After two years of having my personal life utterly f***ed with, and toyed with by the Dems - they can kiss the fattest part of my natural born white a$$ expecting “unity”.
You kept us in masks.
You kept us indoors.
You masked our children, and gave them PTSD that will take a life time to erase.
You kept us separated.
You forced an experimental drug on society.
You forced that drug while taking people’s livelihoods away because they chose not to take it.
You fired Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Police, and EMTs because of their choice. Less than a year after hailing them as heroes.
You used this sham to steal an election.
You stole that election in an attempt to usher in World Wide Totalitarianism.
You’ve been the direct cause of death, disease, famine, and families losing everything.
You stood idly by while your BLM and Antifa lackeys ravaged American cities.
You pushed for defunding police.
You gaslit an entire nation, and the World into division, hatred, and chaos.
You’ve used your mockingbird media to brainwash the innocent.
You fight for the right to murder babies.
You fight for the right to force a child to have sexual reassignment surgery.
You project, lie, manipulate and twist every single soul on this planet.
You’ve pushed God out, and welcomed Satan.
You’ve committed high treason.
You diddle kids.
You cover for pedophiles.
You call us racist.
You call us domestic terrorists.
You ran a false flag on January 6th, thus leading to horrible treatment of folks who simply walked around inside the Capitol.
You’ve allowed Big Pharma to dictate how healthy someone can be.
You cancelled the Cleveland Indians, Washington Redskins, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Jemima.
You tear down statues.
You burn books.
You censor free speech.
I’m sure I could keep going, but Imma go ahead and wrap this up.
Listen to me. Very carefully. Yes, [you]. We will not forget. We will not forgive. We will not unite with you. Period.
You will soon discover the sleeping giant you have awakened. Will we get violent? NOPE. Nor do we need to. We will continue doing as we have done for the past 4.5 years. And that is kicking you square in the dick over and over with truth, information, and memes.
Freedom loving humans the world over are sick of the bullshit, and if you think for one second ANY of us are gonna just let this shit slide, you better wake the fuck up and get some Wheaties in ya because we ain’t going away.
Our resolve has only strengthened. Our anger is Righteous, and God blankets us with His love, guidance, safety, and protection. Most importantly; What we have, you lack - We have truth, we have resolve, we have love, and we have GOD.
That’s why we will win.
God wins.
The end. (Anonymous)
It has been 5+ years for me. Without my consent.
I know you put your boundary on the 2020 election and the Covid crap, but, honestly, for me this awakening to oppression and suppression of my freedoms has been going on since November 2015 or even before.
I thank God that He is going through all of this with me. Without His guidance, the outcomes would be catastrophic darkness. With him, there is light and hope.
I trust the One who is trustworthy. Others, not so much.
Without God I would have been lost as well, I thank him daily for the foresight to see through their smoke and mirrors.
I feel like I have survivors guilt at times. Why did God awaken me? Why can’t my loved ones wake up too? 💔
My wife and I discuss this daily. Our “awakening” started in 1989, accelerated in 2001, started “prepping” in 2008, went nuts in 2012, saw a ray of light in 2017 and now we are happier than crap and so thankful to be alive the see this. We thank God at 8:32 pm everyday for this miracle. May He see us through this gracefully and in tact. May millions see the truth.
I would say my awakening to what was going on started withy support for Trump when he first announced he was running. Trump became a huge part of my life at that time and lewd to some incredible opportunities. Then Q came along and I have been following since almost day 1. I look back to my pre 2015 self and though I always knew something was wrong, i was for the most part, still asleep.
This needs to be stickied!
100%, one exception.
Last resort. Your gestapo comes to my door for "forced camp enrollment", you bet it's gonna get escalated. And once it does, there will be no stopping. It will be fast. It will be complete. It will be the whole nation and efficient. YOU DO NOT WANT TO GO THERE. THAT SCENARIO WILL NEVER END WELL FOR THE DS.
...other than that, yes. Carry on!
All it takes is one instance of this happening here in America, and it's on like Donkey Kong. This is why I don't think it happens here. There's now way we give up our guns beforehand. We know it. [they] know it. And [they]'re not gonna risk all out Civil War with over 100 million legal gun owners. And, speaking of illegal gun owners, does anyone really think they'd give up their guns, too? Especially MS-13, GD, Bloods, Crips, etc? Hahahahahaha.
There will be no door to door roundup of guns, patriots, or anything else other than Cabalites by the time this is all over.
Best post I've read in here in months (many months). My sentiment exactly - although my sentiment includes full accountability and justice for all no matter that they were "just following orders". Many people have conspired together to hijack our world, steal from us, control us and try to kill us. IMHO, it is past time to bring ALL of them to justice. I sincerely hope that many have already been hanged for their crimes against humanity. But there is still a long way to go. God bless you.
Well stated. Thanks.
Thanks Anon, you have a Brave Heart!
And most blamed it ALL on us.
I come from a more honest part of the country.
For this, we just say "Rape".
bowing to a master...well said patriot....thanks
this!!!! pointing up
They fired all these critical industry people in healthcare for not being vaccinated.. and then imported non-citizens to work the same jobs who were also not vaccinated. Which for some reason was fine?
No arrest on the democrats for claiming terrorism, insurrection, and all manner of fake lies hype around jan 6th jussie smollett style.. when not a single charge has been laid thats any more serious than trespassing or petty theft. For which peaceful people are in solitary.. at the same time when convicted murderers and rapists are being set free from prison mid-sentence due to covid risks. When every single actual killing was done by capitol police who have been sheltered from both scrutiny and accountability. When nobody asks who ordered open the mag-locked doors, and pretends it was an event that never happened despite being on video.
A great post.
Very well spoken my fren 👍 It's getting very difficult to not put my hands on the ones I encounter in every day life but I haven't and I will not. It's hard though 😂
Preach on.
Goose bumps reading that.
Yup fuck the dems. No unity at all.
Well purkiss you can run for the political office of your choosing from what you have meticulously detailed in this message to us. I'll damn sure vote for you probably buy you a round too. Keep strokin' patriot you got my attention.
Agree with all of this except for the violence part. Men may very well have to take a stand in our lifetime.
Couldn't have said it any better!
Spot on!
I don't (publicly) endorse violence, but they deserve to be at the business end of it.
Well said! Thank you for putting into words what I have felt for a long while.
Nice. But Dems are just the tip of their spear.
Truth! ❤️
Please make a graphic of this so I can copy and share
Everything but the not violent part. We need to start stringing these evil bags of meat up.
We are still holding the line with God on our side.
Your words have captured what The Great Awakening is all about. Thank Q 😊 WWG1WGA
Amazing! Thank you!