these evil bastards are willing to go. We are always underestimating them. I pray many in this upcoming protest have learned some very valuable lessons from Canada and have hardened themselves against the attack. I would look for all hell to break loose overseas at the same time to distract. We cannot take our eyes off the prize here.
If I had to guess, these jack boot thugs are not even Canadians, it would be hard convincing a man to bring tyranny down on his own nation. When the protestors were trying to talk to them, they would not speak probably because they don't speak English. I would bet they are NATO troops sent over by the UN.
Doesn’t Law of War require they wear identifying insignia? Don’t UN Forces wear blue helmuts? This could be a black hat group of thugs paid for by Soros or similar. Wasn’t there a video a few years ago of a U.S. train full of UN armored vehicles? Wasn’t there ChiCom troops in BC supposedly “training” a year or so ago? Maybe time to connect the dots?
There are private guns for hire on the ground with unidentifiable uniforms or fake uniforms. They are here trying to instigate violence. Once they start the crap they will be whisked out of the country. The events seem to point to the usual playbook - get the crowd to fight back against the tyranny and then ask the UN for official help. That means cracking down on the entire country and keeping foreign occupying UN forces as peacekeepers. They plan on doing the same thing here in the US as well. This has always been their goal to defeat us. They knew they could not go head to head - they must destroy us from within. Identify and document the instigators. Once their cover is blown they will have a more difficult time pulling this off.
This ends with Trudeau hanging. There is no other out for this pussy.
The Canadian people know what is happening. But bringing in the UN is another beast that points to guilt that will add to bringing this little bitchboy down.
Ever consider that the plane is there for bait? The fact that people have been able to get that close to video and that they left a marked plane out in the open.... well.... I smell a trap. Don't bite.
Now some people will understand those UN NY job adverts for UN security 3 years ago.... remember how the advert described the duties and that there was no need to be a citizen......!
There's only 50,000 active in Canada's military. Their equipment and weapons are old and in need of repair. Reminds me of when Obama made moves to weaken US military. Well it seems that the Canadian government has been successful in downgrading there's.
And no one would know who is in the uniform of the 'police' we see. Or the mil. Or the police anywhere. Or NG anywhere. Or the protestors. Or counter protestors. or anyone. God only knows whats really happening and I pray its being exposed and will see justice
Voyageur Airways Limited is an airline based in North Bay, Ontario, Canada that commenced operations in 1968. Along with air charters it also repairs and maintains aircraft, and provides an air ambulance service. It provides ground handling, fuel services and terminal services at the North Bay/Jack Garland Airport. It provides chartered aircraft to the United Nations and NATO, for operations in places such as Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Ivory Coast and Sudan.
I called it days ago,.theyre UN Forces they have no badges or Insignia,.,because its a war crime to use your own Millitary against its own people,.So they are using outside Forces to do their dirty work,..
They are not UN forces - the instigators on the ground are the private guns for hire. They are flown in secretly and will be flown out the same way after they finish their job of instigating violence sufficient for the government to crack down. That is when the UN officially gets involved. The plane could be either bait or part of the set up with advisors called in at the request of Castro Jr.
I was in the millitary in nz and worked with UN Forces ,in Bosnia Hertzagovina and the middle east, I know UN Forces when i see them,.anywhere,. Ill bet you 100 bucks theyre UN Forces,Some of our own Forces make up part of UN,.Force
This is fucked. It would be good if some patriots light that mofo up like a Christmas tree. 🔥🔥🔥 Just wear skinny jeans and a BLM shirt. Take a leaf out of the commies play book.
This solves the mystery:
Trudeau has called in the UN to take down the protesters for him
And the Canadian military has done absolutely nothing to stop it. This constitutes a foreign army occupying Canadian soil and waging war on it's citizens. The military in Canada is 100% on the side of Castro's bastard.
Ironically, this covers the genuine and typical sort of reasons for the emergency act being invoked - threats of invasion, attacks on the sovereignty of canada and so on. Rather than say, protests being made by people the prime minister doesn't like.
By the way, if you can get as close to a plane as the people in the video clip are shown, its pretty trivial to destroy them even with hand tools that many cars in canada are likely to have. An icepick of any quality of steel will go right through the aluminum skin of an aircraft with ease with any adult level of force behind it, for example. And it wouldn't take much to damage engines, control surfaces and so on and make the plane not fit for flying. The materials used for planes are chosen for lightness, not strength.
When there is no remaining ambiguity as to whether assets like this are the property of an actual occupying enemy force, expect things to heat up.
And, to be clear, why should the citizenry care about destroying property of an invader, much less an entirely separate government than their own?
It's not the Canadian government. It's not the American government.
Who cares at this point?
I like the way you think. Logic and good plans.
Those in charge and who give the orders are part of the same bolt of globalist cloth as Castro Jr and the rest of the WEF offspring. The good rank and file of our militaries will stand down unless there is a major mutiny from within - and I do not see that happening - at least not at this time. Western militaries and law enforcement have been purging their ranks using the mandates as the excuse to remove based personnel while leaving the vaxxine damaged and those willing to compromise to keep a job. So who is left? The brain dead and the woke. The power vacuum left from the purging is being filled by foreign actors. In Canada, there are private mercenaries and other low IQ psychopathic operatives that don't give a crap working the protests. This is what we will be up against. We must not think that the same playbook that toppled many a government is not being used here. In fact for Soros, the defeat of the US has been his life's mission - and he is not the only one that intends to take us out. We the people are the plan and whether or not we keep or lose our countries depends upon us alone.
And this will happen to us!
No, and the reason why is the public owns more guns and ammo than most military's of the world. That pesky 2A is the biggest road block for them and the reason they've been trying to disarm us for decades. Our Rights are in there way.
Make no mistake. The emergency powers has allowed Castro Jr not to return to Ottawa as their constitution requires. He can only be away for a certain length of time. In addition, he has been bringing in nonCanadian mercenaries and private ops. Those are the goons with weird uniforms that have no identification or fake law enforcement uniforms that are probably most often involved in the violence - because that is what they are getting paid to do. The scumbags use these guns for hire all over the world to destabilize countries in order to crack down on the people. Found this video and I think it pretty well sums it up. Be on notice America - this will be in operation in DC.
This is so bad. Some arrived last night. And they'll have to make the trip to Ottawa and make plans. So they might show up tomorrow.
Yes Bones, eyes on this for sure and they must hold the line - with no violence and lots of cameras going. Our cameras are our biggest weapon right now. The cockroaches have to operate in the dark.
Today I learned UN shock troops arrived in same plane that Delta regional uses, Bombardier 7500s.
That plane isn't large enough to move the number of people they needed unless it made dozens of trips. This is far more likely to be big wigs from the UN advising Trudeau on how to crush his people.
If it gets confirmed those cops aren’t Canadian, it becomes Canadian citizens duty to bash their heads in.
Even worse if they are soldiers, not even cops, which is what I suspect.
Set an example of them. Make other foreign troops think twice.
Canadians pay taxes ostensibly to fund the military, who should be defending against an invasion. Citizens doing it themselves should be the last resort. Shame on the military in Canada for abdicating their duty
If Trudeau brought in a military force from outside the country to use against the Canadian People who were doing nothing but peaceful protest stuff, hopefully that would be enough for a No Confidence Motion to pass in the House of Commons. They only need a simple majority.
Are Canadians ok with freezing the bank accounts of people that donated $40 to the truckers? Would they be ok with foreign military soldiers being brought in to use against the truckers? this may be normal to see U.N. planes parked at the Voyageur Airways in Northern Ontario , Canada 🤷
Good sleuthing. I was about to get up in arms, but your level headed looksee has me backing down a bit.
Kek ! I'm not much of a sauce fella. Best I could do.
Trudeau has brought in private guns for hire. That is what they always do to start the crap. Then, when the people fight back, the UN is there as a occupying peace keeping force. They are being set up. The only way they can defeat this is by non violent resistance and non compliance. As soon as there is any violence on the protesters part, they will lower the boom on the entire country. We can see those pieces being moved into place, not just in Canada, but also here in the US. The Patriots must learn to identify and document the external non Canadian forces that have been brought in. Our cameras are our best weapon at this point and the reason they have been targeting alternative media personnel. Lesson for DC - protect those that are documenting. The globalists must remain covert for their plan to work. Therefore, we must expose it.
Well said!
Thanks. I am sure the Canadians have had their heads on a swivel about this - but I am not so sure whether we yanks completely understand how far these evil bastards are willing to go. We are always underestimating them. I pray many in this upcoming protest have learned some very valuable lessons from Canada and have hardened themselves against the attack. I would look for all hell to break loose overseas at the same time to distract. We cannot take our eyes off the prize here.
Evidence that soldiers have been called in to use against the Canadian people:
Police are eating in the Hotel dining room. They aren't eating MREs.
So who is?
People in camps?
That's about a 220 mile drive to Ottawa. Could UN black boots be flown into North Bay to avoid public awareness then transported by bus to Ottawa?
I believe this is plausible and the case. Little Fidel Jr. has called in the UN. This needs to go viral.
I called it a couple days ago:
If I had to guess, these jack boot thugs are not even Canadians, it would be hard convincing a man to bring tyranny down on his own nation. When the protestors were trying to talk to them, they would not speak probably because they don't speak English. I would bet they are NATO troops sent over by the UN.
Doesn’t Law of War require they wear identifying insignia? Don’t UN Forces wear blue helmuts? This could be a black hat group of thugs paid for by Soros or similar. Wasn’t there a video a few years ago of a U.S. train full of UN armored vehicles? Wasn’t there ChiCom troops in BC supposedly “training” a year or so ago? Maybe time to connect the dots?
There are private guns for hire on the ground with unidentifiable uniforms or fake uniforms. They are here trying to instigate violence. Once they start the crap they will be whisked out of the country. The events seem to point to the usual playbook - get the crowd to fight back against the tyranny and then ask the UN for official help. That means cracking down on the entire country and keeping foreign occupying UN forces as peacekeepers. They plan on doing the same thing here in the US as well. This has always been their goal to defeat us. They knew they could not go head to head - they must destroy us from within. Identify and document the instigators. Once their cover is blown they will have a more difficult time pulling this off.
Or maybe the real ones who should be connecting the dots are the ones they're pretending to be if that's the case?
Otherwise, they're complicit too.
If the UN comes on American soil, oh baby.
This ends with Trudeau hanging. There is no other out for this pussy.
The Canadian people know what is happening. But bringing in the UN is another beast that points to guilt that will add to bringing this little bitchboy down.
They are already here, in Utah.
Really? They're getting ready. Once they show themselves like they are in Canada is the moment. They are doing things behind the scenes for certain.
How do you know this? You got some footage or something? This is something we need to show others.
So how long before the airport is rushed and the plane disabled?
Ever consider that the plane is there for bait? The fact that people have been able to get that close to video and that they left a marked plane out in the open.... well.... I smell a trap. Don't bite.
Now some people will understand those UN NY job adverts for UN security 3 years ago.... remember how the advert described the duties and that there was no need to be a citizen......!
Sooo…. where is the Canadian military in all of this?
There's only 50,000 active in Canada's military. Their equipment and weapons are old and in need of repair. Reminds me of when Obama made moves to weaken US military. Well it seems that the Canadian government has been successful in downgrading there's.
Found this overview of history and current state.
And no one would know who is in the uniform of the 'police' we see. Or the mil. Or the police anywhere. Or NG anywhere. Or the protestors. Or counter protestors. or anyone. God only knows whats really happening and I pray its being exposed and will see justice
Voyageur Airways Limited is an airline based in North Bay, Ontario, Canada that commenced operations in 1968. Along with air charters it also repairs and maintains aircraft, and provides an air ambulance service. It provides ground handling, fuel services and terminal services at the North Bay/Jack Garland Airport. It provides chartered aircraft to the United Nations and NATO, for operations in places such as Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Ivory Coast and Sudan.
Told ya...
The stormtroopers have arrived in America’s hat. Best of luck canucks.
WWIII starts in a place you would least expect. Hope we've been quietly fortifying that vast border......
💥BOOM!💥 That little faggot can’t be a dictator all alone, eh?!
I called it days ago,.theyre UN Forces they have no badges or Insignia,.,because its a war crime to use your own Millitary against its own people,.So they are using outside Forces to do their dirty work,..
They are not UN forces - the instigators on the ground are the private guns for hire. They are flown in secretly and will be flown out the same way after they finish their job of instigating violence sufficient for the government to crack down. That is when the UN officially gets involved. The plane could be either bait or part of the set up with advisors called in at the request of Castro Jr.
I was in the millitary in nz and worked with UN Forces ,in Bosnia Hertzagovina and the middle east, I know UN Forces when i see them,.anywhere,. Ill bet you 100 bucks theyre UN Forces,Some of our own Forces make up part of UN,.Force
I will take your word for it. Personally, no experience there. So I am more inclined to people you. Thanks
War, then.
Frens, for what it's worth, my bro works in the industry and this is what he had to say when I sent him this:
"Voyageur is based in North Bay and they've been doing UN contracts for many years. The aircraft are maintained in North Bay."
I'm not saying Trudy didn't bring in UN troops, but seeing a UN jet in North Bay is not out of the ordinary at all.
I fucking knew it.
NATO allies should be blasting these planes down from the sky.
This is fucked. It would be good if some patriots light that mofo up like a Christmas tree. 🔥🔥🔥 Just wear skinny jeans and a BLM shirt. Take a leaf out of the commies play book.