The jab was the poison dart sent as the first wave to weaken the population before a full on assault.
Except I think the jab was originally meant to be the finishing blow. If DJT never did operation warp speed, we wouldn't have the jabs out for 4-5 years and people would be dying from lockdowns, starvation, etc all that time and THEN the jabs would be released with the promise of going back to normal. There would be a final massive wave of deaths and then the globalists would have won.
Instead we saw their final move up front, and the deaths that are happening now may actually end up saving us from starvation later on when the food shortages really hit.
I think the originally planned jab would have been more deadly, and it wouldn't matter, because we'd be begging for it after years of being locked inside.
No more destroying infrastructure, smashing power plants, burning up wealth in Hot War.
They want a Soft War via immune systems disappearing in select populations & sterility. Eugenics is never going away.
Don’t be fooled.
I have a LOT of Democrat friends absolutely panicking over Biden. They see the NEOCON / Straussians just switched sides and now have them crowing for war etc. it’s terrifying them watching reality be programmed out from underneath them.
Wait for 6G. 5G doesn’t quite penetrate Biology and just serves as a baseline for what is coming. Again this is their own writing. The fact they openly discuss all of this makes it all the more alarming
In support of your theory. Many have done the analysis, it can be found, of the VAERS db. That can be extracted into xls and obviously sliced and diced. It "appears" as certain lots were the culprits. My personal anecdotal evidence along with the VAERS analysis leads me to believe that a higher % than many may think are placebo's. I cannot believe that would have been the case if this had went down it's previously planned course. I wonder if we will ever know what coulda, woulda, shoulda happened had the White Hats and Trump not intervened. I think about this quite a bit. Keeps me thankful.
Why would it matter that Trump did warpspeed? No one was forced to bring their vaccines to market, the pharmacy companies willingly did it themselves. Pfizer even declared it was ready right after the election out of spite.
But if that was their plan, what fdoes receiving billions have to do with the timeline?
I think no one in the cabal really believed OWS would be successful in rushing the jabs to release but because they were hyping up the severity and saying the vaxx was the only way out, they couldn't oppose the cutting of red tape that OWS did. Did the Trump admin use emergency powers to force vaccine manufacturers to speed up their production and distribution? Yes, and they all went along with it because they had no plausible reason not to.
And risk someone coming out with a jab that actually works? Like the one the military was working on that we heard about? No, they made the only move they could make.
Yeah I suppose so. I haven't heard anything about that military one in a long time, now that I think about it. Probably because whoever wanted a shot got one (or 3) by now.
Sure as shit don't see Putin inoculating his own troops with poison. Does anyone really think "the best is yet to come" for these poor 83 soldiers that have died at Fort Bragg the past 18 months? This is what pisses me off about all the people on here that blindly parrot "PATRIOTS IN CONTROL!!" & "MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY!!". Like fucking really? Poisoning and killing off our own soldiers was part of the plan?
Only thing patriots might be in control of is making sure the nukes don't fly. Cause literally every single other issue they've been blown the fuck out on by the cabal. Anyone who doesn't understand that this is a knockout, drag out fight with the potential of the white hats and all of us permanently and definitively losing forever is being flat out intellectually dishonest with themselves.
Remember a month ago when so many on here thought the truckers convoy was a massive sign of people awakening? Then Ukraine happens and even the biggest conservatives are instantly yanked back into the fear porn hysteria by the media. I think this fight has gone stupendously wrong at many points along the way for the white hats. They're still in it, and possibly even closing in on the W. But its been everything but "clean and swift". Covid and the vaxxes alone will be crippling American families for decades.
I kinda agree. I think they underestimated how big the media manipulation is and that many normies are actually stupid.
Trump, Flynn, Pompeo etc. hang out with highly intelligent logical people all the time. The Trump administration definitely interacted with the people more then any other President but still they don’t live in the “normal world” day in and day out. I had better luck explaining why I didn’t get the jab then explaining why I support Putin. You’re right so many conservatives I know who didn’t buy the covid narrative are buying the Putin bad narrative hook line and sinker.
Yeah absolutely. Even the type of people who would go out to Trump rallies from 2016 onward are way ahead of the curve on most topics than the majority of people that are centrists or on the right.
In regards to the media and Putin, you're watching them cash in hard on the "foundation myth" of Adolph Hitler and the iconography of what that meant to boomers and anyone who ever sat down and enjoyed Saving Private Ryan. It's hilarious how people who have never fought any type of evil are so in love with the idea of publicly supporting anything that opposes "evil". I hope Putin ends up revealing some shit that catches every piece of shit American with their pants down. But I don't see why the media would ever report on it so I suppose this fight will keep dragging out and the media can continue getting on with murder. Trump really failed by not eliminating the media day 1 as president. They spent his entire term calling him a fascist, might as well have gotten his money's worth. A lot more Americans would be alive and breathing today if he had done that.
The three biggest mistakes of the fathers of the Constitution:
They should have ensured that the first few amendments we're unable to be altered in any way, shape or form and asserted that they were not open to reinterpretation.
They should have had term limits for Congress.
They should have ensured that the Constitution extended to private corporations.
Hindsight is 20-20 but these would have eliminated almost all of our problems.
First and second amendment would not be able to be targeted.
We wouldn't have career politicians like the vodka elemental.
We wouldn't have any form of government mandates-by-proxy by using the private sector.
No personal courage, no integrity, he made the choice. I’m a combat veteran IDGAF if I hurt feelings, knowing you are doing the wrong thing and still doing it… I don’t want them people serving anyways, but that’s all we have left.
You're assuming that every jabbed military member knew the full consequences of taking the injection at the time they took it, and that simply isn't true. Everyone on this forum knew long ago but that's not an accurate representation of the general public. As for anyone who knew the jab is deadly and took it anyway to save their career, yes they are a combination of stupid and cowardly.
Also remember, the government lied and his the TRUE data. It's now just coming out. It's very easy to say what one would do when it not longer applies to then My Marine was the last to cave. He could no longer with stand the mental torture that "leadership" was putting him under. That is why you're seeing the rise in suicides.
While I don't agree with mr combat vet, I completely understand where they're coming from lol. Our jobs were to act on intel and charlie mike, not collect and analyze intel. Our logic and understanding is limited.
Be well always frens, we are in the end game.
I won't make excuses for people who got injected blindly without thinking about it at all. However, I don't think it's possible to not have been bombarded with information about the jab. It's unavoidable. The problem is that people assumed what the media/government was telling them was true. They had information, but it was bad information.
My daughter is in the ARMY 7 years now. Blackhawk mechanic and combat deployment in 2019. She refused the jab and she still is in. Tild her to make them court-martial but nobody said a word.
I realize that a young kid doesn't have the contacts and experience to consult an attorney who sues the US military, but I hope you can help direct him to a good guy in his area. Typically there are several around every base.
Detrick and yes to both. Bragg also has environmental contamination that no one would rectify for years, and a theory developed that this was some kind of beta test for a plausibly denial "spill" whose purpose is long term annihilation of a military installation.
So 83 total minus 11 deaths from natural causes. That's 72 other deaths in 18 months. Death by what? If it was the COVID shot, I would expect that the people at the top who made this shit happen in the first place would not hesitate to call those deaths "natural causes." So what's happening here?
I was at Bragg for 3.5 years. There is a sign that counts the days without a Division fatality. When you make it to 82 days without a division fatality you get a day off. We made it to 82 days twice the entire time I was there. This was in the 90s. Soldiers are always doing stupid shit and dying. These numbers do not alarm me.
This is so fn infuriating I don't even want to read it. These Americans gave up their lives for a little while not knowing that an experimental poison would take them out. Fn unbelievable the evil we walk amoungst.🤬🤬🤡
This is so sad. They didn't sign up for this! Killed by traitors from their own country! I'd pay to see these traitors hang!! Losing these brave young soldiers is a huge loss!!
You all do realize, due to exercise and staying fit, most military are among the healthiest of us. I knew very, very few who died natural deaths during my 20 years in the Army. Those responsible for mandating these death jabs should face consequences.
Dude right? Only soldiers I knew who passed not due to war-related training or combat were drunk driving accidents. This is not normal for young men to die in their bunks.
A friend told me that when he got covid, he felt like something was inside his head trying to get out. It was awful. It had that nightmarish component.
So maybe more suicides because they've got to deal with some "entity" they are putting in some shots or in the airborne strain.
If I were the enemy, I'd give the army the hot shots and save the weak or saline ones for civilians. Gotta knock out the fighters first.
I did, for a decade. I was in the middle east in the 90s and a few other not so fun places. During those ten years I personally found seven men that had killed themselves. I wish it wasn't as common as it is.
One huge problem is you get a lot of dumb kids who never worked a day in their life and barely passed high school lined up for action and then they get in over their heads and have nowhere to go.
My son too. His Patriotic beliefs were before himself.
NOW, ALL Be The Glory to GOD!
WHO says Turn to me all and repent and I will Be Your Living God and will be Your shield and strength and healing. Through Christ, The Son, The Way The Truth, The Power and The Glory.
No Devices used against me will prevail.
Holy and Mighty God! May EVERYONE WAKE UP AND KNOW YOU NOW!!!!!
My son is NG and was supposed to go to Ft. Bragg for his 2 weeks soon, but they changed the location to another base. Here’s the thing... first they say he has to show his vaxx card to go on active duty, he refused the vaxx and they say it doesn’t matter he has to go anyway. Is there any chance they will physically force the vaxx on him when he goes to active duty for the 2 weeks? He is ready to leave the NG if they push him or give him an ultimatum about it.
I've seen a graph where the risk of myocarditis peaks ate age 14 but can't find it now (peaks are around 20 and 16 in the above graphs). So the people who have almost no risk of harm from the virus (young fit people) are being subjected to a vaccine they are actually at highest risk for 1 major side effect. This doesn't even talk about the other side-effects although those look to be spread more evenly across all age groups (such as body wide blood clots: I have heard of a few people who easily survived the virus get blood clots after they were pressured to get the vaccine and died of it - even their science says that natural immunity is way better than this vaccine's immunity and there is no reason to get a shot if you already had the virus, unless you want to die of the vaccine).
When news that a group of the healthiest, and young, people in the country experiences this kind of thing, how could "normies" NOT wake up? Is there not a single, real, national level, journalist in the U.S. who is disgusted enough to report this, regardless of what will happen to them?
Isn't the Army going to be part of plan? Maybe it's a cover.
If by now sheeple don't see that ALL vaccines are of the devil and cease getting them including our babies then we are lost forever.
Revelation 18:23
“And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
Sorceries: Lexicon :: Strong's G5331 - pharmakeia
†φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i'-ah; from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
the use or the administering of drugs
sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
and they know now that Pfizer was putting a varying amt of crap in various batches. probably to hid what they were doing. so you got a shot from one batch and your buddy would get a shot from a different batch.
Any of the military leaders who forced this EUA shot, court martialed, imprisoned or executed based on military tribunal. They need to be removed from the service one way or another.
Warn your family members ...not sure if they should run. demand answers after taking and broadcasting as many photos ccx as possible if no immediate response. Soldiers should rise up and rebel against leadership in a. Coordinated effort. After strategizing giving cabal no grounds for locking them up.
Survival of the fittest. Natural selection (through looks and/or intelligence) always prevails. It’s unfortunate that some stupid people have to perish this way
The jab was the poison dart sent as the first wave to weaken the population before a full on assault.
Except I think the jab was originally meant to be the finishing blow. If DJT never did operation warp speed, we wouldn't have the jabs out for 4-5 years and people would be dying from lockdowns, starvation, etc all that time and THEN the jabs would be released with the promise of going back to normal. There would be a final massive wave of deaths and then the globalists would have won.
Instead we saw their final move up front, and the deaths that are happening now may actually end up saving us from starvation later on when the food shortages really hit.
It was all set up for Hillary. They continued it with trump who sidetracked the plan.
I think the originally planned jab would have been more deadly, and it wouldn't matter, because we'd be begging for it after years of being locked inside.
The NWO was forced to implement their plan before they were ready.
They have voiced their plans for decades.
No more destroying infrastructure, smashing power plants, burning up wealth in Hot War.
They want a Soft War via immune systems disappearing in select populations & sterility. Eugenics is never going away. Don’t be fooled.
I have a LOT of Democrat friends absolutely panicking over Biden. They see the NEOCON / Straussians just switched sides and now have them crowing for war etc. it’s terrifying them watching reality be programmed out from underneath them.
Wait for 6G. 5G doesn’t quite penetrate Biology and just serves as a baseline for what is coming. Again this is their own writing. The fact they openly discuss all of this makes it all the more alarming
In support of your theory. Many have done the analysis, it can be found, of the VAERS db. That can be extracted into xls and obviously sliced and diced. It "appears" as certain lots were the culprits. My personal anecdotal evidence along with the VAERS analysis leads me to believe that a higher % than many may think are placebo's. I cannot believe that would have been the case if this had went down it's previously planned course. I wonder if we will ever know what coulda, woulda, shoulda happened had the White Hats and Trump not intervened. I think about this quite a bit. Keeps me thankful.
Why would it matter that Trump did warpspeed? No one was forced to bring their vaccines to market, the pharmacy companies willingly did it themselves. Pfizer even declared it was ready right after the election out of spite.
But if that was their plan, what fdoes receiving billions have to do with the timeline?
I think no one in the cabal really believed OWS would be successful in rushing the jabs to release but because they were hyping up the severity and saying the vaxx was the only way out, they couldn't oppose the cutting of red tape that OWS did. Did the Trump admin use emergency powers to force vaccine manufacturers to speed up their production and distribution? Yes, and they all went along with it because they had no plausible reason not to.
The NWO was planning to lock us up for years. Coming up with the killer Covid jab prevented that from happening.
timeliness? Could have said that further testing was needed and not just do a 60 day "study" where they ended up vaxxing the control group.
And risk someone coming out with a jab that actually works? Like the one the military was working on that we heard about? No, they made the only move they could make.
Or risk our finding out about ivermectin and HCQ.
See how fast they had to shut that down?
Wondering if this is why they killed 87 (at last count) holistic doctors by 2015.
Yeah I suppose so. I haven't heard anything about that military one in a long time, now that I think about it. Probably because whoever wanted a shot got one (or 3) by now.
It already served its purpose, it prevented the cabal from slow walking the vax because it created the illusion of competition. Maybe. Lol
Sure as shit don't see Putin inoculating his own troops with poison. Does anyone really think "the best is yet to come" for these poor 83 soldiers that have died at Fort Bragg the past 18 months? This is what pisses me off about all the people on here that blindly parrot "PATRIOTS IN CONTROL!!" & "MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY!!". Like fucking really? Poisoning and killing off our own soldiers was part of the plan?
Only thing patriots might be in control of is making sure the nukes don't fly. Cause literally every single other issue they've been blown the fuck out on by the cabal. Anyone who doesn't understand that this is a knockout, drag out fight with the potential of the white hats and all of us permanently and definitively losing forever is being flat out intellectually dishonest with themselves.
Remember a month ago when so many on here thought the truckers convoy was a massive sign of people awakening? Then Ukraine happens and even the biggest conservatives are instantly yanked back into the fear porn hysteria by the media. I think this fight has gone stupendously wrong at many points along the way for the white hats. They're still in it, and possibly even closing in on the W. But its been everything but "clean and swift". Covid and the vaxxes alone will be crippling American families for decades.
I kinda agree. I think they underestimated how big the media manipulation is and that many normies are actually stupid.
Trump, Flynn, Pompeo etc. hang out with highly intelligent logical people all the time. The Trump administration definitely interacted with the people more then any other President but still they don’t live in the “normal world” day in and day out. I had better luck explaining why I didn’t get the jab then explaining why I support Putin. You’re right so many conservatives I know who didn’t buy the covid narrative are buying the Putin bad narrative hook line and sinker.
Yeah absolutely. Even the type of people who would go out to Trump rallies from 2016 onward are way ahead of the curve on most topics than the majority of people that are centrists or on the right.
In regards to the media and Putin, you're watching them cash in hard on the "foundation myth" of Adolph Hitler and the iconography of what that meant to boomers and anyone who ever sat down and enjoyed Saving Private Ryan. It's hilarious how people who have never fought any type of evil are so in love with the idea of publicly supporting anything that opposes "evil". I hope Putin ends up revealing some shit that catches every piece of shit American with their pants down. But I don't see why the media would ever report on it so I suppose this fight will keep dragging out and the media can continue getting on with murder. Trump really failed by not eliminating the media day 1 as president. They spent his entire term calling him a fascist, might as well have gotten his money's worth. A lot more Americans would be alive and breathing today if he had done that.
The three biggest mistakes of the fathers of the Constitution:
They should have ensured that the first few amendments we're unable to be altered in any way, shape or form and asserted that they were not open to reinterpretation.
They should have had term limits for Congress.
They should have ensured that the Constitution extended to private corporations.
Hindsight is 20-20 but these would have eliminated almost all of our problems.
First and second amendment would not be able to be targeted.
We wouldn't have career politicians like the vodka elemental.
We wouldn't have any form of government mandates-by-proxy by using the private sector.
It's extra frustrating because the conversation from your criticism always blindly goes:
Them: The ending won't be for everyone
You: Q said our families were safe
Then: Disinformation is necessary
Like.. If you can apply it to that, then you can apply it to the entirety of this movement.
Yeah most of my family being triple jabbed isn’t safe.
No personal courage, no integrity, he made the choice. I’m a combat veteran IDGAF if I hurt feelings, knowing you are doing the wrong thing and still doing it… I don’t want them people serving anyways, but that’s all we have left.
You're assuming that every jabbed military member knew the full consequences of taking the injection at the time they took it, and that simply isn't true. Everyone on this forum knew long ago but that's not an accurate representation of the general public. As for anyone who knew the jab is deadly and took it anyway to save their career, yes they are a combination of stupid and cowardly.
Also remember, the government lied and his the TRUE data. It's now just coming out. It's very easy to say what one would do when it not longer applies to then My Marine was the last to cave. He could no longer with stand the mental torture that "leadership" was putting him under. That is why you're seeing the rise in suicides.
You are correct I was wrong in that, and I can say made the mistake of doing so when I was in with the anthrax vaccine.
While I don't agree with mr combat vet, I completely understand where they're coming from lol. Our jobs were to act on intel and charlie mike, not collect and analyze intel. Our logic and understanding is limited. Be well always frens, we are in the end game.
And people who took the jab without confirming what was being injected into their body are any better?
I won't make excuses for people who got injected blindly without thinking about it at all. However, I don't think it's possible to not have been bombarded with information about the jab. It's unavoidable. The problem is that people assumed what the media/government was telling them was true. They had information, but it was bad information.
My daughter is in the ARMY 7 years now. Blackhawk mechanic and combat deployment in 2019. She refused the jab and she still is in. Tild her to make them court-martial but nobody said a word.
Thats a rotten thing to say
I realize that a young kid doesn't have the contacts and experience to consult an attorney who sues the US military, but I hope you can help direct him to a good guy in his area. Typically there are several around every base.
Btw, isnt Fort Bragg the infamous place with human experimentation?
Yes and Detrich
I am guessing these soldiers were experimented on.
Mandatory "vaxx" is def. an experiment..
As were we.
Detrick and yes to both. Bragg also has environmental contamination that no one would rectify for years, and a theory developed that this was some kind of beta test for a plausibly denial "spill" whose purpose is long term annihilation of a military installation.
Fort Bragg?
So 83 total minus 11 deaths from natural causes. That's 72 other deaths in 18 months. Death by what? If it was the COVID shot, I would expect that the people at the top who made this shit happen in the first place would not hesitate to call those deaths "natural causes." So what's happening here?
Also, what is the normal death rate there?
83 out of 53,000 active duty stationed there.
2020 had 44 deaths.
Camp pendleton houses about 80k marines. Average is 20 deaths per 100k.
So, brag has doubled their death rate. Something to look at.
I was at Bragg for 3.5 years. There is a sign that counts the days without a Division fatality. When you make it to 82 days without a division fatality you get a day off. We made it to 82 days twice the entire time I was there. This was in the 90s. Soldiers are always doing stupid shit and dying. These numbers do not alarm me.
Redditors beat this. Almost a 100 of them died in their bunks all in one day.
Exactly, lying by omission
This is so fn infuriating I don't even want to read it. These Americans gave up their lives for a little while not knowing that an experimental poison would take them out. Fn unbelievable the evil we walk amoungst.🤬🤬🤡
This brings me to tears!
And gets his nails did.
This is so sad. They didn't sign up for this! Killed by traitors from their own country! I'd pay to see these traitors hang!! Losing these brave young soldiers is a huge loss!!
You all do realize, due to exercise and staying fit, most military are among the healthiest of us. I knew very, very few who died natural deaths during my 20 years in the Army. Those responsible for mandating these death jabs should face consequences.
Yeah. Suicide kills the most.
Dude right? Only soldiers I knew who passed not due to war-related training or combat were drunk driving accidents. This is not normal for young men to die in their bunks.
My son is at Ft. Bragg, he told me there have been a lot of suicides there, not sure of any more details.
Are they REAL suicides?
Or are they Arkancides?
A friend told me that when he got covid, he felt like something was inside his head trying to get out. It was awful. It had that nightmarish component.
So maybe more suicides because they've got to deal with some "entity" they are putting in some shots or in the airborne strain.
If I were the enemy, I'd give the army the hot shots and save the weak or saline ones for civilians. Gotta knock out the fighters first.
Did you serve?
I did, for a decade. I was in the middle east in the 90s and a few other not so fun places. During those ten years I personally found seven men that had killed themselves. I wish it wasn't as common as it is.
One huge problem is you get a lot of dumb kids who never worked a day in their life and barely passed high school lined up for action and then they get in over their heads and have nowhere to go.
My son too. His Patriotic beliefs were before himself.
NOW, ALL Be The Glory to GOD!
WHO says Turn to me all and repent and I will Be Your Living God and will be Your shield and strength and healing. Through Christ, The Son, The Way The Truth, The Power and The Glory. No Devices used against me will prevail. Holy and Mighty God! May EVERYONE WAKE UP AND KNOW YOU NOW!!!!!
Amen! With God, Nothing is Impossible!
My son is NG and was supposed to go to Ft. Bragg for his 2 weeks soon, but they changed the location to another base. Here’s the thing... first they say he has to show his vaxx card to go on active duty, he refused the vaxx and they say it doesn’t matter he has to go anyway. Is there any chance they will physically force the vaxx on him when he goes to active duty for the 2 weeks? He is ready to leave the NG if they push him or give him an ultimatum about it.
I agree with the comment above to make them take it to court-martial. They need to prove it's a lawful order at this point.
There is always the chance theybwill try to bully him.
Also, this CANNOT be blamed on the CCP virus itself as that virus almost never causes any serious illness or side-effects for younger individuals.
The vaccine side-effects are actually worse for younger people. Here are a few articles that contain such graphs:
I've seen a graph where the risk of myocarditis peaks ate age 14 but can't find it now (peaks are around 20 and 16 in the above graphs). So the people who have almost no risk of harm from the virus (young fit people) are being subjected to a vaccine they are actually at highest risk for 1 major side effect. This doesn't even talk about the other side-effects although those look to be spread more evenly across all age groups (such as body wide blood clots: I have heard of a few people who easily survived the virus get blood clots after they were pressured to get the vaccine and died of it - even their science says that natural immunity is way better than this vaccine's immunity and there is no reason to get a shot if you already had the virus, unless you want to die of the vaccine).
Umm, how does anyone 'soldier age' die of natural causes?
Well because Climate Change, of course! DUH!!
When news that a group of the healthiest, and young, people in the country experiences this kind of thing, how could "normies" NOT wake up? Is there not a single, real, national level, journalist in the U.S. who is disgusted enough to report this, regardless of what will happen to them?
I used to have a friend there, he has a lot to deal with. God protect them all there.
Isn't the Army going to be part of plan? Maybe it's a cover. If by now sheeple don't see that ALL vaccines are of the devil and cease getting them including our babies then we are lost forever.
Revelation 18:23 “And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived.”
Sorceries: Lexicon :: Strong's G5331 - pharmakeia
†φαρμακεία pharmakeía, far-mak-i'-ah; from G5332; medication ("pharmacy"), i.e. (by extension) magic (literally or figuratively):—sorcery, witchcraft.
Outline of Biblical Usage [?] the use or the administering of drugs
sorcery, magical arts, often found in connection with idolatry and fostered by it
metaph. the deceptions and seductions of idolatry
and they know now that Pfizer was putting a varying amt of crap in various batches. probably to hid what they were doing. so you got a shot from one batch and your buddy would get a shot from a different batch.
Any of the military leaders who forced this EUA shot, court martialed, imprisoned or executed based on military tribunal. They need to be removed from the service one way or another.
Rolling Stone is pretty MSM. How can nobody be talking about this?????
When will this nightmare end?
More on this ^
How do we know if they are still happening if the base is dark?
Warn your family members ...not sure if they should run. demand answers after taking and broadcasting as many photos ccx as possible if no immediate response. Soldiers should rise up and rebel against leadership in a. Coordinated effort. After strategizing giving cabal no grounds for locking them up.
It just means the vax is workin'...
Really want a source for that. I know many folks at Bragg. I'll see if any of them heard about it.
The vax working as planned.
Survival of the fittest. Natural selection (through looks and/or intelligence) always prevails. It’s unfortunate that some stupid people have to perish this way
I agree. The whole covid mask and vaccines blitz has been to soften the target.