Did anyone ever figure out why his left foot is in a boot (full pic on right in this tweet)? Only thing I can find was from an article noting he was also wearing it at CPAC last weekend:
When asked by DailyMail.com how he injured his foot, he wouldn't say.
'I'm good, the Lord's taking care of it,' Pompeo said as he wheeled himself away.
Maybe. That takes quite a while in a boot/with crutches sometimes. Excess weight can lead to stress fractures and sometimes a tumor can develop from that, too.
I'm only floating it as a possibility for wearing a boot, although it really hasn't been that long for other surgical problems as a foot takes a lot of beating. But when I see massive weight loss in a short time I do tend to consider it.
When I see that, nowadays I think keto/paleo food choices
I never saw so much flab drip off so fast as when I started eating all I wanted of my favorite foods...comprised of protein and fat :) No food weighing, calorie counting, intense workouts, low energy, or being hungry (ever)
Exercise is essential for overall health and for joint flexibility!! Just not necessary FOR WEIGHT LOSS.
True, keto can do that, although mileage may vary. You can't exercise that much fat off but losing weight (not from cancer) can make you able to exercise better.
Here’s a FOX interview he did about his weight loss.
I’ve read other articles about his foot surgery back in January. No mention of cancer. The info is out there peeps, if you want to take the energy to look for it. Pompeo is a good guy, there is no way his boot is comms unless it’s being used to confuse the DS.
I don't think it's odd at all that he would wear a boot for two months, especially if they were cutting bones. People are desperate to find hidden meanings in every little variation from the ordinary.
Yeah but it's in Taiwan. It's never been cucked to respect the norms in other countries. If I got to play a badass position like Ambassador, I wouldn't mind wearing a mask for once.
True that. Still looks gay as fuck. I mean, no way that lady can even see correctly. Being a big badass ambassador, bet he could have done what he wanted and not worn the useless muzzle. Theyre so stupid.
X 22 is speculating Taiwan will be given to China.
If true, that really sucks for the Taiwanese if Hong Kong is a standard for them to be under the ccp thumb. I hope they can run independently. Without bloodshed or interference.
Can that lady even see? The masks are fucking gay. Dont care if this is some proof or not. The words are not exact and he looks fucking gay in that thing.
Even though I feel the Q drop is far fetched it's still super strange for this to be happening regardless which kind of legitimizes the drop anyway lol.
Kind of odd for a "former" ambassador/SoS to be in official talks with Taiwan.
Is he still ambassador? Correct me if I'm wrong.
If he doesn't have a "job" right now, it would be some solid evidence of devolution.
why the left are not SCREAMING " Logan Act " and howling at the moon right now seems strange
Too busy screaming "Kill Putin" at the moment, I guess.
“ I stand with Ukraine”
While kneeling to BLM.... kek
Name doesn’t quite checkout…then again?!?!
Yeah he stands with that giant boot on his one leg.
Mike Pompeo is not employed by the fake Biden admin.
What about this one. Check out the minutes/ seconds:
4923 Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/21/2020 21:55:05 ID: 12e944 Archive Bread/Post Links: 11187771 / 11201288 Direct Link: 11201288
Dearest Virginia - We stand with you. Now and always. Find peace through prayer. Never give up the good fight. God bless you. Q
I guess John Kerry is in on it too because of all of that diplomacy he was doing while Trump was in office. /s
Thanks, I was wondering myself.😊
Did anyone ever figure out why his left foot is in a boot (full pic on right in this tweet)? Only thing I can find was from an article noting he was also wearing it at CPAC last weekend:
He was wearing it a month ago and said it was from surgery. Maybe he had/ has bone cancer.
He's lost a lot of weight too, it would seem.
Would go together, although being fat aggravates any foot problem and losing weight a good start on it.
He looks terrible, did he get the clot shot?
bunion surgery?
Maybe. That takes quite a while in a boot/with crutches sometimes. Excess weight can lead to stress fractures and sometimes a tumor can develop from that, too.
Why are you going right to cancer when foot cancer is so rare?
I'm only floating it as a possibility for wearing a boot, although it really hasn't been that long for other surgical problems as a foot takes a lot of beating. But when I see massive weight loss in a short time I do tend to consider it.
When I see that, nowadays I think keto/paleo food choices
I never saw so much flab drip off so fast as when I started eating all I wanted of my favorite foods...comprised of protein and fat :) No food weighing, calorie counting, intense workouts, low energy, or being hungry (ever)
Exercise is essential for overall health and for joint flexibility!! Just not necessary FOR WEIGHT LOSS.
True, keto can do that, although mileage may vary. You can't exercise that much fat off but losing weight (not from cancer) can make you able to exercise better.
Here’s a FOX interview he did about his weight loss.
I’ve read other articles about his foot surgery back in January. No mention of cancer. The info is out there peeps, if you want to take the energy to look for it. Pompeo is a good guy, there is no way his boot is comms unless it’s being used to confuse the DS.
I don't think it's odd at all that he would wear a boot for two months, especially if they were cutting bones. People are desperate to find hidden meanings in every little variation from the ordinary.
My guess is it's to add confusion to the theory that foot cast = criminal tag.
Or it could just be a foot cast and not a criminal tag. It is possible.
A devils advocate would 100% say, "sometimes people just wear cats". So I'm with ya there.
Trump's hairstyle, finally explained.
(Qeq, I kid the Donald, we're friends! :)
The cat needs to enter this chat.
Heh too funny Covfefe. BTW does my comment say "edited", or did I actually pull that off somehow?
I need to get new glasses. I read "sometimes people just wear cats" instead of what you wrote!
I don't think you need any glasses, fren. 😉
Thanks! LOL the mental picture I had after reading cats made me giggle! Ah, what a way to start the weekend.
Its the simple things in life, fren 😁 I wish I had more of these conversations with people in real life who also understand.
It seems we are all spread out across the country almost by design.
Time stamp is 4:55 in this. So is OP playing us?
It’s 5:55 PM EST
You must be in the central time zone cause you’re an hour behind.
Where do you see 4:55? Mine says 5:55.
There's no way that's a coincidence. Either that's a proof, or we're being trolled.
Looks like a total cuck in the mask
Yeah but it's in Taiwan. It's never been cucked to respect the norms in other countries. If I got to play a badass position like Ambassador, I wouldn't mind wearing a mask for once.
I think the real question is whether or not they wear it behind closed doors. It's all for the cameras most of the time.
That's very true. It's typically theater.
True that. Still looks gay as fuck. I mean, no way that lady can even see correctly. Being a big badass ambassador, bet he could have done what he wanted and not worn the useless muzzle. Theyre so stupid.
He was wearing a boot recently? Like a GPS tracker boot? I didn't like that Pompeo wanted to kill Assange and that he's so pro Israel.
Plot twist: Pompeo lost weight so we could tell if photos of him are during or after Trump's first term. It's Q's version of the spoon pic.
X 22 is speculating Taiwan will be given to China.
If true, that really sucks for the Taiwanese if Hong Kong is a standard for them to be under the ccp thumb. I hope they can run independently. Without bloodshed or interference.
thats not him
I've been thinking for a few months what's up with Pompeo. He's lost a lot of weight, and almost looks sickly.
maybe in protective custody?
This is how he claims to have done it.
Fake account. And fake product. Telegram is literally filled with 90% nonsense and 10% good information. Meticore has always been nonsense.
He sure lost a lot of weight. And why he wearing a mask?
Now THIS is the kind of Q-cue on a Friday morning that kicks the weekend into high gear
Supposedly Pompeo was there to receive an award.
Sweet mask!
Can that lady even see? The masks are fucking gay. Dont care if this is some proof or not. The words are not exact and he looks fucking gay in that thing.
Even though I feel the Q drop is far fetched it's still super strange for this to be happening regardless which kind of legitimizes the drop anyway lol.
How’s this going-down…without the luciferians screaming?! There’s only one explanation; Devolution.
Latest edition of Devolution was posted BTW in case you haven't seen it yet.
Good post.
Excellent THANX!!!
😭happy tears
100% not him, not even close
Are you dense?
He’s lost a ton of weight…has been for a while. It’s him.