A good portion of you that believe this, and 100% of you that wrote this article and run/own this platform.... WILL HANG BY THE NECK UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.

The graphic is an attempt to hypnotize people into forgetting.
We should probably do a meme campaign about remembering.
And juice it up, spice it up, with the Ukraine biolabs stuff.
Edit to add my new theme song: Chris Stapleton, Watch You Burn
We will never forget.
We will never forgive.
Agreed. There is NO for forgiveness for genocide.
We can never forget but for our own well-being we must forgive. That does not mean that justice should not be swiftly served but it is too easy to become bitter from the results of the crimes against humanity. This world will soon be a radically different place due to the jabs alone.
I'll forgive them when I see them swinging upside down in a local square Mussolini style.
Maybe. Your description reminds me of a scene in one of the Hannibal films. For added flair, the a slice was added across the lower stomach so when the rope snapped tight at the feet the guts kept their downward momentum. It might be the humane way to quickly achieve the intended result without prolonged suffering. Graphic enough to teach kids that treason is terrible. Don’t do it
I ain't forgiving a damn thing.
I lost my job of 13 years due to their lies. I will forget nothing, EVER!!
Exactly. You fuck up my career, I'll fuck you right back!
Me too. Lost my small business. FUCK Jay Inslee!!!
Sorry fren, its been a tough 2 years for many of us. Hopefully you can rebuild it someday when this is all over with.
Forget people died alone? Forget you knew the shot was dangerous? Forget you manufactured this horror in a lab? Forget people lost their jobs? Forget you pushed jabbing our children? Forget you made small children wear masks for two years? Forget we could not gather with loved ones? Forget we could not go to our places of worship? Forget you ruined the entire medical industry? Forget you pushed the jab on our military? Forget you decimated a thriving economy? I DONT THINK SO.
That was an awesome reply!
To be fair the entire medical industry was already fucked up.
I agree but watching doctors toe the line for their corporation is really disheartening. As time went on I believe the doctors and nurses knew their plan for non-treatment in the hospital. They were also the frontline witnesses to the adverse reactions. And still they remained silent.
Doctors have been doing that for Big Pharma and their “brotherhood” since forever. Just try filing a lawsuit after being injured by a doctor “practicing” medicine. It’s almost impossible finding medical experts who will testify against their colleagues. True Justice for medical malpractice is so rare, most folks go broke or have a mental breakdown. The good news (if it can be called that) is that maybe we will FINALLY get some traction after this shit-show plandemic.
Remember the names. There should be no town in America that provides refuge for a governor or mayor who put sick people in nursing homes when mobile facilities were available and empty. Everyone who stole the election or cried Russia Russia Russia or mandated an experimental solution that was only approved for volunteers without coercion.
Username checks out.
Ukraine is a good try but these asshats already lost and it is too little too late.
Is it just me or does the pace of the Ukraine stories seem to be losing steam already?
Fox News went pretty hard with Ukraine propaganda tonight, but Hannity had Trump on talking Ukraine and CIA Cucker Tarlson was hitting the biolab story good. However, Russia is presenting their biolab evidence to the UN tomorrow so we can assume their operation must be in the wrap up phase. The stories likely will peter out because they cannot keep hiding the truth so we will likely get China's invasion of Taiwan or something else big to change the narrative from Russia/Ukraine.
I'm seeing a few leftards trying to post things like "it's time to move on" and other rubbish that's said by psychos who don't want to admit they're wrong.
Abusers tend to say that stuff after getting caught.
Just saying.
Same people who said "It's time for unity and healing" and they get the same "fuck you."
But Nuremberg 2.0 won't forget...
Much bigger than Nuremberg, fren!
Nuremberg better actually do it's job this time, not let a bunch of Nazis walk free like how none of the Ukrainian ones got brought to justice and allowed to resurge later on.
Citizen justice squads.
I've been pushing for militia for a long time. Time to channel that "toxic masculinity" somewhere. Haha.
Justice delayed is justice denied.
Never fucking forgive or forget
Damn straight
Like hell we will. people will pay for what they did to us. Some propaganda,droping of mandates, or some war will never make me forget the POS that did what they did to us
I don't care if we discover a planet killing asteroid headed our way, governments never again will be able to issue "states of emergency" and lock downs and such. Those tools are now unavailable to them. We will just live it up until the thing hits Earth.
Only for the next 30 years or so. Unfortunately, society has a poor memory, and most likely will forget most of this soon enough if the propaganda is good enough. It's disgusting really.
This is a call to arms, telling the bad guys using COMMs (vacuuming brain = brainwashing) to collaborate to make people forget the pandemic. This is a retreat, they have failed to implement what they intended and now they want it all to go away so they can focus on their next plan.
Never let them forget.
Young Guns 2 is underrated
They murdered countless people and forced tyranny on us and we are suppose to forgive and forget?
Never - this should be everyone's hill. Imagine the next step. They're wagging the dog with the Ukraine issue.
Got some sauce u/catsfive ?
NY Times - Enter At Your Own Risk
Thanks u/MAGAftwftp 👈🏻
Not the least bit surprised it came from this propaganda rag. Not surprised at all.
This will be their narrative for sure. Libs have the attention span of toddlers, so they will no doubt buy it hook, line, and sinker.
This shit killed my mother, I ain’t forgetting.
Pepe Farms will 'member.
I will do best to make people remember and bring it up till justice is done
The fuck I will.you fuckin clowns killed my family my friend cost me money and time.i will never forget and never forgive
The FUCK we will. Y'all took my Dad.
Um, what platform?
A decidedly uninformative post, Cats.
It's emotional, I'll give you that. But it leads nowhere.
Sorry bro, just being honest.
Thanks for your modding work.
Was on a ventilator with a clinical prognosis of poor. My family got scared and got the shot. I wont forget.
Where is this from? Want to link to my FB and fuck some normies up.
LOL no we won't. The vaccine damage, economic damage, trampling of inherent rights, etc... will not allow for that!
This is written like a deep state fantasy novel. This is what they want, not the reality we're going to give them.
No, you won't forget! We won't let that happen!
What Pandemic?
No we won't. To all those who enslaved us: WE ARE COMING FOR YOU!!
7.9 my ass. It's way more than that
All involved must hang
I would argue that this treasonous headline is absolutely correct for most Americans. Most of them aren’t even aware of the fact that they were duped, tricked, lied to, manipulated and abused. Most of them are completely unaware that an entire generation of children will never catch up on their development as long as they live. Millions of Americans are completely unaware of the fact that masks don’t work.
And as for any of them hanging? I’ll believe that when I see it.
Hanging is very public. Not all justice is done in public.
Many of these treasonous subhumans will fade from public awareness and disappear.
Those who have already disappeared, and those who will disappear in the near future? Plenty of them are actually gone. Why?
Because justice can be served quickly, quietly, secretly, and efficiently. Because a courtroom can so easily be turned into a propaganda stage. Because guilt and innocence under our current legal system is stratified based on political castes and social class. Because jury tampering and judicial corruption are rampant in "traditional" trials. Because technicalities and legal loopholes protect and reward our degenerate demagogues. Because reduced sentencing allows the vilest vermin to reoffend.
It has to be this way. It's not ideal but it is necessary.
Those grandparents, children, parents, relatives, friends, co-workers, etc., who lost someone to Covid or to the vaxx are not likely to forget. Only 1 person that I know died from covid but she weighed over 300 lbs, was 5'4" and had diabetes and a host of other cormobidities. My family doesn't know anyone else who died from the virus. We do know 1 man who died of a stroke not long after he was vaxxed.