Under ground human baby farms for demonic nazi sacrifice and adrenochrome sales to demons worldwide...
Putin knows how to pump carfentanil into movie theaters, saving lives and killing terrorists...
Russian special forces used carfentanil, along with the less potent remifentanil, to subdue Chechen separatists who took more than 800 people hostage in a Moscow theater in 2002, according to a paper by British government scientists who tested clothing and urine samples from three survivors.
I remember reading that a lot of the hostages were killed by the gas also. Assuming there were prisoners held underground, would it not kill or affect them ?
Only if they weren't administered Naloxone to keep them from dying of an Opioid Overdose. The reason those exposed died in that theater was because it was a classified substance/bio-weapon & the Russian government refused to divulge the class of drug that was administered to the doctors treating the attackers & hostages afterward.
Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.
The only part of this that needs correction is the last sentence, since everyone is dependent on DHMO, so it’s not like there’s anyone who is above this craven addiction to this insidious chemical.
Those known tunnels lead off to secret labs where they are committing atrocities. This is why they're freaking out sending in multiple 'rescue' missions. Something massive is down there and it's not just Nazis.
What I don’t get is that there was reported an estimated 25-30 miles of tunnel systems in that area. Surely, there have to be escape routes and tunnels that connect to other places for evacuation, or hidden troop/trafficked humans moving in and out.......no?
Absolutely which I'm sure Russia has already considered and is either working their way in via those access points. Vicious tunnel warfare that's not getting any coverage. Or Russia simply destroyed said exits and is waiting them out. Depends on what is down there. I do know the US military, in the last few years, has spent an enormous amount of money training soldiers for tunnel warfare which means the Russians have probably done the same. For scenarios just like this or specifically, for locations just like this. Dark to light. What's down there will shock the world. Of that, I am certain.
My expectations are that we are going to find out much the same as that ‘John of God’ character who was the ‘spiritual advisor’ for Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey. He was the one in Brazil who was found to have stables full of young 14-20 year old women locked up that he would rape and then sell their babies on the black market - likely for adoptions and for adrenochrome/sacrifice. His daughter who was one of the whistleblowers said that many of the girls were murdered after 4-6 years of continual pregnancy and childbirth and then he would replace them with younger girls again and again.
Media never brings up the close ties and connections of this man with Clinton and Oprah...? Bill himself, claimed this demon was his close spiritual advisor at one time. Birds of a feather.....
No amount of internet research can prepare a person to see the things that are going to be revealed. As that time looms nearer, I find my anticipation turning into dread.
Yep. 'John of Gods' were everywhere till Trumps campaign wiped out most of their lairs. You likely had a guy like John in every nation the occult had a serious presence. Almost all the babies were sacrificed for a number of reasons but primarily their blood. To keep their elders alive and youthful. Slave gardens breeding thousands of babies worldwide, for sacrifice. True evil and Trump is the first president in history to deal with it. Why I defend him 100% no matter what stupid bullshit idiots bring up. They have absolute no idea the evil this man has been fighting and they're worried about mean tweets. Makes my blood boil.
If it was that potentially damaging they'd clobber it with multiple bunker buster bombs and bury it forever, rather than risk Russian soldiers discovering it. If someone there would be so damaging if found out they'd liquidate that asset to prevent capture or identification rather than risk them being captured or shot down and identified.
Not if you need what's down there as proof to the world that your intervention is just. Dark to light isn't just a slogan. We plan on literally dragging these demons and their abominations into the light.
That request is almost as absurd as not taking this theory seriously while staring at OPs image, detailing cold war era underground infrastructure built by one of the most evil entities, in history. These labs possible existence is not rocket science. They've likely been there for decades. US military spent at least half a billion in training for tunnel warfare. Remember who we're actually fighting in this war. Reconcile. It's basic deduction.
Someone's "artist's concept" is not by any means proof of anything. There is no "detail." Just because someone cooks up a really vivid picture of a unicorn does not make it evidence of unicorns. Complicated technical laboratories are very difficult to construct underground and it is seldom done, just from the sheer headache of moving thousands of tons of rock and laying plumbing systems. I've worked in laboratories. You need to have ready and quick access to the OUTSIDE, in case of emergency or fire. If you build one 6 stories beneath the surface, that is called a tomb.
Tunnel warfare is nothing new. We faced it in Vietnam. And in the Middle East. The U.S. military spends a lot of money on a lot of things, often for reasons they don't disclose because it would be a tip-off to an enemy. And, guess what? Your favorite conspiracy theory is not likely to be the explanation.
I'll know we're in a fight when a Bad Guy gets a thumping, and not any sooner. I'm still waiting.
Honestly, it's scary I have to explain this to someone. This is logical deduction that these things exist but simply because you can't lay eyes on it, you compare it to unicorns. You can literally go tour the fucking Cheyenne Mountain Complex but you I guess you would still say unicorns live on the dark side of the moon because you can't confirm they don't. This is flat Earth thinking. It's retarded shit like this that the cabal has used for centuries to pray on humanity. Something is obviously going on but all they have to do is dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, literally why the term was created, and half of the smooth brain population doesn't even question it and goes back to their football or whatever other pointless, retarded distraction their obsessed with. The fact that we still have conversations like this makes me wonder how we've made it this far as a species. It's proof God exist because there is no fucking way we made it this far without divine intervention.
Cheyenne Mountain is designed to withstand a direct nuclear hit. They bored it into a mountain because that was easier than excavating a crater and then backfilling it. And it is more than just tunnels. You think you have impressed me? Consider the buried ICBM silos and command-and-control capsules. A thousand silos and hundreds of capsules, all throughout the midwest. The military has had enough experience of that, that t they would not do it unless there was a specific and crucial reason. Secret laboratories don't match the description. Our nuclear labs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore are higher than Top Secret (I've been to Livermore) but they are on the surface.
I don't believe in unicorns or a Flat Earth, so I don't know why you mention them. Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
You just confirmed everything I said. In this forum the average user is well versed in what the typical npc automatically dismisses as conspiracy theories. If you took the time to research the phrase you'll realize it was actually created to coverup actually conspiracies and advanced technologies like DUMBs. That's where critical thinking plays a key role in surviving this age. For instance, when the vast majority of media and medical are telling you to take a vaccine that is obviously deadly, that is an actual conspiracy that's killing millions. But to your typical npc, the media labels it a conspiracy theory ( just like they do DUMBs) and get back in line for the 15th booster. Ensuring their demise.
Most conspiracies are very difficult or impossible to show direct evidence. Because it's literally in the definition of a conspiracy. But if you have an IQ over 110 and understand basic deduction, even a 3rd grader can confirm to a high enough degree that many of these conspiracies are valid, even though they can not lay eyes on. This idea you need visual proof of something like DUMBs to seriously consider they actually exist with a high likeliness, is proof you're still an npc to some degree and still not thinking enough to survive this age. For instance, did you take the vaccine? If you did, you have a very high chance of not seeing 2033. If you didn't that's great but a billion+ people didn't have the critical faculties strong enough to dodge that bullet. The vast majority of those walking dead almost certainly dismiss the probability of DUMBs, as well.
This is why I have little patience for this mindset you have. It's literally getting people killed and for the last 50 years, has continuously contributed to the death and destruction of countless more as society is repeatedly lulled back to sleep by the rhythmic drum of dismissal of valid, dangerous conspiracies by the few paying attention. Only to be drowned out by npcs that won't even think for 20 seconds to see if it's true. This automatic dismissal of DUMBs simply because you can't see it is a test of your ability to think critically and you failed.
It means your ability to think to several degrees and designate a potential threat despite what your eyes are telling you, is not there yet. If you don't start thinking enough to the point that you come to the logical conclusion that DUMBs almost certainly exist, you are likely not going to survive what's to come. As the globalist agents are the masters of conspiracy and have many more tricks in store for us and every single one of them are going to be wrapped in a pretty white lie that your typical npc is not going to be able to differentiate. Seriously. Consider what I am saying as you and your families lives depends upon your ability to think critically and as far as I can tell, you are in extreme danger of being over taken by the next conspiracy you're likely to flippantly dismiss as a conspiracy theory.
All this blather and not one iota of evidence. I'm not impressed. I have had a career based in industry, engineering, and defense systems. I'm aware of underground constructions. The Russians have gone much farther in that direction than we have. I am also aware of the huge problems they entail and why there is no reason to build underground laboratories. (You mainly see them in badly-written science fiction horror movies.)
Because I am trained in the scientific method and logic, I know perfectly well that you cannot prove something exists by pure logic alone. Modern astrophysics is contaminated by that nonsense ("Big Bang"). You are engrossed in what is called a delusion. Instead of offering evidence, you try rhetorical tricks of insulting me ("this mindset") and guilt-tripping me ("your families lives depend upon your ability to think critically"). You are the one who is failing to think critically---which is to be critical of your own conclusions.
It's an artist concept of confirmed tunnels under the plant. This is not rocket science. Paging Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Built in the 60s. If you really don't think they have more advanced methods for building unground systems by now then I've got a bridge to sell ya. Hitler could come rolling out of one of these tunnels and some of you doomers would still dismiss it as conspiracy and unicorns.
I've known about Cheyenne Mountain for a long time. Bored into a mountainside, not dug down into the ground, because it was easier not to move the overburden around. Whole buildings inside on shock absorbers. Even then, they realized it was a non-starter to dig downward. They also had experience installing a thousand ICBM silos and associated subsystems, including hundreds of manned control capsules. Lots of problems to solve. But this is only done when there is no other way to survive a direct nuclear hit. When that is not the object, you build things on the surface---like, for example, the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons laboratories.
Actually, Hitler couldn't roll out of anywhere. He is dead.
Makes me wonder if the "Nuclear" scare was all hyped up specifically to prevent too many questions about human trafficking rings during the day being built in mass globally?
The imagination of the Daily Mails art department, the same people who bought us the detailed drawings of the Afghani Tora Bora cave fortress complex in 2012.
The caption is pretty hilarious… “to safeguard the steel plant’s 40,000 workers”. I wonder what other complexes were built to save people who would be actually NEEDED after a nuclear attack. But, I guess they would be able to produce steel - just not food, medical treatments or anything else of importance! I guess family members were not deemed important, as well.
Actually, yes. When I worked at Boeing's Kent Space Center, we had emergency bomb sheltering in the steam tunnels that ran underneath the complex. When I worked at the manufacturing facility at Plant II, there were similar tunnels beneath the factory floor and provisions for sheltering from conventional bombs (in World War II, the factory was camouflaged from the air as a residential neighborhood).
The Soviets/Russians have always taken defense measures more seriously than we have.
Under ground human baby farms for demonic nazi sacrifice and adrenochrome sales to demons worldwide...
Putin knows how to pump carfentanil into movie theaters, saving lives and killing terrorists...
Ukrainian pedophiles and mercenaries about to get very sleepy!
I remember reading that a lot of the hostages were killed by the gas also. Assuming there were prisoners held underground, would it not kill or affect them ?
Only if they weren't administered Naloxone to keep them from dying of an Opioid Overdose. The reason those exposed died in that theater was because it was a classified substance/bio-weapon & the Russian government refused to divulge the class of drug that was administered to the doctors treating the attackers & hostages afterward.
My thoughts, too. I'm sure lots of human shields down there.
They just happened to have it on hand...kind of an odd thing to stockpile
Saw an awesome meme about this. It went something like: 8 terrorists 250 hostages 130 body bags. Mission accomplished.
this may work? ;)
Dihydrogen monoxide is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and kills uncounted thousands of people every year. Most of these deaths are caused by accidental inhalation of DHMO, but the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide do not end there. Prolonged exposure to its solid form causes severe tissue damage. Symptoms of DHMO ingestion can include excessive sweating and urination, and possibly a bloated feeling, nausea, vomiting and body electrolyte imbalance. For those who have become dependent, DHMO withdrawal means certain death.
Yeah I use that to kill moles in my yard
The cat killed a mole yesterday. I saw him stalking something then he lunged and started smacking it lol
The only part of this that needs correction is the last sentence, since everyone is dependent on DHMO, so it’s not like there’s anyone who is above this craven addiction to this insidious chemical.
That's why I switched to an all alcohol diet.
I may be an alcoholic but it'll be a cold day in hell when I put that other stuff in my body.
Dear God! Why is that stuff not internationally banned?
hee hee
Why are troops hiding in tunnels?? Aren't they supposed to be fighting the Russkies??
Just imagine what is beneath us
Those known tunnels lead off to secret labs where they are committing atrocities. This is why they're freaking out sending in multiple 'rescue' missions. Something massive is down there and it's not just Nazis.
What I don’t get is that there was reported an estimated 25-30 miles of tunnel systems in that area. Surely, there have to be escape routes and tunnels that connect to other places for evacuation, or hidden troop/trafficked humans moving in and out.......no?
Absolutely which I'm sure Russia has already considered and is either working their way in via those access points. Vicious tunnel warfare that's not getting any coverage. Or Russia simply destroyed said exits and is waiting them out. Depends on what is down there. I do know the US military, in the last few years, has spent an enormous amount of money training soldiers for tunnel warfare which means the Russians have probably done the same. For scenarios just like this or specifically, for locations just like this. Dark to light. What's down there will shock the world. Of that, I am certain.
My expectations are that we are going to find out much the same as that ‘John of God’ character who was the ‘spiritual advisor’ for Bill Clinton and Oprah Winfrey. He was the one in Brazil who was found to have stables full of young 14-20 year old women locked up that he would rape and then sell their babies on the black market - likely for adoptions and for adrenochrome/sacrifice. His daughter who was one of the whistleblowers said that many of the girls were murdered after 4-6 years of continual pregnancy and childbirth and then he would replace them with younger girls again and again.
Media never brings up the close ties and connections of this man with Clinton and Oprah...? Bill himself, claimed this demon was his close spiritual advisor at one time. Birds of a feather.....
No amount of internet research can prepare a person to see the things that are going to be revealed. As that time looms nearer, I find my anticipation turning into dread.
Even seasoned anons will weep with despair.
Yep. 'John of Gods' were everywhere till Trumps campaign wiped out most of their lairs. You likely had a guy like John in every nation the occult had a serious presence. Almost all the babies were sacrificed for a number of reasons but primarily their blood. To keep their elders alive and youthful. Slave gardens breeding thousands of babies worldwide, for sacrifice. True evil and Trump is the first president in history to deal with it. Why I defend him 100% no matter what stupid bullshit idiots bring up. They have absolute no idea the evil this man has been fighting and they're worried about mean tweets. Makes my blood boil.
If it was that potentially damaging they'd clobber it with multiple bunker buster bombs and bury it forever, rather than risk Russian soldiers discovering it. If someone there would be so damaging if found out they'd liquidate that asset to prevent capture or identification rather than risk them being captured or shot down and identified.
Not if you need what's down there as proof to the world that your intervention is just. Dark to light isn't just a slogan. We plan on literally dragging these demons and their abominations into the light.
You show us a tunnel map and the locations of the "secret labs," and we can take you seriously. Otherwise, you are believing in nightmares.
That request is almost as absurd as not taking this theory seriously while staring at OPs image, detailing cold war era underground infrastructure built by one of the most evil entities, in history. These labs possible existence is not rocket science. They've likely been there for decades. US military spent at least half a billion in training for tunnel warfare. Remember who we're actually fighting in this war. Reconcile. It's basic deduction.
Someone's "artist's concept" is not by any means proof of anything. There is no "detail." Just because someone cooks up a really vivid picture of a unicorn does not make it evidence of unicorns. Complicated technical laboratories are very difficult to construct underground and it is seldom done, just from the sheer headache of moving thousands of tons of rock and laying plumbing systems. I've worked in laboratories. You need to have ready and quick access to the OUTSIDE, in case of emergency or fire. If you build one 6 stories beneath the surface, that is called a tomb.
Tunnel warfare is nothing new. We faced it in Vietnam. And in the Middle East. The U.S. military spends a lot of money on a lot of things, often for reasons they don't disclose because it would be a tip-off to an enemy. And, guess what? Your favorite conspiracy theory is not likely to be the explanation.
I'll know we're in a fight when a Bad Guy gets a thumping, and not any sooner. I'm still waiting.
Honestly, it's scary I have to explain this to someone. This is logical deduction that these things exist but simply because you can't lay eyes on it, you compare it to unicorns. You can literally go tour the fucking Cheyenne Mountain Complex but you I guess you would still say unicorns live on the dark side of the moon because you can't confirm they don't. This is flat Earth thinking. It's retarded shit like this that the cabal has used for centuries to pray on humanity. Something is obviously going on but all they have to do is dismiss it as a conspiracy theory, literally why the term was created, and half of the smooth brain population doesn't even question it and goes back to their football or whatever other pointless, retarded distraction their obsessed with. The fact that we still have conversations like this makes me wonder how we've made it this far as a species. It's proof God exist because there is no fucking way we made it this far without divine intervention.
Cheyenne Mountain is designed to withstand a direct nuclear hit. They bored it into a mountain because that was easier than excavating a crater and then backfilling it. And it is more than just tunnels. You think you have impressed me? Consider the buried ICBM silos and command-and-control capsules. A thousand silos and hundreds of capsules, all throughout the midwest. The military has had enough experience of that, that t they would not do it unless there was a specific and crucial reason. Secret laboratories don't match the description. Our nuclear labs at Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore are higher than Top Secret (I've been to Livermore) but they are on the surface.
I don't believe in unicorns or a Flat Earth, so I don't know why you mention them. Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
Show me a D.U.M.B. and that would be one thing. Postulate their existence---and add the unicorn stables.
You just confirmed everything I said. In this forum the average user is well versed in what the typical npc automatically dismisses as conspiracy theories. If you took the time to research the phrase you'll realize it was actually created to coverup actually conspiracies and advanced technologies like DUMBs. That's where critical thinking plays a key role in surviving this age. For instance, when the vast majority of media and medical are telling you to take a vaccine that is obviously deadly, that is an actual conspiracy that's killing millions. But to your typical npc, the media labels it a conspiracy theory ( just like they do DUMBs) and get back in line for the 15th booster. Ensuring their demise.
Most conspiracies are very difficult or impossible to show direct evidence. Because it's literally in the definition of a conspiracy. But if you have an IQ over 110 and understand basic deduction, even a 3rd grader can confirm to a high enough degree that many of these conspiracies are valid, even though they can not lay eyes on. This idea you need visual proof of something like DUMBs to seriously consider they actually exist with a high likeliness, is proof you're still an npc to some degree and still not thinking enough to survive this age. For instance, did you take the vaccine? If you did, you have a very high chance of not seeing 2033. If you didn't that's great but a billion+ people didn't have the critical faculties strong enough to dodge that bullet. The vast majority of those walking dead almost certainly dismiss the probability of DUMBs, as well.
This is why I have little patience for this mindset you have. It's literally getting people killed and for the last 50 years, has continuously contributed to the death and destruction of countless more as society is repeatedly lulled back to sleep by the rhythmic drum of dismissal of valid, dangerous conspiracies by the few paying attention. Only to be drowned out by npcs that won't even think for 20 seconds to see if it's true. This automatic dismissal of DUMBs simply because you can't see it is a test of your ability to think critically and you failed.
It means your ability to think to several degrees and designate a potential threat despite what your eyes are telling you, is not there yet. If you don't start thinking enough to the point that you come to the logical conclusion that DUMBs almost certainly exist, you are likely not going to survive what's to come. As the globalist agents are the masters of conspiracy and have many more tricks in store for us and every single one of them are going to be wrapped in a pretty white lie that your typical npc is not going to be able to differentiate. Seriously. Consider what I am saying as you and your families lives depends upon your ability to think critically and as far as I can tell, you are in extreme danger of being over taken by the next conspiracy you're likely to flippantly dismiss as a conspiracy theory.
All this blather and not one iota of evidence. I'm not impressed. I have had a career based in industry, engineering, and defense systems. I'm aware of underground constructions. The Russians have gone much farther in that direction than we have. I am also aware of the huge problems they entail and why there is no reason to build underground laboratories. (You mainly see them in badly-written science fiction horror movies.)
Because I am trained in the scientific method and logic, I know perfectly well that you cannot prove something exists by pure logic alone. Modern astrophysics is contaminated by that nonsense ("Big Bang"). You are engrossed in what is called a delusion. Instead of offering evidence, you try rhetorical tricks of insulting me ("this mindset") and guilt-tripping me ("your families lives depend upon your ability to think critically"). You are the one who is failing to think critically---which is to be critical of your own conclusions.
It's an artist concept of confirmed tunnels under the plant. This is not rocket science. Paging Cheyenne Mountain Complex. Built in the 60s. If you really don't think they have more advanced methods for building unground systems by now then I've got a bridge to sell ya. Hitler could come rolling out of one of these tunnels and some of you doomers would still dismiss it as conspiracy and unicorns.
I've known about Cheyenne Mountain for a long time. Bored into a mountainside, not dug down into the ground, because it was easier not to move the overburden around. Whole buildings inside on shock absorbers. Even then, they realized it was a non-starter to dig downward. They also had experience installing a thousand ICBM silos and associated subsystems, including hundreds of manned control capsules. Lots of problems to solve. But this is only done when there is no other way to survive a direct nuclear hit. When that is not the object, you build things on the surface---like, for example, the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore nuclear weapons laboratories.
Actually, Hitler couldn't roll out of anywhere. He is dead.
You're missing the point.
It was already suspected the labs were there. Now we have the MSM basically confirming it with their propaganda piece.
Suspicion "confirmed" by speculation? You evidently do not depend on facts for a living.
I'm surprised the capacity for reason was not more emphasized in death ray designer school.
I'm really good at it. I see you are speechless?
We should be archiving the MSM reporting deep underground facilities... its a big admission, meme source material...
Makes me wonder if the "Nuclear" scare was all hyped up specifically to prevent too many questions about human trafficking rings during the day being built in mass globally?
Just a random thought.
The issue is, I guess, is human shields, how many and what type are in those tunnels being held captive to prevent bunker busters?
I don't think I am being unreasonable because their cowardly asses hide behind the women and kids.
Excellent Graphic...Sauce?
The imagination of the Daily Mails art department, the same people who bought us the detailed drawings of the Afghani Tora Bora cave fortress complex in 2012.
I'll bet she is...
Is this one of those DUMBS I keep hearing about?
British spelling. US has story/stories for structures, Britain has storey/storeys.
That is one British spelling I actually did not know. Weird. Thanks
Need videos with Zelensky narrating, or else nobody will believe it. Not dooming, but we know how stupid normies are.
Level it with bunker busters
The caption is pretty hilarious… “to safeguard the steel plant’s 40,000 workers”. I wonder what other complexes were built to save people who would be actually NEEDED after a nuclear attack. But, I guess they would be able to produce steel - just not food, medical treatments or anything else of importance! I guess family members were not deemed important, as well.
Ohhh I'm sure it was to protect 40,000 steel workers
Actually, yes. When I worked at Boeing's Kent Space Center, we had emergency bomb sheltering in the steam tunnels that ran underneath the complex. When I worked at the manufacturing facility at Plant II, there were similar tunnels beneath the factory floor and provisions for sheltering from conventional bombs (in World War II, the factory was camouflaged from the air as a residential neighborhood).
The Soviets/Russians have always taken defense measures more seriously than we have.
Tungsten Rods from orbit........annnnnnnnd GO.