"Madeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, and George Soros in a $350 million investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa."
Haha, I saw her clapping like a seal in front of north Korea on her visit.she was a useless twit and I was furious with her weakness. This is when I realized she was a silly sock puppet for the Clints. She was a tool and good riddance. I'm salty. Back then I still believed the Republicans were ON OUR SIDE. I was a fool. As if my party and vote even mattered.
Yep! I remember that website before he died and it kept saying he's alive. Sadly now it's saying he's dead but yeah the Mandela effect sure is strong with Abe Vigoda!
McCain and HW were old too. Go ahead and try to win the argument that they died of natural causes here on this site 😁 Don’t forget these elites were using adrenochrome and who knows what else and living to one hundred easily.
"Madeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, and George Soros in a $350 million investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa."
That opens up some questions.
Indeed, it does..
These Sun worshippers are never subtle.
Go in with Soros on anything, that's a bad investment.
Are we talking 5G towers?? That could be important.
She looked like she was dead 20 years ago. If she only had a chance to get Pfizer's 4th booster...
Kek!! That cancer would have only mildly killed her then
Maybe she realized she was a "useless eater" and killed herself.
Lol. Lowly pond scum like us! Haha.
The globalists are falling faster than vaccinated soccer players.
I wonder if Henry Kissinger is next.
How quick we forget things though.
Satan called
said it ain't happening.
And now she must give an account to a Higher Court with no crooked lawyer or MSM to cover for her.
All right all right all right.
damn thought she kicked the bucket a long time ago
Made Lie'n NotSoBright was the "point man" and chief negotiator for the CIA takeover of North Korea back in the Clinton Admin.
She also facilitated Bush's invasion of Iraq, did she not? Claiming that sanctions that led to the deaths of thousands of children were worth it.
I'm so f'ing sick of "first female xxx" or "first black xxx"
Good. To bad it took so long.
Don't care what she died from, the cunt is fucking dead.
This is the bitch who said 500,000 dead Iraqi children is fine.
first night in hell
Isnt there news out that IVERMECTIN cures some cancers?
Yes. And also another anti-parasite med called Fenbendazole.
Haha, I saw her clapping like a seal in front of north Korea on her visit.she was a useless twit and I was furious with her weakness. This is when I realized she was a silly sock puppet for the Clints. She was a tool and good riddance. I'm salty. Back then I still believed the Republicans were ON OUR SIDE. I was a fool. As if my party and vote even mattered.
Wow now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. I thought she died a long time ago... Guess that's another "Abe Vigoda" moment for me lol
Yep! I remember that website before he died and it kept saying he's alive. Sadly now it's saying he's dead but yeah the Mandela effect sure is strong with Abe Vigoda!
No Mandela effect. He just looked a lot older than he actually was back when he was on "Barney Miller."
What an amazing coincidence that all of these people who have been executed by WhITe HaTs are also of a very advanced age.
I mean seriously people. Jesus fucking Christ. Catch on already. These aren’t executions. These people are dying because they’re fucking old. Grow up.
McCain and HW were old too. Go ahead and try to win the argument that they died of natural causes here on this site 😁 Don’t forget these elites were using adrenochrome and who knows what else and living to one hundred easily.
Well, she was 85 years old. She lived a long life, so no one can feel bad for her.
Probably artificially lengthened by Adrenochrome like Kissinger.
But she looked a lot older. And the last time I saw her on TV was years ago. :)
Probably counted as a Covid death.
She's 84.
Someone splashed her with water and she melted.
Executed just like no name.
I'm hearing executed.
Their supply of young female virgins for their Satanic sacrificial rituals has been cut off, so they had to improvise.
I hope she rot in hell.
How do you know she was the 1st female US secretary of state? Are you a biologist?
Hmm, another demon down, good to know.