^^^Yup. The real crash will lead to the eliminatiion of the central banks and a new dollar. Very painful, but temporary as we transition to a new system that removes our chains and destroys the CBs. Many will kill themselves.
So you think suicide week will be like a replay of the Black Tuesday suicides and not necessarily because of crimes against humanity? I thought the suicides would be when it was revealed that all of these celebs, politicians and LEO and intel were messing w kids. I can see people killing themselves over seeing their life savings evaporate overnight.
Society had a stock crash (1929) as we all know and yes, suicides ensued. But Q alluded to a mass "awakening" so I doubt another market crash is going to be this "event," or sole reason?
Part of the great reset, yes, but for regular sheep to awaken... it's gotta be Biblical
I originally thought that was the meaning too, but many of these commies are psychopaths and proud of their commie, thieving, child raping ways and have no shame. I now theorize "suicide weekend" refers to The Big Crash. Where whole life savings, pensions and wealth disappear under the old system. Some people with make rash decisions and off themselves without understanding the plan or looking at the big picture
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The event that will cause many normies to commit suicide (God forbid) will probably also cause the Cabal and its useful idiots to follow suit.
A market crash heralding the end of the fiat dollar could certainly do this, especially if it coincides with crashing of crypto and other unconventional systems.
This Luna crash is tragic. I'm going through the Reddit and multiple people are suicidal. They're talking about losing their homes, never being able to pay people back. They'll be debt slaves to creditors and family/friends.
It's easy to look down on these investors from a high horse, but it's also inhumane. These are regular people who just wanted to get ahead financially like anyone else. We're always told we need to take risks to be successful, well these people did, and they're ruined.
I obviously can acknowledge and understand the seriousness of financial devastation. However, if there was one thing I could say to these people is that knowledge is the foundation of the pyramid. The mistake they made was just trying to become successful without baseline knowledge and it amplified their risk tremendously.
I can attest personally that I've peaked and vallied myself I'm on restart 3 in this life so far and I anticipate it could happen again anytime. However, although I strive to obtain resources to be comfortable and have security for my family like everyone else, I also know if it was all stripped away how to begin again. You could take me down to $0 again and again and I would always be able to get back to state of security and wellbeing and then begin to thrive again because I've spent the time studying and applying.
These people went to start a fire with lighter fluid and then it went out and started raining. Successful people will use lighter fluid to use when it makes sense, but also could start a fire with a bow drill if they really needed to. It's different. There are no shortcuts and risk is amplified in an environment where experience and knowledge is absent.
I would advise these people that instead of being so demoralized they are ready to leave this world they try their hardest to be resilient and hopefully reinforce the idea that they need much more knowledge so they are able to navigate their financial wellbeing more safely in the future. Hopefully instead of suicide they can channel their energy into something productive and be inspired to learn more about the stepping stones of being successful and they learn that they have infinite potential to begin anew. Just because you lose it all doesn't mean it's gone. You just have to get it back, and you always can.
Also don't discount depression. I never suffered from it, but people very close to me do, and it's a monster.
Your point about shame is valid, especially in a culture like Japan, but another point is the feeling of being a slave to creditors the rest of your life. A person's outlook on life would dramatically shift from optimistic to losing financial freedom.
It is tragic bcs they got pulled into failing project after it went up thousands of percent based on some random youtubers or ,experts,, advice, yoloed money they cant afford to loose and now that shtcoin went to 0
Ppl who are not seasoned traders or ivestors should not be yoloing money without own research, if they want to dabble in crypto just start small and with established projects/protocols
If someome takes loans to invest in highly speculative assets this us gonna happen
If you find a shtcoin you believe in why invest your house, just dabble in with couple hundreds or thousands and if the project moons you still get lifechanging money
On the other hand... Rule #1 is don't invest what you can't afford to lose. ESPECIALLY in a volatile market, and there's nothing more volatile than crypto
Cryptos were always ponzi schemes. The fact this isn't obvious is somewhat frightening. I think it's because we are so used to ponzi schemes at this point that we don't notice.
I would short shit of everything but I know about GME WH op so I am good with 90 % DD if it comes. I am comfortable losing money if there is a slight hope I can change something in the future..
Here is the simple truth about finance. The entire financial system is driven by the debt issued by central banks. Everything else is there just to hide this fact from people, hide things like inflation. Wallstreet, cryptos etc are just vessels for Cabal to store this free money printed by the CBs, to use them to buy up real assets and create wars and pandemics.
That early access to data is one reason Wall Street Bets wants to bleed out Citadel. The clearing houses of the stock sell that access, which is so flagrantly unfair that you know our congressmen get bribed to not draft a law against it.
It's intentionally fragile. The 2008 crash showed us the playbook. Crash the system, then transfer money from taxpayers to the financial sector in the form of bailouts.
I bet you will. I've been wondering what money is propping up the "Great Resignation", like, how do all these people buy food? In hindsight, crypto could be the source. I bet there will be a "Great Application" after the crypto crashes.
I wanted to, there was no way to get Rubles due to sanctions. I did throw in a bunch of orders for any Russian company I could think of. Managed to hit sberbank and gazprom just before they got frozen. Missed Yandex though.
There are setbacks almost every 7 years, the Shemitah cycle. The crash of 1987 was a Shemitah year. The bond problem in 1994 was a Shemitah year. 9/11 was a Shemitah year. Lehman Brothers problem in 2008 was a Shemitah year.
This year is another Shemitah year. Read Jonathan Cahn's writings on it and see the pattern going back to the 1800s. It may sound like a strange theory, but the financial numbers and dates don't lie.
The "price" of silver and gold is irrelevant. Silver and gold have always been worth about the same throughout history, when compared to other commodities. When gold was $20 an ounce 100 years ago, you could buy a really nice suit of clothes for $20. Now that gold is 100 times more expensive, it's still only worth a really nice suit of clothes. The gold didn't increase in value. The dollar went down in value. It has lost approximately 99% of its value since the Fed and income tax started in 1913.
One good thing about the "manipulation" you see is that it presents buying opportunities. Also, silver is way underpriced relative to gold. It's so much cheaper than gold, and the upside is so much better, I would concentrate on buying silver. Now if you had millions to invest, I would say get a lot of gold too, or you might run out of storage space. :)
Here I am sitting on my metals, with not a care in the world, as they will always be worth something. :)
Got in the crypto game many years ago with a couple altcoins and it's always been my gambling ticket. Maybe I'll get to cash out, but I'm not worried either way if it all goes to 0. Got all of my initial investments out, and some profit, and roll the dice on the rest.
Also, fuck Coinbase, they've ALWAYS been shitty. The best exchange was BTC-e, way back in the day. RIP
Your metals are awesome until the government makes it illegal to own them in order to take them from you. No need to scoff at me, it’s literally happened before, see 1933 EO 6102. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again but I wouldn’t bet on that.
I'm well aware of the history of confiscation, thank you. However, we are much, much more informed this time around. And we have protection, in the form of 2A, should anybody go door knocking. We know the government isn't putting our best interests first, whereas in '33, people may have made an argument for it. We know our Constitutional rights much better this time. We also know this current fake administration is all bark and no bite, so I'm not worried. If gov agents are door knocking looking for guns/gold, then I'd have to say the plan has failed. But it won't, because God wins, hence the reason for this board.
Regardless, you can make the same confiscation argument for crypto (or stocks) - the government would just severely limit the ways you can interact with your crypto, without physically taking your private keys. There is going to be counterparty risk any which way...just that metal has the least amount.
I agree completely about crypto. You can even take it a step further and easily imagine the government confiscating land, ammo, food rations, livestock, and on and on. It’s horrifying to think about. I think it’s all completely plausible and I unfortunately think too many people would let it happen without putting up much of a fight. I’ll start believing in 2A when people start actually exercising it when it matters. Until then I do not at all put it past “authorities” to completely ignore it and confiscate whatever they want when push comes to shove. They already selectively ignore several other of our rights and laws based on political biases.
The government only received gold from ignorant people who voluntarily turned it in. They didn't go around house to house searching for gold. Smart people kept their gold.
If they don't know what you have, and it's hidden, there's no way for them to get it.
Here I am sitting on my metals, with not a care in the world, as they will always be worth something. :)
I love you smug goldfags.
"Always be worth something"
Just wait until you NEED it to be worth something, like when you want to buy something that has ACTUAL value, from someone like me... I'll laugh you right off my property. Tell you to go suck on your gold for nutrition.
This was an attack by some very large players against a decentralized project. Just happens that they destroyed a stable coin and coincidentally Janet Yellin asking for Stable coin regs. They were mad at the apr% you got when loaning the coin. It was around 18%. Who wants govt bonds at 1% when you can get 4-18% on crypto.
This is why yesterday happened
Bitcoin has crashed about every 2 years since its inception and has always come back much higher following about 6 months of downtime. usually precipitated by geopolitical events that drive a nation to adopt bitcoin in bulk - usually at a grassroots level. Suicide dude should have been aware of this history before he put his life savings on the line.
Luna.x dumped. that Ponzi scheme couldn't take a bear market at all. 99% down and it was designed to discourage people from leaving. wasn't designed to weather the storm.
Absolutely nothing wrong with hodling. To sell would be to "lock in" / realize the loss. If you hodl, you haven't lost anything yet.
And before you say, "but it'll go to zero!" BTC will never go to zero. Why? Because it has economic value. How does it have value? It's programmed into the protocol.
"Bitcoin is a masterpiece of monetary engineering" - Michael Saylor
“Once you know how it all ends, the only use of time is…how do I buy more bitcoin? But take all your money and buy bitcoin. Then take all your time, figure out how to borrow more money to buy more bitcoin. Then take all your time and figure out what you can sell to buy bitcoin. And if you absolutely love the thing, that you don’t want to sell it, go mortgage your house and buy bitcoin with it. And if you’ve got a business that you love because your family works for the business and it’s in your family for 37 years, and you can’t bear to sell it, mortgage it, finance it, and convert the proceeds into the hardest money on earth, which is bitcoin.” – Michael Saylor
It's so stupid to put all of your money into a shitty crypto project with a stablecoin that's backed by nothing. That's entirely on him. You HAVE to THINK, dude.
Just winging your money around like a maniac is a terrible idea, especially in Crypto. That being said, this was not a Crypto "crash". We've been in a bear market essentially since the start of the year.
You should never invest more than you can afford to lose
I feel for your friend. I've lost nearly everything I've worked for now. I thought crypto would be a hedge against collapsing fiat currency....guess the DS figured that out. I'm going to hold and hope that this stuff work out on the other side and prices recover eventually.
Things are going to get insane. This is the beginning. There's a lot more coming. When the storm hits...its gonna be wild.
Your life savings isn't money. It's your ability to keep yourself alive and if money is the only way you do that, well... You're gonna have a bad time...
Imagine if the cost of housing suddenly dropped 50% and people that owned houses started suiciding over their home's reduction in "value" instead of buying a second vacation property.
This ain't nothing yet... real crash is yet to come
^^^Yup. The real crash will lead to the eliminatiion of the central banks and a new dollar. Very painful, but temporary as we transition to a new system that removes our chains and destroys the CBs. Many will kill themselves.
So you think suicide week will be like a replay of the Black Tuesday suicides and not necessarily because of crimes against humanity? I thought the suicides would be when it was revealed that all of these celebs, politicians and LEO and intel were messing w kids. I can see people killing themselves over seeing their life savings evaporate overnight.
Society had a stock crash (1929) as we all know and yes, suicides ensued. But Q alluded to a mass "awakening" so I doubt another market crash is going to be this "event," or sole reason?
Part of the great reset, yes, but for regular sheep to awaken... it's gotta be Biblical
I originally thought that was the meaning too, but many of these commies are psychopaths and proud of their commie, thieving, child raping ways and have no shame. I now theorize "suicide weekend" refers to The Big Crash. Where whole life savings, pensions and wealth disappear under the old system. Some people with make rash decisions and off themselves without understanding the plan or looking at the big picture
I don't think the two are mutually exclusive. The event that will cause many normies to commit suicide (God forbid) will probably also cause the Cabal and its useful idiots to follow suit.
A market crash heralding the end of the fiat dollar could certainly do this, especially if it coincides with crashing of crypto and other unconventional systems.
Funny how those on top of the food chain all of a sudden become sensitive to conditions when things change.
This Luna crash is tragic. I'm going through the Reddit and multiple people are suicidal. They're talking about losing their homes, never being able to pay people back. They'll be debt slaves to creditors and family/friends.
It's easy to look down on these investors from a high horse, but it's also inhumane. These are regular people who just wanted to get ahead financially like anyone else. We're always told we need to take risks to be successful, well these people did, and they're ruined.
-- Milton Freidman
I obviously can acknowledge and understand the seriousness of financial devastation. However, if there was one thing I could say to these people is that knowledge is the foundation of the pyramid. The mistake they made was just trying to become successful without baseline knowledge and it amplified their risk tremendously.
I can attest personally that I've peaked and vallied myself I'm on restart 3 in this life so far and I anticipate it could happen again anytime. However, although I strive to obtain resources to be comfortable and have security for my family like everyone else, I also know if it was all stripped away how to begin again. You could take me down to $0 again and again and I would always be able to get back to state of security and wellbeing and then begin to thrive again because I've spent the time studying and applying.
These people went to start a fire with lighter fluid and then it went out and started raining. Successful people will use lighter fluid to use when it makes sense, but also could start a fire with a bow drill if they really needed to. It's different. There are no shortcuts and risk is amplified in an environment where experience and knowledge is absent.
I would advise these people that instead of being so demoralized they are ready to leave this world they try their hardest to be resilient and hopefully reinforce the idea that they need much more knowledge so they are able to navigate their financial wellbeing more safely in the future. Hopefully instead of suicide they can channel their energy into something productive and be inspired to learn more about the stepping stones of being successful and they learn that they have infinite potential to begin anew. Just because you lose it all doesn't mean it's gone. You just have to get it back, and you always can.
Also don't discount depression. I never suffered from it, but people very close to me do, and it's a monster.
Your point about shame is valid, especially in a culture like Japan, but another point is the feeling of being a slave to creditors the rest of your life. A person's outlook on life would dramatically shift from optimistic to losing financial freedom.
It is tragic bcs they got pulled into failing project after it went up thousands of percent based on some random youtubers or ,experts,, advice, yoloed money they cant afford to loose and now that shtcoin went to 0 Ppl who are not seasoned traders or ivestors should not be yoloing money without own research, if they want to dabble in crypto just start small and with established projects/protocols
If someome takes loans to invest in highly speculative assets this us gonna happen
If you find a shtcoin you believe in why invest your house, just dabble in with couple hundreds or thousands and if the project moons you still get lifechanging money
On one hand, yes I'm sympathetic.
On the other hand... Rule #1 is don't invest what you can't afford to lose. ESPECIALLY in a volatile market, and there's nothing more volatile than crypto
Never apply a permanent solution to a temporary problem.....loss of money is a temporary problem...loss of life is permanent....
I will remember this one.
Well said.
Never heard this one before. Thank you for sharing!
Cryptos were always ponzi schemes. The fact this isn't obvious is somewhat frightening. I think it's because we are so used to ponzi schemes at this point that we don't notice.
Most people do not understand money. Greed sucks them in then emotion takes over and facts fly out the window. It is sad to watch.
Yep. Absolutely everything is a Ponzi scheme. From insurance, to taxes, to investments.
The whole lot.
I would short shit of everything but I know about GME WH op so I am good with 90 % DD if it comes. I am comfortable losing money if there is a slight hope I can change something in the future..
We are in a financial war with gme and silver. I'm just glad I don't have to hump an m-60 thru the jungle and risk my life.....
This is awesome. Cant wait to get all my crypto back for cheap.
You know what never goes to zero? Gold and silver. God’s money.
What's wrong? Just hodl through to the next bull mar...
checks price charts
Diversify! Why would you put all your wealth in Crypto, let alone an alt coin?
Some major pump and dump. Someone got very wealthy.
Thats like asking a monkey why it keeps eating banana peels. No one knows.
Just did some reading and they reckon it's because Terra's stable coin UST lost it's peg due to the algorithm.
Here is the simple truth about finance. The entire financial system is driven by the debt issued by central banks. Everything else is there just to hide this fact from people, hide things like inflation. Wallstreet, cryptos etc are just vessels for Cabal to store this free money printed by the CBs, to use them to buy up real assets and create wars and pandemics.
Thats all. Everything else is an illusion.
That early access to data is one reason Wall Street Bets wants to bleed out Citadel. The clearing houses of the stock sell that access, which is so flagrantly unfair that you know our congressmen get bribed to not draft a law against it.
It's intentionally fragile. The 2008 crash showed us the playbook. Crash the system, then transfer money from taxpayers to the financial sector in the form of bailouts.
Luna.X isn't made that way. it's done.
Wassa wasaa wasaaaa
Diversity is weakness. Duh.
...I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist.
Huh. Maybe I can finally get some engineers to apply for my openings now that their crypto fortunes are going sour.
I bet you will. I've been wondering what money is propping up the "Great Resignation", like, how do all these people buy food? In hindsight, crypto could be the source. I bet there will be a "Great Application" after the crypto crashes.
Except the banks and brokerages wouldn't let us touch Rubles or Russian stocks as soon as Putin made his move.
I wanted to, there was no way to get Rubles due to sanctions. I did throw in a bunch of orders for any Russian company I could think of. Managed to hit sberbank and gazprom just before they got frozen. Missed Yandex though.
Has "I don't post to Reddit" become the new "dear Penthouse, I don't usually write these letters"?
It's a pagan ritual you have to chant every time to wash the stink off.
I personally think it will be when the market crashes and so many lose their life savings, retirements and businesses.
Mhm, just like the stock market crash of 1929.
Consider: every ~100yrs a major reset event happens.
Buckle up.
What were the major resets that happened in the 1820’s and 1720’s? I think you need a larger sample size than 1 to make a claim like that
The "~" means approximately; i.e. within every 100 years. Ergo:
1776- the US was born, a total reset
1860- Civil War begins, another reset
1929- stock market crash/great depression, another reset
2022-? A reset coming.
There are setbacks almost every 7 years, the Shemitah cycle. The crash of 1987 was a Shemitah year. The bond problem in 1994 was a Shemitah year. 9/11 was a Shemitah year. Lehman Brothers problem in 2008 was a Shemitah year.
This year is another Shemitah year. Read Jonathan Cahn's writings on it and see the pattern going back to the 1800s. It may sound like a strange theory, but the financial numbers and dates don't lie.
Not moving my entire life savings to crypto, or silver, or gold, or a single stock
why not silver or gold?
The prices are manipulated
So what are you putting your savings into? USD?
The "price" of silver and gold is irrelevant. Silver and gold have always been worth about the same throughout history, when compared to other commodities. When gold was $20 an ounce 100 years ago, you could buy a really nice suit of clothes for $20. Now that gold is 100 times more expensive, it's still only worth a really nice suit of clothes. The gold didn't increase in value. The dollar went down in value. It has lost approximately 99% of its value since the Fed and income tax started in 1913.
One good thing about the "manipulation" you see is that it presents buying opportunities. Also, silver is way underpriced relative to gold. It's so much cheaper than gold, and the upside is so much better, I would concentrate on buying silver. Now if you had millions to invest, I would say get a lot of gold too, or you might run out of storage space. :)
Here I am sitting on my metals, with not a care in the world, as they will always be worth something. :)
Got in the crypto game many years ago with a couple altcoins and it's always been my gambling ticket. Maybe I'll get to cash out, but I'm not worried either way if it all goes to 0. Got all of my initial investments out, and some profit, and roll the dice on the rest.
Also, fuck Coinbase, they've ALWAYS been shitty. The best exchange was BTC-e, way back in the day. RIP
Your metals are awesome until the government makes it illegal to own them in order to take them from you. No need to scoff at me, it’s literally happened before, see 1933 EO 6102. Hopefully it doesn’t happen again but I wouldn’t bet on that.
I'm well aware of the history of confiscation, thank you. However, we are much, much more informed this time around. And we have protection, in the form of 2A, should anybody go door knocking. We know the government isn't putting our best interests first, whereas in '33, people may have made an argument for it. We know our Constitutional rights much better this time. We also know this current fake administration is all bark and no bite, so I'm not worried. If gov agents are door knocking looking for guns/gold, then I'd have to say the plan has failed. But it won't, because God wins, hence the reason for this board.
Regardless, you can make the same confiscation argument for crypto (or stocks) - the government would just severely limit the ways you can interact with your crypto, without physically taking your private keys. There is going to be counterparty risk any which way...just that metal has the least amount.
I agree completely about crypto. You can even take it a step further and easily imagine the government confiscating land, ammo, food rations, livestock, and on and on. It’s horrifying to think about. I think it’s all completely plausible and I unfortunately think too many people would let it happen without putting up much of a fight. I’ll start believing in 2A when people start actually exercising it when it matters. Until then I do not at all put it past “authorities” to completely ignore it and confiscate whatever they want when push comes to shove. They already selectively ignore several other of our rights and laws based on political biases.
The government only received gold from ignorant people who voluntarily turned it in. They didn't go around house to house searching for gold. Smart people kept their gold.
If they don't know what you have, and it's hidden, there's no way for them to get it.
I love you smug goldfags.
"Always be worth something"
Just wait until you NEED it to be worth something, like when you want to buy something that has ACTUAL value, from someone like me... I'll laugh you right off my property. Tell you to go suck on your gold for nutrition.
There are only 4 things worth anything right now.
Holy Smokes, I havent been keeping up with this crypto crash.......LUNA got crushed......
Everything in crypto is getting crushed.
Crushed in the fake failing economic system
Yeah.. ustusd clubbed like baby seals and tether is coming next.
Gotta club a baby seal to make a better deal!
Anyone get that reference?
And beware Coinbase. Their earnings statements this last quarter, they stated that if they go bankrupt, they're taking everyone's crypto.
This was an attack by some very large players against a decentralized project. Just happens that they destroyed a stable coin and coincidentally Janet Yellin asking for Stable coin regs. They were mad at the apr% you got when loaning the coin. It was around 18%. Who wants govt bonds at 1% when you can get 4-18% on crypto. This is why yesterday happened
Bitcoin has crashed about every 2 years since its inception and has always come back much higher following about 6 months of downtime. usually precipitated by geopolitical events that drive a nation to adopt bitcoin in bulk - usually at a grassroots level. Suicide dude should have been aware of this history before he put his life savings on the line.
And never put more money than you’re willing and able to lose in risky assets like crypto, meme stocks, penny stocks etc
Luna.x dumped. that Ponzi scheme couldn't take a bear market at all. 99% down and it was designed to discourage people from leaving. wasn't designed to weather the storm.
hope he is vaxx'd, it could have been worse.
medical bills are coming.
I am hodling
The best lessons cost the most.
Absolutely nothing wrong with hodling. To sell would be to "lock in" / realize the loss. If you hodl, you haven't lost anything yet.
And before you say, "but it'll go to zero!" BTC will never go to zero. Why? Because it has economic value. How does it have value? It's programmed into the protocol.
"Bitcoin is a masterpiece of monetary engineering" - Michael Saylor
“Once you know how it all ends, the only use of time is…how do I buy more bitcoin? But take all your money and buy bitcoin. Then take all your time, figure out how to borrow more money to buy more bitcoin. Then take all your time and figure out what you can sell to buy bitcoin. And if you absolutely love the thing, that you don’t want to sell it, go mortgage your house and buy bitcoin with it. And if you’ve got a business that you love because your family works for the business and it’s in your family for 37 years, and you can’t bear to sell it, mortgage it, finance it, and convert the proceeds into the hardest money on earth, which is bitcoin.” – Michael Saylor
It's so stupid to put all of your money into a shitty crypto project with a stablecoin that's backed by nothing. That's entirely on him. You HAVE to THINK, dude.
Just winging your money around like a maniac is a terrible idea, especially in Crypto. That being said, this was not a Crypto "crash". We've been in a bear market essentially since the start of the year.
You should never invest more than you can afford to lose
Not much of a plan if it results in mass suicides of civilians.
WWG1WGA doesn’t mean at the same time.
I feel for your friend. I've lost nearly everything I've worked for now. I thought crypto would be a hedge against collapsing fiat currency....guess the DS figured that out. I'm going to hold and hope that this stuff work out on the other side and prices recover eventually.
Things are going to get insane. This is the beginning. There's a lot more coming. When the storm hits...its gonna be wild.
Get some physical Gold and Silver while you still can.
Had someone say the same thing Tuesday = (thinking it) cause sounds like all his investments were in crypto.
Your life savings isn't money. It's your ability to keep yourself alive and if money is the only way you do that, well... You're gonna have a bad time...
Imagine if the cost of housing suddenly dropped 50% and people that owned houses started suiciding over their home's reduction in "value" instead of buying a second vacation property.
Imagine thinking internet funny money is equiv to a house that you can live in, even if its CASH value becomes zero.