Go to their web site and start complaining, talking about an upcoming boycott. Use the words: "your company condoning child rape" or something along that line. Particularly mention this donation, since many employees might not even know about it.
I dug around the site and found the media relations contact info: mediarelations@petsmart.com. It is incredibly effective, in general, to contact media relations of a company. YOU ARE a freelance journalist. Do it proudly, but, perhaps, not with your real name. You know the drill.
You might want to mention what happened to Disney.
Petco does the same shit. The cashier at my local one has pronouns on their names tag ("they/them"). I was staring at it in disgust when I realized they/them were staring at my "Come and Take It" hat.
However, for this post I will now stop going to PetSmart
Tractor supply has everything petco/smart does & is based af.
Or find a local pet store, they are a dime a dozen, but if your lucky your local pet store could be based? we have like 30 different local pet stores where I'm at, 90% of them are libtarded, but we do go to the handful that are based af.
Time to take the rainbow back...I can't stand seeing it used for perversion.... thank these rainbow brokers for reminding us of God's promise...maybe then they will use another symbol....
My water company does the whole "we're better together" b.s. on their website, drives me crazy like I have a choice to have them or send 185.00 month for water. Ugh
There's an ongoing condemnation lawsuit which keeps getting postponed (began in 2014). I believe June will be the next court date. This has been a 20 year problem...
ESG, that's why. If they want to keep getting that big hedge fund money that greatly outpaces the retail investor they have to jump through these hoops made up by Larry Fink and Blackrock. If they want to keep getting government subsidies they have to do this nonsense. They only started pushing back when their loss of sales began to outstrip all of the subsidies and hedgie investment.
What fantasy land are these people living in where students are being devalued and disrespected for whatever clothes and hairstyle they choose that day? Discrimination has been a federal crime for how long now?
It's amazing how accelerated this shit has gotten, I was in college about 13 years ago and the entire time I was there I encountered (1) openly gay student in all of my classes and even she had normal hair at least. She also never once complained about any discrimination. This was in a major city university in the midwest, I don't know how much further long the coasts were during that time.
(Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards, Rural King)
PET RELATED (Don't shop at)
Pet Smart > Chewy - Stopped selling My Pillow products because CEO Mike Lindell questioned the integrity of the 2020 election. PetSmart grooming center featuring defund police bracelets, and black lives matter sign. Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards.com, Rural King, or other apolitical company instead. Only shop at Overstock.com only as as last resort.
Petco - In-store display of dog with pride flag. Employees and PAC's went woke in 2020, donating more than twice as much to dems.
JM Smucker > Nutrish - (See JM Smucker under "Food") - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram for criticizing David Hogg. Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards.com, Rural King, or other apolitical company instead. Shop at Overstock.com only as as last resort.
Purina (Petcare) - Withdrew financial support for conservative Steve King (R). Shop at Atwoods, Menards.com , Overstock.com or other apolitical company instead.
FreshPet - Joined the anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit. Reinforcing global warming nonsense.
How about local feed stores or Tractor Supply? Has anyone heard anything negative about these types of stores? We shop at Petsmart and this pisses me off! They need to spend that money to hire employees as they are always understaffed, not sending money to this kind of crap. Petsmart is the closest pet store to us, the next closest store (which really isn’t close at all) is Pet Supermarket but I have never liked that store for some reason, whenever we go in there it just puts me off, don’t know what it is but it’s like I feel like I can’t get out of there fast enough. Never bought anything there.
Husband and I were thinking to look into some of the dog food at Tractor Supply for our pups. We actually just got a little puppy (7wks), and our 3 yr old dog needs a food change so want to eventually get them on the same brand of food and when the puppy gets old enough for adult food we want them of course to eat the same food.
I am not at my PC this morning to be able to give this post a thorough research dive..yet. This email got deleted and after decades I am UNSUBSCRIBED from PetsMart. These people are clueless, or sick...or both.
WHY? Why even go there? There is NO need for companies to even broach this topic. Just sell your services and wares and stay the hell out of crap like this.
When petsmart first opened . I walked in and saw the humans with their pets inside the store. They interacted with their pets like children. I knew petsmart would be a hit! I bought stock at 8 bucks then it went to 3, I bought more. Sold it all a few years later for around 34. Most profitable investment ever. Too bad they are now go woke-go broke
I take my dog to pet smart. The blue haired people working there fawn over him. Every time I have gone there has been at least 1 employee with actual blue hair, or bright blue highlights.
Go to their web site and start complaining, talking about an upcoming boycott. Use the words: "your company condoning child rape" or something along that line. Particularly mention this donation, since many employees might not even know about it.
Phone number at contact page (https://www.petsmart.com/help/#page_name=global&link_section=footer&link_name=help_center): 1-888-839-9638. Email link doesn't seem to work.
I dug around the site and found the media relations contact info: mediarelations@petsmart.com. It is incredibly effective, in general, to contact media relations of a company. YOU ARE a freelance journalist. Do it proudly, but, perhaps, not with your real name. You know the drill.
You might want to mention what happened to Disney.
Ty fren they just lost tons of my money - emailing calling now
Petco does the same shit. The cashier at my local one has pronouns on their names tag ("they/them"). I was staring at it in disgust when I realized they/them were staring at my "Come and Take It" hat.
However, for this post I will now stop going to PetSmart
We get all our pet shit at tractor and supply
Tractor supply has everything petco/smart does & is based af.
Or find a local pet store, they are a dime a dozen, but if your lucky your local pet store could be based? we have like 30 different local pet stores where I'm at, 90% of them are libtarded, but we do go to the handful that are based af.
I like my rural king but tractor supply works in a pinch😅
Rural King is full of chinese garbage.
Rural king?? Sounds like a great place!
Time to take the rainbow back...I can't stand seeing it used for perversion.... thank these rainbow brokers for reminding us of God's promise...maybe then they will use another symbol....
Purple triangle people.
These people really do think they are the majority don't they. Look at every company that has done similar, they tank everytime.
I'll now never step foot in a PetSmart again
My water company does the whole "we're better together" b.s. on their website, drives me crazy like I have a choice to have them or send 185.00 month for water. Ugh
That should be illegal IMO. They are literally campaigning.
Da fuq? That's more than my power bill!!! Water bill is like 30-35 bucks a month.
More than mine too! There's an agreement for pipeline, ridiculous and seemingly impossible to get out of..
Who regulates your utilities and who over sees them politically? Seem like this is clear monopoly abuse.
There's an ongoing condemnation lawsuit which keeps getting postponed (began in 2014). I believe June will be the next court date. This has been a 20 year problem...
They'll think its sexy and you'll get a lot of people following you home for more.
I have a cat that may think it's a dog, it certainly acts like one. Does that count.
ESG, that's why. If they want to keep getting that big hedge fund money that greatly outpaces the retail investor they have to jump through these hoops made up by Larry Fink and Blackrock. If they want to keep getting government subsidies they have to do this nonsense. They only started pushing back when their loss of sales began to outstrip all of the subsidies and hedgie investment.
The probably know the normies won't even notice - or care if they do. So they appeal to that small group, get them AND keep the normies.
What fantasy land are these people living in where students are being devalued and disrespected for whatever clothes and hairstyle they choose that day? Discrimination has been a federal crime for how long now?
It's amazing how accelerated this shit has gotten, I was in college about 13 years ago and the entire time I was there I encountered (1) openly gay student in all of my classes and even she had normal hair at least. She also never once complained about any discrimination. This was in a major city university in the midwest, I don't know how much further long the coasts were during that time.
From https://www.cancelthiscompany.com/index.html
(Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards, Rural King)
PET RELATED (Don't shop at)
Pet Smart > Chewy - Stopped selling My Pillow products because CEO Mike Lindell questioned the integrity of the 2020 election. PetSmart grooming center featuring defund police bracelets, and black lives matter sign. Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards.com, Rural King, or other apolitical company instead. Only shop at Overstock.com only as as last resort.
Petco - In-store display of dog with pride flag. Employees and PAC's went woke in 2020, donating more than twice as much to dems.
JM Smucker > Nutrish - (See JM Smucker under "Food") - Pulled advertising from Laura Ingram for criticizing David Hogg. Shop at Pet Supermarket, Pet Supplies Plus, Atwoods, Menards.com, Rural King, or other apolitical company instead. Shop at Overstock.com only as as last resort.
Purina (Petcare) - Withdrew financial support for conservative Steve King (R). Shop at Atwoods, Menards.com , Overstock.com or other apolitical company instead.
FreshPet - Joined the anti-Trump group StopHateForProfit. Reinforcing global warming nonsense.
Sad, I was all for Chewy instead of giving amazon money for pet stuff.
How about local feed stores or Tractor Supply? Has anyone heard anything negative about these types of stores? We shop at Petsmart and this pisses me off! They need to spend that money to hire employees as they are always understaffed, not sending money to this kind of crap. Petsmart is the closest pet store to us, the next closest store (which really isn’t close at all) is Pet Supermarket but I have never liked that store for some reason, whenever we go in there it just puts me off, don’t know what it is but it’s like I feel like I can’t get out of there fast enough. Never bought anything there.
Husband and I were thinking to look into some of the dog food at Tractor Supply for our pups. We actually just got a little puppy (7wks), and our 3 yr old dog needs a food change so want to eventually get them on the same brand of food and when the puppy gets old enough for adult food we want them of course to eat the same food.
Go woke go broke
I am not at my PC this morning to be able to give this post a thorough research dive..yet. This email got deleted and after decades I am UNSUBSCRIBED from PetsMart. These people are clueless, or sick...or both.
I unsubscribe when they send BS like this. It helps when lots of people do it and they lose subscribers.
I guess the failures of Disney weren't enough to scare em off...
Support local. Time to take down the big boxes.
Yes regardless, don't even bring it up!
Never shall my shadow darken their door again... Go woke................. (That's right commies... Go Broke)
They suck anyways, everything in there is from fuckin China ....
WHY? Why even go there? There is NO need for companies to even broach this topic. Just sell your services and wares and stay the hell out of crap like this.
If the burgeoning currency is leftist-led Global Social Credit rather than US Dollars, this is exactly what they'd do.
BlackRock Plague
When petsmart first opened . I walked in and saw the humans with their pets inside the store. They interacted with their pets like children. I knew petsmart would be a hit! I bought stock at 8 bucks then it went to 3, I bought more. Sold it all a few years later for around 34. Most profitable investment ever. Too bad they are now go woke-go broke
Well, there's another store I will never step foot in.
I take my dog to pet smart. The blue haired people working there fawn over him. Every time I have gone there has been at least 1 employee with actual blue hair, or bright blue highlights.
Should say "stop it, you're scaring my dog"
We offer counseling to any pet who wants to change its gender
Why are these not considered a donation to the left?
or dog ownership.
I never go to that store.
Na man, I found that pet shops are one of the liberal enclaves. They are speaking to their weirdo cat lady Demographics.