Yeah, an ALARACT was published at the beginning of February in the Army that is expediting the separation of soldiers refusing the vaccine up to 01JUL2022.
Still waiting to hear back on my Religious Accommodation.
The military kicked out the unvaxxed. Now they want us to be drafted back in? Lol sure buddy, give me a weapon and a platoon of unvaxxed Marines. See how well that works for you.
I guess Joe's battalion of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers isn't going to cut it? Biden, Milley, and Pskai are going to have to grab some bayonets and lead the charge for the "save our secrets" Ukraine operation.
As far as the unvacinnated being drafted into this nonsense, absolutely not. I am pureblood. Enter the Military to protect that faggot Milley? LOL no, he is on his own here.
Draft the Unvaxxed?
So we can become an elite force that conquers and liberates half the earth? Sounds good, where do I sign up?
Didn't they just discharge the unvaxxed? Lol
Yeah, the dumb cunt is too stupid to remember that.
My exact thoughts.
If you get to sign up, can you swing back and let me know where this elite force of unvaxxed chads will be stationed?
I'm, um, asking for a single lady pede friend of course.
Just have biden go on tv and say:
"If you want a full sex change to become a full trannie, join the army today, and upon return your reward will be a fully paid-for sex change"
Then load them into boxes ship them to ukraine, put a gun in their hands and say "go kill the fascists who hate lgbt"
“Service guarantees castration!”
I think this is a great idea.
The vaccine free are probably the only people who are ‘military fit’ for service..
Came to say this. ^
The Romanian soccer coach certainly agrees - he has banned jabbed players from playing because they are too weak.
Well, there's some actual truth for a change.
Draft Biden voters
But they're all dead? Who will pay to dig them up?
Leftist orcs are the enemy not Putin. They are the slaves and servants of darkness. I hope cunts like this die of VAIDS. Tired of them.
Apparently the unvaxxinated are the only people brave enough to stand on their belief in the face of lies.
I've served already I'll volunteer to serve again, epesciallynif it's to clean out the leftist trash and woke morons who are in our country.
So yeah, go ahead, draft us, we can't wait to come for you.
Also the vaccinated being deathly ill and unsuited to any degree of exertion.. which is likely to kill them.
Save us antivaxxers!
That would be a force of bad asses.
I'll volunteer my old ass to go fight, if I can kill every treasonous woke piece of shit in our military first.
Clearly wants them gone, one way or another.
Yeah, cause we won't fall over dead of a heart attack or blood clots.
Yeah, an ALARACT was published at the beginning of February in the Army that is expediting the separation of soldiers refusing the vaccine up to 01JUL2022.
Still waiting to hear back on my Religious Accommodation.
The military kicked out the unvaxxed. Now they want us to be drafted back in? Lol sure buddy, give me a weapon and a platoon of unvaxxed Marines. See how well that works for you.
Yes draft the strong ones with common sense to protect what is ours.
Uh, you can be unjabbed or jabbed, once you in (by enlist or draft) you will be jabbed to full mil spec, whatever it takes, before day 1 of boot camp.
Let's draft that stupid cunt first.
I guess Joe's battalion of lying, dog-faced pony soldiers isn't going to cut it? Biden, Milley, and Pskai are going to have to grab some bayonets and lead the charge for the "save our secrets" Ukraine operation. As far as the unvacinnated being drafted into this nonsense, absolutely not. I am pureblood. Enter the Military to protect that faggot Milley? LOL no, he is on his own here.
Hopefully the unvaxed will be in an elite military.
Hahah we would make America great again. These fucking pussies dont understand that resolve we have.
They have to draft the unvaccinated. The vaxxed have serious vax injuries
They already made their bed. Pure bloods are ineligible to serve. Send the trannies and fat bitches who were allowed to stay in.
that dumb bitch is still on Twitter? I used to troll the shit out of her.
Mock on morons, but sooner or later you are gonna need transfusions and the only ones who can give it are the unvaxxed
The vaxd will have a heart attack just trying to pass basic training.