Since the beginning of the Covid scamdemic, over 20 million Chinese citizens have disconnected their State mandated smart phone. The have disappeared without a trace. Were these dissidents whose social credit score earned them a spot in a crematorium? Were they involved in globalism? I have no idea. It makes me wonder though. Perhaps a combination of both? It is easier for me to believe that Trump had some seriously eye opening meetings with Putin and Xi to let them know that there is a global conspiracy group around the world that is bent on world domination. I don't believe either of these guys are willing to share power or be eliminated without a fight. They may be aligned with us to destroy this common enemy. Doesn't mean that they won't be enemies in the future, it just may mean they are allies for a common goal now. Only time will tell. Let's hope their interests are aligned with ours to finally put an end to this evil that has plagued humanity for generations.
They had to have already known about the conspiring globalists well before Trump became president. Especially Putin, he's been calling out satanists, pedophiles and the NATO for years.
I think the "end won't be for everyone" thing is too Big to be simply "people have a hard time believing Russia also has good guys". I refuse not only to believe the masses are that stupid, but moreso that the masses' memories are not refined enough to remember long term psyops to that extent. Unless things REALLY heat up with Russia, the average citizen isn't likely to care. Heck, most people have already forgotten they were forced to wear paper ball gags for two years around these parts.
That said, yes. It's pretty clear Russia's has some involvement. They have the history and the chops to be players. I'm hard pressed to think of a sovereign nation with more relevant history. As far as chops, WAREZ Bears from Russia have a long history as well.
Russia also assisted in keeping the country together during the Civil War, they actively blockaded the countries supporting the CSA. They supposedly helped with either or both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. That I believe is some of the biggest history that was kept from us: Russia was a good friend to the US for most of American history but we were never taught it
I went up to see that Syrian Orthodox priest again, one of the people that helped me realize the truth in Syria a few years back. I wanted to see if he had anything to say about Putin & Ukraine. In a word or two, he would agree with most of us on here. Furthermore, did you guys know that Putin's mother secretly went out & had him baptized as a baby? Not only that though, the priest has seen him in services & seems to think he is very sincere, sensitive to the service & he continues on: saying: "He receives the sacrament"
But yes I agree, evil tries to get good to look like evil & evil to look like good, that has been their game...
"Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA? What does this mean culturally?"
The term 'ardah' (عَرْضَة) is thought to derive from the Arabic verb ard (عَرَضَ) meaning 'to show' or 'to parade'. It was so named because its purpose was to publicly display the fighting strength of a tribe and boost morale before an armed engagement.
The most common Ardah in Saudi, called the Najdi Ardah, was initially performed by Arab warriors in the central Najd region of Saudi before meeting their enemies on the battlefield. Sword dancing was a way for the men to display their weaponry and show their heroic spirit.
Does this mean SA was letting Trump know they will fight for him?
Coordinating does not mean "let's be butt buddies." It means "we have a common enemy." The common enemy to the sovereignty of Russia, China, the US is the central bankers' NWO. The great reset strips away powers from countries and hands it to globohomos.
It is now clear Putin - whatever else he is - is anti-NWO. But no doubt he is fighting NWO forces in Russia as well. CCP seems hard to believe to be anit-NWO. But if their moves are forced by central bankers (they are) then Xi would be certainly be on the side of anti-NWO but can not publicly make such a direct statement - he has to fear the central bankers. But clandestine support - that seems likely now that I think about it. And what Trump said about Xi makes even more sense. Trump's visit makes more sense.
The invisible enemy appears to be central bankers more and more. That would be the Biblical answer (and dang if these aren't Biblical (potentially Triplical) times). Jesus became #1 enemy of the state/church as soon as he knocked over their money tables. Interesting. And hmm...trumped up charges and he's brutalized beyond under he's dead.
But we learn Jesus defeated death. And he came back to life.
We learn Jesus kicked the crap of the Devil in hell.
Yet ...kind of odd...for 2000 years, the central banker seems to have finally completely taken over this Earth after causing millennia of misery.
The common enemy thing makes sense. The Chinese government does evil things but so does the U.S. government, and probably because the same people are controlling both. And heck, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were allies during World War II, yet certainly not "butt buddies."
Find the interview only a few days ago that Nino Rodrigues did with Joe Flynn. Make up your own mind. It should still be on ytube. Or even moved to Rumble.
I see this alot... The prayer was the same given by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, not by Michael Acquino - she was a new age mystic, not exactly a Satanist, unless I missed something. "The ascended masters of the Seven Rays mastered time and space by following the disciplines of the path of the Christ and Buddha and reunited with God through the ascension."
Her following got popular in part for the preparation of Nuclear Armageddon, which I think is pretty significant that a former Head of DIA heavily affiliated with the Q movement (also doing said prepping in a sense) is reciting it after her. I'm not seeing how it's consistent with Michael Acquino style trauma-based mind control & torture just because dark occutists have perverted interpretations of esoteric knowledge but use similar terminology. I also don't think pointing out the difference between mystics and satanists is minimizing anything. Looking forward to hearing more perspective on this, I suppose.
No one said the prayer came from Michael Aquino. That's setting up a red herring. It is verbatim from Prophet who said, "we are freeborn and will remain freeborn". The Bible says that we humans are born in iniquity and are slaves to sin. Praise be to Jesus Christ who gives us freedom from sin! But to hear Flynn and Prophet tell it, the Bible is lying and we are not born in sin. Total rebellion.
Our Bible clearly warns that Satan comes as a angel of light. Splitting hairs that mysticism isn't satanic shows major spiritual naitvite. Blavatsky and her ilk sound sweet and pleasant to the ignorant, but they openly state Lucifer is God. The Lucifer Publishing Company became the Lucis Trust, which runs the mediation room at the United Nations. You will find these "mystics" to be spiritual force behind all things NWO. If that ain't satanic, then what is??
The Aquino connection has not really come out yet, but I think Lin has been preparing us for a connection because he has mentioned Aquino and telling us to dig. Adrian Wells is as close a story as I can find. Paul Valleley is another person to dig on.
That’s exactly what’s happening. And they just so happen to exist on the adrenaline of the pure. They are the ones who do the things you convince yourself that no one would really do. It’s such a weird power addiction.
Aka deception from Satan
Didn't Q also say that Russia is no good and controlled by the same people?
I wonder why Russia upheld the same bullshit covid rules then suddenly became good cop?
Q said something along the lines of these black hats are also in control of Russia/Putin. I saw it somewhere on the drops. Plus I distinctly remember:- Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.
Take a moment to question why the Ukrainian "Nazis" exit in the Khazar Jewish controlled nation with a Khazar Jewish controlled government and they are funded by the Jewish nation of Israel and supported by the world's Jewish mainstream news media and Jewish social media?
Hmmm... perhaps they are just Jews who are lying about being Nazis so you don't notice they are Jews or that the Ukrainian head of the New World Order snake is Jewish?
Those Ukrainian "Nazis" are Nazis only in the same way that BLM respect black lives and Antifa oppose fascism.
We shouldnt deal in IFs. Time for SOMEONE in the know to start releasing some SOLID proof truths of ANYTHING going on to overthrow evil, that someone, and not a lackey, is going to have justice heavily dropped on their asses.
Speaking of, what the hell has been going on with the Ghislaine Maxwell case?
Since the beginning of the Covid scamdemic, over 20 million Chinese citizens have disconnected their State mandated smart phone. The have disappeared without a trace. Were these dissidents whose social credit score earned them a spot in a crematorium? Were they involved in globalism? I have no idea. It makes me wonder though. Perhaps a combination of both? It is easier for me to believe that Trump had some seriously eye opening meetings with Putin and Xi to let them know that there is a global conspiracy group around the world that is bent on world domination. I don't believe either of these guys are willing to share power or be eliminated without a fight. They may be aligned with us to destroy this common enemy. Doesn't mean that they won't be enemies in the future, it just may mean they are allies for a common goal now. Only time will tell. Let's hope their interests are aligned with ours to finally put an end to this evil that has plagued humanity for generations.
They had to have already known about the conspiring globalists well before Trump became president. Especially Putin, he's been calling out satanists, pedophiles and the NATO for years.
They may very well have known, but Trump was probably the first one to approach them with a legit plan to defeat it.
They can't wake us up to help them win, just to turn on us later. We're not going back to sleep. A new world is being born and nothing will stop it.
I think the "end won't be for everyone" thing is too Big to be simply "people have a hard time believing Russia also has good guys". I refuse not only to believe the masses are that stupid, but moreso that the masses' memories are not refined enough to remember long term psyops to that extent. Unless things REALLY heat up with Russia, the average citizen isn't likely to care. Heck, most people have already forgotten they were forced to wear paper ball gags for two years around these parts.
That said, yes. It's pretty clear Russia's has some involvement. They have the history and the chops to be players. I'm hard pressed to think of a sovereign nation with more relevant history. As far as chops, WAREZ Bears from Russia have a long history as well.
We still have a ‘scare event’ waiting in the wings. This will put the wind up normies and shake them awake where they will listen.
Interesting theory. Maybe Putin instigated the whole thing.
I must say, thought, the guy's really short. Not that it's relevant or anything.
Hey, maybe Putin is Q. What a thought.
Russia also assisted in keeping the country together during the Civil War, they actively blockaded the countries supporting the CSA. They supposedly helped with either or both the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. That I believe is some of the biggest history that was kept from us: Russia was a good friend to the US for most of American history but we were never taught it
I went up to see that Syrian Orthodox priest again, one of the people that helped me realize the truth in Syria a few years back. I wanted to see if he had anything to say about Putin & Ukraine. In a word or two, he would agree with most of us on here. Furthermore, did you guys know that Putin's mother secretly went out & had him baptized as a baby? Not only that though, the priest has seen him in services & seems to think he is very sincere, sensitive to the service & he continues on: saying: "He receives the sacrament"
But yes I agree, evil tries to get good to look like evil & evil to look like good, that has been their game...
The end won't be for you, little fairy boy.
Lol this guys always talking shit to me and crying because I never remember him. So I thought I'd give him some recognition for a change.
Call it a crush if you will. I doubt it's even a guy.
"You just saw you been crushing on me". Nice grammar.
And calling me a pedo? Really? See this is why outsiders can't take any of our allegations of actual child trafficking seriously.
When everyone you don't like is a "pedo", it neutralizes the meaning of the word.
You're doing what libtards have done with the word "racist", by labeling everyone as one, just because they don't like what they're saying.
Smart people learn from their own mistakes. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others. Strive to be wise.
Did you forget to wear your magic underwear again Mitt?
Laughing my fucking ass off 🤣
yeah, the nicene creed didn't do people any favors
"Why did POTUS receive a sword dance when visiting SA? What does this mean culturally?"
The term 'ardah' (عَرْضَة) is thought to derive from the Arabic verb ard (عَرَضَ) meaning 'to show' or 'to parade'. It was so named because its purpose was to publicly display the fighting strength of a tribe and boost morale before an armed engagement.
The most common Ardah in Saudi, called the Najdi Ardah, was initially performed by Arab warriors in the central Najd region of Saudi before meeting their enemies on the battlefield. Sword dancing was a way for the men to display their weaponry and show their heroic spirit.
Does this mean SA was letting Trump know they will fight for him?
And Xi took him to the Forbidden City. No Western leader has been there before.
The new Prince did do some work for him, he met with all the big tech CEOs for some reason. Prob told them they are fucked.
Coordinating does not mean "let's be butt buddies." It means "we have a common enemy." The common enemy to the sovereignty of Russia, China, the US is the central bankers' NWO. The great reset strips away powers from countries and hands it to globohomos.
It is now clear Putin - whatever else he is - is anti-NWO. But no doubt he is fighting NWO forces in Russia as well. CCP seems hard to believe to be anit-NWO. But if their moves are forced by central bankers (they are) then Xi would be certainly be on the side of anti-NWO but can not publicly make such a direct statement - he has to fear the central bankers. But clandestine support - that seems likely now that I think about it. And what Trump said about Xi makes even more sense. Trump's visit makes more sense.
The invisible enemy appears to be central bankers more and more. That would be the Biblical answer (and dang if these aren't Biblical (potentially Triplical) times). Jesus became #1 enemy of the state/church as soon as he knocked over their money tables. Interesting. And hmm...trumped up charges and he's brutalized beyond under he's dead.
But we learn Jesus defeated death. And he came back to life.
We learn Jesus kicked the crap of the Devil in hell.
Yet ...kind of odd...for 2000 years, the central banker seems to have finally completely taken over this Earth after causing millennia of misery.
I guess we will see about that.
Just some pointers:
• Don't underestimate Jesus
• Don't underestimate those who love that dude.
• I look forward to the Reign of Saints.
The common enemy thing makes sense. The Chinese government does evil things but so does the U.S. government, and probably because the same people are controlling both. And heck, the U.S. and the Soviet Union were allies during World War II, yet certainly not "butt buddies."
Good comment, thanks.
PS…who else could do it? Russia, China, and the U.S. - you can’t take earth without earth fighting back. And wining.
What do you mean if?
Depends on what the definition of 'if', is.
Yeah, those iffologists are in short supply lately.
Anybody around here got an if-ologist on speed dial?!
Apparently we need specialists to wipe our butts. Or at least Biden does.
If if if if if okie doke
oh , Billy
You sound a lot like horny bill.
If my grandma had balls she would be my grandad.....although Kentaji wouldnt know the difference.....
good song
Duh. I have not wasted 4.5 years of my life .
We still like Flynn?
We still like Trump after he endorsed the vaccines. It's hard to tell with Flynn, he may be confusing the enemy (and us as a byproduct).
Find the interview only a few days ago that Nino Rodrigues did with Joe Flynn. Make up your own mind. It should still be on ytube. Or even moved to Rumble.
I like Linn
Fuck Lin Wood. I think.
fuck flynn
Because he said Trump quit.
He also quoted a satanic prayer in church, and when questioned about it, he lied claiming it was a standard prayer to St. Michael.
Must be true because you said so. Make a claim, back up sir.
Yes! I have done posts and comments about that in here a lot, but most people want to minimize it. That was 100% deliberate.
Just going to say Michael Aquino. Some people don't know who that it and it shows.
I see this alot... The prayer was the same given by Elizabeth Claire Prophet, not by Michael Acquino - she was a new age mystic, not exactly a Satanist, unless I missed something. "The ascended masters of the Seven Rays mastered time and space by following the disciplines of the path of the Christ and Buddha and reunited with God through the ascension."
Her following got popular in part for the preparation of Nuclear Armageddon, which I think is pretty significant that a former Head of DIA heavily affiliated with the Q movement (also doing said prepping in a sense) is reciting it after her. I'm not seeing how it's consistent with Michael Acquino style trauma-based mind control & torture just because dark occutists have perverted interpretations of esoteric knowledge but use similar terminology. I also don't think pointing out the difference between mystics and satanists is minimizing anything. Looking forward to hearing more perspective on this, I suppose.
No one said the prayer came from Michael Aquino. That's setting up a red herring. It is verbatim from Prophet who said, "we are freeborn and will remain freeborn". The Bible says that we humans are born in iniquity and are slaves to sin. Praise be to Jesus Christ who gives us freedom from sin! But to hear Flynn and Prophet tell it, the Bible is lying and we are not born in sin. Total rebellion.
Our Bible clearly warns that Satan comes as a angel of light. Splitting hairs that mysticism isn't satanic shows major spiritual naitvite. Blavatsky and her ilk sound sweet and pleasant to the ignorant, but they openly state Lucifer is God. The Lucifer Publishing Company became the Lucis Trust, which runs the mediation room at the United Nations. You will find these "mystics" to be spiritual force behind all things NWO. If that ain't satanic, then what is??
The Aquino connection has not really come out yet, but I think Lin has been preparing us for a connection because he has mentioned Aquino and telling us to dig. Adrian Wells is as close a story as I can find. Paul Valleley is another person to dig on.
That’s exactly what’s happening. And they just so happen to exist on the adrenaline of the pure. They are the ones who do the things you convince yourself that no one would really do. It’s such a weird power addiction. Aka deception from Satan
General Flynn does not think Q is a CIA operation. Just “Qanon.”
Correct. Which is true.
Do we really think we get rid of rhem without China and Russia help? I dont.
Not the way our country currently stands. I agree.
Gawd damn I’ve seen the phrase being flung about every which way…..
My god ThanQ for the new Q post! ;)
I'm glad to see someone verbalize what I have felt for a very long time. You can be allies with enemies for a common goal.
I'd say that's a likely scenario.
How? Russia is taking out one of the most corrupt countries in the world as we speak.
Really? Russia is the pinacle of corruption, man
Everything I learned about Russia was from MSM. So I don’t know much about Russia.
lol imagine trying to pin the NWO on bill gates
He's part of the plan. He's one of the public figures. The real enemies are behind the scenes tho.
They are, but it's the current POTUS and their target is the final destruction of the US.
Didn't Q also say that Russia is no good and controlled by the same people? I wonder why Russia upheld the same bullshit covid rules then suddenly became good cop? Confused!
I don't recall any Q drops saying that at all.
Q said something along the lines of these black hats are also in control of Russia/Putin. I saw it somewhere on the drops. Plus I distinctly remember:- Bolton + PUTIN should scare you.
Putins disrupting the Nazi World Order
Take a moment to question why the Ukrainian "Nazis" exit in the Khazar Jewish controlled nation with a Khazar Jewish controlled government and they are funded by the Jewish nation of Israel and supported by the world's Jewish mainstream news media and Jewish social media?
Hmmm... perhaps they are just Jews who are lying about being Nazis so you don't notice they are Jews or that the Ukrainian head of the New World Order snake is Jewish?
Those Ukrainian "Nazis" are Nazis only in the same way that BLM respect black lives and Antifa oppose fascism.
Is SA Southern Australia, or South Africa?
Saudi Arabia
Ah, there’s a few with same initials
Oy vey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We shouldnt deal in IFs. Time for SOMEONE in the know to start releasing some SOLID proof truths of ANYTHING going on to overthrow evil, that someone, and not a lackey, is going to have justice heavily dropped on their asses.
Speaking of, what the hell has been going on with the Ghislaine Maxwell case?