Though according to the article it was simply due to oil prices being so high that they could afford to pay the federal penalties/fines for staying open.
I wonder if congress or the department claiming to be in charge itself will simply increase the fines to prevent them from doing business.
It is ridiculous that the fines are even there in the first place.
The states need to stop paying any fines to the Federal Govt. We have State sovereignty and should d shut down the Fed by ignoring their asinine rules.
GO FOR IT. Where I used to live they are building a HUGE fracking plant. As you cross the bridge that runs over it, you cant even see where it ends. As per this article, they expect to be open and running soon.
If all oil producers just ignored the bans on production. Problem solved.
States need to start making their own decisions.
Time to pull away and start serving your people.
What "they" will fine you...BFD...if they last long enough...let them fine you...tell them the check is in the mail or say you are broke and filing for bankruptcy.
What does it matter? The world is going down in flames anyway. Normal left the building back in 2020. There is no going back.
One way or another there is going to be a whole lot of hurt on a whole lot of people.
Which side do you want to be on?
The one that sat there holding your balls waiting for permission to start processing, while the world burned or are you going THE ONE who stood up and said NO MORE.
Turn on those pumps!
The only thing that holds this nation together is the obedience of people who really RUN it.
Keystone, start transporting, trucks start delivering. What are they going to stop you?
Is the gas police going to show up at your door and tell you to stop.
Keyword "new", Montana has a growing oil industry and as another pede mentioned above, they are creating a huge fracking plant that's opening in a few weeks.
I hope they also seriously beef up the security for all the wells, refineries, and other vital production infrastructure. At this point in time, I'm fully expecting the cabal to engage in direct sabatoge and brazen destruction.
Take petroleum production from the fed. They have no right to dictate what happens in the lands that belong to the States. Federal lands shouldn't even exist in the boundaries of the States. The Fed doesn't own anything except the military bases they run and the little bit of property that are in the federal buildings. It is time to reign in the government. Federal taxes should be done away with on individuals. Let's go back to the States paying their fair share to the fed and let us pay the States. Bring the power back closer to us. Consolidation of power is what got us here. Let's redistribute the power and make it much harder for any group to ever take power ever again.
but texas can produce and share, for example. im just saying states need to disengage where possible from federal government and do what serves citizens best. Like florida, like texas, etc
this. this is what we've been waiting for. the states taking back their power.
Exactly what I was going to say!
Though according to the article it was simply due to oil prices being so high that they could afford to pay the federal penalties/fines for staying open.
I wonder if congress or the department claiming to be in charge itself will simply increase the fines to prevent them from doing business.
It is ridiculous that the fines are even there in the first place.
The states need to stop paying any fines to the Federal Govt. We have State sovereignty and should d shut down the Fed by ignoring their asinine rules.
then again it's an illegitimate government that has not proven to be legitimate.
I'm leaning towards Biden claiming credit for the extra supply
Nice forethought.
it's the standard biden MO. blame all the bad things on trump while taking credit for other people actually doing their jobs...
that's where the states taking their rights for themselves comes into play...
There’s more of us then them. Time for a Constitutional moment.
That's why they want everybody practicing social distance.
Can we please just escort the entire evil regime straight to GITMO -Do NOT PASS GO
GO FOR IT. Where I used to live they are building a HUGE fracking plant. As you cross the bridge that runs over it, you cant even see where it ends. As per this article, they expect to be open and running soon.
About fucking time! Open it all up, fuck this puppet corporation government
TEXAS it is your turn now!
If all oil producers just ignored the bans on production. Problem solved.
States need to start making their own decisions.
Time to pull away and start serving your people.
What "they" will fine you...BFD...if they last long enough...let them fine you...tell them the check is in the mail or say you are broke and filing for bankruptcy.
What does it matter? The world is going down in flames anyway. Normal left the building back in 2020. There is no going back.
One way or another there is going to be a whole lot of hurt on a whole lot of people.
Which side do you want to be on?
The one that sat there holding your balls waiting for permission to start processing, while the world burned or are you going THE ONE who stood up and said NO MORE.
Turn on those pumps!
The only thing that holds this nation together is the obedience of people who really RUN it.
Keystone, start transporting, trucks start delivering. What are they going to stop you?
Is the gas police going to show up at your door and tell you to stop.
I know some of our reps in PA are pushing Wolf to do the same. I keep getting emails from mine about it.
He's a commie fag and keeps saying no, which is expect. But we are trying here
Just do it and ignore them.
If Abbott wants re-election bad enough this might seal the deal.
If he wants my vote, it will be needed.
no pun intended?
drrrrrill Baby drrrrilll!
Said Jussie…right about NOW?
That's good...hehe. updoot...
ha, never saw that one before!
Ding ding ding! Good job Montana. That is the correct answer.
Here in north dakota we never stopped lol
Keyword "new", Montana has a growing oil industry and as another pede mentioned above, they are creating a huge fracking plant that's opening in a few weeks.
I hope they also seriously beef up the security for all the wells, refineries, and other vital production infrastructure. At this point in time, I'm fully expecting the cabal to engage in direct sabatoge and brazen destruction.
Lord Jesus, I know you heard that. Help please
For your post to God's ears!
Good for Montana! They should horde it domestically and take their entire state off the grid.
I hope we start to feel relief in gas prices.
Where ya at Texas?
You’d figure Abbott would be all over this if he wants to be re-elected.
You'd think Wyoming would be based and do this type of stuff too. But no.
The Cheney's have a grip on the 20 reps in Wyoming.
Wonderful! They can't jail us all.
Like the Feds had a right to tell a State what they can do in the first place...
I was wondering why oil companies just didn’t say, “F@ck you Joe, we’re going back work, try and stop us”. Good for them.
About time someone grew a set!
Take petroleum production from the fed. They have no right to dictate what happens in the lands that belong to the States. Federal lands shouldn't even exist in the boundaries of the States. The Fed doesn't own anything except the military bases they run and the little bit of property that are in the federal buildings. It is time to reign in the government. Federal taxes should be done away with on individuals. Let's go back to the States paying their fair share to the fed and let us pay the States. Bring the power back closer to us. Consolidation of power is what got us here. Let's redistribute the power and make it much harder for any group to ever take power ever again.
Now lawsuit the H*ll out of Biden for lost wages/economic hardship!
About time people start ignoring them and do their own business. Where did he get control of it anyhow?
This is the way
Thank god I neighbor Montana, they produce over half of my states oil.
Haha awesome! I hope lots of others follow!!
I was wondering how I was going to afford to move to Russia. Montana it is!
Montana! Fuck Yeah!
Just another form of taxation.Ultimately we pay for federal fines.
THIS is what needs to happen in EVERY state. Cant wait for convention of states to get their shit rolling
The only issue is, not every state produces oil.
but texas can produce and share, for example. im just saying states need to disengage where possible from federal government and do what serves citizens best. Like florida, like texas, etc
And only provide the oil to conservative states!
Nah, we shouldn't make them suffer any more.
Gee thanks. I'll keep paying $5.70 per gallon then.